
国投证券:房地产新政多箭齐发 国资收储有望加快 持续看好地产链建材表现

SDIC Securities: The new real estate policy goes hand in hand, and the collection and storage of state-owned assets is expected to accelerate and continue to be optimistic about the performance of building materials in the good production chain

Zhitong Finance ·  May 20 15:28
SDIC Securities released a research report saying that the real estate industry has ushered in major favorable policies, relaxation of purchase restrictions in many places, and the relaxation of mortgage policies has exceeded expectations. The sales side and financing side are expected to accelerate. The sales side and the financing side are taking multiple measures to help the building materials industry recover demand and improve repayment. It is recommended to focus on high-quality leaders in various segments to benefit from the improvement of downstream supply and demand. The financial pressure on housing enterprises is gradually recovering, project demand is gradually picking up, and industry concentration is increasing. Recommended attention: Three Trees (603737.SH), Baby Rabbit (002043.SZ), ASC (603378.SH), Dongfang Yuhong (002271.SZ), Beixin Building Materials (000786.SZ), Weixing New Materials (002372.SZ), etc.

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