
CS Global Partners World Citizenship Report Explores 2024 Elections

CS Global Partners World Citizenship Report Explores 2024 Elections

CS 全球合作伙伴世界公民报告探讨了 2024 年的选举
newsfile ·  05/16 19:00

London, United Kingdom--(Newsfile Corp. - May 16, 2024) - CS Global Partners releases the third edition of its annual World Citizenship Report. This year's edition focuses on the upcoming 2024 global elections, and the thoughts of high-net-worth-individuals (HNWIs) regarding this tumultuous global period.

英国伦敦--(Newsfile Corp.,2024年5月16日)——CS Global Partners发布了其年度《世界公民报告》的第三版。今年的版本重点关注即将到来的2024年全球大选,以及高净值人士(HNWI)对这个动荡的全球时期的看法。

The CS Global Partners World Citizenship Report remains the flagship analysis of the most pressing issues facing global citizens.

CS Global Partners的《世界公民报告》仍然是对全球公民面临的最紧迫问题的旗舰分析。

The Report's theme is individuals' sense of responsibility amid electoral change. Exploring the intersection between choice and obligation, the Report is a data-driven approach to understanding citizenship and evaluates the findings in context of electoral change.


This year will be history's largest global election year, with half of the world's population voting in an election. That is more voters than any time before. From India to the United States, Britain to Bangladesh, countries will be tested on their democratic credentials. The World Citizenship Report provides commentary and analysis from scholars and researchers, including the University of Cambridge's Centre for Geopolitics, on the importance of these elections for global citizens.


The World Citizenship Report is the world's first-ever endeavour to investigate the value of citizenship through the lens of the global citizen. Favouring a multifaceted approach, the World Citizenship Report employs the World Citizenship Index. The World Citizenship Index is an innovative tool that takes a holistic approach to ranking the world's citizenships across multiple dimensions.


Moving beyond typical concepts of passport strength, the World Citizenship Index acknowledges the many reasons that people leave their countries, and the many reasons that people stay. This report is distinguished by placing a greater emphasis on the diverse attitudes regarding key facets of citizenship.


The World Citizenship Report measures 188 countries across five motivators that global citizens care most about – Safety and Security, Economic Opportunity, Quality of Life, Global Mobility and Financial Freedom.


"We expect to see considerable change in the global landscape. Elections will bring about change, with the hope of positive innovation and a chance for enhanced geopolitical stability. The 2024 World Citizenship Report improves upon previous editions, as we confront global challenges faced by global citizens head-on. Our Report has never been more relevant and important," concludes Micha Emmett, CEO of CS Global Partners.

“我们预计全球格局将发生重大变化。选举将带来变革,希望有积极的创新和增强地缘政治稳定的机会。《2024年世界公民报告》在前几版本的基础上有所改进,因为我们正面面对全球公民面临的全球挑战。我们的报告从未像现在这样相关和重要。” CS Global Partners首席执行官米查·埃米特总结道。

For overall rankings in the World Citizenship Report, the Republic of Ireland took first place. Ireland notably scored highly for its safe and stable society, growing economy, and financial freedom. The country is known for its lush natural environment, growth-centred economy and democratic stability.


Last year's top scorer (ranked third on this year's WCR), Denmark, also received top marks for Quality of Life, Financial Freedom, and Safety and Security.


Similar to last year's edition of the World Citizenship Report, the Quality of Life pillar was ranked most important among the five pillars, according to our survey of HNWIs. This indicates an enduring attachment to the things which often matter most in elections — often termed 'bread and butter issues.' Politicians will need to consider these issues if they want to gain the support of the voting populace.

与去年的《世界公民报告》类似,根据我们对高净值人士的调查,生活质量支柱在五大支柱中排名最为重要。这表明人们对选举中最重要的事情——通常被称为 “面包和黄油问题” ——的长期依恋。政治家要想获得选民的支持,就需要考虑这些问题。

Indeed, the Quality of Life pillar considers a nation's ability to give its citizens the things necessary for a high standard of living, including environmental quality, educational quality and healthcare quality.


Monaco, Denmark and Hong Kong took the top three spots in the Quality of Life pillar.


The United Kingdom scored highly, ranked sixth among all nations.


The United States was ranked 29th.

美国排名第 29th.

Like last year's report, African countries took the bottom 10 positions, with Somalia, Chad and South Sudan rounding out the worst-ranked countries.


The Safety and Security motivator assesses a country's social safety and security metrics, from governance to crime and beyond, considering the safety net the country provides against instability and disorder.


Iceland took first place in the Safety and Security motivator, Switzerland came a close second place and Ireland took third place. Syria scored the lowest in this pillar.


Safety and Security is of fundamental importance, particularly to HNWIs. As war continues to rage between Russia and Ukraine, and war broke out between Israel and Palestine, global citizens may be eager to seek countries which are peaceful and secure. The World Citizenship Report provides a guide to the safest and most secure countries, also highlighting those that are most prone to warfare and discord.


The Financial Freedom motivator measures the ability of a country to provide a favourable and stable regulatory climate for the establishment and functioning of businesses, as well as the holding of personal and business assets.


Denmark, Singapore and Switzerland took the first three spots in this pillar.


The World Citizenship Report survey of HNWIs found that in Europe and other economically more developed regions, HNWIs place greater emphasis on investments, portfolio diversification and wealth planning when considering second citizenship.


45.4 per cent of Europeans noted this as a priority.

45.4% 的欧洲人认为这是优先事项。

In contrast, regions such as Latin America which feature less robust economies emphasise work opportunities more than investments.


Only 24.1 per cent of Latin Americans noted investments, portfolio diversification and wealth planning as a priority.


The electoral scrutiny provided by the report stands as a necessary innovation to the Report's offering.


To download the 2024 World Citizenship Report visit:


For media enquiries please contact:
Nandi Canning
Call: +44 (0) 207 318 4343

致电:+44 (0) 207 318 4343

