
美股异动 | 暂停对华交付客机 波音(BA.US)跌超5%

Changes in US stocks | Boeing (BA.US), which suspended the delivery of airliners to China, fell more than 5%

Zhitong Finance ·  May 23 23:11

The Zhitong Finance App learned that on Thursday, the stock price of Boeing (BA.US) fell. As of press release, the stock had fallen by more than 5% to 176.74 US dollars. According to the news, Boeing resumed delivery of airliners to China and then suspended it again for less than half a year. On May 23, Boeing suspended the delivery of airliners to China because the review of the battery in the Boeing 25-hour cabin sound recorder (CVR) module has not been certified by the Civil Aviation Administration of China.

Boeing said it is cooperating with China Airlines customers to determine the timing of aircraft delivery once the Civil Aviation Administration of China has completed the review of the battery in the 25-hour CVR module. Boeing also said that the system has previously been certified by the US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and the European Union Aviation Safety Administration (EASA). However, Boeing did not disclose which models the review will affect the delivery of and where the review will proceed.

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