
Tesla's German Factory Expansion Gets Local Council's Nod Despite Protests

Tesla's German Factory Expansion Gets Local Council's Nod Despite Protests

Benzinga ·  05/17 18:37

EV giant Tesla Inc (NASDAQ:TSLA) has reportedly got the green light to expand its gigafactory in Berlin from the local council, despite protests from environmentalists and locals.


What Happened: The Gruenheide council approved Tesla's plans to expand its German factory on Thursday, Reuters reported. However, the company also needs approvals from local environmental authorities before it can start its expansion efforts.


The EV giant is aiming to double the plant's capacity for battery production to 100-gigawatt hours and car production to 1 million units annually and also intends to add a train station on the factory premises.


Environmentalists and locals have voiced against the proposed expansion. Earlier this month, several protestors attempted to storm the company's factory and even injured several police officers in the ensuing clash. Several protestors were taken into police custody over the incident.


In March, an arson attack on the factory caused a power outage and halted production for about a week. Far-left activist organization Vulkan Group claimed the attack and said it was spurred by environmental concerns.

3月,對該工廠的縱火襲擊導致停電,生產中斷了大約一週。極左翼激進組織Vulkan Group宣稱了這次襲擊,並表示這是由環境問題引發的。

Why It Matters: As per Reuters, Tesla has already revised its expansion plans, reducing the amount of forests it intends to cut down to make way for the expansion to 47 hectares, about half of what was originally planned after local citizens voted against it in February.


On Thursday, Tesla also took to X to alleviate concerns about water use at the factory and claimed that the factory uses only 1.8 cubic meters of water for every Model Y manufactured, far below the industry average of 3.7 cubic meters. The company also recycles up to 100% of the factory process wastewater, it said, while also detailing the process in a short video.

週四,特斯拉還前往X,以緩解對工廠用水的擔憂,並聲稱該工廠每生產一輛Model Y的用水量僅爲1.8立方米,遠低於行業平均水平的3.7立方米。它說,該公司還回收了高達100%的工廠工藝廢水,同時還在一段簡短的視頻中詳細介紹了該過程。

Giga Berlin leads in sustainability, recycling up to 100% of the factory process waste water and using just 1.8 m3 per Model Y, far below the industry average of 3.7 m3.

— Tesla Manufacturing (@gigafactories) May 16, 2024

Giga Berlin在可持續發展方面處於領先地位,回收了高達100%的工廠工藝廢水,每輛Y型僅使用1.8立方米,遠低於行業平均水平的3.7立方米。

— 特斯拉制造業 (@gigafactories) 2024 年 5 月 16 日

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Photo Courtesy Tesla


