
DryEye Rescue Becomes Sole U.S. Distributor for InflammaDry

DryEye Rescue Becomes Sole U.S. Distributor for InflammaDry

DryEye Rescue 成爲 filmaDry 的美國唯一分銷商
PR Newswire ·  05/22 01:10

BOCA RATON, Fla., May 21, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- DryEye Rescue is proud to announce that it has been selected as the sole distributor for InflammaDry in the United States. This strategic partnership marks a significant milestone in the distribution and accessibility of InflammaDry, a leading diagnostic tool for dry eye disease.

佛羅里達州博卡拉頓,2024年5月21日 /PRNewswire/ — DryEye Rescue自豪地宣佈,它已被選爲FilmmaDry在美國的獨家分銷商。這種戰略伙伴關係標誌着乾眼病的領先診斷工具flammaDry在分銷和可及性方面的一個重要里程碑。

Watch Dr. Ryan Beck, O.D., explain the advantages of testing inflammation in the Dry Eye Diagnosis process with InflammaDry.

InflammaDry is the only rapid, in-office CLIA-waived test that detects elevated levels of MMP-9, an inflammatory marker consistently found in the tears of patients with dry eye disease. This innovative test allows eye care professionals to accurately identify ocular surface disease, leading to optimal treatment pathways. Key features of InflammaDry include:

flammadry 是唯一一種在辦公室內快速免除 CLI 的檢測,可檢測 MMP-9 水平升高,這種炎症標誌物一直存在於乾眼病患者的眼淚中。這項創新測試使眼科護理專業人員能夠準確識別眼表疾病,從而找到最佳的治療途徑。InflammaDry 的主要功能包括:

  • CLIA Waived: Meets the standards for simple laboratory tests.
  • Rapid Results: Provides results within minutes.
  • Easy to Use: Consists of just four simple steps.
  • Non-Invasive: Requires no special equipment.
  • CLIA 已獲豁免: 符合簡單實驗室測試的標準。
  • 快速得出結果:在幾分鐘內提供結果。
  • 易於使用: 僅包含四個簡單的步驟。
  • 非侵入性: 不需要特殊設備。

QuidelOrtho, the original manufacturer of InflammaDry, expressed confidence in DryEye Rescue's ability to enhance its distribution process. "With DryEye Rescue supporting the distribution efforts on behalf of QuidelOrtho, you can expect even greater efficiency, reliability, and support in acquiring your InflammaDry. DryEye Rescue shares our dedication to providing top-tier service and support to eye care professionals within the ophthalmic industry," said Bryan Smith, GM Eye Health.

FilmaDry的原始製造商QuideLortho對DryEye Rescue改善其分銷流程的能力表示了信心。“有了DryEye Rescue代表QuideLortho爲分銷工作提供支持,你可以期待在收購FlimmaDry時獲得更高的效率、可靠性和支持。DryEye Rescue和我們一樣致力於爲眼科行業的眼科護理專業人員提供一流的服務和支持。” 眼部健康總經理布萊恩·史密斯說。

DryEye Rescue is built to help eye care providers expand their dry eye services and offer patients convenient access to specialized dry eye care. Through their platform, doctors can conveniently shop from over 500 eye-related products, such as eye drops, vitamins, and contact lens solutions. DryEye Rescue's commitment to quality and customer satisfaction makes us the ideal partner for distributing InflammaDry.

DryEye 救援 旨在幫助眼科護理提供者擴展其乾眼服務,爲患者提供便捷的專業乾眼護理服務。通過他們的平台,醫生可以方便地從500多種眼部相關產品中購物,例如眼藥水、維生素和隱形眼鏡解決方案。DryEye Rescue對質量和客戶滿意度的承諾使我們成爲分銷FilmaDry的理想合作伙伴。

The partnership with InflammaDry underscores DryEye Rescue's commitment to offering cutting-edge products and services to the ophthalmic industry. We are confident that this collaboration will bring significant benefits to eye care professionals and their patients, ensuring the highest standards of care and service.

與flammaDry的合作凸顯了DryEye Rescue爲眼科行業提供尖端產品和服務的承諾。我們相信,這種合作將爲眼科護理專業人員及其患者帶來巨大好處,確保最高的護理和服務標準。

About DryEye Rescue

關於 dryEye Rescu

DryEye Rescue delivers solutions that enable eye doctors to expand their dry eye services and improve the patient experience in their offices. Our program is specifically designed to help doctors increase revenue and compliance through product sales, while driving awareness about in-office dry eye treatments. We are dedicated to providing top-tier service and support to eye care professionals, ensuring that they have the tools and resources necessary to deliver exceptional patient care.

dryEye Rescue提供的解決方案使眼科醫生能夠擴展其乾眼服務並改善患者在辦公室的體驗。我們的計劃專爲通過產品銷售幫助醫生增加收入和合規性而設計,同時提高人們對辦公室乾眼治療的認識。我們致力於爲眼科護理專業人員提供一流的服務和支持,確保他們擁有提供卓越患者護理所需的工具和資源。

Press Contact


Ryan Grant


National Sales Manager


DryEye Rescue

DryEye 救援

Email: [email protected]


SOURCE DryEye Rescue

來源 dryEye Rescu

