
Weight Loss Drugs Like Wegvoy and Zepbound Users - Nestlé Launches $5 Pizza For You

Weight Loss Drugs Like Wegvoy and Zepbound Users - Nestlé Launches $5 Pizza For You

像 Wegvoy 和 Zepbound 用户这样的减肥药物-雀巢为你推出 5 美元的披萨
Benzinga ·  05/22 02:25

On Tuesday, Nestlé SA (OTC:NSRGF) (OTC:NSRGY) unveiled Vital Pursuit, a new line of foods designed to complement GLP-1 weight loss medications and aid consumers focused on weight management.

周二,雀巢公司(场外交易代码:NSRGF)(场外交易代码:NSRGY)推出了Vital Pursuit,这是一种新的食品系列,旨在补充 GLP-1 减肥药物并帮助专注于体重管理的消费者。

This comes amid fears among investors that food companies could see their sales suffer significantly.


Related: Changing Frugal Eating Habits – How Novo Nordisk/Eli Lilly's Weight Loss Drugs Reshaping Food Spending.

相关: 改变节俭的饮食习惯——Novo Nordisk/Eli Lilly的减肥药物如何重塑食物支出。

The food and drink processing conglomerate says the new line includes protein, fiber, and essential nutrients, and it is portioned to accommodate the reduced appetite of weight loss medication users.


This line also supports a balanced diet for anyone on a weight management journey, marking Nestlé's first venture into food products tailored specifically for GLP-1 users.

该系列还支持任何正在进行体重管理的人均衡饮食,这标志着雀巢首次涉足专为 GLP-1 用户量身定制的食品。

GLP-1 medications significantly influence how Americans manage weight, presenting a growing market opportunity.

GLP-1 药物极大地影响了美国人控制体重的方式,带来了越来越大的市场机会。

Wegvoy and Ozempic (semaglutide) from Novo Nordisk A/S (NYSE:NVO) and Eli Lilly And Co's (NYSE:LLY) Zepbound and Mounjaro (tirzepatide) have garnered tremendous fame as these "miracle" drugs have been shown to be effective at helping people lose weight by suppressing appetite.

来自诺和诺德A/S(纽约证券交易所代码:NVO)和礼来公司(纽约证券交易所代码:LLY)Zepbound和Mounjaro(tirzepatide)的Wegvoy和Ozempic(semaglutide)广为人知,因为这些 “奇迹” 药物已被证明可以有效通过抑制食欲来帮助人们减肥。

According to the National Center of Health Statistics, nearly half of American adults attempt weight loss annually.


Moreover, in 2023, one in 60 adults was prescribed GLP-1 medications, with projections from the American Pharmacists Association indicating a rise in 2024.

此外,在 2023 年,每 60 名成年人中就有一人服用了 GLP-1 药物,美国药剂师协会的预测显示,2024 年的处方量有所增加。

J.P. Morgan Research forecasts that the number of GLP-1 users in the U.S. could reach 30 million by 2030, roughly 9% of the population.

摩根大通研究预测,到2030年,美国的 GLP-1 用户数量可能达到3000万,约占人口的9%。

Tom Moe, President of Nestlé USA Meals Division, noted that Nestlé aims to expand Vital Pursuit with more product formats as the market evolves.

雀巢美国膳食部总裁汤姆·莫指出,随着市场的发展,雀巢的目标是通过更多产品形式来扩展Vital Pursuit。

Vital Pursuit will debut in Q4 with 12 SKUs, available at select retailers nationwide.

Vital Pursuit将于第四季度首次亮相,共有12个SKU,在全国部分零售商处有售。

The product range includes frozen bowls with whole grains or protein pasta, sandwich melts, and pizzas, all priced at $4.99 and under.


These products are portioned for controlled eating and include essential nutrients like protein, vitamin A, potassium, calcium, or iron. Vital Pursuit also offers gluten-free and air-fryer-ready options for added convenience.

这些产品按比例分配,可控制饮食,包括蛋白质、维生素 A、钾、钙或铁等必需营养素。Vital Pursuit 还提供无麸质和即用空气炸锅的选项,以增加便利性。

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