
Enphase Energy Releases 2023 Environmental, Social, and Governance Report

Enphase Energy Releases 2023 Environmental, Social, and Governance Report

Enphase Energy發佈2023年環境、社會和治理報告
Enphase Energy ·  05/15 12:00

FREMONT, Calif., May 15, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Enphase Energy, Inc. (NASDAQ: ENPH), a global energy technology company and the world's leading supplier of microinverter-based solar and battery systems, announced today the release of its 2023 Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) report, which provides an update on Enphase's ESG policies, initiatives, and performance.

加利福尼亞州弗裏蒙特,2024 年 5 月 15 日(GLOBE NEWSWIRE)— 恩菲斯能源公司 (NASDAQ: ENPH) 是一家全球能源技術公司,也是全球領先的基於微型逆變器的太陽能和電池系統供應商,今天宣佈發佈其2023年環境、社會和治理(ESG)報告,該報告介紹了Enphase的ESG政策、舉措和業績的最新情況。

"We are pleased to share our progress in advancing a sustainable future for all," said Lisan Hung, senior vice president, general counsel, and corporate secretary of Enphase Energy. "As a leading global energy technology company, our best-in-class renewable home energy management systems are helping millions of people gain access to clean, affordable, and reliable energy. Our continued focus on environmental, social, and governance matters are driving sustainable practices that make a meaningful difference, while building long term value for our stakeholders."

Enphase Energy高級副總裁、總法律顧問兼公司秘書Lisan Hung表示:“我們很高興分享我們在爲所有人推進可持續未來方面取得的進展。”“作爲全球領先的能源技術公司,我們一流的可再生家庭能源管理系統正在幫助數百萬人獲得清潔、負擔得起和可靠的能源。我們對環境、社會和治理事務的持續關注正在推動可持續實踐,這些實踐帶來了有意義的改變,同時爲我們的利益相關者創造了長期價值。”

The ESG report provides an overview of Enphase's efforts to align business practices with environmental and social priorities. Some key highlights in 2023 include:

ESG報告概述了Enphase爲使業務實踐與環境和社會優先事項保持一致所做的努力。2023 年的一些主要亮點包括:

  • Enphase microinverters have produced 80.6 terawatt hours (TWh) of clean energy since inception of the Company.
  • Enphase's installer count has grown to more than 8,700, further enabling rapid deployment of Enphase renewable energy management systems worldwide.
  • Enphase has continued its collaboration with GRID Alternatives, helping to bring solar installations to more than 10,000 low and moderate income households over the course of the relationship.
  • Enphase has earned an ESG 'Prime' rating from Institutional Shareholder Services (ISS), a 'AA' ESG rating from Morgan Stanley Capital International (MSCI), and a reduced risk rating from Sustainalytics, reflecting our ongoing commitment to sustainability.
  • 自公司成立以來,Enphase微型逆變器已生產了80.6太瓦時(TWh)的清潔能源。
  • Enphase的安裝人數已增長到8,700多人,進一步推動了Enphase可再生能源管理系統的全球快速部署。
  • Enphase繼續與GRID Alternatives合作,在合作過程中,幫助10,000多箇中低收入家庭安裝了太陽能裝置。
  • Enphase獲得了機構股東服務(ISS)的ESG “最佳” 評級,摩根士丹利資本國際(MSCI)的 “AA” ESG評級,以及Sustainalytics的較低風險評級,這反映了我們對可持續發展的持續承諾。

To view a copy of the ESG report, please visit the Enphase website.

要查看 ESG 報告的副本,請訪問 Enphase 網站

About Enphase Energy, Inc.

關於 Enphase Energy, Inc

Enphase Energy, a global energy technology company based in Fremont, CA, is the world's leading supplier of microinverter-based solar and battery systems that enable people to harness the sun to make, use, save, and sell their own power—and control it all with a smart mobile app. The company revolutionized the solar industry with its microinverter-based technology and builds all-in-one solar, battery, and software solutions. Enphase has shipped approximately 75 million microinverters, and over 4.1 million Enphase-based systems have been deployed in more than 150 countries. For more information, visit

總部位於加利福尼亞州弗裏蒙特的全球能源技術公司Enphase Energy是全球領先的基於微型逆變器的太陽能和電池系統供應商,這些系統使人們能夠利用太陽來製造、使用、節省和銷售自己的電力,並通過智能移動應用程序進行控制。該公司憑藉其基於微型逆變器的技術徹底改變了太陽能行業,並構建了多合一的太陽能、電池和軟件解決方案。Enphase已經出貨了大約7500萬臺微型逆變器,並且已在150多個國家部署了超過410萬套基於Enphase的系統。欲了解更多信息,請訪問

2024 Enphase Energy, Inc. All rights reserved. Enphase, the "e" logo, IQ, IQ8, and certain other marks listed at are trademarks of Enphase Energy, Inc. in the U.S. and other countries. Other names are for informational purposes and may be trademarks of their respective owners.

2024 Enphase Energy, Inc. 版權所有。Enphase、“e” 標誌、IQ、IQ8 和列出的某些其他標誌 是 Enphase Energy, Inc. 在美國和其他國家的商標。其他名稱僅供參考,可能是其各自所有者的商標。



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Source: Enphase Energy, Inc.

來源:Enphase Energy, Inc.

