


TOPSPORTS (6110.HK): 這可能是一個艱難的轉機
招银国际 ·  05/24

High bases are tough for both industry and Topsorts and we are cautious about 1Q25E. However, the turnaround in next few quarters is still an important catalyst. Also, thanks to the 7% FY2/25E yield, we think the downside is limited.

對於行業和頂級運動來說,高基數都很艱難,我們對 1Q25E 持謹慎態度。但是,未來幾個季度的轉變仍然是重要的催化劑。此外,由於25財年收益率爲7%,我們認爲下行空間有限。

4Q24 retail sales growth was slow and there are still some pressure in 1Q25E. Topsports' retail sales growth was only at LSD in 4Q24 (Dec 2023 to Feb 2024), slowing down from low-teens in 3Q24. However, given the weak macro and high base, we believe investors should have certain expectations already. In fact, this is already better than Pou Sheng's 7% drop. For 1Q25E, we would not be surprised to see certain pressure, because of the high base and delay of some new product launches, and the retail sales trend could even be negative in Mar to Apr 2024. Thanks to a much healthier inventory level (around 4 to 4.5 months), the pressure on retail discounts was less, however. Recently, retail discounts were flattish in offline channels but widened in e-commerce channels (mostly affected by the traditional and content-driven e-commerce platforms).

24 年第四季度零售銷售增長緩慢,1Q25E 仍存在一些壓力。Topsports的零售銷售增長在第四季度(2023年12月至2024年2月)僅爲LSD,從24年第三季度的低點放緩。但是,鑑於宏觀經濟疲軟和高基數,我們認爲投資者應該已經有了某些預期。實際上,這已經比寶勝的7%跌幅要好。對於 1Q25E,我們看到一定的壓力也就不足爲奇了,因爲一些新產品的發佈基數很高,而且延遲,2024年3月至4月的零售銷售趨勢甚至可能爲負數。但是,由於庫存水平要健康得多(大約4至4.5個月),零售折扣的壓力減輕了。最近,線下渠道的零售折扣持平,但電子商務渠道的零售折扣有所擴大(主要受傳統和內容驅動的電子商務平台的影響)。

We still think a turnaround in FY25E is likely (even the growth was slower than expected). After the slowdown in recent quarters, we have turned more conservative about FY25E. However, we still think the trend is constructive, because: 1) online sales growth could accelerate (esp. for traditional platforms), as the base is lower this year and the growth in content-driven e-commerce (e.g. XHS and Douyin) is still rapid; 2) offline sales growth could also speed up (SSSG could be positive and gross selling area growth could be resumed), as the one-off drags from closures of Adidas NEO stores will fade out and store productivity may continue to improve, supported by improvements in private domain operations (e.g. Wechat and livestreaming sales) and engagement with members and customer communities; 3) of the potential benefits from greater investment from brands on product launches and marketing for the Paris Olympics. For margin, we expect GP margin to be stable, as the improvement in retail discounts is partially offset by the increase in e-commerce sales mix, and net profit margin could mildly improve, helped by potential operating leverage.

我們仍然認爲,FY25E 有可能出現轉機(即使增長也低於預期)。在最近幾個季度的放緩之後,我們對 FY25E 變得更加保守。但是,我們仍然認爲這種趨勢是建設性的,因爲:1)在線銷售增長可能會加速(尤其是傳統平台),因爲今年的基數較低,內容驅動的電子商務(例如XHS和抖音)的增長仍然很快;2)線下銷售增長也可能加速(SSSG可能爲正數,總銷售面積的增長可能會恢復),因爲阿迪達斯NEO門店關閉帶來的一次性拖累將逐漸消失在私域運營(例如微信和直播)改善的支持下,門店生產力可能會繼續提高銷售)以及與會員和客戶社區的互動;3)品牌加大對巴黎奧運會產品發佈和營銷的投資所帶來的潛在好處。在利潤率方面,我們預計GP利潤率將保持穩定,因爲電子商務銷售結構的增加部分抵消了零售折扣的改善,而在潛在運營槓桿的推動下,淨利潤率可能會略有改善。

Maintain BUY but cut TP to HK$6.78, based on 15x FY2/25E P/E (cut from 18x). We revise down net profit by 10%/ 13% in FY25E/ 26E, in order to factor in: 1) a slowdown in industry sales growth, 2) less-than-expected retail discounts improvement, and 3) weaker operating leverage. We have turned more conservative, but a turnaround in FY25E and onwards is still possible, plus the 7% FY25E dividend yield is fairly protective; we thus maintain our BUY rating. The stock is trading at 12x, still below its 4-year average of 13x.

維持買入,但根據25財年市盈率的15倍(從18倍下調),將目標價下調至6.78港元。我們將25E/26E財年的淨利潤下調了10%/13%,以考慮以下因素:1)行業銷售增長放緩,2)零售折扣的改善低於預期,以及3)運營槓桿率的減弱。我們已經變得更加保守,但是 FY25E 及以後的轉機仍然是可能的,再加上7%的 FY25E 股息收益率相當具有保護性;因此我們維持買入評級。該股的交易價格爲12倍,仍低於其4年平均水平的13倍。

Topsports reported inline FY2/24 results and dividend is still attractive. In FY2/24, sales increased by 7% to RMB28.9bn, in line with BBG and CMBI est.; net profit jumped by 21% YoY to RMB2.21bn, 3%/ 2% below BBG/ CMBI est.; GP margin was flattish at 41.8%, only up 0.1ppt vs last year, but NP margin jumped to 7.6%, up 0.8ppt from last year, driven by closures of Adidas NEO stores, rigid control on staff costs (+1% YoY only) and the drop in D&A expenses (-21% YoY), which in our view is rather impressive, esp. when other income dropped significantly (-41% YoY). Inventory days fell meaningfully by 13 days to 136 days. Final dividend (RMB0.05) and special dividend (RMB0.16) were also announced, the same as last year's, but the payout ratio is still high at 101%. Based on current market cap, the yield is attractive at 7.3%.

Topsports公佈了24財年的業績,股息仍然具有吸引力。在2/24財年,銷售額增長7%,達到289億元人民幣,與BBG和CMBI的預期持平;淨利潤同比增長21%,至人民幣22.1億元,比BBG/CMBI的估計值低3%/2%;GP利潤率持平至41.8%,僅比去年增長0.1個百分點,但受阿迪關閉的推動,淨利潤率躍升至7.6%,比去年增長0.8個百分點 DAS NEO門店、嚴格控制員工成本(僅同比增長1%)以及D&A支出的下降(同比下降21%),在我們看來,這相當令人印象深刻,尤其是在其他收入大幅下降(同比下降41%)的情況下。庫存天數顯著減少了13天,至136天。還宣佈了末期股息(人民幣0.05元)和特別股息(人民幣0.16元),與去年相同,但派息率仍然很高,爲101%。根據目前的市值,收益率極具吸引力,爲7.3%。

Direct retail and e-commerce sales outperformed while sales growth for both principal brands was resilient. In FY2/24, direct retail sales growth was fast at 9% while wholesale sales had dropped by 3%. Also, e-commerce sales growth (CMBI est. +21%) was way faster than offline (CMBI est. +5%), as the share of e-commerce sales increased to mid-20% (from low-20% in FY2/23). Moreover, sales growth for leading/ lagging brands maintained at mid-teens/improved to negative LSD in FY2/24 vs mid-teens/negative MSD in 1H2/24.


