
ESG Shipping Awards: Gold Recognition for AIDA Cruises for Innovative Lithium-Ion Battery Energy Storage System

ESG Shipping Awards: Gold Recognition for AIDA Cruises for Innovative Lithium-Ion Battery Energy Storage System

ESG 航運獎:AIDA Cruises 憑藉創新鋰離子電池儲能系統獲得金獎
嘉年華郵輪 ·  05/24 12:00

ESG Shipping Awards: Gold Recognition for AIDA Cruises for Innovative Lithium-Ion Battery Energy Storage System
ESG 航運獎:AIDA Cruises 憑藉創新鋰離子電池儲能系統獲得金獎

AIDA Cruises, the leader in the German cruise industry, was honored with the prestigious ESG Shipping Award International 2024 last Monday, May 20, in Athens/Greece. In the "Technology Leader" category, the company received a Gold recognition for the installation of the largest battery energy storage system (BESS) in passenger shipping with a capacity of 10 megawatt hours on board AIDAprima.

德國郵輪業的領導者艾達郵輪於5月20日星期一在希臘雅典獲得了久負盛名的2024年國際ESG航運獎。在 “技術領導者” 類別中,該公司因在客運中安裝了最大的電池儲能系統(BESS)而獲得金獎,該系統在AidaPrima上安裝了容量爲10兆瓦時。

The ESG Shipping Awards, presented in 10 categories, recognize the efforts and achievements of companies in the shipping industry worldwide that demonstrate exceptional commitment to sustainability and responsible business practices.

ESG 航運獎分爲 10 個類別,旨在表彰全球航運業中表現出對可持續發展和負責任商業行爲的卓越承諾的公司的努力和成就。

"We are honored to receive this prestigious ESG Shipping Award as a technology leader. The award is not just an affirmation but also a motivation to continue our efforts to actively contribute to a more sustainable maritime industry. At AIDA Cruises, we believe that technological innovations play an important role in reducing greenhouse gases. That's why we are investing in such lighthouse projects like the retrofit of the state-of-the-art battery technology on board AIDAprima. Our ambition is clear: net zero emission from our ship operations. Along that way we will continue to join forces with all those who share our goals and are actively supporting the climate goals of the EU, the IMO and the Paris Agreement with investment and innovation," says Felix Eichhorn, President of AIDA Cruises.

“作爲技術領導者,我們很榮幸獲得這一久負盛名的ESG航運獎。該獎項不僅是肯定,也是我們繼續努力爲更可持續的海運業做出積極貢獻的動力。在AIDA Cruises,我們認爲技術創新在減少溫室氣體方面起着重要作用。這就是我們投資諸如改造AidaPrima上最先進的電池技術之類的燈塔項目的原因。我們的目標很明確:我們的船舶運營實現淨零排放。在此過程中,我們將繼續與所有與我們有着共同目標並通過投資和創新積極支持歐盟、國際海事組織和《巴黎協定》的氣候目標的人聯手。” AIDA Cruises總裁費利克斯·艾希霍恩說。

Next-Generation Battery Storage System


Using battery power will have an impact on the marine industry and is just one more example of AIDA's important efforts to reduce GHC. Installed in 2022 and extensively tested in 2023, the lithium-ion battery energy storage system (BESS) on AIDAprima has a capacity of 10 megawatt-hours and is the largest of its kind in passenger shipping. It can be used to supply energy during various ship maneuvers at sea, during docking and casting off or while the ship is in port. This innovative technology enables the ship as well to operate in a zero-emission mode for limited time periods.


The batteries can be recharged during operation at sea, and the surplus energy stored in the batteries can be used during high loads ("peak-shaving") to allow the engines on board to operate in a consistently optimal power range. At port, the battery storage system can be recharged using shore power technology.


The project was realized in close collaboration with Corvus Energy and included the production of 1,760 individual battery modules.

該項目是與Corvus Energy密切合作實現的,包括生產1,760個獨立電池模塊。

About AIDA Cruises


For many years, AIDA Cruises has been investing in a future-oriented and more sustainable cruise market, committed to better protection of marine ecosystems, economical use of resources, and the use of new propulsion technologies. In addition to using shore power and liquefied natural gas (LNG), AIDA Cruises has already demonstrated the practical use of alternative energy sources such as biofuel or batteries for operating its cruise ships. Together with various partners, AIDA Cruises is intensively working on further solutions for using renewable and synthetic fuels in the future. As part of Carnival Corporation & plc, AIDA Cruises aims to achieve net-zero emissions in ship operation by 2050.

多年來,AIDA Cruises一直在投資面向未來且更可持續的郵輪市場,致力於更好地保護海洋生態系統,經濟地使用資源和使用新的推進技術。除了使用岸電和液化天然氣(LNG)外,AIDA Cruises已經演示了生物燃料或電池等替代能源在運營遊輪上的實際用途。AIDA Cruises與各種合作伙伴一起,正在緊張地研究未來使用可再生和合成燃料的進一步解決方案。作爲嘉年華公司及公司的一部分,AIDA Cruises的目標是到2050年實現船舶運營的淨零排放。

Rostock, May 24, 2024

羅斯托克,2024 年 5 月 24 日

