
Innomix Ushers in a New Age of LBMR Immersive Experiences

Innomix Ushers in a New Age of LBMR Immersive Experiences

Innomix 開啓了 LBMR 沉浸式體驗的新時代
PR Newswire ·  05/24 14:53

Bringing the First Global Cross-Disciplinary Immersive Entertainment Product


BEIJING, May 24, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- In a strategic move to enhance its international market presence, Innomix is developing and producing a Location-Based Mixed Reality (LBMR) experience product based on the iconic Chinese cultural IP, "Poetic Dance: The Journey of a Legendary Landscape Painting." Building on Innomix's substantial involvement in the World Castle Association (WCA) project, this collaboration marks the creation of the world's first immersive entertainment product that seamlessly blends fine arts, performing arts, and technology.

北京,2024年5月24日 /PRNewswire/ — 作爲加強其國際市場影響力的戰略舉措,Innomix正在開發和生產基於位置的混合現實(LBMR)體驗產品,該產品基於標誌性的中國文化IP “詩意之舞:傳奇山水畫之旅”。在Innomix大量參與世界城堡協會(WCA)項目的基礎上,此次合作標誌着世界上第一個將美術、表演藝術和技術無縫融合的沉浸式娛樂產品的創作。

LBMR, which delivers a large-scale, multiplayer, full-sensory virtual reality experience, represents a significant advancement over traditional LBVR (Location-based Virtual Reality). Since its debut, LBMR has made impressive technological strides, surpassing existing LBVR offerings in both interactivity and immersive quality. Its exceptional interactive capabilities and immersive nature have demonstrated immense market potential and substantial opportunities for new applications across multiple sectors.

LBMR 提供大規模、多人遊戲、全感官虛擬現實體驗,與傳統 LBVR(基於位置的虛擬現實)相比是一項重大進步。自首次亮相以來,LBMR在技術上取得了令人印象深刻的進步,在交互性和沉浸式質量方面都超過了現有的LBVR產品。其卓越的交互能力和身臨其境的特性展示了巨大的市場潛力,併爲多個領域的新應用提供了大量機會。

The rise of immersive consumption highlights a shift in lifestyle preferences, particularly among younger, tech-savvy generations. These consumers increasingly seek distinctive, interactive experiences that cater to their desire for individuality and offer enhanced engagement and personalization. The demand for platforms that provide a deeper sense of identity and participatory consumption is growing, reshaping how companies approach the creation and delivery of digital experiences.


LBMR is pushing the boundaries of how technology and cultural content converge to enhance consumer interaction with historical and cultural narratives. The advanced platform offers users a dynamic and intuitive way to explore and engage with cultural heritage, uncovering layers of history in an immersive setting.


Jointly curated by the Palace Museum, China Oriental Performing Arts Group, and, "Poetic Dance: The Journey of a Legendary Landscape Painting", a show inspired by the transcendent masterpiece A Panorama of Mountains and Rivers, has traveled to 62 cities since its debut in 2021, amassing an impressive record of 500 performances.

由故宮博物院、中國東方演藝集團和people.cn共同策劃的 “詩之舞:一幅傳奇山水畫之旅”,該劇的靈感來自這幅超凡的傑作 山川全景,自2021年首次亮相以來,已經在62個城市巡迴演出,創造了500場演出的令人印象深刻的記錄。

Innomix's Head for international operations Shanelle Yuan remarked that the Asian market is exceptionally vibrant in the realm of social entertainment, contrasting with the European and American markets. The remarkable success of the French VR content brand Excurio in China highlights the current market's core focus but also serves as a beacon for companies like Innomix, which prides itself on a unique blend of technology and content. Innomix is poised to expand the boundaries of immersive experiences, utilizing LBMR technology to craft expansive and unbounded environments that offer a new paradigm in entertainment, blending the virtual with the visceral.

Innomix的國際運營主管Shanelle Yuan表示,與歐洲和美國市場形成鮮明對比,亞洲市場在社交娛樂領域異常活躍。法國虛擬現實內容品牌Excurio在中國的巨大成功凸顯了當前市場的核心重點,但也爲Innomix等公司樹立了燈塔,該公司以獨特的技術和內容融合而自豪。Innomix準備擴大沉浸式體驗的界限,利用LBMR技術打造廣闊而無界的環境,爲娛樂提供新的範例,將虛擬與內在融爲一體。

SOURCE Innomix

來源 Innomix

