

China will visit Singapore and Malaysia in spring to explore and exchange, and plan to broaden international cooperation channels

Gelonghui Finance ·  May 24 15:23
Glonghui, May 24 | From May 13 to 17, the board leaders of China Chunlai Education Group led executives to visit famous universities such as the National University of Singapore, Nanyang Technological University, Putra University, and the National University of Malaysia. The purpose of this survey was to broaden international cooperation channels, build an inter-school exchange platform, explore the construction path of applied private colleges and universities, and promote the Group's education innovation and reform. China Chunlai said that through this visit, the group had an in-depth understanding of the educational philosophy, operation mechanism, curriculum system, teacher development, and campus culture of well-known universities in Singapore and Malaysia. In the next step, the Group will continue to strengthen foreign exchanges and inter-school cooperation, target internationally renowned universities, further raise the level of campus environment design, provide students with better educational services, run an education that satisfies the people, and provide strong talent support for local economic and social development.

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