
Ascot Reports First Quarter 2024 Results

Ascot Reports First Quarter 2024 Results

GlobeNewswire ·  05/14 05:17

VANCOUVER, British Columbia, May 13, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Ascot Resources Ltd. (TSX: AOT; OTCQX: AOTVF) ("Ascot" or the "Company") is pleased to announce the Company's unaudited financial results for the three months ended March 31, 2024 ("Q1 2024"), and also to provide a construction update on the Company's Premier Gold Project ("PGP" or the "project"), located on Nisga'a Nation Treaty Lands in the prolific Golden Triangle of northwestern British Columbia. For details of the unaudited condensed interim consolidated financial statements and Management's Discussion and Analysis for the three months ended March 31, 2024, please see the Company's filings on SEDAR+ ().

2024年5月13日,英屬哥倫比亞省溫哥華市(GLOBE NEWSWIRE)——Ascot Resources Ltd. (TSX:AOT; OTCQX:AOTVF) (以下簡稱Ascot或公司)很高興宣佈該公司2024年第一季度(截至2024年3月31日,以下簡稱Q1 2024)未經審計的財務業績,並且爲其位於northwestern British Columbia地區的 Premier Gold Project (以下簡稱PGP或項目) 提供建造更新。該項目位於 Nisga'a Nation Treaty Lands, 是 Golden Triangle 的著名項目之一。要獲取2024年3月31日結束的未經審計的簡化中期財務報表和管理層討論與分析,請參閱公司在 SEDAR+() 上的申報文件。g所有今後的金額(除非另有規定,否則均爲加元($000s))均已報道。本公告涉及Q1 2024和最新亮點。

All amounts herein are reported in $000s of Canadian dollars ("C$") unless otherwise specified.



Q1 2024和最新亮點

  • On May 7, 2024, the Company announced a $5,000 non-brokered flow through private placement (the "Offering"), the proceeds of which will be used to fund the 2024 exploration program at the PGP. The Offering will consist of 6,024,096 common shares of the Company, which qualify as "flow-through shares" within the meaning of the Income Tax Act (Canada) (the "FT Shares"), at a price of $0.83 per FT Share. The closing of the Offering is expected to occur in one or more tranches in or around late-May to mid-June 2024, and is subject to certain conditions including, but not limited to, the receipt of all necessary regulatory approvals, including the acceptance of the Toronto Stock Exchange.
  • Rock was introduced into the grinding circuit of the mill on March 31, 2024, and first gold-bearing ore was introduced to the mills on April 5, 2024. On April 20, 2024, first gold was poured as a part of the commissioning process. Commissioning of the processing plant at PGP is ongoing, with commercial production anticipated in Q3 2024. Two gold pours have been completed using gold recovered from the gravity circuit. Another pour from gold recovered from the carbon-in-leach ("CIL") circuit is anticipated imminently.
  • On February 20, 2024, the Company closed its previously announced financing package for a total of US$50 million from Sprott Resource Streaming and Royalty Corp. and its affiliates ("SRSR") and Nebari Credit Fund II, LP ("Nebari Credit Fund II"), as described in the Company's news release dated January 22, 2024. $13,700 of the above proceeds were used to buy back two existing 5% NSR royalties on various PGP property claims on March 15, 2024.
  • On February 20, 2024, concurrently with the above-noted financing package, the Company closed its previously announced bought deal private placement financing, under which the Company issued a total of 65,343,000 common shares of the Company (the "Common Shares") at a price of $0.44 per Common Share, for gross proceeds of $28,751.
  • At the end of Q1 2024, overall construction excluding mine development was 98% complete compared with 86% complete at the end of 2023. A few remaining commissioning activities in the mill are underway. The tailing storage facility was completed and signed off by the engineer of record at the end of March 2024.
  • The new water treatment plant began operations in February 2024. The high-density sludge plant has been successfully commissioned and water is being treated and discharged into the environment. The moving bed bio-reactor ("MBBR") is complete and media have been loaded into the tanks.
  • As of April 30, 2024, underground development totaled approximately 2,710 metres at Big Missouri and 150 metres at Premier.
  • 2024年5月7日,公司宣佈進行了5,000加元的非經紀人流通定向增發(以下簡稱Offering),所募集的資金將用於資助PGP的2024年勘探項目。Offering將包括公司的6,024,096股普通股(以下簡稱“流通股”),這些股票符合《加拿大所得稅法》(以下簡稱“所得稅法”)中“流通股”的定義,發行價格爲每流通股0.83加元。Offering的結束預計將在2024年5月下旬至6月中旬進行一次或多次交易,且受到若干條件(包括但不限於收到所有必要的監管批准,其中包括多倫多證券交易所的接受)的約束。
  • 2024年3月31日,礦機投入使用,並於2024年4月5日首次加入含金礦石。2024年4月20日,作爲委託過程的一部分,首批金子被傾倒出來。在PGP的處理廠進行投產,預計在2024年第三季度開始商業化生產。已通過重力循環回收金屬進行兩次傾倒。另一次通過碳浸出回收的金屬傾倒將在不久的未來進行。
  • 2024年2月20日,公司宣佈從Sprott Resource Streaming and Royalty Corp.和其附屬機構(SRSR)以及Nebari Credit Fund II, LP(Nebari Credit Fund II)中分別獲得了總額爲5000萬美元的融資計劃,以完成PGP的投產和推廣。其中融資計劃包括版稅重組和超支設施。上述款項中的13700美元用於2024年3月15日回購了現有的兩項在PGP產權索賠中的5%淨收益權。
  • 2024年2月20日,與上述融資方案同時,公司完成了此前宣佈的買方代表包銷私募部分金融方案,在該方案下,發行了公司的總計65,343,000股普通股(以下簡稱“普通股”),發行價格爲每股0.44加元,募集的總額爲$28,751。
  • 截至Q1 2024結束,整體建設(不包括開發礦山)的完成度達到了98%,而2013年年底僅爲86%。建站的少量調試活動正在進行中,尾礦庫於2024年3月底完成並由負責工程師簽署確認。
  • 新的水處理廠於2024年2月開始運行。高密度泥漿廠已經成功投產,正在處理並向環境排放水。移動牀反應器(MBBR)已經完成,介質已經裝入槽內。
  • 截至2024年4月30日, Big Missouri 的地下開發工程總計約2,710米,而 Premier 的地下開發工程總計約150米。



Project financing
On February 20, 2024, the Company closed a bought deal private placement for gross proceeds of $28,751 and a financing package of US$50 million for the completion and ramp-up of PGP. The financing package consisted of a royalty restructuring and a cost overrun facility.

2024年2月20日,該公司爲PGP的完成和擴展進行了買方代表參與私募(Gross proceeds of $28,751)和5,000萬美元的融資方案。融資方案包括版權重組和超支設施。

Construction progress key performance indicators
At the end of Q1 2024, overall construction was 98% complete, compared with 86% complete at the end of Q4 2023. With first gold having been poured on April 20, 2024 via gold recovered through the gravity circuit, the project construction is 100% complete on schedule and on the most recently provided budget of approximately C$339 million. Commissioning and ramp-up activities in the processing plant and in the mine continue towards achieving commercial production in Q3 of 2024.

截至Q1 2024結束,整體建設完成率爲98%,而2013年年底僅爲86%。2024年4月20日,通過重力循環回收的金屬傾倒,該項目的建設計劃已經完全按照最新的大約3.39億加元預算和時間表完成。處理廠和礦山的投產和擴展活動繼續進行,以實現2024年第三季度的商業生產。

The Project had no lost time injuries in Q1 2024. There was an increase in recordable injuries at the end of the quarter which in part, can be attributable to seasonal changes and the transition from construction to operations. As the Project continues its transition from construction into operations, focus has been placed on the ongoing development of standard operating procedures, in field job hazard analysis and worker training. There was a small increase in property damage reported in the quarter due in part to weather conditions and the onboarding of a significant number of new workers to the site. The re-enforcement of reporting to the operating team remains a key focus to ensure that all learnings are identified and applied to prevent re-occurrence and reflect in the future training plans. In Q2 2024, significant work will be placed to support the operational teams to begin to operate the newly constructed plant through the final stages of C4 and C5 commissioning.

該項目沒有在Q1 2024發生工時損失。季度末,記錄的受傷事故有所增加,部分原因是季節性變化和從建築到運營的轉變。隨着項目從建設向運維的轉型,焦點放在了標準操作流程的持續開發、現場工作危險分析和工人培訓上。由於天氣條件和大量新員工進入現場,報告的財產損失略有增加。強化了向操作團隊報告,以確保所有學習都得到識別並應用於防止再次發生,並反映在未來的培訓計劃中。2024年第二季度,將有大量的工作來支持操作團隊開始運行新建廠房,通過完成C4和C5調試的最終階段。

Processing plant and site infrastructure
Mechanical and electrical work in the mill was substantially completed in Q1 2024 with minor associated systems and punch list items to complete. Focus has shifted to commissioning the process plant and ramp up as well as completing minor deficiencies.

機械和電氣工作在Q1 2024中已經實現了主要完成,有少量相關係統和 punch-list 事項需要完成。焦點轉向調試加工廠和推進以及完成次要缺陷。

Stage one of the tailings storage facility ("TSF") raise was completed and accepted by the Engineer of Record for use. Earthworks activities in 2024 will focus on raising the spillway dam by three metres, producing material for the 2025 raise and advanced work on the Cascade Creek Diversion in preparation for the 2025 works and final completion of the diversion.

尾礦堆放場(TSF)升級的第一階段已經完成並獲得工程師確認。2024年的土地工程活動將集中在將泄水壩提升三米、生產2025升級的原料以及準備Cascade Creek Diversion,以準備進行2025工程並最終完成偏轉。

The new water treatment plant was substantially mechanically and electrically completed in Q4 2023 with some minor areas remaining. The high-density sludge circuit was commissioned in Q1 2024 and is advancing towards full ramp up. The MBBR circuit was substantially complete in Q1 2024 and will begin full commissioning as the process plant continues to deposit tailings into the TSF and feed nitrogen species into the MBBR circuit.


The site power reticulation was completed in Q1 2024. Sustaining capital works in 2024 will focus on reticulation to the Premier portal as well as the Big Missouri portal.

2024年第一季度完成了現場電力佈局。2024年的可持續資本工程將重點關注Premier portal和Big Missouri portal的佈局。

Mine development
Procon Mining & Tunnelling ("Procon") a mine contractor with extensive experience in BC and the Golden Triangle continued to advance mine development at two portal areas: S1 about 9 kilometres north of the mill which accesses the Big Missouri and Silver Coin deposits, and the mill adjacent Premier Northern Light ("PNL") portal which accesses the Premier and Northern Light orebodies. As of the end of Q1 2024, Procon had about 57 people on site, 40 of whom were miners and 10 were maintenance personnel.

Procon Mining & Tunnelling(“Procon”)是一家在BC和Golden Triangle擁有豐富經驗的礦業承包商,繼續推進兩個門戶區域的礦業開發:S1大約在離開磨機9公里的地方,可進入Big Missouri和Silver Coin礦牀,以及鄰近Premier Northern Light(“PNL”)門戶的磨機,可進入Premier和Northern Light礦體。截至2024年第一季度末,Procon現場有約57人,其中40人是礦工,10人是維護人員。

At Big Missouri, Procon advanced development into several ore headings in the A zone, as well as reactivating the S1 ramp heading that goes to Silver Coin deposit. In Q1 Procon developed 936 metres at Big Missouri (258 metres in ore and 678 metres in waste, and by April 29, 2024, development advanced to 905 metres in waste and 507 metres in ore total in 2024. Including the development completed in late 2022 and late 2023, the total development to date is approximately 2,710 metres in both ore and waste. Productivities at Big Missouri have continued to improve, with availability of key equipment such as Maclean bolters being made a priority.

在Big Missouri,Procon推進了A區的幾個礦石巷道的開發,並重新激活了通往Silver Coin礦牀的S1斜坡。在2021年第一季度,Procon在Big Missouri開發了936米(258米的礦石和678米的廢石),到2024年4月29日,開發到了905米的廢石和507米的礦石,在2021年總共進行了上述提到的開發工作,到目前爲止總共有大約2710米的廢石和礦石開發。Big Missouri的生產率一直在提高,關鍵設備如Maclean bolters的可用性被作爲優先考慮的事項。

During Q1 2024, the geological team continued to encounter high grade material occurrences in both face sampling and probe hole drilling in multiple areas of the A zone. As previously reported, these occurrences are in or very near existing wireframes or logical extensions of wireframes. At the end of March 31, 2024, a total of approximately 30,000 tonnes of ore was mined from Big Missouri and stockpiled at Diego pit.

在2024年第一季度,地質團隊繼續在A區的多個地方的面取樣和探針鑽孔中發現高品位物質。正如以前報道的那樣,這些物質位於或非常靠近現有籠統模型或籠統模型的邏輯擴展。截至2024年3月31日,Big Missouri中採掘了大約3萬噸礦石,並存放在Diego坑中。

At PNL, Procon dealt with issues related to near surface structure and weak ground. These issues seem to have abated at the end of April, and Procon has started to make better progress as they move into the better ground conditions expected at Premier given what was seen historically. In Q1 2024 approximately 85 metres were advanced at PNL, and at the end of April this increased to approximately 150 metres as ground conditions improved.


Mining development is being advanced down into the Premier deposit for initial mining in the Prew Zone, with ore development now anticipated to begin in early Q3 2024, and initial longhole stope production following later in Q3 2024. The ramp has been strategically laid out to allow for underground drilling on the Sebakwe Zone in 2024 and will eventually connect a footwall ramp over to the 602 area at the southern end of the Premier deposit. Although progress has been slow, the quality of the resultant work with ground control and shotcrete arches has been excellent, allowing for a secure and stable ramp for the life-of-mine production to come from this area approximately 350 metres from the Premier Mill.

礦業開發正在向Premier礦牀的Prew區域推進,初步開採計劃於2024年第三季度開始,初始長洞礦井開採隨後於2024年第三季度進行。斜坡的戰略佈局允許在2024年進行Sebakwe區域的地下鑽探,並最終連接到Premier磨機南端的602區域的落足斜坡。儘管進展緩慢,但通過地質控制和噴射混凝土拱,對隧道質量的結果工作是非常出色的,這爲來自這個距離Premier Mill約350米的區域的日常生產提供了安全而穩定的隧道。

At the end of Q1 2024, total site recruitment has reached approximately 90% of the planned operational team. A key achievement was the successful recruitment for some challenging roles pertaining particularly to some of the maintenance roles, health and safety (specifically, mine rescue), and technical roles for the mine and processing area. Policies and procedures development have been ongoing throughout Q1 2024 and key documents will be rolled out in Q2 2024.


Permitting and Environmental Compliance
A Joint Permit Amendment Application ("JPAA") was required to be re-aligned with the project completion dates and was submitted in October 2023. The JPAA underwent first round comments through February 2024 and second round comments were received in late April 2024, with our responses anticipated to be submitted in May 2024.

聯合許可修正申請(“JPAA”)需要與項目完成日期重新對齊,並於2023年10月提交。 JPAA經歷了2024年2月第一輪評論,並於2024年4月底收到第二輪評論,我們的答覆預計於2024年5月提交。

The air permit was received on March 25, 2024. The updated environmental permit PE-8044, including the sewage treatment facility discharge permit is anticipated to be received in late May 2024.




Planning for the 2024 exploration program is in full swing with an anticipated start date in late June. There are several areas on the properties that will be targeted by new drilling. Near the Premier mill, several drill holes have been planned around the Prew and Sebakwe zones of the Premier deposit. The new holes will complement the existing drill pattern at Prew and test induced polarization geophysical anomalies from last year's survey.


Additional drill holes have been planned for the Big Missouri deposit where underground development is rapidly providing access to different parts of the deposit. The new holes will be designed for resource conversion and mine plan addition at this deposit. Specific new drill targets have been identified at the Day Zone on the western edge of the deposit, where geophysical anomalies seem to outline previously untested mineralization along strike of known ore zones.

在Big Missouri存款處,已經計劃了附加的鑽孔,地下開發正在快速提供進入礦牀不同部分的通道。新的鑽孔將設計爲資源轉換和在該礦牀上添加採礦計劃。在礦牀西部邊緣的Day Zone上已經確定了特定的新鑽探目標,那裏的地球物理異常似乎勾勒出已知礦區的沿岸未經測試的礦化物。

Additional exploration drill holes are targeting a large geophysical anomaly to the west of the Dilworth deposit that extends surface showings to the north onto Ascot's PGP property. This target has a large strike extent and may require drilling over more than one exploration season.


The Company anticipates a drill program of between 15,000 and 20,000 metres distributed over the areas described above. The program will require utilization of two drill rigs into late September or early October 2024.




The Company reported a net loss of $6,208 for Q1 2024 compared to $7,589 for Q1 2023. The lower net loss for the current period is primarily attributable to a $2,170 decrease in the loss on extinguishment of debt and a $1,196 decrease in financing costs, partially offset by increases in other expense categories.




As at March 31, 2024, the Company had cash & cash equivalents of $47,028 and working capital deficiency of $33,030. The working capital deficiency is caused by an estimated $23,024 as the current portion of the deferred revenue only to be settled with future production from the Project and the $25,180 value of the Convertible facility, which is classified as current due to the lender's right to exercise the conversion option at any time at a variable exercise price. Excluding these non-cash current liabilities, working capital was $15,174. In Q1 2024, the Company issued 67,807,135 common shares, 10,164,528 warrants, and granted 110,000 stock options and 28,667 Deferred Share Units. Also, 100,766 stock options expired or were forfeited, 24,427 Restricted Share Units were forfeited, and 99,039 stock options, 137,533 Deferred Share Units and 158,726 Restricted Share Units were exercised in Q1 2024.




In 2024, the Company will transition from the construction of the mine and related infrastructure to the operation of the entire site and becoming a gold producer. Despite the challenges associated with this transition, there are many opportunities for the Company to grow and create value.


The key activities and priorities for 2024 include:


  • Making health and safety a priority in the commencement of operations
  • Completing the commissioning of the process plant
  • Completing the access ramp and starting the mine production at the Premier deposit
  • Continuing to expand the mine production and development at the Big Missouri deposit
  • Shipping and selling of gold doré
  • Advancing the exploration and infill drilling program on the numerous opportunities to increase resources
  • Compliance with the environmental requirements of the site and making sure water treatment and the tailings management facility operate as designed
  • Successfully transition from a mine developer to a mine operator
  • 將健康與安全放在運營開始的首要位置
  • 完成工藝廠的調試
  • 完成通道的建設,在Premier礦牀開始開採
  • 繼續擴大Big Missouri礦牀的生產和開發
  • 運輸和銷售黃金錠
  • 推進勘探和充填鑽探方案,以增加資源量
  • 遵守場地的環保要求,並確保水處理和尾礦管理設施按設計操作
  • 成功從礦山開發商轉變爲礦山運營商

Qualified Person


John Kiernan, P.Eng., Chief Operating Officer of the Company is the Company's Qualified Person (QP) as defined by National Instrument 43-101 and has reviewed and approved the technical contents of this news release.

本新聞發佈文本的技術內容已由本公司的首席運營官John Kiernan, P.Eng.,作爲《43-101國家儀器定義的合格人員(QP)》進行審查和批准。

On behalf of the Board of Directors of Ascot Resources Ltd.
"Derek C. White"
President & CEO, and Director

代表Ascot Resources有限公司董事會

For further information contact:


David Stewart, P.Eng.
VP, Corporate Development & Shareholder Communications
778-725-1060 ext. 1024

VP,企業發展與股東溝通 電子郵件 電話:778-725-1060 分機1024
778-725-1060 分機1024

About Ascot Resources Ltd.

關於Ascot Resources Ltd。

Ascot is a Canadian mining company focused on commissioning its 100%-owned Premier Gold Mine, which poured first gold in April 2024 and is located on Nisga'a Nation Treaty Lands, in the prolific Golden Triangle of northwestern British Columbia. Concurrent with commissioning Premier towards commercial production anticipated in Q3 of 2024, the Company continues to explore its properties for additional high-grade gold mineralization. Ascot's corporate office is in Vancouver, and its shares trade on the TSX under the ticker AOT and on the OTCQX under the ticker AOTVF. Ascot is committed to the safe and responsible operation of the Premier Gold Mine in collaboration with Nisga'a Nation and the local communities of Stewart, BC and Hyder, Alaska.

Ascot是一家加拿大礦業公司,專注於其位於北美西部不列顛哥倫比亞州的黃金三角地區,Nis a'a Nation Treaty Lands擁有100%股權的Premier Gold Mine的投產。自2024年4月首次開礦以來,Ascot繼續探索其礦產資源,並計劃於2024年第三季度之前將Premier引向商業生產。Ascot的公司總部在溫哥華,其股票在TSX上交易,代碼爲AOT,在OTCQX上交易,代碼爲AOTVF。Ascot致力於與Nisga'a Nation以及BC省斯圖爾特和阿拉斯加海德(Hyder)當地社區合作,安全和負責任地運營Premier Gold Mine。g如預期未來事件中的所有聲明和其他信息,均可構成加拿大證券法下的前瞻性信息("前瞻性聲明")。前瞻性聲明通常是通過使用諸如"尋求","預期","相信","計劃","估計","期望","針對","前景","保持在軌道上"和"打算"以及事件或結果"可能","將","應該","可能","將"或"可能"發生或實現的陳述以及其他類似表達來標識的,所有聲明,除歷史事實陳述外均屬於前瞻性聲明,包括關於發行條件,發行完成,PGP的推進和發展以及相關時間等方面的聲明,並表達管理層對2024年餘下時間和未來的展望。這些聲明涉及已知和未知的風險,不確定性和其他因素,即使是前瞻性聲明,這些因素也可能導致實際結果或事件與在此類前瞻性聲明中預期的有所不同。相關風險在時間上詳細列出,Ascot的加拿大證券監管機構的備案和進一步招股說明書中可獲得,包括於2024年3月25日日期的公司年度信息表中的"風險因素"部分。前瞻性聲明是基於關於:工程建設估計成本;項目預計投產的時間;維持PGP廠的產能和產量的能力;適用於公司的稅率;未經覈算的礦產資源和礦物儲量的等級;公司將推斷礦產資源轉換爲其他類別的能力;減少採礦稀釋的能力;削減資本成本的能力;以及勘探計劃的判斷。前瞻性聲明是在發表聲明時管理層的估計和意見。儘管Ascot認爲此類前瞻性聲明和/或信息的期望是合理的,但不應過分依賴前瞻性聲明,因爲Ascot不能保證此類期望將被證明是正確的。 Ascot不承擔任何更新前瞻性聲明的義務,除非適用法律要求。本新聞稿中包含的前瞻性信息受到本警告聲明的明確限制。

For more information about the Company, please refer to the Company's profile on SEDAR+ at or visit the Company's web site at .


The TSX has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


Cautionary Statement Regarding Forward-Looking Information


All statements and other information contained in this press release about anticipated future events may constitute forward-looking information under Canadian securities laws ("forward-looking statements"). Forward-looking statements are often, but not always, identified by the use of words such as "seek", "anticipate", "believe", "plan", "estimate", "expect", "targeted", "outlook", "on track" and "intend" and statements that an event or result "may", "will", "should", "could", "would" or "might" occur or be achieved and other similar expressions. All statements, other than statements of historical fact, included herein are forward-looking statements, including statements in respect of the terms of the Offering, the closing of the Offering, the advancement and development of the PGP and the timing related thereto, the completion of the PGP mine, the production of gold and management's outlook for the remainder of 2024 and beyond. These statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause actual results or events to differ materially from those anticipated in such forward-looking statements, including risks associated with entering into definitive agreements for the transactions described herein; fulfilling the conditions to closing of the transactions described herein, including the receipt of TSX approvals; the business of Ascot; risks related to exploration and potential development of Ascot's projects; business and economic conditions in the mining industry generally; fluctuations in commodity prices and currency exchange rates; uncertainties relating to interpretation of drill results and the geology, continuity and grade of mineral deposits; the need for cooperation of government agencies and indigenous groups in the exploration and development of Ascot's properties and the issuance of required permits; the need to obtain additional financing to develop properties and uncertainty as to the availability and terms of future financing; the possibility of delay in exploration or development programs and uncertainty of meeting anticipated program milestones; uncertainty as to timely availability of permits and other governmental approvals; and other risk factors as detailed from time to time in Ascot's filings with Canadian securities regulators, available on Ascot's profile on SEDAR+ at including the Annual Information Form of the Company dated March 25, 2024 in the section entitled "Risk Factors". Forward-looking statements are based on assumptions made with regard to: the estimated costs associated with construction of the Project; the timing of the anticipated start of production at the Project; the ability to maintain throughput and production levels at the PGP mill; the tax rate applicable to the Company; future commodity prices; the grade of mineral resources and mineral reserves; the ability of the Company to convert inferred mineral resources to other categories; the ability of the Company to reduce mining dilution; the ability to reduce capital costs; and exploration plans. Forward-looking statements are based on estimates and opinions of management at the date the statements are made. Although Ascot believes that the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements and/or information are reasonable, undue reliance should not be placed on forward-looking statements since Ascot can give no assurance that such expectations will prove to be correct. Ascot does not undertake any obligation to update forward-looking statements, other than as required by applicable laws. The forward-looking information contained in this news release is expressly qualified by this cautionary statement.


