
Infoplane Transforms Personal Knowledge Management by Introducing Stacks

Infoplane Transforms Personal Knowledge Management by Introducing Stacks

Infoplane 通過引入堆棧來改變個人知識管理
PR Newswire ·  05/22 20:34

Short notes management app Infos for iOS and macOS is now "Infoplane"

適用於 iOS 和 macOS 的簡短筆記管理應用程序 Infos 現在是 “Infoplane”

EGGERSDORF/GRAZ, Austria, May 22, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Elemental Tools today introduced Infoplane as the new name for their popular personal knowledge management app Infos. Infoplane is a short notes management app for iOS and macOS that focuses on quickly finding and efficiently managing small pieces of information. Infoplane represents the second major release of the app since its introduction in late 2022 and comes with a new element allowing users to bring more structure into their infos: stacks.

奧地利埃格斯多夫/格拉茨,2024年5月22日 /PRNewswire/ — Elemental Tools今天推出了Infoplane作爲其廣受歡迎的個人知識管理應用程序Infos的新名稱。Infoplane是一款適用於iOS和macOS的簡短筆記管理應用程序,專注於快速查找和高效管理小段信息。Infoplane是該應用程序自2022年底推出以來的第二個主要版本,它帶有一個新元素,允許用戶在信息中引入更多結構:堆棧。

Organizing Infos Using Stacks


Infoplane: Personal knowledge management (PKM) app for iPhone and iPad
Infoplane:適用於 iPhone 和 iPad 的個人知識管理 (PKM) 應用程序
Infoplane: More than short notes -- supports Markdown, attachments, tags, categories and now stacks
Infoplane:不僅僅是簡短的筆記,還支持 Markdown、附件、標籤、類別和堆棧

The new stacks feature allows users to organize related infos into stacks of notes simply by dragging them on top of each other. Users can then navigate into stacks and also limit a search to a specific stack. Stacks especially make it easier for users to keep their infos organized if they prefer browsing over searching. Other structural elements include tags as well as categories which also support adding color to infos.


"The superpower of Infoplane is its elegant simplicity," according to Wolfgang Bartelme, co-founder and designer behind Infoplane. "Therefore, we thought for a long time whether we should really add an additional structural element, because everything you add tends to make things more complicated. But stacks seemed to be a really good compromise between simplicity and applicability."


Improved Siri & Shortcuts Support

改進了 Siri 和快捷鍵支持

The new version modernizes support for Apple's Shortcuts app as well as Siri. Users can add new infos or search for notes using their voice. Infoplane also makes its Shortcuts API more consistent and versatile for those users who want to go one step further and integrate infos-based functionality in their own Shortcuts.


Additional improvements include even faster search and a reworked autocompletion algorithm that makes using tags even easier. Infoplane also features a number of smaller user interface optimizations such as a more powerful context menu, or additional keyboard shortcuts.




Infoplane (formerly Infos) is available from the iOS and Mac App Store. Users can manage up to 10 infos for free with otherwise access to the full functionality of the app. Unlimited infos are available both as a one-time purchase as well as via a monthly or yearly subscription. For more information visit the Infoplane website at

Infoplane(前身爲 Infos)可從 iOS 和 Mac 應用商店購買。用戶可以免費管理多達 10 條信息,否則可以訪問該應用程序的全部功能。無限信息既可以一次性購買,也可以通過按月或按年訂閱獲得。欲了解更多信息,請訪問 Infoplane 網站

About Elemental Tools


Elemental Tools creates productivity apps that empower people to achieve more by focusing their creativity, unlocking their potential and helping them optimize their personal workflows. Elemental Tools is the maker behind Firetask, a Kanban GTD task manager, Ideafall, a personal idea management tool, and Infoplane, a personal knowledge management app. Elemental Tools focuses on the Apple ecosystem developing apps for iPhone, iPad, Mac, Vision Pro and Apple Watch.

Elemental Tools 創建生產力應用程序,通過集中創造力、釋放潛力並幫助他們優化個人工作流程,使人們能夠取得更多成就。Elemental Tools是看板GTD任務管理器Firetask、個人創意管理工具Ideafall和個人知識管理應用程序Infoplane背後的製造商。Elemental Tools專注於蘋果生態系統開發適用於iPhone、iPad、Mac、Vision Pro和Apple Watch的應用程序。

Media Contact:
Gerald Aquila
+43 3117 30215
[email protected]

+43 3117 30215

SOURCE Elemental Tools


