
"Sony Music Warns Companies To Stop Training AI On Its Artists' Content; Unauthorized Use Deprives Sony And Its Artists Of "Control And Compensation" Of Their Content, According To The Company" - Bloomberg News

"Sony Music Warns Companies To Stop Training AI On Its Artists' Content; Unauthorized Use Deprives Sony And Its Artists Of "Control And Compensation" Of Their Content, According To The Company" - Bloomberg News

“索尼音樂警告各公司停止對其藝術家內容進行人工智能培訓;據該公司稱,未經授權的使用剝奪了索尼及其藝術家對其內容的 “控制和補償”””-彭博新聞
Benzinga ·  05/16 23:07

Sony Music Group, one of the world's biggest record labels, warned artificial intelligence companies and music streaming platforms not to use the company's content without explicit permission.


Sony, whose artists include Lil Nas X and Celine Dion, sent letters to more than 700 companies in an effort to protect its intellectual property, which includes album cover art, metadata, musical compositions and lyrics, from

索尼的藝術家包括Lil Nas X和Celine Dion,他們致函700多家公司,以保護其知識產權,包括專輯封面、元數據、音樂作品和歌詞

