
方正证券:百威亚太(01876.HK)中国结构升级趋势持续 韩国去年提价有望持续在报表端兑现

Fangzheng Securities: Budweiser Asia Pacific (01876.HK) China's structural upgrade trend continues, South Korea's price increases last year are expected to continue to be realized on the reporting side

Zhitong Finance ·  May 21 09:55
According to a research report released by Fangzheng Securities, Budweiser Asia Pacific (01876.HK) is expected to achieve revenue of US$72.2/75.8/8.05 billion in 24-26, achieving net profit of US$11.1/12.4/US$1.41 billion, and EPS of 0.08/0.09/0.11 per share, respectively. Looking ahead, the bank expects the sales base in China to gradually decline from Q3 '24, and the trend of structural upgrading will continue. In terms of cost, due to increased productivity, favorable raw material costs, cost reduction and efficiency, etc., the company's cost per ton is expected to remain stable throughout the year. Meanwhile, the 23-year price increase in the Korean market is expected to continue to be realized on the reporting side, and the company's profitability is expected to continue to increase.

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