
Elon Musk And Nicole Shanahan Deny Alleged Ketamine-Fueled Affair: The Speculation Is 'Utterly Debilitating'

Elon Musk And Nicole Shanahan Deny Alleged Ketamine-Fueled Affair: The Speculation Is 'Utterly Debilitating'

埃隆·馬斯克和妮可·沙納漢否認涉嫌以****爲燃料的事件:這種猜測 “簡直令人沮喪”
Benzinga ·  05/23 15:22

The New York Times has released a new report on the alleged affair between Tesla Inc CEO Elon Musk and Nicole Shanahan, which both parties have denied. The article also sheds light on their alleged use of ketamine.


What Happened: Shanahan, a lawyer and former wife of Google co-founder Sergey Brin, reportedly took ketamine with Musk at a private party in 2021. She later informed her then-husband, Brin, that she had a sexual encounter with the Tesla CEO, as per the NYT report which cited multiple sources.


The report also delves into Shanahan's relationship with Brin, her divorce, and her campaign as the running mate for the 2024 presidential election with Robert F. Kennedy Jr.


"At a party in early 2021 in Miami, Ms. Shanahan was so intoxicated by drugs and alcohol that she required an IV infusion," the NYT reported.


During her marriage to Brin, Shanahan was reportedly involved in recreational drug use, including ketamine and cocaine, with Silicon Valley's elite. The couple's marriage faced challenges, including the COVID-19 pandemic and their daughter's autism diagnosis.

據報道,沙納漢在與布林結婚期間,曾與硅谷精英階層一起參與休閒毒品的使用,包括****和可卡因。這對夫婦的婚姻面臨挑戰,包括 COVID-19 疫情和他們女兒的自閉症診斷。

Three sources informed the Times that Shanahan and Musk had an affair in December 2021 during a private party in Miami. According to the report, they both took ketamine and "disappeared together for several hours." The Times cited four individuals who had been briefed on the matter and related documents.

三位消息人士告訴《泰晤士報》,沙納漢和馬斯克於2021年12月在邁阿密的一次私人聚會上發生了婚外情。根據該報告,他們都服用了****,然後 “一起消失了幾個小時”。《泰晤士報》援引了四位聽取了有關此事和相關文件簡報的人士。

Shanahan and Musk allegedly had an affair in December 2021, following which Brin filed for divorce in January 2022, citing "irreconcilable differences." Musk, who admitted to taking a "small amount" of ketamine weekly, denied the affair, as did Shanahan.

據稱,沙納漢和馬斯克在2021年12月有外遇,隨後布林以 “不可調和的分歧” 爲由於2022年1月申請離婚。承認每週服用 “少量” ****的馬斯克否認了這件事,沙納漢也是如此。

Why It Matters: This isn't the first time Musk has been embroiled in an alleged affair with a friend's spouse. In 2022, Musk denied reports of an affair with Shanahan, calling them "total bs."

爲什麼重要:這不是馬斯克第一次涉嫌與朋友的配偶有染。2022年,馬斯克否認了與沙納漢有染的報道,稱其爲 “完全失敗”。

This is total bs. Sergey and I are friends and were at a party together last night!
I've only seen Nicole twice in three years, both times with many other people around. Nothing romantic.

— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) July 25, 2022

這總共是 bs。謝爾蓋和我是朋友,昨晚一起參加了一個聚會!

— 埃隆·馬斯克 (@elonmusk) 2022年7月25日

Shanahan also denied the affair, stating that the speculation was "utterly debilitating." The recent NYT report, however, presents new details about the alleged affair and drug use, adding a fresh layer of complexity to the situation.

沙納漢也否認了這件事,稱這種猜測 “完全令人沮喪”。但是,最近的《紐約時報》報道提供了有關涉嫌外遇和吸毒的新細節,使情況更加複雜。

In September, Musk was accused of being a homewrecker amid Brin's finalized divorce, with Musk denying the affair allegations and stating that he hadn't had sex in ages.


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This story was generated using Benzinga Neuro and edited by Kaustubh Bagalkote

這個故事是使用 Benzinga Neuro 創作的,由 Kaustubh Bagalkote

