


PR Newswire ·  05/22 00:17

Key Survey Data Points


  • One-in-four Americans consider themselves and their partner car-incompatible

  • 50% said they frequently have to readjust their car's seat positions, mirrors, seatbacks and stereo volume

  • Mazda partnered with expert LMFT, Elizabeth Earnshaw, to share advice on how to address car-incompatibility conflict resolution and how features in the all-new 2025 CX-70 can help ease these disagreements
  • 四分之一的美國人認爲自己和伴侶的汽車不兼容

  • 50% 的受訪者表示,他們經常需要重新調整汽車的座椅位置、後視鏡、座椅靠背和立體聲音量

  • 馬自達與 LMFT 專家 Elizabeth Earnshaw 合作,就如何解決汽車不兼容衝突問題以及全新 2025 年 CX-70 的功能如何幫助緩解這些分歧分享了建議

IRVINE, Calif., May 21, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Mazda North American Operations (MNAO) is revealing what could be driving arguments with couples when it comes to their vehicles. While infidelity and financials are frequently cited causes for riffs in relationships, a new culprit is creating turmoil in garages across the country: sharing a vehicle. A recent survey of 2,000 married or cohabiting couples, fielded online by Talker Research on behalf of Mazda, found surprising facts about what couples argue about when it comes to sharing a vehicle.

加利福尼亞州爾灣,2024 年 5 月 21 日 /PRNewswire/-- 馬自達北美業務 (MNAO)透露了在車輛問題上可能引發夫妻爭論的原因。儘管不忠行爲和財務狀況經常被列爲人際關係中出現裂變的原因,但新的罪魁禍首正在全國各地的車庫中製造混亂:共享汽車。Talker Research代表馬自達最近在網上對2,000對已婚或同居夫婦進行的一項調查發現,關於夫妻在共享汽車時爭論的令人驚訝的事實。

2025 Mazda CX-70
2025 馬自達 CX-70

The survey found that nearly half (45%) of married or cohabiting couples admit they argue over a shared vehicle monthly. Some of the items that participants cited as topics that they often argued about when it comes to sharing a vehicle are the need to frequently have to readjust seat positions (62%), mirrors (55%), seatbacks (51%) and stereo volume (50%) after their partner uses the vehicle. With this in mind, the 2025 CX-70, Mazda's all-new two-row mid-size crossover SUV, was thoughtfully designed to bring harmony to the driving experience and to relationships across the country, through new technologies such as its available Driver Personalization System.

調查發現,近一半(45%)的已婚或同居夫婦承認他們每月都在爭論共享汽車。參與者列舉的共享車輛時經常爭論的一些話題是,在伴侶使用車輛後,經常需要重新調整座椅位置(62%)、後視鏡(55%)、座椅靠背(51%)和立體聲音量(50%)。考慮到這一點, 2025 CX-70是馬自達的全新兩排中型跨界SUV,經過精心設計,旨在通過可用的駕駛員個性化系統等新技術,爲駕駛體驗和全國各地的關係帶來和諧感。

The Driver Personalization System uses the vehicle's internal camera to scan facial features and converts them into numeric information creating a driver profile. The system then uses the driver profile to automatically restore over 250 personalized driver settings to their desired positions such as seat position, mirror position, driving display and stereo settings. This means that the next time the driver gets ready to hit the road after their spouse last drove the vehicle, all of their preferred settings will be adjusted with no extra effort on their part. The driver profile is secured locally on the vehicle only and is not subject to remote access. Saved driver profiles can be deleted at any time.

駕駛員個性化系統使用車輛的內部攝像頭掃描面部特徵,並將其轉換爲數字信息,從而創建駕駛員檔案。然後,系統使用駕駛員配置文件自動將 250 多種個性化駕駛員設置恢復到所需位置,例如座椅位置、後視鏡位置、駕駛顯示屏和立體聲設置。這意味着,在配偶上次開車後,駕駛員下次準備上路時,他們將毫不費力地調整所有首選設置。司機資料僅在車輛上本地受到保護,不受遠程訪問的約束。保存的駕駛員配置文件可以隨時刪除。

The Driver Personalization System within the CX-70 can help you focus on the things more important in life. In fact, 21% of those surveyed would reward their spouse for properly readjusting vehicle settings by taking them out on a romantic dinner date.

CX-70 中的駕駛員個性化系統可以幫助您專注於生活中更重要的事情。實際上,有21%的受訪者會通過帶他們出去吃浪漫的晚餐來獎勵配偶正確調整車輛設置。

To address car-incompatibility issues, one in four Americans with long-term partners would completely clean the car once a week to avoid arguments about their shared vehicle.


In order to provide additional help for partners to feel less car-incompatible, Mazda is partnering with Elizabeth Earnshaw, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, founder of A Better Life Therapy, author of "I Want This To Work" and the upcoming "Till Stress Do Us Part" and influencer. Earnshaw, LMFT has developed tips for couples to address car-incompatibility while highlighting how features of the Mazda CX-70 can help mitigate these arguments.

爲了提供更多幫助,讓伴侶減少與汽車不相容的感覺,馬自達正在與持牌婚姻和家庭治療師、A Better Life Therapy創始人、該書的作者伊麗莎白·恩肖合作 “我想讓它起作用” 還有即將到來的 “直到壓力把我們分開” 和有影響力的人。Earnshaw,LMFT爲夫妻制定了解決汽車不兼容問題的小貼士,同時重點介紹了馬自達 CX-70 的功能如何幫助緩解這些爭論。

"Many times in my sessions, I see arguments around vehicles causing deeper problems with couples in their marriages," said Earnshaw. "Clear communication and understanding of your partner's wants and needs is important to a healthy relationship and the Driver Personalization System within the Mazda CX-70 can help alleviate relationship pain points."

恩肖說:“在我的會議中,我多次看到圍繞車輛的爭論給夫妻的婚姻帶來了更深層次的問題。”“清晰的溝通和對伴侶需求的理解對於建立健康的關係非常重要,而Mazda CX-70 中的駕駛員個性化系統可以幫助緩解人際關係的痛點。”

Elizabeth Earnshaw, LMFT tips for dealing with car-incompatibility:

伊麗莎白·恩肖,LMFT 處理汽車不兼容問題的小貼士:

  • Understand your mental load: Couples should take time to sit down with their partner to make a list of all of the things that have to be remembered in a day in order to manage their relationship, home and car. Explore who tends to be responsible for the bulk of it. Discuss together whether this feels fair or if things need to be redistributed and work to redistribute as necessary.

  • Manage your stress: Too much stress makes it difficult to relate to others, even the people we love the most. To manage stress, partners should prevent the small stressors as much as they can, learn to self soothe by doing things like deep breathing and muscle relaxation and work together to solve big problems. When dealing with stress around a vehicle, make sure to take the time for deep breathing before addressing the issue.

  • Interdependent Relationship: Even though partners share their car, they still want to be able to be themselves. Interdependent Relationships are the gold star and means that as a couple, partners can integrate who they are as a unit and who they are as unique individuals. Couples who have the ability to make space for time together and time apart tend to be the happiest. Work together to understand each other's needs for personal time and regularly schedule time to spend together and apart for relationship balance.

  • Practice Active Listening: Couples get stuck arguing about their differences in preference, especially with their vehicles, when they focus on who is right and who is wrong when they should be practicing active listening. Partners can practice active listening by putting their own agenda to the side so you can truly hear and understand their partners viewpoint. If they catch themselves starting to drift towards other thoughts, bring their attention back to what their partner is saying. After they've finished talking, summarize what they shared and then they should ask if they've missed anything before providing solutions or sharing their own point of view.
  • 了解你的心理負擔: 夫妻應該花點時間與伴侶坐下來,列出一天中必須記住的所有事情,以便管理他們的關係、家庭和汽車。探索誰往往對其中大部分負責。共同討論這種感覺是否公平,或者是否需要重新分配,並在必要時努力進行再分配。

  • 管理你的壓力: 壓力太大很難與他人交往,即使是我們最愛的人也是如此。爲了控制壓力,伴侶應儘可能地預防小壓力,通過深呼吸和肌肉放鬆等方式學會自我舒緩,並共同努力解決重大問題。在應對車輛周圍的壓力時,一定要花點時間深呼吸,然後再解決問題。

  • 相互依存的關係: 儘管合作伙伴共享汽車,但他們仍然希望能夠成爲自己。相互依存的關係是金星,這意味着作爲一對夫妻,伴侶可以整合他們作爲一個整體的身份以及他們作爲獨特個體的身份。有能力在一起和分開時間騰出空間的夫妻往往是最幸福的。共同努力,了解彼此對個人時間的需求,並定期安排時間在一起和分開度過,以平衡人際關係。

  • 練習主動傾聽: 當夫妻本應練習主動傾聽時,當他們專注於誰對誰錯時,他們就會爭論自己的偏好差異,尤其是在車輛方面。合作伙伴可以通過將自己的議程放在一邊來練習積極傾聽,這樣您就可以真正聽到和理解合作伙伴的觀點。如果他們發現自己開始轉向其他想法,請將注意力轉移到伴侶所說的話上。他們說完話後,總結他們分享的內容,然後在提供解決方案或分享自己的觀點之前,他們應該詢問他們是否遺漏了什麼。

With its inspiring, yet sophisticated design with thoughtful cargo solutions paired with the latest technology and conveniences, couples can expect that the Mazda CX-70 will deliver peace and help you focus less on the little things, like adjusting settings, and more on the important points of life with your partner.

憑藉其鼓舞人心而精緻的設計、周到的貨運解決方案,再加上最新的技術和便利,情侶們可以期待 Mazda CX-70 將帶來安寧,幫助您減少對調整設置等小事的關注,而更多地關注與伴侶生活中的重要時刻。

To learn more about the all-new Mazda CX-70 visit:

要了解有關全新馬自達 CX-70 的更多信息,請訪問:

About Mazda North American Operations
Mazda North American Operations is headquartered in Irvine, California, and oversees the sales, marketing, parts and customer service support of Mazda vehicles in the United States, Canada, Mexico, and Colombia through approximately 795 dealers. Operations in Canada are managed by Mazda Canada Inc. in Richmond Hill, Ontario; operations in Mexico are managed by Mazda Motor de Mexico in Mexico City; and operations in Colombia are managed by Mazda de Colombia in Bogota, Colombia. For more information on Mazda vehicles, including photography and B-roll, please visit the online Mazda media center at


Follow @MazdaUSA on social media: Facebook, Instagram, X, YouTube, and Threads.

在社交媒體上關注 @MazdaUSA: FacebookInstagramX優酷,以及 線程

About Elizabeth Earnshaw, LMFT
Over the last decade, Elizabeth Earnshaw, LMFT has become one of today's most trusted relationship teachers. Elizabeth is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and Clinical Fellow of The American Association of Marriage & Family Therapy. She founded A Better Life Therapy, where her team serves thousands of couples a year and is the creator of the Instagram Account @lizlistens where she shares relatable relationship advice. In addition to making couples therapy more accessible, she is the author of "I Want This To Work". Elizabeth often contributes to publications like The New York Times, USA Today, and The Washington Post.

在過去的十年中,LMFT的伊麗莎白·恩肖已成爲當今最值得信賴的人際關係教師之一。伊麗莎白是美國婚姻與家庭治療協會的註冊婚姻和家庭治療師和臨床研究員。她創立了 A Better Life Therapy,她的團隊每年爲成千上萬對夫婦提供服務,並且是 Instagram 賬戶的創建者 @lizlistens 她在那裏分享相關的關係建議.除了使夫妻療法更容易獲得外,她還是《 “我想讓它起作用”。伊麗莎白經常爲《紐約時報》、《今日美國》和《華盛頓郵報》等出版物撰稿。

*Survey Methodology
Survey was conducted by Talker Research on behalf of Mazda from Apr. 9 to Apr. 15, 2024, with a panel of 2,000 married or cohabitating Americans who have been in a relationship for at least five years and share a vehicle.

Talker Research代表馬自達於2024年4月9日至4月15日進行了調查,調查小組由2,000名已婚或同居的美國人組成,他們已經戀愛了至少五年並共用一輛車。

SOURCE Mazda North American Operations

來源 Mazda 北美業務

