
Givex Wins Mexico's Leading Optical Retailer

Givex Wins Mexico's Leading Optical Retailer

Givex 贏得墨西哥領先的眼鏡零售商稱號
PR Newswire ·  05/15 02:00

Ópticas Lux to launch gift cards online and in more than 100 branches nationwide

光學 勒克斯 啓動 在線和全國 100 多家分支機構的禮品卡

TORONTO, May 14, 2024 /PRNewswire/ - Givex Corp. ("Givex") (TSX: GIVX) (OTCQX: GIVXF) is pleased to share that Ópticas Lux, the leading optical chain in Mexico with over 80 years of experience and more than 100 branches nationwide, announced its partnership with Givex to implement a gift card program that will benefit its customers and its business.

多倫多,2024 年 5 月 14 日 /PRNewswire/- Givex 公司 (“Givex”)(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:GIVX)(場外交易代碼:GIVXF)很高興與大家分享說,擁有80多年經驗的墨西哥領先光學連鎖店O'pticas Lux宣佈與Givex合作實施一項禮品卡計劃,該計劃將使客戶及其業務受益。

Ópticas Lux gift cards, powered by Givex technology, will allow customers to purchase and redeem physical or electronic gift cards at any of the brand's stores, as well as on its website. Gift cards can be used as a payment method or incentive to access comprehensive solutions in eye care and conservation, with a high sense of professionalism and business ethics.

由Givex技術提供支持的Oüpticas Lux禮品卡將允許客戶在該品牌的任何商店及其網站上購買和兌換實體或電子禮品卡。憑藉高度的專業意識和商業道德,禮品卡可用作獲得眼科護理和保護綜合解決方案的付款方式或激勵措施。

"We are very excited to partner with Givex, a company recognized for its leadership and experience in the gift card market," said the CEO of Ópticas Lux. "With this alliance, we aim to offer our customers a practical, secure, and personalized gifting option that reflects our quality and cutting-edge in our products and services."

Opticas Lux首席執行官表示:“我們很高興能與Givex合作,該公司因其在禮品卡市場的領導地位和經驗而獲得認可。”“通過該聯盟,我們的目標是爲客戶提供實用、安全和個性化的禮物選擇,以反映我們的質量和產品和服務的前沿性。”

"Our integrated platform continues to attract top-tier partners," commented Don Gray, CEO of Givex. "We're confident our gift card solution will help Ópticas Lux achieve its goals, and we're excited about the prospect of introducing additional services to enhance their customers' experience in the future."

Givex首席執行官唐·格雷評論說:“我們的綜合平台繼續吸引頂級合作伙伴。”“我們相信,我們的禮品卡解決方案將幫助O'pticas Lux實現其目標,我們對未來推出更多服務以增強客戶體驗的前景感到興奮。”

About Givex (TSX: GIVX) (OTCQX: GIVXF)
The world is changing. Givex is ready. Since 1999, Givex has provided technology solutions that unleash the full potential of engagement, creating and cultivating powerful connections that unite brands and customers. With a global footprint of 132,000+ active locations across more than 100 countries, Givex unleashes strategic insights, empowering brands through reliable technology and exceptional support. Givex's integrated end-to-end management solution provides Gift Cards, GivexPOS, Loyalty Programs and more, creating growth opportunities for businesses of all sizes and industries. Learn more about how to streamline workflows, tackle complex challenges and transform data into actionable insights at .

關於 Givex(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:GIVX)(場外交易代碼:GIVXF)
世界正在發生變化。Givex 準備好了。自 1999 年以來,Givex 一直提供技術解決方案,釋放參與的全部潛力,建立和培養強大的聯繫,將品牌和客戶團結在一起。Givex 在全球擁有 100 多個國家/地區的 132,000 多個活躍地點,可釋放戰略洞察力,通過可靠的技術和卓越的支持爲品牌賦能。Givex 的集成端到端管理解決方案提供禮品卡、GiveXpos、忠誠度計劃等,爲各種規模和行業的企業創造增長機會。要詳細了解如何簡化工作流程、應對複雜挑戰並將數據轉化爲切實可行的見解,請訪問

SOURCE Givex Corporation

來源 Givex 公司

