
K1 RaceGear Partners With Freem, Targets Global Expansion and Safety Advancements

K1 RaceGear Partners With Freem, Targets Global Expansion and Safety Advancements

K1 RaceGear 與 Freem 合作,目標是全球擴張和安全進步
PR Newswire ·  05/25 04:44

CARLSBAD, Calif., May 24, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- K1 RaceGear, a leading provider of high-quality motorsports safety gear and apparel in the United States, announced today its partnership with Freem (Free Minds SRL), one of the world's leading providers of high-quality motorsports safety gear and apparel, as part of K1 RaceGear's plans for global expansion.

加利福尼亞州卡爾斯巴德,2024年5月24日 /PRNewswire/ — 作爲K1 RaceGear全球擴張計劃的一部分,美國領先的高品質賽車安全裝備和服裝提供商K1 RaceGear今天宣佈與全球領先的高品質賽車安全裝備和服裝供應商之一Freem(Free Minds SRL)建立合作伙伴關係。

K1 RaceGear and Freem have announced a partnership that will increase both brands' global exposure and accelerate their safety advancements.
K1 RaceGear和Freem宣佈建立合作伙伴關係,這將增加兩個品牌的全球知名度並加速其安全進步。

For the past 10 years, K1 RaceGear has continuously evolved and outperformed market projections by strategically placing their brand in motorsports segments throughout the US that were prime for growth and innovation. The market as a whole has elevated its demand for technological advancement, and while most of the safety gear industry has sat idle, K1 RaceGear has accelerated its search for cutting-edge textiles, better functionality, and a much higher standard of safety for its clients and partners, thus leading K1 RaceGear to Freem.

在過去的10年中,K1 RaceGear通過戰略性地將其品牌佈局於美國各地的賽車運動細分市場,這些細分市場是增長和創新的黃金時期,從而不斷髮展並超越了市場預期。整個市場對技術進步的需求有所增加,儘管大多數安全裝備行業都處於閒置狀態,但K1 RaceGear加快了對尖端紡織品、更好功能和更高安全標準的客戶和合作夥伴的搜索,從而將K1 RaceGear推向了Freem。

For over 20 years, Freem has established itself as the unrivaled leader of innovation and manufacturing quality in the motorsports world, from karting to automotive racing. Clients past and present include esteemed drivers such as Charles Leclerc and Lando Norris, and manufacturers including Audi, AMG, Toyota, and Hyundai.

20 多年來,從卡丁車到賽車,Freem 已確立了自己作爲賽車領域創新和製造質量無與倫比的領導者的地位。過去和現在的客戶包括查爾斯·勒克萊爾和蘭多·諾里斯等受人尊敬的車手,以及包括奧迪、AMG、豐田和現代在內的製造商。

"The combination of K1 RaceGear and Freem is only limited by imagination," says K1 Director of Operations, JR Twedt. "With K1 RaceGear's comprehensive marketing approach and Freem's unmatched standard of quality, we'll aggressively pursue our mission to bring innovative safety to every participant in all levels of motorsports and karting throughout the globe."

K1運營總監JR Twedt說:“K1 RaceGear和Freem的組合僅受想象力的限制。”“憑藉K1 RaceGear的全面營銷方法和Freem無與倫比的質量標準,我們將積極追求我們的使命,爲全球各級賽車和卡丁車的每位參與者提供創新的安全保障。”

"This partnership accelerates K1 RaceGear's growth plan immensely by adding a brand known for its high-quality and cutting-edge racing safety gear products to our ever-growing portfolio, while expanding both brands' presence throughout the world," continues Twedt. "Through knowledge sharing and cooperation, our collaborative efforts will considerably enhance future product advancements for racers and teams everywhere."

Twedt繼續說:“這種合作關係極大地加速了K1 RaceGear的增長計劃,在我們不斷增長的產品組合中增加了以其高質量和尖端的賽車安全裝備產品而聞名的品牌,同時擴大了這兩個品牌在全球的影響力。”“通過知識共享與合作,我們的合作將大大增強世界各地賽車手和車隊未來的產品進步。”

Free Minds SRL will continue operations in Italy with its current management team led by Giuseppe Andretto and Massimo Foffano.

Free Minds SRL將繼續在意大利開展業務,其目前的管理團隊由朱塞佩·安德雷託和馬西莫·富法諾領導。



Founded by racers 20 years ago, K1 RaceGear is a leading manufacturer of professional-level racing gear - including suits, gloves, shoes, and more. During this time, the American company has gained a reputation for exceptional quality, comfort, durability, and safety. As a result, winners and champions across various top-level motorsports choose to wear K1 RaceGear products. This success has earned the company its slogan, "Winners wear K1: The Brand of Champions."

K1 RaceGear 由賽車手在 20 年前創立,是專業級賽車裝備的領先製造商,包括西裝、手套、鞋子等。在此期間,這家美國公司以卓越的品質、舒適度、耐用性和安全性贏得了聲譽。結果,各種頂級賽車運動的獲勝者和冠軍選擇佩戴 K1 RaceGear 產品。這一成功爲公司贏得了口號:“贏家穿K1:冠軍品牌”。

SOURCE K1 RaceGear

來源 K1 RaceGear

