
Warren Buffett's Unique Formula To Success Unveiled By Harvard Expert: 'You Can't Just Correct Your Weaknesses'

Warren Buffett's Unique Formula To Success Unveiled By Harvard Expert: 'You Can't Just Correct Your Weaknesses'

Benzinga ·  2024/05/16 12:18

Warren Buffett's enduring success secret has been revealed by a Harvard University expert, offering a unique insight into the legendary investor's approach.


What Happened: Bill George, a leadership expert at Harvard University, has identified a crucial factor that has contributed to Buffett's extraordinary success, reported CNBC Make It.

發生了什麼:據CNBC Make It報道,哈佛大學領導力專家比爾·喬治已經確定了促成巴菲特取得非凡成功的關鍵因素。

George, who is also a former CEO of Medtronic, believes that Buffett's ability to find the "sweet spot" between doing something he's good at and something he enjoys has been the key to his success.

喬治也是美敦力前首席執行官,他認爲,巴菲特能夠在做自己擅長的事情和自己喜歡的事情之間找到 “最佳點”,這是他成功的關鍵。

"To be truly successful, to do anything great, you have to use your strengths. You can't just correct your weaknesses," George said. If your work "doesn't excite you, it just becomes a time attack."

“要真正取得成功,要做任何偉大的事情,你必須發揮自己的長處。你不能只糾正自己的弱點,” 喬治說。如果你的作品 “沒有激發你的興趣,它只會變成一次時間攻擊”。

George emphasizes the importance of leveraging one's strengths and maintaining motivation. He explains that this balance makes it easier to stay motivated over time. He also notes that both intrinsic and extrinsic motivations are essential for true success.


George, who co-authored the book "True North: Emerging Leader Edition," suggests that understanding one's intrinsic and extrinsic motivations is the first step to achieving Buffett's level of self-awareness.


Why It Matters: Warren Buffett, who turned 93 in 2023, has been one of the most successful investors of the last six decades. His career, from buying his first stock to acquiring Berkshire and Apple investments, has been nothing short of remarkable. Buffett's father, a former stockbroker, had a significant influence on his decision to enter the business.


Buffett's success underscores the importance of capitalizing on strengths and maintaining motivation. In his early Microsoft days, Bill Gates, known for his intense work ethic, disregarded weekends and vacations.


Understanding one's motivations and strengths is crucial not only for career success but also for overall well-being. This approach is also in line with the unconventional productivity strategy of Jeff Bezos, who encourages creative thinking by allowing his mind to wander during meetings. This strategy fosters creativity and problem-solving, ultimately leading to better outcomes.


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