

Penson macroeconomist Melanie de Bono said in a report that the Eurozone's net commodity trade account growth in the first quarter boosted GDP and the Eurozone economy is expected to recover throughout 2024. She said that imports fell 2.4% from the previo

Zhitong Finance ·  May 21, 2024 18:28
Penson macroeconomist Melanie de Bono said in a report that the Eurozone's net commodity trade account growth in the first quarter boosted GDP and the Eurozone economy is expected to recover throughout 2024. She said that imports fell 2.4% from the previous quarter for the sixth consecutive quarter, but exports increased by 0.4% for the second consecutive quarter. De Bono said that looking ahead, the survey shows that export orders are increasing but are still sluggish, and overseas purchases and imports may surpass exports as actual revenue recovers. As a result, net trade will drag down GDP growth for the rest of the year, but the good news is that this drag will not prevent further GDP growth.

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