
IBM Expands Qiskit, World's Most Performant Quantum Software

IBM Expands Qiskit, World's Most Performant Quantum Software

IBM 擴展了世界上性能最高的量子軟件 Qiskit
IBM Corp ·  05/15 12:00

YORKTOWN HEIGHTS, NY – May 15th, 2024 – IBM (NYSE: IBM) today announced the evolution and expansion of Qiskit, its globally adopted quantum software. Launched in 2017, Qiskit, as a software development kit (SDK) is an open-source tool that has allowed over 550,000 users to build and run quantum circuits on IBM's quantum hardware systems, resulting in the execution of over 3 trillion quantum circuits to date.

紐約州約克敦高地 — 5 月 15 日第四,2024 年 — IBM(紐約證券交易所: IBM 公司)今天宣佈了其全球採用的量子軟件Qiskit的演變和擴展。於 2017 年推出, Qiskit,作爲軟件開發套件(SDK)是一種開源工具,已允許超過55萬名用戶在IBM的量子硬件系統上構建和運行量子電路,迄今爲止,已執行了超過3萬億條量子電路。

The latest version of Qiskit has been expanded to a comprehensive software stack to deliver even more performance. It has evolved from its beginnings as a popular quantum software development kit used to explore and run quantum computing experiments and into a stable SDK and portfolio of services, built to enable users to extract improved performance while running complex quantum circuits on 100+ qubit IBM quantum computers.

最新版本的 Qiskit 已擴展爲全面的軟件堆棧,以提供更高的性能。它最初是用於探索和運行量子計算實驗的流行量子軟件開發套件,現已發展成爲穩定的SDK和服務組合,旨在使用戶能夠在100多個量子位的IBM量子計算機上運行復雜的量子電路時提高性能。

This expansion will equip members of the IBM Quantum Network with the most performant Qiskit capabilities available to discover the next generation of quantum algorithms in their respective domains: which will play an important role in their discovery of quantum advantage.

此次擴張將爲IBM Quantum Network的成員提供可用的最高性能的Qiskit功能,以便在各自領域發現下一代量子算法:這將在他們發現量子優勢方面發揮重要作用。

To reach quantum advantage, users need a toolset which can map their problems in a way which leverages both advanced classical and quantum computation; optimizes the problem for efficient execution with quantum; and then effectively executes the quantum circuits on real quantum hardware. IBM has spent the last seven years developing these tools, which are now coming together to comprise the Qiskit software stack.


This expansion of Qiskit includes over 100 releases from its origins as a pioneering research tool built to study the inner workings of quantum computers. Today, Qiskit has matured as a software stack on which enterprises, government organizations, research institutions, and universities are running large-scale quantum experiments.


The expanded software stack of Qiskit includes:

Qiskit 的擴展軟件堆棧包括:

  • The stable release of Qiskit SDK v1.x for building, optimizing, and visualizing quantum circuits.
  • AI-powered optimization of quantum circuits for quantum hardware, embedded in the Qiskit Transpiler Service.
  • Simplified execution modes for the Qiskit Runtime Service which can be tailored for performant execution of quantum circuits on quantum hardware.
  • The Qiskit Code Assistant, powered by watsonx-based generative AI models, to automate the development of quantum code
  • The Qiskit Serverless open-source tool to run quantum-centric supercomputing workloads across quantum hardware and classical clusters.
  • Qiskit SDK v1.x 的穩定版本,用於構建、優化和可視化量子電路。
  • 基於人工智能的量子硬件量子電路優化,嵌入在Qiskit轉譯器服務中。
  • Qiskit 運行時服務的簡化執行模式,可以量身定製,以便在量子硬件上高性能執行量子電路。
  • Qiskit Code Assistant 由基於 watsonx 的生成式 AI 模型提供支持,可自動開發量子代碼
  • Qiskit Serverless 開源工具,用於跨量子硬件和傳統集群運行以量子爲中心的超級計算工作負載。

The deployment of new capabilities and improvements within Qiskit SDK are enabling users to optimize circuits for quantum hardware at a rate 39 times faster than Qiskit 0.331. Qiskit also is engineered to reduce the overhead and shrink the footprint of circuits, demonstrating an average of 3 times reduction in memory usage compared to Qiskit 0.43.2

在Qiskit SDK中部署新功能和改進使用戶能夠以比Qiskit 0.33快39倍的速度優化量子硬件的電路1。Qiskit還經過精心設計,旨在減少開銷和縮小電路佔用空間,與Qiskit 0.43相比,內存使用量平均減少了3倍。2

And using the Qiskit Transpiler Service, users can reduce circuit depth by combining AI and heuristic passes, compared to using the Qiskit SDK without AI optimization.

與使用沒有人工智能優化的Qiskit SDK相比,使用Qiskit Transpiler服務,用戶可以通過結合人工智能和啓發式傳遞來減少電路深度。

"The global adoption of quantum computing — and the discovery of quantum advantage — will require a combination of leading quantum hardware alongside a robust and performant software stack to run workloads," said Jay Gambetta, IBM Fellow and Vice President, IBM Quantum. "These two pillars are fundamental to the algorithm discovery that has begun on utility-scale quantum hardware. As a growing quantum ecosystem maps their most difficult problems to quantum circuits, the Qiskit stack will be the cornerstone to exploring the computational spaces in which quantum computing excels."

IBM研究員兼IBM Quantum副總裁傑伊·甘貝塔表示:“量子計算的全球採用——以及量子優勢的發現——將需要將領先的量子硬件與強大而高性能的軟件堆棧相結合來運行工作負載。”“這兩大支柱是已經在公用事業規模量子硬件上開始的算法發現的基礎。隨着不斷髮展的量子生態系統將其最困難的問題映射到量子電路上,Qiskit堆棧將成爲探索量子計算擅長的計算空間的基石。”

IBM first demonstrated the utility-scale capabilities of its quantum hardware in 2023. This signaled the start of an era in which quantum hardware can run quantum circuits faster and more accurately than a classical computer simulating a quantum computer can. Now built to maximize the performance of advanced quantum hardware, the Qiskit software stack aims to help a global ecosystem of users discover new quantum algorithms that explore where quantum computers could be the best way to solve challenges over any classical method.

IBM 首先演示了 公用事業規模的功能 2023 年的量子硬件。這標誌着一個時代的開始,在這個時代中,量子硬件可以比模擬量子計算機的傳統計算機更快、更準確地運行量子電路。Qiskit軟件堆棧現在旨在最大限度地提高先進量子硬件的性能,旨在幫助全球用戶生態系統發現新的量子算法,探索量子計算機在哪些方面可能是解決任何傳統方法挑戰的最佳方式。

"Qiskit provides an important collection of tools for E.ON as we explore how quantum computing could help us navigate the financial and operational complexities of the energy industry," said Giorgio Cortiana, Head of Data and AI - Energy Intelligence, E.ON. "As a performant foundation to build and discover quantum algorithms that can be applied to business use cases, Qiskit enables our team to advance utility-scale prototypes, with the goal of finding new solutions to challenges in the European energy sector."


"We started using Qiskit for our quantum computing efforts several years ago as part of an effort to help develop a quantum-ready workforce." said Stephan Eidenbenz, senior scientist at Los Alamos National Laboratory. "Laboratory researchers use Qiskit daily to interact with IBM's quantum hardware backends and to test new algorithmic ideas. The open nature of Qiskit also offers our team the ability to add compiler optimization passes and allows pulse-level access."

洛斯阿拉莫斯國家實驗室的資深科學家斯蒂芬·艾登本茲說:“幾年前,我們開始使用Qiskit進行量子計算工作,這是幫助培養一支爲量子做好準備的員工隊伍的努力的一部分。”“實驗室研究人員每天使用Qiskit與IBM的量子硬件後端進行交互並測試新的算法思想。Qiskit 的開放性質還爲我們的團隊提供了添加編譯器優化通道並允許脈衝級訪問的能力。”

"At Brookhaven, we have used Qiskit to execute circuits on IBM's quantum hardware, which has resulted in almost 20 published papers to date, including exploring the frontiers of physics, dynamic systems, condensed matter systems, and more. Qiskit has also enabled our teams to develop extensions that push forward our exploration of bosonic and hybrid qubit-bosonic circuits, and how they could advance fundamental quantum algorithm development and error correction," said James Misewich, Associate Laboratory Director for Energy and Photon Sciences, Brookhaven National Laboratory. "As we advance the scientific applications of quantum computing, we have incorporated IBM's Qiskit resources and tutorials into our educational programs through Brookhaven's Co-design Center for Quantum Advantage, where we partner with academic institutions like Stony Brook University to prepare the quantum workforce of the future."

“在布魯克海文,我們使用Qiskit在IBM的量子硬件上執行電路,迄今已發表了近20篇論文,包括探索物理學、動態系統、凝聚態系統等前沿。Qiskit還使我們的團隊能夠開發擴展程序,推動我們對玻色子和混合量子比特玻色子聲電路的探索,以及它們如何推進基礎量子算法開發和誤差校正。” 布魯克海文國家實驗室能源與光子科學副實驗室主任詹姆斯·米塞維奇說。“隨着我們推進量子計算的科學應用,我們通過布魯克海文的量子優勢聯合設計中心將IBM的Qiskit資源和教程納入我們的教育計劃,我們在該中心與石溪大學等學術機構合作,爲未來的量子勞動力做好準備。”

"For our Quantum Computing User Program here at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, advances in quantum computing software can help support the innovation and rapid growth of our user community and their developing technologies," said Travis Humble, director of the Department of Energy's Quantum Science Center at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. "Improvements in software performance will significantly impact how users test and evaluate the potential of today's quantum computing systems."


"The team at Q-CTRL is enthusiastic about building with Qiskit," said Michael J. Biercuk, CEO and Founder of Q-CTRL. "Its flexible new interfaces and enhanced stability are enabling us to efficiently build simple abstractions on top of our powerful performance-management software at utility scale, so end users can explore their toughest problems with a single command."


Built for the Era of Quantum Utility and Beyond


Through its support of rapidly advancing quantum hardware, including vendor-agnostic flexibility, the Qiskit software stack is designed to run the breakthrough quantum circuits to progress the era of quantum utility. This is achieved by replacing performance-critical code with the Rust programming language, alongside a full portfolio of tools to enable the efficient execution of quantum circuits.

通過支持快速發展的量子硬件,包括與供應商無關的靈活性,Qiskit軟件堆棧旨在運行突破性的量子電路,以推進量子實用時代。這是通過用 Rust 編程語言替換性能關鍵代碼以及實現量子電路高效執行的完整工具組合來實現的。

As IBM continues to build milestones along its IBM Quantum Development and Innovation Roadmap towards error-corrected systems, the company expects that Qiskit will continue to deliver a framework for open, iterative, and collaborative development of new quantum algorithms and applications, done in conjunction with a growing global ecosystem of clients across industries and domain expertise areas.


Additionally, these advancing capabilities will aim to help users weave together classical and quantum computing resources into a new paradigm of high-performance computing defined by quantum-centric supercomputing that integrates QPUs, GPUs, and CPUs. Orchestrated through the performant software layer of Qiskit, this next evolution of high-performance computing aims to open up new, large, and powerful spaces for industries globally.

此外,這些先進的能力將旨在幫助用戶將經典和量子計算資源編織成一種新的高性能計算模式,該模式由集成 QPU、GPU 和 CPU 的以量子爲中心的超級計算定義。高性能計算的下一次演變由 Qiskit 的高性能軟件層精心編排,旨在爲全球各行業開闢新的、大型、強大的空間。

  1. Disclaimer: IBM's statements regarding Qiskit's performance compares the current iteration of the software against its performance from applicable previous version when comparable features were available to users. Qiskit 0.33 total speed time equaled 430.89 seconds at IBM Quantum Summit 2021. Qiskit 1.0 total speed time equaled 10.9 seconds upon release in February, 2024.
  2. Disclaimer: IBM's statements regarding Qiskit's performance compares the current iteration of the software against its performance from applicable previous version when comparable features were available to users. Qiskit 0.43 memory usage equaled 1,750 MiB in May, 2023. Qiskit 1.0 memory usage equaled 580 MiB upon release in February, 2024.
  1. 免責聲明:IBM關於Qiskit性能的陳述將該軟件的當前版本與其在向用戶提供類似功能時的適用先前版本的性能進行了比較。在 2021 年 IBM 量子峯會上,Qiskit 0.33 的總速度相當於 430.89 秒。Qiskit 1.0 在 2024 年 2 月發佈後,總速度等於 10.9 秒。
  2. 免責聲明:IBM關於Qiskit性能的陳述將該軟件的當前版本與其在向用戶提供類似功能時的適用先前版本的性能進行了比較。2023 年 5 月,Qiskit 0.43 的內存使用量相當於 1,750 MiB。在 2024 年 2 月發佈時,Qiskit 1.0 的內存使用量等於 580 MiB。

IBM's statements regarding its plans, directions, and intent are subject to change or withdrawal without notice at IBM's sole discretion. The development, release, and timing of any future features or functionality described for our products remain at our sole discretion.

IBM 關於其計劃、方向和意圖的聲明可自行決定更改或撤回,恕不另行通知。我們對產品描述的任何未來特性或功能的開發、發佈和時間安排仍由我們自行決定。

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IBM is a leading provider of global hybrid cloud and AI, and consulting expertise. We help clients in more than 175 countries capitalize on insights from their data, streamline business processes, reduce costs and gain the competitive edge in their industries. More than 4,000 government and corporate entities in critical infrastructure areas such as financial services, telecommunications and healthcare rely on IBM's hybrid cloud platform and Red Hat OpenShift to affect their digital transformations quickly, efficiently and securely. IBM's breakthrough innovations in AI, quantum computing, industry-specific cloud solutions and consulting deliver open and flexible options to our clients. All of this is backed by IBM's long-standing commitment to trust, transparency, responsibility, inclusivity and service.

IBM 是全球混合雲和 AI 以及諮詢專業知識的領先提供商。我們幫助超過175個國家的客戶利用其數據中的見解,簡化業務流程,降低成本並在其行業中獲得競爭優勢。金融服務、電信和醫療保健等關鍵基礎設施領域的 4,000 多家政府和企業實體依靠 IBM 的混合雲平台和紅帽 OpenShift 來快速、高效、安全地實現數字化轉型。IBM 在人工智能、量子計算、行業特定的雲解決方案和諮詢方面的突破性創新爲我們的客戶提供了開放而靈活的選擇。所有這些都得到了 IBM 對信任、透明度、責任、包容性和服務的長期承諾的支持。



Erin Angelini
IBM Communications

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Chris Nay
IBM Communicaitons

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