
Mobile-health Network Solutions H1 2024 Revenue $6.6M Up From $3M YoY; Expanded Its Headcount And Expenses To Meet Increased Operational Demand And Explore New Market Opportunities, Resulting In An Increase In Net Loss Of $171,634; Cash And Cash...

Mobile-health Network Solutions H1 2024 Revenue $6.6M Up From $3M YoY; Expanded Its Headcount And Expenses To Meet Increased Operational Demand And Explore New Market Opportunities, Resulting In An Increase In Net Loss Of $171,634; Cash And Cash...

Benzinga ·  05/21 23:04

Mobile-health Network Solutions H1 2024 Revenue $6.6M Up From $3M YoY; Expanded Its Headcount And Expenses To Meet Increased Operational Demand And Explore New Market Opportunities, Resulting In An Increase In Net Loss Of $171,634; Cash And Cash Equivalents At December 31, 2023 Was ~$2.5M


Mobile-health Network Solutions (NASDAQ:MNDR) ("MaNaDr" or "the Company"), a leading Asia-Pacific telehealth provider, today announced that for the first six months of fiscal 2024 ("H1FY24") ended December 31, 2023, the Company had revenue of approximately $6.6 million, approximately a 120% improvement on revenue of $3.0 million for the same period in fiscal 2023 ("H1FY23").

亞太地區領先的遠程醫療提供商移動健康網絡解決方案(納斯達克股票代碼:MNDR)(“ManaDR” 或 “公司”)今天宣佈,在截至2023年12月31日的2024財年(“24財年上半年”)的前六個月中,該公司的收入約爲660萬美元,比2023財年(“23年上半年”)的300萬美元收入增長了約120%。

Telemedicine consultations on the platform increased by approximately 101% during H1FY24, reaching 731,000 compared to 363,000 during H1FY23. The Company believes that this growth was driven by both increased adoption rates and a larger market share. Coupled with the implementation of a dynamic pricing model which increased the average consultation fees, the revenue grew by approximately 120% between H1FY23 and H1FY24. Additionally, the Company improved workflow efficiency for medical professionals by introducing enhancements to the native application, allowing them to focus on core clinical tasks.

在 H1FY24 期間,該平台上的遠程醫療諮詢增加了約101%,達到73.1萬次,相比之下,H1FY23 期間爲36.3萬次。該公司認爲,這種增長是由採用率的提高和市場份額的擴大推動的。再加上動態定價模型的實施提高了平均諮詢費,H1FY23 和 H1FY24 之間的收入增長了約120%。此外,該公司通過引入對本機應用程序的增強功能,提高了醫療專業人員的工作流程效率,使他們能夠專注於核心臨床任務。

The Company's gross profit increased by approximately $0.8 million, or 218% to $1.2 million during H1FY24, mainly due to the 120% increase in revenue and the increase in gross profit margin from 12.7% during H1FY23 to 18.2% during H1FY24.

在 H1FY24 期間,該公司的毛利增長了約80萬美元,增長了218%,達到120萬美元,這主要是由於收入增長了120%,毛利率從H1FY23 的12.7%提高到H1FY24 期間的18.2%。

The Company expanded its headcount and expenses to meet increased operational demand and explore new market opportunities, resulting in an increase in net loss of $171,634 during H1FY24 as compared to H1FY23.

該公司擴大了員工人數和開支,以滿足不斷增長的運營需求和探索新的市場機會,與 H1FY23 相比,H1FY24 期間的淨虧損增加了171,634美元。

Cash and cash equivalents at December 31, 2023, and June 30, 2023, was approximately $2.5 million and $2.2 million, respectively.


