
Cascadero Copper Announces Positive Preliminary Economic Assessment on the Taron Cesium Project in Argentina

Cascadero Copper Announces Positive Preliminary Economic Assessment on the Taron Cesium Project in Argentina

newsfile ·  2024/05/16 05:11
  • Resource of 50,810 tonnes of contained Cesium
  • 23.85 Mt resource at a grade of 2,131ppm Cesium with significant potential to grow
  • 14+ year mine life
  • Strong NPV based on conservative pricing of Cesium Formate - 20% increase in prices can produce almost four times the NPV
  • NPV (10) (after-tax) of US$79M, with an IRR of 14% (after tax) and payback period less than five years of operations
  • Taron has the potential to be the world's foremost supplier of Cesium
  • 50,810 噸所含銫的資源
  • 2385 萬噸資源,銫品位爲 2,131 ppm,具有巨大的增長潛力
  • 我的壽命超過 14 年
  • 基於甲酸銫的保守定價,淨現值強勁——價格上漲20%可以產生的淨現值幾乎是淨現值的四倍
  • NPV (10) (稅後)爲7,900萬美元,內部收益率爲14%(稅後),投資回收期少於五年
  • Taron 有潛力成爲世界上最重要的銫供應商

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - May 15, 2024) - Cascadero Copper Corporation (TSXV: CCD) ("Cascadero" or the "Company") is pleased to announce the successful completion of its Preliminary Economic Assessment ("PEA") on its Taron Cesium Project ("Taron" or the "Project") located in Salta, Argentina. The PEA indicates that the drilled portion of the Taron property has a 23.85 Mt at a grade of 2,131 ppm Cesium. Using the Company's patented extraction process developed at the University of British Columbia and a Cesium Formate price of $50,000/t, the project has a 14+ years of mine life with a NPV(10) of US$79M, an IRR of 14% and a payback period of less than five years. The PEA was completed by Wardell Armstrong International ("WAI").

不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華--(Newsfile Corp.-2024 年 5 月 15 日)- 卡斯卡德羅銅業公司 (TSXV: CCD) (”卡斯卡德羅“或者”公司“)很高興地宣佈,其位於阿根廷薩爾塔的Taron Cesium項目(“Taron” 或 “項目”)的初步經濟評估(“PEA”)已成功完成。PEA表明,塔倫地產的鑽探部分有23.85萬噸,銫品位爲2,131 ppm。使用該公司在不列顛哥倫比亞大學開發的專利開採工藝和每噸5萬美元的甲酸銫價格,該項目的礦山壽命超過14年,淨現值爲(10) 7,900萬美元,內部收益率爲14%,投資回收期不到五年。PEA由沃德爾·阿姆斯特朗國際(“WAI”)完成。

In recognition of the opaque nature of the Cesium market, WAI conducted a resource sensitivity assessment at varying Cesium prices. An increase in Cesium Formate price of only 20% increases the NPV by almost four times (4X).


The PEA assessed the development of the Taron Project mineral resource by open pit mining, using the Company's patented High-Pressure Acid Leaching (HPAL) process to produce a final solution containing Cesium hydroxide to which formic acid is added for the production of an 80% Cesium Formate brine.


Cascadero's Interim Chief Executive Officer and Interim President, Dr. George Gale, stated: "This Preliminary Economic Assessment supports our assertion that the Taron Cesium Project has the potential to be the next primary Cesium producing mine in the world. The results of the Base Case study show positive economics, a long mine life and modest upfront capital cost, all in a favourable mining and permitting jurisdiction."

卡斯卡德羅的臨時首席執行官兼臨時總裁喬治·蓋爾博士表示:“這份初步經濟評估支持了我們的說法,即塔倫銫項目有可能成爲世界上下一個主要的銫產礦。Base Case研究的結果表明,經濟效益良好,礦山壽命長,前期資本成本適中,所有這些都是在有利的採礦和許可管轄區內實現的。”

Gale continued: "The Taron Project contains a globally significant mineable resource that has the potential to be greatly expanded by further exploration because only the portions of mineralisation that crop out have be drilled to date. The deposit is a thick accumulation of poorly consolidated gravels and sands that were mineralized by late hot spring fluids, which flowed through the sediments and precipitated a cement of Cesium-bearing minerals on the rock particles. The potential to expand the resource outside the current resource area is very likely as Cesium-bearing material has been found some five km from the current resource. With Cesium on the critical minerals lists of the International Energy Agency as well as United States, Canada, South Korea and Japan, and the lack of any meaningful supply, worldwide, Cascadero's Taron Project has the potential to be the world's next globally valuable and viable mining operation."


Report will be filed on SEDAR within 45 days of this announcement.


Wardell Armstrong International (WAI) was retained by Cascadero to complete the PEA for the Taron Cesium Project located in the province of Salta, Argentina, and to prepare an independent Technical Report in accordance with the requirements of Canadian National Instrument 43-101 (NI 43-101) "Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects" of the Canadian Securities Administrators. The prime purpose of the PEA is to evaluate the economic viability of the Project and to establish an economic concept to justify further expenditure on this Project. In addition, the report supports public disclosure of a PEA that is based on the Mineral Resource Estimate (MRE) dated 31 January 2024, as prepared by WAI. The NI 43-101 PEA Technical Report will be filed on SEDAR within 45 days of this announcement.

卡斯卡德羅聘請沃德爾·阿姆斯特朗國際(WAI)完成位於阿根廷薩爾塔省的塔倫銫項目的PEA,並根據加拿大證券管理機構加拿大國家儀器43-101(NI 43-101)“礦業項目披露標準” 的要求編寫一份獨立的技術報告。PEA的主要目的是評估該項目的經濟可行性,並確立一個經濟概念以證明該項目的進一步支出是合理的。此外,該報告支持公開披露基於WAI編制的2024年1月31日礦產資源估算(MRE)的PEA。NI 43-101 PEA技術報告將在本公告發布後的45天內在SEDAR上提交。

Cesium Market Summary


Cesium is primarily used in Formate brines to assist in the drilling of high temperature and pressure oil and gas production wells. Other applications include the production of Cesium compounds such as Cesium bromide for use in infrared detectors, optics, photoelectric cells, scintillation counters and spectrometers.


The Tanco Mine in Manitoba, Canada is the world's only currently viable Cesium mine, retaining approximately 116,400 tonnes of primary Cesium resources. In 2013 however, instability of the mine's crown pillar forced its closure and it is unclear if mining operations have since been able to restart. In 2019, Tanco was purchased by Sinomine, a Chinese company that now claims to be the world's only manufacturer and supplier of Cesium Formate with a market share nearing 100%. Sinomine also owns the world's only other Cesium mine, namely the Bikita Mine in Zimbabwe, however its Cesium resources are thought to now be depleted. Sinomine also underwrote the Cesium supply output from the Sinclair Mine in Australia, however Sinclair completed its mining and transportation of all economically viable ore in early 2019.

加拿大曼尼托巴省的坦科礦是世界上目前唯一可行的銫礦,保留了大約 116,400 噸的原始銫資源。但是,在2013年,該礦冠柱的不穩定迫使它關閉,目前尚不清楚採礦業務此後是否能夠重啓。2019年,Tanco被中國公司Sinomine收購,該公司現在自稱是世界上唯一一家市場份額接近100%的甲酸銫的製造商和供應商。Sinomine還擁有世界上唯一的其他銫礦,即津巴布韋的比基塔礦,但據認爲其銫資源現已枯竭。Sinomine還承保了澳大利亞辛克萊礦的銫供應產量,但辛克萊在2019年初完成了所有經濟上可行的礦石的開採和運輸。

As of the end of 2021, Sinomine global reserve of Cesium Formate was stated as 25,764bbl (≈10,000 tonnes), containing ~5,849 tonnes of Cesium metal equivalent. Based on modest assumptions for the Cesium price, the PEA indicates, the current resource at Taron is in the region of 40,000 tonnes of Cesium Formate brine (at 80% concentration) with 27,000 tonnes of contained metal.


As there are no confirmed active mining operations that can serve as a primary source for Cesium metal products, there is a high potential for mid- to long-term supply issues to exist, particularly when considering anticipated future market demand increases.


Preliminary Economic Assessment Summary


WAI recommends Cesium Formate brine be the assumed saleable product for the Taron PEA for the following reasons:

WAI 建議假定甲酸銫鹽水爲 Taron PEA 的可銷售產品,原因如下:

  • Cesium Formate is the largest and most sustainable market for Cesium products;
  • No confirmed active mining operations potentially creating long-term supply issues; and
  • Tangible reasoning for anticipating an increase in product demand.
  • 甲酸銫是最大、最可持續的銫產品市場;
  • 未經證實的活躍採礦作業可能會造成長期供應問題;以及
  • 預測產品需求增加的切實理由。

The Taron Property consists of five (5) Contiguous Mineral Tenures, approximating 8,179 hectares (83 Units) in area. The Tenures are registered to Cascadero Minerals S.A., which is 100% owned by Cascadero Minerals Corporation, a Canadian Company, which is 70% owned by Cascadero Copper Corporation and 30 % owned by Regberg Ltd (RB). CMC operates as a 70% CCD and 30% RB joint venture.

塔倫地產由五(5)個連續的礦產保有權組成,面積約爲8,179公頃(83個單位)。這些保有權在Cascadero Minerals S.A. 註冊,該公司由加拿大公司卡斯卡德羅礦業公司100%擁有,卡斯卡德羅銅業公司持有70%的股權,雷格伯格有限公司(RB)擁有30%的股權。CMC 作爲 70% 的 CCD 和 30% 的 RB 合資企業運營。

A summary of the life of mine discounted cash flow analysis is presented in Table 1. Utilizing a Cesium Formate price of US$50,000/t and a 10% discount rate, the NPV is US$79M, with an IRR of 14%. The Project payback period is estimated to be less than five years of operations.


Table 1: Summary of LOM Discounted Cash Flow Analysis
Parameter Unit Value
Ore Mined t 23,324,857
Waste Mined t 11,805,737
Processed Tonnes t 22,158,614
Processed Cs Grade % 0.21
Cs Recovered t 41,051
Net Revenue US$M 3,332
Total Operating Cost US$M (2,027)
Depreciation & Amortisation US$M 596
Tax US$M (281)
Net Income US$M 428
Depreciation & Amortisation (added back) US$M 596
LOM Capital Expenditure US$M (596)
Operating (post-tax) Free Cash Flow US$M 428
NPV5 US$M 215
NPV8 US$M 126
NPV10 US$M 79
IRR % 14
Payback Period Years 5
表 1:LOM 貼現現金流分析摘要
參數 單元 價值
開採的礦石 t 23,324,857
開採的廢物 t 11,805,737
已處理的噸數 t 22,158,614
加工 Cs 等級 % 0.21
Cs 已恢復 t 41,051
淨收入 百萬美元 3,332
總運營成本 百萬美元 (2,027)
稅前利潤 百萬美元 1,305
折舊與攤銷 百萬美元 596
息稅前利潤 百萬美元 708
百萬美元 (281)
淨收入 百萬美元 428
折舊和攤銷(加回) 百萬美元 596
LOM 資本支出 百萬美元 (596)
運營(稅後)自由現金流 百萬美元 428
NPV5 百萬美元 215
NPV8 百萬美元 126
NPV10 百萬美元 79
IRR % 14
投資回收期 年份 5

*Numbers may not add precisely due to rounding


Capital and Operating Costs


The capital and operating cost estimate summaries for the Taron Project are presented in Table 2 and 3, respectively. By using a contract miner, mining capital costs are minimised, but at the expense of higher mining operating costs.


Closure costs were incorporated into the operating costs for pit optimisation purposes (at US$1.0 per processed ore tonne) for the appropriate consideration of mine closure obligations, however the overall closure cost has been allocated as a capital cost for the Project financial evaluation and is accrued at the end of the mine life. No allowance for salvage has been included in the closure cost assumptions.


Table 2: Project Capital Costs
Item Unit Cost
Mining Capital US$M 1.98
Process Capital (HPAL) US$M 427.5
Gas Pipeline US$M 5.26
Power Generation US$M 21.62
Roads US$M 1.47
Water Supply US$M 2.35
TMF US$M 11.59
Site Buildings US$M 6.36
Closure US$M 22.16
Sustaining Capital US$M 96.39
Total US$M 596.28
表 2:項目資本成本
物品 單元 成本
礦業資本 百萬美元 1.98
流程資本 (HPAL) 百萬美元 427.5
天然氣管道 百萬美元 5.26
發電 百萬美元 21.62
道路 百萬美元 1.47
供水 百萬美元 2.35
TMF 百萬美元 11.59
場地建築 百萬美元 6.36
關閉 百萬美元 22.16
維持資本 百萬美元 96.39
總計 百萬美元 596.28
Table 3: Project Operational Costs
Item Unit Cost (US$/t ore) Total LOM Cost (US$M)
Mining (inc. re-handle) 4.0 134.0
Processing 84.1 1,863.5
Tailings Management 0.3 7.3
G&A 1.0 22.16
Total 91.5 2,027.0
表 3:項目運營成本
物品 單位成本(美元/噸更多) LOM 總成本(百萬美元)
採礦(包括重新處理) 4.0 134.0
正在處理 84.1 1,863.5
尾礦管理 0.3 7.3
G&A 1.0 22.16
總計 91.5 2,027.0

Note: Mining unit costs are based on per tonne ore mined, whereas all other costs consider per tonne ore processed (i.e less mining losses)

注意: 採礦單位成本基於開採的每噸礦石,而所有其他成本則考慮每加工一噸礦石(即減少開採損失)

Average LOM Operating Cost = Total LOM Operating Costs/Total LOM Ore Tonnes Processed

平均 LOM 運營成本 = LOM 總運營成本/已處理 LOM 礦石總噸數

Economic Analysis


The economic analysis uses a Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) approach, based on a post-tax, unleveraged, real-terms basis, to determine the Net Present Value (NPV), payback period (time in years to recapture the initial capital investment), and the internal rate of return (IRR) for the Project. Annual cash flow projections were estimated over the life of the mine based on the estimates of capital expenditures, production cost, and sales revenue. The analysis has been conducted in real terms with no consideration given to inflation or escalation of costs or prices over the life of the Project.


The long-term Cesium Formate brine price used in the economic analysis has been evaluated by WAI, based preliminary market analysis suitable for a PEA level of study, and agreed with the Company at US$50,000/t (no escalation), in real terms, over the life of the mine. A payability rate of 97% has been applied, to reflect 3% royalty payments. No price inflation or escalation factors were taken into account.


The economic analysis is prepared on a 100% equity project basis and does not consider financing scenarios. A 10% real discount rate has been used in the analysis. The economic model is based on the following assumptions and exemptions:


  • Average throughput rate of 1.75Mtpa open pit operation extracting mineralised material from which Cesium Formate brines can be produced;
  • Cesium Formate brine price is based on consensus equity research long-term commodity price projections and cost estimates in United States dollars (US$);
  • Capital costs (CAPEX) and Operating costs (OPEX) have been estimated at a Preliminary Economic Assessment level of confidence (±40%);
  • The contingency costs have been excluded from the CAPEX schedule; and
  • All cost estimates have been calculated in 2024 money terms and, as such, the life of mine operating cost forecasts do not account for inflation.
  • 露天礦作業的平均吞吐量爲175萬噸/年,開採礦化物質,可用來生產甲酸銫鹽水;
  • 甲酸銫鹽水價格基於共識股票研究、長期商品價格預測和以美元計算的成本估計;
  • 資本成本(CAPEX)和運營成本(OPEX)是根據初步經濟評估的信心水平(± 40%)估算的;
  • 應急費用已不包括在資本支出計劃中;以及
  • 所有成本估算均以2024年的貨幣計算,因此,礦山壽命運營成本預測不考慮通貨膨脹。

The total capital cost estimate for the Taron Project is estimated at US$596.3M, of which the process plant equates to US$427.5M. The initial capital cost is US$477.7M with the remaining allocated to sustaining capital (US$96.4M) and closure costs ($US22.2M). By using a contract miner, mining capital costs are minimised – at the expense of higher mining operating costs.


The Project operating cost includes US$4.0/t for mining, US$84.1/t processing, US$0.3/t tailings management, and US$1.0/t for G&A. This equates to a total LOM operating cost of US$2,027.0M, or an average LOM operating cost of US$91.5/t ore processed.


The resultant DCF analysis, at a discount rate of 10%, has presented a positive NPV of US$79M, with an IRR of 14%. The Project payback period is estimated to be in the fifth year of operations.


Sensitivity analysis flexing the Project NPV shows that the Project is most sensitive to commodity price (and consequently grade). The Project NPV shows lesser sensitivity to operating expenditure, followed by capital expenditure and discount rate.


At a 10% discount rate, the NPV is US$79M, with an IRR of 14%. The Project payback period is estimated to be in the fifth year of operations. A summary of the key Project economics is presented in Table 4 below.

按10%的折扣率計算,淨現值爲7900萬美元,內部收益率爲14%。該項目的投資回收期估計爲運營的第五年。下文表 4 概述了關鍵的項目經濟學。

Table 4: Summary of LOM Discounted Cash Flow Analysis
Parameter Unit Value
NPV10 US$M 79
IRR % 14
Payback Period Years 5
表 4:LOM 貼現現金流分析摘要
參數 單元 價值
NPV10 百萬美元 79
IRR % 14
投資回收期 年份 5

A sensitivity analysis respective to variations in the Cesium Formate brine price, operating costs, capital costs, and discount rate, was conducted to examine the sensitivity of the Model to changing economic conditions. As can be seen in Figure 1, the Project is most sensitive to Cesium pricing, less sensitive to operational and capital costing, and least sensitive to discount rate.

針對甲酸銫鹽水價格、運營成本、資本成本和貼現率的變化進行了敏感度分析,以研究該模型對不斷變化的經濟條件的敏感度。如圖 1 所示,該項目對銫定價最爲敏感,對運營和資本成本不那麼敏感,對貼現率最不敏感。



Mining will be from an open pit operation utilising traditional drilling, blasting, loading and hauling techniques, although it is currently thought that a proportion of the mined material will be free-digging. The PEA assumed employment of a mining contractor, which will reduce capital costs and accommodate fluctuations in annual material movement quantities. Ore material from the Taron pit will be hauled approximately 3km (ex-pit) directly to the run of mine (ROM) pad adjacent to the process plant. Waste rock will be hauled to a waste rock storage facility (WRSF) approximately 2km north of the pit exit. Mining rates peak at 1.75Mtpa and continue over a period of 14 years. As the deposit outcrops at surface, no pre-stripping phase is required with the first four years of mining producing minimal amounts of waste rock. Figure 2 below illustrates the Annual tonnes of Ore mined with average Cesium grade.

採礦將採用傳統的鑽探、爆破、裝載和運輸技術進行露天作業,儘管目前認爲一定比例的開採材料將自由挖掘。PEA假設僱用採礦承包商,這將降低資本成本並適應年度物料運輸量的波動。來自塔倫礦坑的礦石材料將被直接拖運到加工廠附近的礦區(ROM)大約 3 千米(出口)。廢石將被拖到礦坑出口以北約2公里處的廢石儲存設施(WRSF)。採礦率峯值爲175萬噸/年,並將持續14年。由於礦牀在地表露出,因此不需要預剝離階段,採礦的前四年產生的廢石量最少。下圖 2 顯示了以平均銫品位開採的年礦石噸數。

Recovery Methods


To define the most economically viable recovery method for use in the PEA, trade-off studies were completed concerning the two processing routes under consideration for the Taron deposit1, namely:


  • Atmospheric Leaching; and
  • High-Pressure Acid Leaching (HPAL).
  • 大氣浸出;以及
  • 高壓酸浸法 (HPAL)。

Although the atmospheric leaching option demanded significantly less capital investment whilst offering improved process recoveries, high acid consumption rates resulted in unsustainable operational costs – thus significantly impacting the minable resource potential.


The comparatively lower acid and limestone consumption offered by HPAL more than compensates for the additional Project CAPEX demands and lower process recoveries. Consequently, and based on available test work data, the HPAL option was selected as the process method for the PEA works.


For initial design purposes, the ROM grade of 0.2144% Cs is assumed and processed at a rate of 1.75Mtpa for a LOM of 14 years. Assuming 350 operating days for a plant availability of 95.9%, a throughput of 5,000tpd (208tph) is required. A conceptual process flowsheet considering the HPAL method is described as follows.


  • ROM ore will be delivered to a feed bin and conveyed to a rotary breaker. Coarse gangue material will be rejected as waste with undersize conveyed to a ball mill. The ball mill will operate in closed circuit with cyclone overflow from hydrocyclone classifiers feeding the autoclave circuit. Two autoclave circuits will operate in parallel to provide operational redundancy. After leaching, the resulting solution containing the dissolved Cesium and other impurity elements reports to the downstream Cesium extraction plant. Aluminium sulphate is added to the leach solution followed by cooling to promote rapid formation of the impure Cesium alum crystals. After recovery by filtration, the crystals are re-dissolved and subsequently cooled once again to form pure Cesium alum crystals, before a final stage of dissolution for treatment with barium hydroxide in two stages.
  • The first stage removes aluminium as aluminium hydroxide and some barium sulphate. The second stage then removes the balance of the sulphate as barium sulphate.
  • The final solution contains Cesium hydroxide to which formic acid is added for the production of an 80% Cesium Formate brine for direct sale to market.
  • ROM 礦石將被運送到進料箱並輸送到旋轉破碎機。粗糙的脈石材料將被當作廢棄物處理,然後再輸送到球磨機。球磨機將在閉路中運行,水力旋流分級器將旋風溢出到高壓滅菌器迴路中。兩個高壓滅菌器迴路將並行運行,以提供操作冗餘。浸出後,所得的含有溶解的銫和其他雜質元素的溶液報告給下游的銫提取廠。硫酸鋁被添加到浸出溶液中,然後冷卻,以促進不純的銫明鋁晶體的快速形成。通過過濾回收後,晶體被重新溶解,隨後再次冷卻以形成純淨的銫明鋁晶體,然後進入最後的溶解階段,分兩個階段用氫氧化鋇進行處理。
  • 第一階段去除作爲氫氧化鋁的鋁和一些硫酸鋇。然後,第二階段以硫酸鋇的形式去除硫酸鹽的平衡。
  • 最終溶液中含有氫氧化,其中添加了甲酸,用於生產 80% 的甲酸銫鹽水,直接銷售到市場。

Market Studies and Sensitivity Analysis


Cesium is primarily used in Formate brines to assist in the drilling of high temperature and pressure oil and gas production wells. As such, WAI have conducted the study on the assumption that Cesium Formate brine will be the primary saleable product for the Taron Project.


Based on a PEA level market assessment and using the information available, WAI derived a long-term Cesium Formate brine cost of US$50,000 per tonne (at 80% concentration). However, due to Cesium not being readily traded in commercial quantities and the market for Cesium products being notoriously opaque in nature, little publicly available data on supply/demand and pricing is available to reliably verify the price assumptions used. This being said, WAI regard the price derivation to be a suitable estimation at this stage of Project development.


In recognition of the of the opaque nature of the Cesium market, WAI conducted a resource sensitivity assessment at varying Cesium prices. The results are summarised by the graph below, with the US$50,000 per tonne PEA scenario highlighted in red. It can be seen in Figure 3 that there is a distinct sensitivity on Cesium Formate pricing an increase of 20% in Cesium pricing will improve NPV four fold.

由於認識到銫市場的不透明性,WAI對不同的銫價格進行了資源敏感度評估。下圖總結了結果,每噸5萬美元的PEA情景以紅色突出顯示。從圖 3 中可以看出,甲酸銫的定價具有明顯的敏感性,銫定價上漲 20% 將使淨現值提高四倍。

Environmental and Social


The necessary and preliminary environmental and social baseline study has been completed and submitted to the Commercial Mines Court of Registry of the Ministry of Mining. The environmental permit allowing surface exploration in the Project area requires the Biannual Renewal of the Environmental Impact Report (BREIR). The Project is currently licensed under the December 2022 decision, however the baseline data for the 2022 BREIR is now considered to be outdated and therefore requires addressing.


The Project is in an area of very low population density with no permanent dwellings or farmsteads located on the concession area, the nearest settlement being 30km to the northwest at Santa Rosa de los Pastos Grandes (population of 150). Grazing animals (sheep and llama) do occasionally pass through the licence area, possibly taking advantage of the small streams flowing broadly southeast – northwest.


Additional baseline studies will need to take place in order to collect information on the complete environmental and social setting of the Project. Particular attention should be given to a consistent flora and fauna baseline, along with hydrology and soil characterisation. This will allow modification of Project components and potential avoidance of significant impacts.


Notwithstanding any shortcomings highlighted, and the requirement to instigate baseline and other studies, at this stage of work the Project does not appear to present any significant challenges to development and securing the necessary permits to do so.


Mineral Resource Estimate


Geological modelling, block modelling, and grade estimation for the Taron deposit has been carried out by GeoSim Services Inc. The work completed by GeoSim was done in preparation for the 2017 NI 43-101 Technical Report for the Taron deposit however this was considered a Mineral Inventory as reasonable prospects of eventual economic extraction (RPEEE) could not be declared at the time. WAI has reviewed all work completed by GeoSim and prepared the block model for optimisation and the application of current RPEEE factors for reporting Mineral Resources in accordance with the guidelines of the JORC Code (2012).

塔倫礦牀的地質建模、區塊建模和品位估算由GeoSim Services Inc.完成。GeoSim完成的工作是爲塔倫礦牀2017年NI 43-101技術報告做準備,但這被視爲礦產清單,因爲當時無法宣佈最終經濟開採的合理前景(RPEEE)。WAI審查了GeoSim完成的所有工作,並準備了區塊模型以進行優化,並根據JORC守則(2012年)的指導方針應用當前的RPEEE因子報告礦產資源。

The resultant estimated grades were validated against the input composite data. Resource classification was undertaken in accordance with the guidelines of the JORC Code (2012) and was based on an assessment of geological and grade continuity, an assessment of assay quality, and an assessment of available bulk density data. Mineral Resources were further limited based on an expectation of eventual economic extraction to an optimised open pit shell generated using appropriate economic and technical parameters. Mineral Resources were reported to an economic cut-off grade of 1,239ppm Cs as calculated from optimisation parameters and summarised in Table 5 below.

根據輸入的複合數據對得出的估計成績進行了驗證。資源分類是根據JORC規範(2012)的指導方針進行的,其基礎是對地質和品位連續性的評估、對化驗質量的評估以及對可用體積密度數據的評估。礦產資源進一步受到限制,原因是預計最終會以經濟的方式開採到使用適當的經濟和技術參數生成的優化露天礦殼。根據優化參數計算,礦產資源的經濟臨界等級爲1,239ppm Cs,彙總在下表5中。

Table 5: Mineral Resource Estimate, Taron Project, Argentina (31 January 2024) in accordance with the Guidelines of the JORC Code (2012)
Category Tonnes
Grade Contained Cesium
Cs (ppm) Cs (Kt)
Measured - - -
Indicated - - -
Inferred 23.85 2,131 50.81
表 5:根據 JORC 守則指南(2012 年)對阿根廷塔倫項目的礦產資源估算(2024 年 1 月 31 日)
等級 含銫成分
Cs (ppm) Cs (Kt)
已測量 - - -
已指明 - - -
推斷 23.85 2,131 50.81

Technical information in this press release has been reviewed and approved by Dr. George H Gale, PEng and Tony Cau, BSc Eng for Cascadero, both of whom are considered to be qualified persons under Canadian National Instrument 43-101.

本新聞稿中的技術信息已得到卡斯卡德羅工程學士學士George H Gale博士、PenG博士和Tony Cau的審查和批准,他們均被視爲加拿大國家儀器43-101規定的合格人員。

Notes on Mineral Resources Estimate


  1. Mineral Resources are not Mineral Reserves and have not demonstrated economic viability. Additional drilling will be required to convert Inferred Mineral Resources to indicated Mineral Resources or Mineral Reserves. There is no certainty that any part of a Mineral Resource will ever be converted into Mineral Reserves.
  2. The effective date of the Mineral Resource Estimateis 31 January 2024.
  3. All figures are rounded to reflect the relative accuracy of the estimate, and apparent errors may occur due to rounding.
  4. Mineral Resources reported from optimisation at SMU 10m x 10m x 10m.
  5. Mineral Resources are limited to an optimised open pit shell based on appropriate economic and mining parameters.
  6. Cesium prices during optimisation were US$50,000/t for a Cesium Formate brine product at 80% concentration.
  7. Mineral Resources have been classified in accordance with the guidelines of the JORC Code (2012) by Ché Osmond, an independent Competent Person as defined by JORC.
  8. The Mineral Resource estimate has not been affected by any known environmental, permitting, legal, title, taxation, socio-political, marketing or any other relevant issues.
  9. Mineral Resources are reported to a cut-off grade of 1,239 ppm Cs for potential open pit mining operations. Cut-off grades are economic cut-off grades based in optimisation parameters provided by Cascadero and assumptions made by WAI.
  1. 礦產資源不是礦產儲量,尚未顯示出經濟可行性。將需要進行更多鑽探,才能將推斷的礦產資源轉化爲指定的礦產資源或礦產儲量。不確定礦產資源的任何部分是否會被轉化爲礦產儲量。
  2. 《礦產資源估算》的生效日期爲2024年1月31日。
  3. 所有數字均四捨五入以反映估計值的相對精度,四捨五入可能會出現明顯的誤差。
  4. 根據SMU 10m x 10m x 10m的優化報告了礦產資源。
  5. 礦產資源僅限於根據適當的經濟和採礦參數進行優化的露天礦殼。
  6. 在優化期間,濃度爲80%的甲酸銫鹽水產品的銫價格爲每噸50,000美元。
  7. 礦產資源由JORC定義的獨立合格人員ChéOsmond根據JORC守則(2012年)的指導方針進行了分類。
  8. 礦產資源估算沒有受到任何已知的環境、許可、法律、所有權、稅收、社會政治、營銷或任何其他相關問題的影響。
  9. 據報告,潛在露天採礦作業的礦產資源臨界品位爲1,239 ppm Cs。截止等級是基於Cascadero提供的優化參數和WAI做出的假設的經濟截止等級。

Technical information in this press release has been reviewed and approved by Dr. George H Gale, PEng and Tony Cau, BSc Eng for Cascadero, both of whom are considered to be qualified persons under Canadian National Instrument 43-101.

本新聞稿中的技術信息已得到卡斯卡德羅工程學士學士George H Gale博士、PenG博士和Tony Cau的審查和批准,他們均被視爲加拿大國家儀器43-101規定的合格人員。

About Cascadero Copper Corporation


Cascadero Copper Corporation is focused on the exploration and development of its copper, gold and Cesium properties located in Salta, Argentina. In addition to the Taron Cesium Project, the Company has a joint venture with Golden Minerals on its Sarita Este license where Golden Minerals has drilled out a small gold discovery. Cascadero also has significant landholdings adjacent to First Quantum Minerals' Taca Taca copper-gold-molybdenum porphyry deposit. The Company also holds a number of other exploration properties that can be viewed on .

卡斯卡德羅銅業公司專注於勘探和開發其位於阿根廷薩爾塔的銅、金和銫礦產。除了Taron Cesium項目外,該公司還與Golden Minerals擁有Sarita Este許可證的合資企業,Golden Minerals在那裏鑽探了一個小型的黃金髮現。卡斯卡德羅在First Quantum Minerals的塔卡塔卡銅金鉬斑岩礦牀附近還有大量土地。該公司還擁有許多其他可供查看的勘探物業。

All material information on the Company may be found on its website at and on SEDAR at .


For further information, please contact:


Dr. George Gale


Interim CEO


Email: or

電子郵件 或

Cautionary Note: The preliminary economic assessment is preliminary in nature and includes inferred mineral resources that are considered too speculative geologically to have the economic considerations applied to them to enable them to be categorized as mineral reserves and there is no certainty that the preliminary economic assessment will be realized. Mineral resources that are not mineral reserves do not have a demonstrated economic viability.


This press release contains certain forward-looking information or forward-looking statements as defined in applicable securities laws. Forward-looking statements are not historical facts and are subject to several risks and uncertainties beyond the Company's control, including statements regarding the economic and operational potential of the Taron Cesium Project, potential acquisitions, plans to complete exploration programs, potential mineralization, exploration results and statements regarding beliefs, plans, expectations, or intentions of the Company. Resource exploration and development is highly speculative, characterized by several significant risks, which even a combination of careful evaluation, experience and knowledge may not eliminate. All forward-looking statements herein are qualified by this cautionary statement. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements. The Company undertakes no obligation to update publicly or otherwise revise any forward-looking statements whether as a result of new information or future events or otherwise, except as may be required by law.


Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this press release.


1 The same downstream processing circuit was considered for both options.

1 兩種選擇都考慮了相同的下游處理電路。

