
港股异动 | JS环球生活(01691)午后涨近5% 机构称分拆有利于聚焦业务 海外需求拐点可期

Changes in Hong Kong stocks | JS Global Life (01691) rose nearly 5% in the afternoon, institutions say the spin-off is conducive to focusing on the inflection point of business overseas demand

Zhitong Finance ·  May 24 14:40

The Zhitong Finance App learned that JS Global Life (01691) rose nearly 5% in the afternoon. As of press release, it had risen 3.97% to HK$1.57, with a turnover of HK$81.608 million.

According to the Huachuang Securities Research Report, JS Global Life completed the split of SN Group, and the division of non-Asia-Pacific markets such as SN Europe and North America. The spin-off business will help JSG and SN to focus on business areas, improve localized operation efficiency and facilitate talent motivation and introduction. At the same time, SN Asia Pacific product development and channel development will become the company's main growth gripper, along with the gradual restoration of domestic demand for small household appliances, the company can be expected to recover and grow.

The bank pointed out that the domestic and overseas demand environment was weak in '23, and the company still showed better operating performance than its peers. The bank has high expectations for the company's long-term growth after subsequent recovery in demand. Furthermore, JS Global has shown strong collaborative potential, and regional and category diversification has achieved remarkable results; consumer demand for small household appliances has weakened marginally in 23 years, and an inflection point in overseas demand can be expected.

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