
Capgemini and Schneider Electric Collaborate to Help Companies Achieve Energy Optimization

Capgemini and Schneider Electric Collaborate to Help Companies Achieve Energy Optimization

PR Newswire ·  05/23 02:32
  • "Energy Command Center" is an innovative energy management platform that will enable organizations to monitor and manage the performance of energy assets across their operations
  • “能源指揮中心” 是一個創新的能源管理平台,它將使組織能夠監控和管理其運營中能源資產的績效

BOSTON, May 22, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Schneider Electric, leader in the digital transformation of energy management and automation, and Capgemini, a global leader in business and technology transformation services, today announced a new collaboration in energy optimization. Designed to help organizations accelerate their journey towards smarter and greener facility management and energy efficiency, the Energy Command Center leverages a unique end-to-end combination of digital solutions and cutting-edge technologies, to both simplify energy management and optimize its consumption.

波士頓,2024年5月22日 /PRNewswire/ — 能源管理與自動化數字化轉型的領導者施耐德電氣和業務和技術轉型服務的全球領導者凱捷今天宣佈在能源優化方面進行新的合作。旨在幫助組織加快實現更智能、更環保的設施管理和能源效率之旅, 能源指揮中心 利用數字解決方案和尖端技術的獨特端到端組合,既可以簡化能源管理,又可以優化其消耗。

Energy Command Center

According to IEA's analysis, energy has accounted for more than three-quarters of global greenhouse gas emissions in recent years. Clean electricity, combined with the digitization of energy management technology, is critical to accelerate energy transition.


One integrated platform to monitor, predict, control, and optimize all energy assets


The Energy Command Center solution, developed by Capgemini and powered by Schneider Electric, is an integrated and centralized platform to monitor, control and optimize all building assets consuming energy including data centers or critical environment1 rooms. The platform combines advanced artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning logics and algorithms, and the Internet of Things (IoT) technologies to measure and predict various metrics like energy intensity, health of critical assets, critical operations, renewable energy generation, and the overall performance across all energy assets.

這個 能源指揮中心 解決方案由凱捷開發,由施耐德電氣提供支持,是一個集成的集中式平台,用於監控、控制和優化所有消耗能源的建築資產,包括數據中心或關鍵環境1 房間。該平台結合了先進的人工智能 (AI)、機器學習邏輯和算法以及物聯網 (IoT) 技術,用於測量和預測各種指標,例如能源強度、關鍵資產的健康狀況、關鍵運營、可再生能源發電以及所有能源資產的整體表現。

Schneider Electric's leading connected products, edge control, and advisory applications help organizations efficiently manage their energy supply across multiple assets, such as factories, offices, or other infrastructure, while also reducing energy consumption across their operations in one integrated platform. Capgemini brings its expertise in data integration and processing, AI and machine learning, and the integration of all products and software in a central decision-making platform.


Using real-time energy consumption and carbon emission data combined with modular and interoperable building management software and systems, the Energy Command Center helps to lower energy consumption and spend to help achieve organizational goals while accelerating towards a net-zero future.

將實時能耗和碳排放數據與模塊化和可互操作的建築物管理軟件和系統相結合, 能源指揮中心 有助於降低能耗和支出,幫助實現組織目標,同時加速實現淨零未來。

"At Capgemini we are deeply convinced that there is an incredible untapped potential for digital technologies and data to accelerate the energy transition. We share this vision and commitment with Schneider Electric," said Aiman Ezzat, CEO at Capgemini. "We are at a pivotal moment for the energy transition and are thrilled to join forces and combine our deep technology and data expertise with Schneider Electric's reputed solutions, to empower organizations to manage and accelerate their energy decarbonization pathway."

“在凱捷,我們深信,數字技術和數據在加速能源轉型方面具有不可思議的未開發潛力。我們與施耐德電氣有着共同的願景和承諾,” 說過 凱捷首席執行官艾曼·埃扎特“我們正處於關鍵時刻 能量轉型和 很高興能聯手將我們深厚的技術和數據專業知識與施耐德電氣的知名解決方案相結合,使組織能夠管理和加速他們的發展 能源脫碳 路徑。”

Peter Herweck, CEO at Schneider Electric, said "Tackling the energy and climate crises is paramount, and energy efficiency plays a key role in mitigating these challenges. Decarbonization through electrification and digitization is a necessity for a sustainable future. We are very excited to collaborate with Capgemini, as it allows us to further advance our efforts to drive energy efficiency and sustainable practices. Together we can make a meaningful impact."

彼得·赫爾韋克,施耐德電氣首席執行官,說 “應對能源和氣候危機至關重要,能源效率在緩解這些挑戰中起着關鍵作用。通過電氣化和數字化實現脫碳是未來可持續發展的必要條件。我們很高興與凱捷合作,因爲這使我們能夠進一步推進提高能源效率和可持續實踐的努力。我們可以共同產生有意義的影響。”

29% reduction in energy consumption for Capgemini's eight main campuses located in India


A prototype of the solution has been tested since 2022 across Capgemini's operations in India, which account for about a quarter of the Capgemini Group's energy footprint, enabling real-time monitoring and efficient control of energy supply across multiple assets, while also reducing and optimizing energy consumption across operations in one integrated, centralized platform. With a 29% reduction in energy consumption in 2023 (versus 2019) tracked across Capgemini's eight main campuses located in India, the platform is making a material contribution to the Capgemini Group's objectives to decarbonize its operations.


About Capgemini


Capgemini is a global business and technology transformation partner, helping organizations to accelerate their dual transition to a digital and sustainable world, while creating tangible impact for enterprises and society. It is a responsible and diverse group of 340,000 team members in more than 50 countries. With its strong over 55-year heritage, Capgemini is trusted by its clients to unlock the value of technology to address the entire breadth of their business needs. It delivers end-to-end services and solutions leveraging strengths from strategy and design to engineering, all fueled by its market leading capabilities in AI, cloud and data, combined with its deep industry expertise and partner ecosystem. The Group reported 2023 global revenues of €22.5 billion.


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About Schneider Electric


Schneider's purpose is to empower all to make the most of our energy and resources, bridging progress and sustainability for all. We call this Life Is On.

施耐德的目的是 使所有人能夠充分利用我們的能源和資源,在進步和可持續發展之間架起橋樑 爲了所有人。我們稱之爲 生活開始了

Our mission is to be your digital partner for Sustainability and Efficiency.

我們的使命是成爲你的 可持續發展和效率的數字合作伙伴

We drive digital transformation by integrating world-leading process and energy technologies, end-point to cloud connecting products, controls, software and services, across the entire lifecycle, enabling integrated company management, for homes, buildings, data centers, infrastructure and industries.


We are the most local of global companies. We are advocates of open standards and partnership ecosystems that are passionate about our shared Meaningful Purpose, Inclusive and Empowered values.

我們是 全球大多數本地公司。我們倡導開放標準和夥伴關係生態系統,他們熱衷於我們的共享 有意義的目標、包容性和權力 價值觀。

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Hashtags: #PressRelease #EnergyManagement #Software #Sustainability

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1 A critical environment, which is sometimes called a controlled environment, is an area that requires precise environmental conditions. For example, in a critical environment, temperature and air quality must often be precisely managed. Laboratories, electronics assembly rooms, electrical rooms, data centers, and building "engine" rooms fall within the critical and controlled environment category.

1 關鍵環境(有時稱爲受控環境)是需要精確環境條件的區域。例如,在關鍵環境中,通常必須精確管理溫度和空氣質量。實驗室、電子裝配室、電氣室、數據中心和建築物 “引擎” 室屬於關鍵和受控環境類別。

SOURCE Schneider Electric


