
Scarlett Johansson's Clash With OpenAI Over ChatGPT Voice Reveals Dark Side Of AI

Scarlett Johansson's Clash With OpenAI Over ChatGPT Voice Reveals Dark Side Of AI

斯嘉麗·約翰遜通過 ChatGPT 語音與 OpenAI 的衝突揭示了人工智能的陰暗面
Benzinga ·  05/22 04:13

OpenAI CEO Sam Altman wanted actress Scarlett Johansson to be the voice behind the company's ChatGPT voice assistant, reaching out to her last September, according to Johansson. She declined the offer for personal reasons, she said in a statement.
But, when OpenAI released a demo for its voice assistant, it appeared as if the company used a voice modeled after Johansson's anyway. This prompted her to enlist legal counsel, which wrote letters to OpenAI spurring the company to take down the voice, dubbed 'Sky'. Microsoft Corp (NASDAQ:MSFT) is an investor and owns a minority stake in OpenAI.
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但是,當OpenAI發佈其語音助手的演示時,該公司似乎使用了仿照約翰遜的語音。這促使她聘請了法律顧問,法律顧問寫信給OpenAI,促使該公司取消名爲 “Sky” 的聲音。微軟公司(納斯達克股票代碼:MSFT)是一家投資者,擁有OpenAI的少數股權。
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The saga showcases a clear issue with how AI models are trained and developed. Even without Johansson's consent, AI was able to seemingly recreate her voice through media such as her movies, interviews and more. Altman, the CEO and cofounder of OpenAI, tweeted "her" a few days ago, which many people speculate is a reference to a movie in which Johansson voices an AI virtual assistant.
Johansson's battle with OpenAI is one small example of a larger problem as artists grapple with how AI companies train their tools and programs. OpenAI and other companies have used images, videos and other media forms that can be found on social media to train their programs, without compensating the creators of that media.
Many people were quick to criticize Altman and OpenAI on X. Howard Lindzon, the founder of StockTwits, tweeted that Altman is 'full of s***.' Actor Anson Mount tweeted "Rarely have I seen a company's intention so completely undermined by the arrogance of its CEO. Good for [Johansson] for fighting back. Mr. Altman seems to be under the delusion that we are already his digital slaves."

該傳奇故事展示瞭如何訓練和開發人工智能模型的明顯問題。即使沒有約翰遜的同意,人工智能似乎也能夠通過電影、訪談等媒體重現她的聲音。OpenAI首席執行官兼聯合創始人奧特曼幾天前在推特上發佈了 “她” 的推文,許多人推測這是指約翰遜爲人工智能虛擬助手配音的電影。
Johansson 與 OpenAI 的鬥爭是藝術家們努力解決人工智能公司如何訓練其工具和程序時面臨的更大問題的一個小例子。OpenAI和其他公司已經使用可以在社交媒體上找到的圖像、視頻和其他媒體形式來訓練他們的節目,而沒有補償該媒體的創作者。
許多人很快在X上批評了奧特曼和OpenAI。StockTwits的創始人霍華德·林森在推特上說,奧特曼 “滿是***”。演員安森·芒特在推特上說:“我很少見到一家公司的意圖被其首席執行官的傲慢行爲如此徹底地破壞了。對 [約翰遜] 的反擊有好處。奧特曼先生似乎錯覺我們已經是他的數字奴隸了。”

The use of AI to replace voice actors and creators was a key discussion point during last year's writers' strike in Hollywood. Johansson's decision to decline the offer from OpenAI highlights the need for regulations to protect artists, actors, and creators from being undermined by AI tools.

使用人工智能取代配音演員和創作者是去年好萊塢作家罷工期間的關鍵討論點。約翰遜決定拒絕 OpenAI 的提議,凸顯了制定監管以保護藝術家、演員和創作者免受人工智能工具破壞的必要性。

Now Read: Microsoft Unveils 5 Game-Changing AI Tools At Build 2024 Conference

立即閱讀:微軟在Build 2024會議上推出5種改變遊戲規則的人工智能工具

Photo: lev radin/Shutterstock


