
GoDaddy 2023 Sustainability Report: Our Customers | Inclusive Entrepreneurship

GoDaddy 2023 Sustainability Report: Our Customers | Inclusive Entrepreneurship

GoDaddy 2023 年可持續發展報告:我們的客戶 | 包容性創業
Accesswire ·  05/23 08:20

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / May 22, 2024 / GoDaddy

馬薩諸塞州北安普敦/ACCESSWIRE /2024 年 5 月 22 日/GoDadd

Lillian Shalom | The Flower Place | THEFLOWERPLACE.MIAMI

Originally published in GoDaddy's 2023 Sustainability Report

最初發布在 GoDaddy 的 2023 年可持續發展報告中

Inclusive Entrepreneurship


We empower and champion entrepreneurs globally.


As a trusted growth partner to millions of entrepreneurs globally, we recognize that the entrepreneurial journey is as diverse and unique as the entrepreneurs themselves. And we know that barriers along each entrepreneur's journey are not experienced equally. That's why we're on a mission to make opportunity more inclusive for all, inspiring entrepreneurship to change the way people around the world work and live for the better.


At GoDaddy, inclusive entrepreneurship means that everyone - no matter their age, race, gender, sexual orientation, socioeconomic background, location, or other experience or identity - should have the opportunity to pursue their independent ventures and forge their own path. On a larger scale, this drives innovation, fuels local economies globally, increases generational wealth, decreases wealth gaps, and ultimately improves livelihoods.


We uphold our commitment to inclusive entrepreneurship by offering support to entrepreneurs in underserved communities and studying and promoting the beneficial impact our entrepreneurs have on their communities.


For more information on how we foster inclusivity within our own workforce, please read the Our Employees section .

有關我們如何在員工隊伍中促進包容性的更多信息,請閱讀 “我們的員工” 部分。

Empower by GoDaddy Launched in 2017, Empower by GoDaddy is our signature social impact program. We partner with nonprofit and community organizations and engage our employee volunteers to provide education, mentoring, and networking to help underserved small and microbusiness owners grow their businesses online and in-person. With our three strategic pillars, we help accelerate entrepreneurs' business journeys.

GoDaddy 於 2017 年推出 Empower 由 GoDaddy 賦能 是我們的標誌性社會影響力計劃。我們與非營利組織和社區組織合作,聘請我們的員工志願者提供教育、指導和網絡,以幫助得不到充分服務的小型和微型企業所有者在線和麪對面發展業務。憑藉我們的三大戰略支柱,我們幫助加快企業家的商業旅程。

Empower by GoDaddy Pillars

由 GoDaddy 支柱賦能

  • Education
  • Mentorship
  • Networking
  • 教育
  • 導師
  • 聯網

Through strong relationships with both community partners and employee volunteers, Empower by GoDaddy offers entrepreneurs practical and emotional support at various stages of their journeys. We provide:

通過與社區合作伙伴和員工志願者的牢固關係,Empower by GoDaddy 在企業家旅程的各個階段爲他們提供實際和情感支持。我們提供:

  • A ten course educational series, offered in English, French, German, and Spanish.
  • In-person and virtual workshops with training on branding, marketing, website building, social media management, and other foundational business topics related to growing their businesses online.
  • Virtual one-on-one and group mentorship and coaching.
  • Wraparound services to enable access to the Empower by GoDaddy program, including transportation, technology, loan readiness, legal advice, business planning, and financial planning.
  • In-kind product donations, including web hosting, domain registration, and email essentials.
  • 十門課程的教育系列,以英語、法語、德語和西班牙語提供。
  • 面對面和虛擬研討會,提供有關品牌、營銷、網站建設、社交媒體管理以及其他與在線發展業務相關的基礎業務主題的培訓。
  • 虛擬一對一和小組指導和指導。
  • 提供全方位服務,使您能夠訪問Empower by GoDaddy計劃,包括交通、技術、貸款準備、法律諮詢、業務規劃和財務規劃。
  • 實物產品捐贈,包括虛擬主機、域名註冊和電子郵件必需品。

We're pleased to have provided more than $1 million in funding to our community partners through Empower by GoDaddy in 2023. We served nearly 2,900 entrepreneurs in communities across the U.S., Canada, Germany, and the U.K. through 250 workshops and more than 1,450 one-on-one mentorship sessions. In recognition of our meaningful impact, Entrepreneur magazine's website named Empower by GoDaddy a top accelerator program for small business owners in the U.S.


While the number of entrepreneurs served is one way we measure our annual impact, we also prioritize the quality of our programming and depth of the support we provide. Our goal is for participating entrepreneurs to feel more empowered and prepared to grow their businesses after completing the program. GoDaddy employees are relentless advocates for entrepreneurs and drive our mission. In 2023, our employees led nearly 60 out of the total 250 educational workshops and events through Empower by GoDaddy.

雖然所服務的企業家人數是我們衡量年度影響力的一種方式,但我們也優先考慮計劃的質量和所提供支持的深度。我們的目標是讓參與的企業家在完成該計劃後感到更有能力,併爲發展業務做好準備。GoDaddy 員工不懈地倡導企業家,推動我們的使命。2023 年,我們的員工通過 GoDaddy 的 Empower 主持了總共 250 場教育研討會和活動中的近 60 場。

Empower by GoDaddy Spotlights

通過 GoDaddy 聚光燈賦能

We recognize Empower by GoDaddy as an inclusive entrepreneurship ecosystem. The organizations and people we bring together generously contribute their resources to create a holistic, meaningful experience for participating entrepreneurs. These spotlights honor all our community partners, employees, and the entrepreneurs themselves who make Empower by GoDaddy special.

我們認可 GoDaddy 的 Empower 是一個包容性的創業生態系統。我們彙集的組織和人員慷慨捐贈資源,爲參與的企業家創造全面、有意義的體驗。這些聚光燈旨在表彰我們所有讓 Empower by GoDaddy 與衆不同的社區合作伙伴、員工和企業家本人。



  • Through Empower by GoDaddy, Better Business Bureau Serving the Pacific Southwest led a 10-week business coaching program, impacting more than 240 entrepreneurs through 350 one-on-one mentorship sessions.
  • 通過GoDaddy的Empower,服務太平洋西南地區的商業改善局領導了一項爲期10周的商業指導計劃,通過350次一對一的指導課程影響了240多名企業家。



  • Ade McCray of Pilates King L.L.C is on a mission to make Pilates more accessible for all. In 2023, Empower by GoDaddy accelerated Ade's development of key digital skills, mentorship, resources, and networking opportunities between GoDaddy and the Better Business Bureau of the Pacific Southwest.
  • Pilates King L.L.C 的 Ade McCray 的使命是讓所有人都能更容易地接觸普拉提。2023年,GoDaddy的Empower加速了Ade在GoDaddy與太平洋西南商業改善局之間發展關鍵數字技能、指導、資源和交流機會。

"I had a clear vision for my business but there were just some nuances in running a business that I needed support with. Getting involved with Empower by GoDaddy helped me to make sense of all that goes into business ownership, and my operations are getting much better."

- Ade McCray Pilates King L.L.C., Phoenix, AZ

“我對自己的業務有清晰的願景,但在經營企業時只有一些細微差別,我需要支持。加入 GoDaddy 的 Empower 幫助我理解了與企業所有權有關的所有內容,我的運營也越來越好了。”

-Ade McCray Pilates King L.L.C.,亞利桑那州鳳凰城



  • The opportunity to give back to the entrepreneurial community rests at the core of our employees' roles.
  • 回饋創業社區的機會是我們員工角色的核心。

"Having grown up with family members who owned their own enterprises, I understand the challenges and triumphs faced by entrepreneurs. I'm honored to support entrepreneurs as they grow their businesses."

- Geoffrey Brown GoDaddy Marketing Manager and Lead Empower by GoDaddy Volunteer since 2022


-傑弗裏·布朗 GoDaddy 營銷經理兼首席助理自 2022 年起由 GoDaddy 志願者擔任

Made in America


We understand the importance of giving entrepreneurs from underserved communities a platform to tell their unique stories. That's why we created the documentary series, Made in America , which follows entrepreneurs over time as they start and build their businesses. The series celebrates the resilience and determination of small business owners from varying backgrounds across the country who are making a difference in their communities. Our most recent season, which premiered in 2022, follows Baltimoreans who push through adversity - from chronic pain to a pandemic-fueled supply chain crisis - to achieve success.


The series won numerous awards, including the YouTube Breaking Barriers Award, the Digiday Content Marketing Award, and the Ragan Communications Corporate Social Responsibility & Diversity Award. Through Made in America, we hope to inspire entrepreneurs and encourage audiences around the world to support small businesses in their local communities.

該系列獲得了無數獎項,包括YouTube突破壁壘獎、Digiday內容營銷獎和Ragan Communications企業社會責任與多元化獎。我們希望通過 “美國製造” 來激勵企業家,鼓勵世界各地的受衆支持當地社區的小型企業。

A new season of Made in America that is targeted to launch in 2024. We're excited to continue bringing attention to the experience and importance of small businesses throughout the U.S.


Venture Forward


We know that the long-term success of entrepreneurs and their microbusinesses meaningfully contributes to their communities' economic well-being and resilience. It's important to understand these impacts to understand holistically the benefits entrepreneurs create, like increasing the median household income, creating jobs, and lowering unemployment in their communities.


GoDaddy Venture Forward is a research initiative that quantifies the growth and economic impact of more than 20 million microbusinesses and offers insight into the people who own them.

GoDaddy Venture Forward是一項研究計劃,旨在量化超過2000萬家微型企業的增長和經濟影響,並深入了解這些企業的所有者。

Since 2018, Venture Forward has surveyed over 30,000 entrepreneurs with a digital presence. In 2023, Venture Forward conducted its tenth nationwide survey of over 3,500 microbusiness entrepreneurs in the U.S. and U.K. to better understand and capture the trends, needs, demographics, and insights around what's happening with microbusinesses. The research program also probed small business operators' attitudes toward emerging artificial intelligence technologies and, in the U.S., evolving perceptions about what the American Dream means to them.

自2018年以來,Venture Forward已對3萬多名擁有數字業務的企業家進行了調查。2023年,Venture Forward對美國和英國的3500多名微型企業企業家進行了第十次全國性調查,以更好地了解和捕捉有關微型企業正在發生的事情的趨勢、需求、人口統計和見解。該研究項目還調查了小企業運營商對新興人工智能技術的態度,以及美國對美國夢對他們意味着什麼的看法不斷演變。

Venture Forward Key U.S. Survey Findings

Venture Forward 美國主要調查結果

  • 1/7 Microbusinesses started since the pandemic were founded by Black women.
  • 1/3 Microbusinesses contribute 51% or more to household income.
  • 67% Of survey participants required less than $5K to start.
  • 51% Of microbusinesses are women-owned and 29% are owned by people of color.
  • 1/7 自大流行由黑人女性創立以來,微型企業就開始了。
  • 1/3 微型企業對家庭收入的貢獻爲51%或以上。
  • 67% 的調查參與者需要不到5000美元才能開始。
  • 51%的微型企業由女性擁有,29%由有色人種擁有。

Venture Forward's Microbusiness Data Hub

Venture Forward 的微型企業數據中心

Microbusinesses are often too small to be measured by traditional reports and government statistics, and therefore, are not broadly understood. This lack of data makes it challenging for entrepreneurs - especially those in underserved communities - to carve out a voice in the policy and technology debates that affect their businesses, including issues regarding taxation, skills training, benefits portability, and access to capital, broadband, and internet.


Through Venture Forward, we created the Microbusiness Data Hub , which offers unprecedented access to free, downloadable anonymized data on U.S. and U.K microbusinesses and the entrepreneurs who own them. We provide robust data and insights, including measurements of microbusiness density by geography. We update this data on a quarterly basis and are broadening our coverage around the world. We began publishing this data for Canada and Australia in 2024.

通過Venture Forward,我們創建了微型企業數據中心,該中心前所未有地提供了有關美國和英國微型企業及其所有者的免費、可下載的匿名數據。我們提供可靠的數據和見解,包括按地理位置對微型企業密度的測量。我們每季度更新這些數據,並正在擴大我們在全球的覆蓋範圍。我們於2024年開始發佈加拿大和澳大利亞的這些數據。

Venture Forward enables advocates for entrepreneurship to build stronger, more inclusive, and equitable communities and economies. Our data provides timely insight to drive resources, programs, and policies that microbusinesses need to start and thrive, and it offers a better understanding of the economy at both local and national levels.

Venture Forward 使創業倡導者能夠建立更強大、更具包容性和公平的社區和經濟。我們的數據爲推動微型企業創業和蓬勃發展所需的資源、計劃和政策提供了及時的見解,並提供了對地方和國家層面經濟的更好理解。

Amplifying the Diversity of Customer Voices


We recognize the importance of championing diversity and equity outside of our own workforce. Our top-level domains have the power to influence, change, and create impact. That's why in 2023 we acquired the gay top-level domain , a domain of choice for those who want to fly their virtual Pride flag. It brings together national organizations, local community centers, health care systems, activists, businesses, and other organizations and individuals who are allied with lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, or asexual (LGBTQIA+) communities and issues. It's an inclusive badge of honor that sets our customers' sites apart and clearly signals to LGBTQIA+ entrepreneurs and their allies that everyone is welcome. The .gay top-level domain registry dedicates 20% of its new registration revenue to benefit LGBTQIA+ nonprofits, including the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) and CenterLink. By empowering our customers with .gay top-level domains , we continue our allyship with the LGBTQIA+ community.

我們認識到在員工隊伍之外倡導多元化和公平的重要性。我們的頂級域名具有影響、改變和創造影響力的力量。這就是爲什麼我們在 2023 年收購了同性戀頂級域名,這個域名是那些想要懸掛虛擬 Pride 旗幟的人的首選域名。它彙集了與女同性戀、男同性戀、雙性戀、變性者、酷兒、雙性戀或無性戀(LGBTQIA+)社區和問題有關的國家組織、地方社區中心、醫療保健系統、活動家、企業以及其他組織和個人。這是一個包容性的榮譽徽章,它使我們的客戶的網站與衆不同,並清楚地向LGBTQIA+企業家及其盟友發出信號,表示歡迎所有人。.gay頂級域名註冊管理機構將其新註冊收入的20%用於LGBTQIA+非營利組織,包括男女同性戀反誹謗聯盟(GLAAD)和CenterLink。通過爲客戶提供.gay 頂級域名,我們將繼續與 LGBTQIA+ 社區保持同盟關係。

For more information on how we empower diversity in our workforce, please read the Our Employees section .

有關我們如何增強員工隊伍多元化的更多信息,請閱讀 “我們的員工” 部分。

Bursting Through - Las Vegas, Nevada


We proudly empower our diverse customer base to champion diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging. This includes supporting entrepreneurs, like Bursting Through , a storytelling movement for LGBTQIA+ people and their allies, centered around social justice. Bursting Through's mission is to help create sustainable equality and safety for the Queer Community through personal storytelling. The organization believes that these stories of connection, allyship, awareness, and breakthrough "move us closer to sustainable equality and safety" for the LGBTQIA+ community.

我們自豪地賦予我們多元化的客戶群以倡導多元化、公平、包容和歸屬感。這包括支持企業家,例如Bursting Through,這是一項以社會正義爲中心的面向LGBTQIA+人群及其盟友的講故事運動。Bursting Through的使命是通過講述個人故事幫助酷兒社區創造可持續的平等和安全。該組織認爲,對於LGBTQIA+社區而言,這些關於聯繫、盟友、意識和突破的故事 “使我們更接近可持續的平等和安全”。

" is a Disruptor, and we need disruption. This is important because the current way of connecting is not working. Through storytelling, we have created a safe space online for allies and the Queer Community to come together on a balanced platform where everyone's story is valued. The GoDaddy team helps support our effort by always going above and beyond to help resolve any issues with the website. Having that type of support is huge as a solopreneur."
- Steve Petersen Founder, Bursting Through

“Burstingthrough.gay是一個顛覆者,我們需要顛覆。這很重要,因爲當前的連接方式不起作用。通過講故事,我們爲盟友和酷兒社區創造了一個安全的在線空間,讓他們聚集在一個平衡的平台上,每個人的故事都受到重視。GoDaddy 團隊始終不遺餘力地幫助解決網站的任何問題,從而爲我們的努力提供支持。作爲個體企業家,擁有這種支持是巨大的。”
-Bursting Through 創始人史蒂夫·彼得森

Ambitions for 2024

2024 年的雄心壯志

We'll continue to improve our inclusive entrepreneurship programs to increase the breadth and depth of our support for entrepreneurs, including those in underserved communities. We plan to hone key performance indicators for our Empower by GoDaddy program to better track our progress and impact. We are also aiming to partner with new community organizations in 2024, focusing on groups in communities we have not previously served. Through our planned initiatives, we strive to empower entrepreneurs, encourage their success, and make opportunity more inclusive for all.

我們將繼續改善我們的包容性創業計劃,以增加我們對企業家(包括服務不足社區的企業家)支持的廣度和深度。我們計劃完善我們的Empower by GoDaddy計劃的關鍵績效指標,以更好地跟蹤我們的進展和影響。我們還計劃在2024年與新的社區組織合作,重點關注我們之前未曾服務的社區中的團體。通過我們計劃中的舉措,我們努力增強企業家的能力,鼓勵他們取得成功,並使所有人的機會更具包容性。

To learn more, read our 2023 Sustainability Report .

要了解更多信息,請閱讀我們的 2023 年可持續發展報告。



About this Report


The GoDaddy 2023 Sustainability Report details our progress toward our corporate sustainability goals, strategies, and initiatives in support of our overarching corporate mission and values. Unless otherwise noted, this report reflects our corporate sustainability performance across our global operations covering the fiscal year period from January 1 to December 31, 2023. To demonstrate our commitment to transparent communication regarding our sustainability progress, we routinely share updates through our website and our annual Sustainability Report. We welcome your questions, comments, and feedback on this report by contacting .

GoDaddy 2023 年可持續發展報告詳細介紹了我們在實現企業可持續發展目標、戰略和舉措方面取得的進展,以支持我們的總體企業使命和價值觀。除非另有說明,否則本報告反映了我們在2023年1月1日至12月31日財年期間全球業務中的企業可持續發展表現。爲了表明我們致力於就可持續發展進展進行透明的溝通,我們定期通過我們的網站和年度可持續發展報告分享最新情況。歡迎您聯繫 對本報告提出問題、評論和反饋。

This report references the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards and includes select Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) metrics for the Internet Media and Services sector. We also disclose our contributions and progress toward priority UN SDGs. For additional information on how we align with these frameworks and key indicators demonstrating our sustainability performance, please review the Frameworks and Metrics section.

本報告引用了全球報告倡議(GRI)標準,幷包括可持續發展會計準則委員會(SASB)針對互聯網媒體和服務領域的特定指標。我們還披露了我們在聯合國優先可持續發展目標方面的貢獻和進展。有關我們如何與這些框架保持一致的更多信息,以及證明我們可持續發展績效的關鍵指標,請查看 “框架和指標” 部分。

View additional multimedia and more ESG storytelling from GoDaddy on

在 上查看 GoDaddy 提供的更多多媒體和更多 ESG 故事。

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Spokesperson: GoDaddy




