
GalaxyCon LLC Announces Fae Ball to Bring Literary Fans Together Like Never Before

GalaxyCon LLC Announces Fae Ball to Bring Literary Fans Together Like Never Before

GalaxyCon LLC 宣佈 Fae Ball 將以前所未有的方式將文學迷聚集在一起
PR Newswire ·  05/23 22:30

New Literary Initiative Creates a Multitude of Events with Authors of Best-Selling Fantasy Series


FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla., May 23, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- GalaxyCon, the largest independently owned consumer and fan engagement company, is giving fantasy, sci-fi, and literature enthusiasts an opportunity to engage with their favorite authors and likeminded fans at the first-ever Fae Ball in Austin, Texas, August 30 - September 1, 2024. This is the debut event for the newly created Literary Initiative of GalaxyCon, LLC. Dedicated to furthering the fan experience created by GalaxyCon, Animate!, and Nightmare Weekend events, the Fae Ball will bring authors of best-selling works face-to-face with lucky ballgoers costumed in the most breathtaking visual representations of their favorite fantastic worlds. Get your tickets to the spectacular event in Austin here.

佛羅里達州勞德代爾堡,2024年5月23日 /PRNewswire/ — 最大的獨立消費者和粉絲參與公司GalaxyCon將在2024年8月30日至9月1日在德克薩斯州奧斯汀舉行的首屆Fae Ball上爲幻想、科幻和文學愛好者提供與他們最喜歡的作家和志同道合的粉絲互動的機會。這是GalaxyCon, LLC新成立的文學倡議的首次活動。Animate 致力於進一步推動 GalaxyCon 創造的粉絲體驗!以及噩夢週末活動,Fae Ball將讓暢銷作品的作者與身着他們最喜歡的奇幻世界最令人歎爲觀止的視覺表現的幸運球迷面對面。購買奧斯汀壯觀活動的門票 這裏

GalaxyCon LLC Announces Fae Ball to Bring Literary Fans Together Like Never Before

GalaxyCon LLC 宣佈 Fae Ball 將以前所未有的方式將文學迷聚集在一起

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GalaxyCon Fae Ball
GalaxyCon Fae Ball

"From the moment you pass through the doors, hear the violins, and see everyone dressed immaculately, fans know that this is not just a cosplay event. The Fae Ball is a place to escape into a fantasy world with the genius minds who created them," said Ashley Hazelwood, Manager of Literary Talent and Initiatives for GalaxyCon, LLC. "Austin's Fae Ball is just the beginning for our Literary Initiatives in 2024. We have big plans for future events, including a Fae Ball in Columbus, a Vampire Night in Richmond and more than five Fae Balls in 2025."

“從你穿過大門,聽到小提琴聲,看到每個人穿得完美無瑕的那一刻起,粉絲們就知道這不僅僅是一場角色扮演活動。Fae Ball是逃入幻想世界的地方,那裏有創造他們的天才人才。” GalaxyCon, LLC文學人才與計劃經理阿什利·哈澤爾伍德說。“奧斯汀的Fae Ball只是我們在2024年開展文學活動的開始。我們爲未來的活動制定了宏偉的計劃,包括哥倫布的精靈舞會、里士滿的吸血鬼之夜以及2025年的五個以上的Fae Balls。”

Attending best-selling authors include:


  • New York Times Best Selling Author, Hannah Nicole Maehrer (TikTok) - "Assistant to the Villain," "Apprentice to the Villain"
  • Amber Nicole (TikTok) - "Society of the Lost Souls" series, "Solidarity Academy" series
  • Kaven Hirning (TikTok, Instagram) - "Forbidden Fate" series, "The Wolf and Viper" series
  • New York Times Best Selling Author, Tracy Wolff - "The Crave Series," "The Caulder Academy" series
  • 《紐約時報》暢銷書作家,漢娜·妮可·梅勒(抖音)-“反派助手”、“反派學徒”
  • 琥珀妮可(抖音)-“失落之魂協會” 系列、“團結學院” 系列
  • Kaven Hirning(抖音Instagram)-“禁忌命運” 系列、“狼與毒蛇” 系列
  • 《紐約時報》暢銷書作家, 特雷西·沃爾夫 -“The Crave 系列”、“考爾德學院” 系列

Throughout the weekend, there will be panels and workshops for aspiring writers to help bring the creations in their minds to life. Attendees can walk through a full exhibit hall filled with publishers, exhibitors, and author signings. For those looking to further interact with their favorite authors, GalaxyCon will host a red carpet event, a cocktail reception, a Saturday High Tea, an elegant dinner, and a Sunday Brunch. These further the personal connection with the creators of the most prolific worlds in fantasy literature.


"It's always exciting to bring fans and creators together. With the Fae Ball, we get to do it in a unique immersive environment and create memories that will last a lifetime," said Mike Broder, President and Founder of GalaxyCon. "Fans will have the opportunity to connect with each other in this fantasy environment and meet their favorite authors. In addition to meeting the authors, fans can get exclusive special edition copies of the books they love with brand new cover art."

“將粉絲和創作者聚集在一起總是令人興奮的。GalaxyCon總裁兼創始人邁克·布羅德說,有了 Fae Ball,我們可以在一個獨特的沉浸式環境中做到這一點,創造終身難忘的回憶。“粉絲們將有機會在這個幻想環境中相互交流,認識他們最喜歡的作家。除了與作者見面外,粉絲們還可以獲得他們喜愛的書籍的獨家特別版副本,並附上全新的封面。”

GalaxyCon, LLC. is the largest independently owned consumer and fan engagement company. Based in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, and founded by Mike Broder in 2006, GalaxyCon is made for fans, by fans. The company organizes pop culture, anime, and horror-themed events across the United States. Celebrities and fans are united at the festival of fandom in often overlooked locations. Events in Oklahoma City, Raleigh, Columbus, Richmond, and San Jose attract between 20,000 and 50,000 fans for each show. Additionally, GalaxyCon presents Animate!, Nightmare Weekend, Fae Balls, and Vampire Nights throughout the year, reaching more consumers and fans. For more information, visit .

GalaxyCon, LLC. 是最大的獨立擁有的消費者和粉絲參與公司。GalaxyCon總部位於佛羅里達州勞德代爾堡,由邁克·布羅德於2006年創立,由粉絲爲粉絲量身打造。該公司在美國各地組織流行文化、動漫和恐怖主題活動。在經常被忽視的地點參加粉絲節,名人和粉絲們齊聚一堂。俄克拉荷馬城、羅利、哥倫布、里士滿和聖何塞的活動每場演出吸引了20,000至50,000名粉絲。此外,GalaxyCon 還推出了 Animate!、《噩夢週末》、《精靈舞會》和《吸血鬼之夜》全年覆蓋更多的消費者和粉絲。欲了解更多信息,請訪問。

GalaxyCon is more than a comic con, it is a celebration of fandom.

GalaxyCon 不僅僅是一場動漫展,更是對粉絲的慶祝。

Blain Howard
[email protected]



來源 GalaxyCon LLC

