
Organizations Must Effectively Manage Employee Workload or Risk Increased Disengagement and Turnover: New Resource From McLean & Company

Organizations Must Effectively Manage Employee Workload or Risk Increased Disengagement and Turnover: New Resource From McLean & Company

組織必須有效管理員工的工作量,否則將面臨脫離和離職率增加的風險:來自McLean & Company的新資源
PR Newswire ·  05/24 02:07

Global HR research and advisory firm McLean & Company, the HR division of Info-Tech Research Group, has released a new guide for HR leaders. The resource provides the information and tools needed to avoid significant organizational risks stemming from ineffective workload management through measuring employee workload and resolving challenges across different levels of the organization.

全球人力資源研究和諮詢公司McLean & Company是信息技術研究集團的人力資源部門,爲人力資源領導者發佈了一份新指南。該資源通過衡量員工工作量和解決組織不同層面的挑戰,提供避免因工作量管理不力而產生的重大組織風險所需的信息和工具。

TORONTO, May 23, 2024 /PRNewswire/ - As the employee experience is increasingly recognized as a critical priority of organizational success, organizations must consider the many elements of their employees' day-to-day experiences, including workload. According to the HR Guide to Measuring Workload, a new industry resource from global HR research and advisory firm McLean & Company, organizations play a critical role in optimizing workload across individuals, teams, and functions. However, many organizations struggle to effectively distribute work, which presents significant risks for employees and the organization, such as elevated disengagement and turnover. On the other end of the spectrum, the firm reports that employees who report having a reasonable workload are two times more likely to be engaged in their work.

多倫多,2024年5月23日 /PRNewswire/-隨着員工體驗越來越被視爲組織成功的關鍵優先事項,組織必須考慮員工日常經歷的許多要素,包括工作量。根據 衡量工作量的人力資源指南是全球人力資源研究和諮詢公司McLean & Company的新行業資源,各組織在優化個人、團隊和職能的工作量方面發揮着關鍵作用。但是,許多組織難以有效分配工作,這給員工和組織帶來了重大風險,例如脫離和離職率的提高。另一方面,該公司報告稱,自稱工作量合理的員工參與工作的可能性要高出兩倍。

Workload is not static; rather, it is dynamic by nature, ebbing and flowing over time in response to several factors, according to the new guide from McLean & Company. The global HR research and advisory firm's insights indicate that achieving optimal workload requires ongoing commitment, action, and accurate measurement to uncover challenges and identify appropriate interventions. (CNW Group/McLean & Company)
根據McLean & Company的新指南,工作量不是靜態的;相反,工作量本質上是動態的,隨着時間的推移會隨着多種因素而減弱和流動。這家全球人力資源研究和諮詢公司的見解表明,實現最佳工作量需要持續的承諾、行動和準確的衡量標準,以發現挑戰並確定適當的干預措施。(CNW 集團/McLean & Company)

According to McLean & Company, HR leaders play an integral and strategic role in guiding their organizations toward long-term organizational success, including providing expertise and direction in their efforts to improve the employee experience. The firm's new guide has been designed to support HR leaders seeking to optimize workload through intentional workload measurement and informed, targeted interventions.

根據McLean & Company的說法,人力資源領導者在指導其組織實現長期組織成功方面發揮着不可或缺的戰略作用,包括爲他們改善員工體驗提供專業知識和指導。該公司的新指南旨在通過有意的工作量衡量和明智的有針對性的干預措施來支持尋求優化工作量的人力資源領導者。

"Workload optimization requires more than a band-aid solution. For meaningful change to happen, organizations must address underlying causes rather than treat the symptoms of workload challenges," says Grace Ewles, director of HR Research & Advisory Services at McLean & Company. "It may seem like a daunting task, but achieving optimal workload isn't always about eliminating work. Rather, it's about striking a balance and finding the right amount of workload for each employee at a given time. Being intentional about achieving optimal workload helps avoid the risks of burnout and boredom, which can lead to disengagement or loss of talent."

“工作負載優化需要的不僅僅是創可貼的解決方案。爲了實現有意義的變革,組織必須解決根本原因,而不是治療工作負載挑戰的症狀,”格蕾絲·艾爾斯,麥克萊恩公司人力資源研究與諮詢服務總監。 “這似乎是一項艱鉅的任務,但實現最佳工作量並不總是要減少工作。相反,這是要取得平衡,在給定時間爲每位員工找到適當的工作量。刻意實現最佳工作量有助於避免精疲力盡和無聊的風險,這可能導致脫離接觸或人才流失。”

McLean & Company's guide is divided into three sections that address key areas of focus and consideration for HR leaders as they seek to understand and measure workload and its challenges. The sections are outlined below:

McLean & Company的指南分爲三個部分,涉及人力資源領導者在尋求了解和衡量工作量及其挑戰時應重點關注和考慮的關鍵領域。這些部分概述如下:

  1. Introduction to workload. The first section in the newly published resource defines workload, identifies several factors that influence workload, and provides an overview of workload measurement.
  2. Workload measures. Section two describes the key components for intentional workload measurement and spotlights various measures used for workload measurement, including subjective, performance, and physiological measures.
  3. Recommended interventions. The third and final section presents an overview of workload interventions at the organizational, team, and individual levels.
  1. 工作負載簡介。 新發布的資源的第一部分定義了工作負載,確定了影響工作負載的幾個因素,並概述了工作負載衡量情況。
  2. 工作量衡量標準。 第二節描述了有意工作量測量的關鍵組成部分,並重點介紹了用於工作量測量的各種衡量標準,包括主觀、績效和生理衡量標準。
  3. 建議的干預措施。 第三部分也是最後一部分概述了組織、團隊和個人層面的工作量干預措施。

As HR leaders consider workload challenges and potential solutions, McLean & Company advises that effort and resources are best allocated when organizations dive deep into underlying causes, truly understand what is driving workload challenges, and select interventions appropriately. Given the dynamic nature of workload, a highly impactful intervention today risks losing effectiveness tomorrow, so being proactive in monitoring workload and adjusting interventions accordingly helps ensure organizations consistently support their employees in achieving an optimal workload.

在人力資源主管考慮工作量挑戰和潛在解決方案時,McLean & Company建議,當組織深入研究根本原因,真正了解導致工作量挑戰的因素並適當選擇干預措施時,最好分配精力和資源。鑑於工作負載的動態性質,當今影響力很大的干預措施有可能在明天失去效率,因此,積極監控工作量並相應地調整干預措施有助於確保組織持續支持員工實現最佳工作量。

To access the full resource, please visit HR Guide to Measuring Workload.

要訪問完整資源,請訪問 衡量工作量的人力資源指南

To attend upcoming free webinars on a variety of topics or explore the publicly available archive of recorded sessions, please visit McLean & Company's webinars page.

要參加即將舉行的關於各種主題的免費網絡研討會或瀏覽公開的會議錄製檔案,請訪問 MClean & Company 的網絡研討會頁面

Signature 2024
2024 年簽名

To register for Signature, the premier industry conference for future-focused HR leaders hosted by McLean & Company from October 27 to 29 at the Red Rock Casino Resort & Spa in Las Vegas, Nevada, please visit the official Signature event page.

要註冊參加 Signature,這是麥克萊恩公司於10月27日至29日在內華達州拉斯維加斯紅巖賭場度假村及水療中心爲着眼於未來的人力資源領導者舉辦的首屈一指的行業會議,請訪問 官方簽名活動頁面

Media interested in connecting with McLean & Company analysts for exclusive, research-backed insights and commentary on psychological safety in the workplace, DEI, generative AI in HR, HR trends in 2024, the future of work, and more can contact Senior Communications Manager Kelsey King at [email protected].

媒體有興趣與McLean & Company分析師建立聯繫,獲取有關工作場所心理安全的獨家見解和評論,DEI, 人力資源中的生成式 AI2024 年的人力資源趨勢工作的未來,還有更多人可以通過以下方式聯繫高級傳播經理 Kelsey King [電子郵件保護]

About McLean & Company

McLean & Company pairs evidence-based research and immediately applicable tools with deep HR expertise to position organizations to meet today's needs and prepare for the future. The global HR research and advisory firm's member organizations enjoy comprehensive resources, full-service diagnostics, workshops, action plans, and advisory services for all levels of HR professionals, from executive leadership to HR leaders to HR team members, that help shape workplaces where everyone thrives.

麥克萊恩公司 將循證研究和即時適用的工具與深厚的人力資源專業知識相結合,使組織能夠滿足當今的需求併爲未來做好準備。這家全球人力資源研究和諮詢公司的成員組織享有全面的資源、全方位的診斷、研討會、行動計劃和諮詢服務,適用於從行政領導層到人力資源主管再到人力資源團隊成員等各級人力資源專業人員,這些資源有助於塑造每個人都能蓬勃發展的工作場所。

McLean & Company is a division of Info-Tech Research Group.

McLean & Company 是一個部門 信息技術研究小組

Media professionals can register for unrestricted access to research across IT, HR, and software and hundreds of industry analysts through the firm's Media Insiders program. To gain access, contact [email protected].

媒體專業人士可以通過公司的Media Insiders計劃註冊不受限制地訪問IT、人力資源和軟件以及數百名行業分析師的研究。要獲得訪問權限,請聯繫 [電子郵件保護]

SOURCE McLean & Company

來源 mClean & Company

