
Sony Executive: AI Enhances Personal Connections In Video Games For Gen Z, Gen Alpha

Sony Executive: AI Enhances Personal Connections In Video Games For Gen Z, Gen Alpha

索尼高管:人工智能增強了 Z 世代、Alpha 世代電子遊戲中的人際關係
Benzinga ·  05/25 03:06

Artificial intelligence (AI) in video games is crucial for Gen Z and Gen Alpha, who seek "personalization across everything," says PlayStation executive Asad Qizilbash.

PlayStation高管阿薩德·齊齊爾巴什說,電子遊戲中的人工智能(AI)對Z世代和Alpha世代至關重要,他們尋求 “在所有方面實現個性化”。

In an interview with Sony Group Corp. (NYSE:SONY), Qizilbash stated: "Advancements in AI will create more personalized experiences and meaningful stories for consumers."


He emphasized that AI could enable non-player characters to interact with players based on their actions, enhancing the personal connection within the game.


The younger generations, Gen Z (born 1997-2011) and Gen Alpha (born 2010-2024), are particularly invested in these personalized experiences, according to the PlayStation executive.


"This is important for the younger Gen Z and Gen Alpha audiences, who are the first generations that grew up digitally and are looking for personalization across everything," Qizilbash added.


The relationship between AI and video games has been contentious, with debates likely to intensify. Embark Studios faced criticism for using AI voiceovers in its game, The Finals, though the studio clarified that it did not aim to replace actors entirely, using a mix of recorded and AI-generated audio.

人工智能和電子遊戲之間的關係一直存在爭議,爭論可能會加劇。Embark Studios因在其遊戲《總決賽》中使用人工智能配音而受到批評,儘管該工作室澄清說,其目標並不是完全取代演員,而是混合使用錄製和人工智能生成的音頻。

Video game voice actors, including Victoria Atkin and Paul Eiding, have condemned the use of AI-generated content, calling it the "invisible enemy" and expressing concerns over its ethical implications.

包括維多利亞·阿特金和保羅·艾丁在內的電子遊戲配音演員譴責了使用人工智能生成的內容,稱其爲 “隱形敵人”,並對其倫理影響表示擔憂。

