
New Education Product for Quest Devices Will Help Teachers Bring Subjects to Life in New Ways

New Education Product for Quest Devices Will Help Teachers Bring Subjects to Life in New Ways

Quest 設備的新教育產品將幫助教師以新方式將科目變爲現實
Accesswire ·  05/23 21:15

By Nick Clegg, President, Global Affairs


NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / May 23, 2024 / Takeaways

馬薩諸塞州北安普敦/ACCESSWIRE/2024 年 5 月 23 日/外賣

  • Later this year Meta will launch a new education product for Quest devices.
  • It will allow teachers, trainers and administrators to access a range of education-specific apps and features, and make it possible for them to manage multiple Quest devices at once.
  • The new product is the result of extensive consultation and collaboration with educators, researchers and third-party developers working in the education space around the world.
  • 今年晚些時候,Meta將推出一款適用於Quest設備的新教育產品。
  • 它將允許教師、培訓師和管理員訪問一系列教育專用的應用程序和功能,並使他們能夠同時管理多臺Quest設備。
  • 新產品是與在世界各地教育領域工作的教育工作者、研究人員和第三方開發人員進行廣泛磋商和合作的結果。

Of all the ways in which metaverse technologies like virtual, mixed and augmented reality could prove to be transformative, the potential they have for education is one of the most exciting.


For most of us, learning is social - we learn from and with others, and from each other's experiences. It's about interaction and discussion as much as it is about absorbing facts. That's why the unique feeling of presence and immersion these technologies create can be so impactful in education.


They also make things possible that are impossible in the physical world. Instead of telling students what the dinosaurs were like, they can walk among them. Virtual science laboratories can be built and filled with equipment that most schools would never be able to afford. Classes can go on field trips to the best museums, no matter how far away they are. And they can be used to take the risk out of otherwise dangerous or expensive technical or vocational training.


Last year, I wrote about some of the ingenious ways teachers and trainers were already using these technologies. That momentum has continued to build, with more and more colleges and institutions incorporating them into their curriculums. For example:

去年,我寫了一篇關於一些巧妙方法的文章 教師和培訓師已經在使用這些技術。這種勢頭繼續增強,越來越多的學院和機構將其納入課程。例如:

  • New Mexico State University is teaching criminal justice by immersing students in virtual crime scenes to learn how to best investigate.
  • Stanford University is using virtual reality to teach its Business School students soft skills, like how to have a difficult conversation or how to nail an interview.
  • The University of Glasgow is teaching life sciences by placing students inside virtual intestines, to see how the body battles bacteria.
  • 新墨西哥州立大學正在通過讓學生沉浸在虛擬犯罪現場來教授刑事司法,學習如何最好地進行調查。
  • 斯坦福大學正在使用虛擬現實向商學院的學生傳授軟技能,例如如何進行艱難的對話或如何完成面試。
  • 格拉斯哥大學正在通過將學生置於虛擬腸道內來教授生命科學,以了解人體如何對抗細菌。

There is also a growing research base showing that learning in VR can improve students' performance, as well as their levels of engagement, attendance and satisfaction. In 2022, Morehouse College reported that students who learned in VR had an average final test score of 85, versus 78 in person. A survey by the XR Association found that 77% of educators believe these technologies ignite curiosity and improve engagement in class.

還有越來越多的研究基礎表明,在虛擬現實中學習可以提高學生的表現,以及他們的參與度、出勤率和滿意度。 2022年,莫爾豪斯學院報告說 在虛擬現實中學習的學生的最終考試分數平均爲85分,而面對面考試的學生爲78分。一個 調查 XR協會發現,77%的教育工作者認爲這些技術可以激發好奇心並提高課堂參與度。

To make it easier for educators, later this year Meta will be launching a new product offering for Quest devices dedicated to education, just as last year's Meta Quest for Business was designed for the workplace. It will allow teachers, trainers and administrators to access a range of education-specific apps and features, and make it possible for them to manage multiple Quest devices at once, without the need for each device in a classroom or training environment to be updated and prepared individually. This will save teachers time and allow students to pick up the headsets and get started right away - something that educators using our devices have consistently told us they want.

爲了便於教育工作者使用,今年晚些時候,Meta將與去年一樣,爲專用於教育的Quest設備推出新產品 商業元探索 是爲工作場所設計的。它將允許教師、培訓師和管理員訪問一系列教育專用的應用程序和功能,並使他們能夠同時管理多臺Quest設備,而無需單獨更新和準備教室或培訓環境中的每臺設備。這將爲教師節省時間,並允許學生拿起頭戴式耳機立即開始使用——這是使用我們設備的教育工作者一直告訴我們他們想要的。

Education and training providers represent a considerable market for technology products, and we see a growing number of developers building and releasing apps aimed at this sector. While it is still early days for the use of immersive technologies in these settings, we think there's scope for them to be adopted on a much wider scale.


The product's name and features will be announced in the coming months. At launch, we plan to make the product available in our Quest for Business supported markets to institutions serving learners aged 13+.

該產品的名稱和功能將在未來幾個月內公佈。在發佈時,我們計劃在Quest for Business支持的市場上向爲13歲以上學習者服務的機構提供該產品。

The new product is the result of extensive consultation and collaboration with educators, researchers and third-party developers working in the education space around the world. We want it to be something that makes it easier for students to learn, apply and practice new skills; feel a sense of presence with teachers and classmates; and to visit places or experience things that would otherwise be impossible. Above all, we want it to help teachers do what they do best: teach. We will continue to learn from them so we can keep improving and make sure Meta Quest headsets are the best devices, at the best value, to bring their classes to life.

新產品是與在世界各地教育領域工作的教育工作者、研究人員和第三方開發人員進行廣泛磋商和合作的結果。我們希望它能讓學生更容易地學習、應用和練習新技能;感受到與老師和同學的存在感;以及參觀地方或體驗原本不可能發生的事物。最重要的是,我們希望它能幫助教師做他們最擅長的事情:教學。我們將繼續向他們學習,以便我們能夠不斷改進,並確保 Meta Quest 頭戴式耳機是物有所值的最佳設備,可以將他們的課堂變爲現實。

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