
Mirasol Identifies New Porphyry Targets at the El Potro Prospect and Also Extends the VN-Zone by More Than 3 Km at the Sobek Copper-Gold Project in Vicuña District, Chile

Mirasol Identifies New Porphyry Targets at the El Potro Prospect and Also Extends the VN-Zone by More Than 3 Km at the Sobek Copper-Gold Project in Vicuña District, Chile

GlobeNewswire ·  05/13 19:00
  • Two new porphyry target areas, have been defined and supported by coincident alteration, geophysics and geochemistry
  • The size of the alteration and mineralization footprint suggests that the VN-Zone may represent a much larger porphyry system which extends for at least another 3km to the south
  • A new copper porphyry target at El Potro prospect quickly advancing to drill ready stage
  • The VN-Zone is located 7 km directly west of Filo Mining's Filo del Sol Project and the El Potro Zone is located 3 km from NGEx ́s Lunahuasi discovery
  • Significant advancements were made despite delays due to unseasonable weather conditions and an abnormally short exploration season
  • 已經確定了兩個新的斑岩目標區,這些區域受到了重疊蝕變、地球物理和地球化學的支持。
  • 蝕變和礦化足跡的大小表明VN區可能代表一個更大的斑岩系統,該系統向南至少延伸3公里。
  • El Potro前景的新銅斑岩目標正在快速推進至鑽探準備階段。
  • VN區位於Filo Mining的Filo del Sol項目的正西方向7公里處,而El Potro區位於NGEx的Lunahuasi發現地點的東北方向3公里處。
  • 儘管因異常天氣條件和偏短的勘探季節而延遲,但仍取得了重大進展。

VANCOUVER, British Columbia, May 13, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Mirasol Resources Ltd. (TSX-V: MRZ) (OTC: MRZLF) (the "Company" or "Mirasol") is pleased to report on the significant progress made from this seasons exploration activities and the emergence of new and highly-prospective target areas at both the VN-Zone at Sobek Central as well as the El Potro Zone at Sobek North, both within the flagship Sobek Copper-Gold Project ("Sobek" or "the Project") in the Vicuña Copper-Gold-Silver District of northeast Chile.

加拿大溫哥華,2024年5月13日(環球新聞社)——Mirasol資源有限公司(TSX-V: MRZ)(OTC:MRZLF)(以下簡稱“公司”或“Mirasol”)高興地宣佈,其進入本季度的勘探活動取得了重大進展,並於Sobek大型“銅-黃金”-銀區的Sobek Copper-Gold項目(“Sobek”或“項目”)內, VN區位於Sobek Central,El Potro區位於Sobek North,均出現了新的高潛力目標區域。

The VN-Zone is a high-priority porphyry target situated in the southern portion of the Sobek Central block which appears to represent the northern most expression of a much larger hydrothermal porphyry system that extends for more than 3 kilometers to the south. Exploration this season has significantly increased the alteration and mineralization footprint of the VN-Zone to the south across the previously consolidated SQM property ("Rosita") (press release dated March 4, 2024) and onto recently staked Mirasol claim blocks ("Sobek 46 South").

VN區是Sobek中心塊的高優先級斑岩目標,似乎是這一更大的熱液斑岩系統的最北端表現,該系統向南延伸超過3公里。本季度的勘探顯着擴大了VN區對SQm地產(“Rosita”)(3月4日發佈的新聞稿)以南,以及新近索取的Mirasol權利塊(“Sobek 46 South”)以南的蝕變和礦化足跡。

At the El Potro prospect, located in the southeastern corner of the Sobek North block, a new magnetic high target ("Potro SE") was identified from the original airborne-mag survey and the new target appears to be at a shallower depth than the previous resistivity target identified at EL Potro. Recent follow-up exploration has returned results as high as 1.8% copper and 87 ppm molybdenum from select grab samples directly overlying the magnetic anomaly at Potro SE. A systematic soil grid survey across the target also returned a coincident copper soil anomaly.

在Sobek North區域的El Potro前景位於東南角,自空中磁電勘測起,新的磁高地目標(“Potro SE”)就已被確定,並且新目標似乎位於El Potro之前確認的電阻率目標的較淺深度。最近的跟進勘探在Potro SE的磁性異常直接上覆處返回高達1.8%的銅和87 ppm的鉬的選區樣品。對目標的系統土壤網格調查也發現了重疊的銅土壤異常。

"The high-priority targets at Sobek continue to evolve as exploration advances. The potential expansion of the VN-Zone into a hydrothermal porphyry system with a much larger and stronger alteration footprint is a game-changer. The VN-Zone is now demonstrating significant size potential and is located 7km directly west of the Filo Del Sol Project on a similar parallel regional structure," Mirasol's President and CEO Tim Heenan stated. "Significant advancements were made this season, including the definition of new high-priority drill targets, despite the difficult conditions due to unseasonable weather in the high Andes and an abnormally early snow fall that has forced a shortened exploration season."

Mirasol的總裁兼首席執行官Tim Heenan表示:“Sobek的高優先級目標在勘探進展中不斷演變。VN區擴展成一個蝕變足跡更大更強的熱液斑岩系統具有開創性的意義。 VN區現在正在表現出重要的規模潛力,並位於銅 del Sol項目以西7公里,處於類似的平行區域結構上。”“本季度取得了重大進展,包括定義新的高優先級鑽探目標,儘管在安第斯山脈高處由於不尋常的天氣條件和異常的早雪季節也曾出現困難。”

Mr. Heenan added: "I am also very excited about the potential of the new copper porphyry target at the El Potro Zone. Potro SE is a shallow cylindrical shaped magnetic response in a similar geological setting as reported by NGEx at the Lunahuasi discovery just 3 kilometers to the east. Once the weather allows a final IP survey will be conducted over Potro SE to refine drill targeting. This is expected to be the first priority for drilling at the start of the spring drill campaign in the fourth quarter of 2024."

Heenan先生補充說:“我也對El Potro區的新銅斑岩目標的潛力感到非常興奮。Potro SE是一個淺的圓柱形磁響應體,處於與NGEx在Lunahuasi發現的相似地質背景中,距東部僅3公里。天氣條件允許時,將對Potro SE進行最終的IP調查,以進一步精細鑽探定位。這預計將是2024年第四季度春季鑽探活動開始時的首要任務。”

Summary of Key Accomplishments from the 2023/24 Exploration Season at Sobek

Sobek 2023/24勘探季節的關鍵成就總結。

Sobek Central: VN-Zone and south through Sobek 46 South

Sobek中心區:VN區並向南延伸至Sobek 46 South

  • Access road up to the VN-Zone completed in January 2023.
  • Staking of the new Sobek 46/47, and geological evaluation of the property, including initial reconnaissance exploration, ongoing detailed systematic soil sampling grid, confirming the presence of a very large porphyry related hydrothermal alteration system extending more than 3 kilometers south from the VN-Zone.
  • At the VN-Zone, IP PDP geophysical lines through the VN-Zone for a total of 2,400 meters, generating compelling Resistivity and Chargeability anomalies, to aid in focusing the upcoming southern hemisphere spring drill program.
  • Detailed geological mapping at the VN-Zone and Rosita.
  • 通往VN區的通道已於2023年1月完工。
  • 新的Sobek 46/47的權利塊並對該物業進行地質評估,包括最初的勘察勘探、正在進行的詳細系統的土壤採樣網格,確認了VN區從南部向南延伸超過3公里的斑岩相關熱液蝕變系統的很大存在。
  • 在VN區進行了2,400米的IP PDP地球物理線路,生成了引人注目的電阻率和電荷異常,以幫助集中即將到來的南半球春季鑽探計劃。
  • 在VN區和Rosita進行了詳細地質映射。

Sobek North: El Potro and Potro SE

Sobek北部:El Potro和Potro SE

  • New access road constructed up into the El Potro prospect.
  • IP Gradient Array geophysical campaign, followed up by 14.5 kilometer of detailed IP PDP geophysical lines over the Gradient Array generated anomalies.
  • Detailed systematic soil grid over the newly identified, near surface Potro SE copper-porphyry target.
  • 新建的通道進入El Potro前景。
  • IP Gradient Array地球物理活動,隨後在Gradient Array上進行了14.5公里的詳細IP PDP地球物理線路,並生成了異常值。
  • 對新發現的近地表Potro SE銅斑岩目標進行了詳細的系統土壤網格調查。

Rosita – SQM Consolidation Property Package

Rosita - SQm合併物業包

  • High level reconnaissance geological mapping and prospecting.
  • Detailed stream sediment sampling. BLEG/-80# within the property to detect areas of potential interest.
  • 高級偵察地質勘測和勘探
  • 詳細的河流沉積物採樣。在物業內進行BLEG /-80#以便發現潛在興趣區域。

Abnormal weather through out the season has caused difficult working conditions and significant delays. At least four weeks of the prime exploration season was lost due to unseasonable weather mid-season. Heavy rain and snowfall washed out access roads that required repair. Now, very untimely and heavy snowfall, almost two months earlier than last season, has halted plans to advance towards drilling at El Potro and also delays the construction of a new road to support the exploration and evaluation of the VN-Zone expansion onto the new Rosita and Sobek 46 properties.

整個季節的異常天氣導致工作條件嚴峻,並出現了重大延誤。由於非常規天氣在中季節期間出現,導致至少失去了四個星期的探礦季節時間。暴雨和降雪沖走了需要修復的通道。現在,突如其來的大雪幾乎比去年季節提前了兩個月,這妨礙了向El Potro鑽探和修建新道路以支持VN-Zone擴展的Rosita和Sobek 46物業探礦和評估計劃的推進。

With the recent advancements in exploration at Sobek and the promising results obtained from both the El Potro and VN-Zone targets, Mirasol Resources will soon be ready to continue with the previously initiated maiden drill program. Continuing efforts will focus on refining target prioritization and further delineation of mineralized zones.

隨着Sobek項目勘探的最新進展以及El Potro和VN-Zone靶點的有 promising 的結果,Mirasol Resources即將開始繼續之前啓動的maiden drill program。持續的努力將集中於優化目標優先級和進一步勾勒礦化帶。

High-Profile Vicuña Copper-Gold-Silver District

著名的Vicuña 銅-金-銀區

Mirasol staked the Sobek Project in 2016 based on prospective local geology and attractive structural architecture prior to the 2021 discovery of the high-grade feeder zone at the Filo del Sol gold-copper deposit and the discovery of Lunahuasi. The continually expanded and consolidated Sobek Project is located on the same regional N-S trending structural corridor and just 3 km to the west of the Filo del Sol deposit and 3 km to the southwest of NGEx Mineral's discovery at Lunahuasi (formerly Potro Cliffs).

Mirasol於2016年基於具有前途的地方地質和有吸引力的結構架構在未發現Filo del Sol金銅礦牀與Lunahuasi之前在Sobek Project進行了申請。不斷擴大和鞏固的Sobek項目位於同一區域的南北走向的結構走廊上,距離Filo del Sol沉積物3公里以西,距離Lunahuasi(Potro Cliffs)的NGEx Mineral的發現地點以西南3公里。

Sobek is located within a prospective geological environment with a compelling north-northeast trending mineralized structural corridor crosscut by a north-northwest trending deep-seated trans-cordilleran lineament. This is a common structural configuration hosting several southern Andes metal deposits in both Chile and Argentina.


Figure 1: Vicuña District - Expanded Sobek Property including the SQM Rosita Property and the Sobek 46 South Staking

圖1:Vicuña地區-擴展後的Sobek物業,包括SQm Rosita物業和Sobek 46 South Staking

Sobek Central - VN-Zone and Southward Expansion

Sobek Central - VN-Zone和南向擴展

The VN-Zone was identified in early 2023 as a high-priority target after high-grade gold grab samples were collected during prospecting, with results of up to 5.0 g/t gold and 2,200 ppm copper from select grab samples (press release dated June 27, 2023). The exact in situ source of these high-grade veinlet hosted gold-copper values have not yet been located and it appears that the source may be further to the south where current exploration has extended the structural corridor into Rosita and Sobek 46 South. These robust gold results originate from sheeted Maricunga Type ("M") quartz-magnetite veinlets with argillized margins. These M veinlets contain anomalous values of copper mineralization (up to 2,220 ppm), which is considered typical in these Chilean gold-copper Maricunga Type porphyry deposits.

VN-Zone在2023年初被確定爲高優先級靶點,因爲在勘探中收集到了高品位金試樣,其中選擇性收集的試樣中的金含量高達5.0克/噸,銅含量高達2,200 ppm(新聞公告日期爲2023年6月27日)。這些高品位縫脈狀金銅價值的原位來源尚未被發現,看起來源頭可能在更南邊,而當前探礦活動已經將結構走廊延伸到了Rosita和Sobek 46 South。這些強勁的金結果來源於具有意帶 ("M") 石英-磁鐵礦縫脈的片狀馬裏昆加型瀝青巖,其粘土的邊緣中含有異常的銅礦化值(長達2,220 ppm),這在這些智利金銅馬裏昆加型斑岩型礦牀中被認爲是typical。

The property consolidation efforts of Mirasol in the Vicuña district continue and is exemplified by the expansion to the south of the VN-Zone, continuing further south from the previously incorporated Rosita block and now into the recently staked Sobek 46 South property. This block unexpectedly became available recently and Mirasol reacted quickly to gain possession of the claim area. Recent exploration to the south of VN-Zone, passing through Rosita and into Sobek 46 South, suggests that the actual VN-Zone may only represent the northern most expression of a much larger and stronger hydrothermal system which increases considerably in size and strength into the newly staked Sobek 46 South Zone. This is an exciting new area, clearly prospective for copper porphyry ́s and clearly justifies more exploration to define the best targets to be drilled prior to the end of the year.

Mirasol在Vicuña地區的物業整合工作仍在進行,並且通過向南擴展VN-Zone,繼續從之前併入的Rosita塊進一步南下,並進入最近廣泛發展的Sobek 46 South物業。這個方塊最近出現了且沒有預期,Mirasol迅速採取行動獲得了索賠面積的佔有權。在VN-Zone的南部進行的最新探礦活動,穿過Rosita,進入Sobek 46 South,表明實際的VN-Zone可能僅代表一個更大且更強的熱液系統的最北部表達形式,其大小和強度在Sobek 46 South Zone上增加。這是一個令人興奮的新領域,顯然對斑岩銅巖有前景,明確說明了在年底之前進行更多的勘探以確定最佳鑽探目標的必要性。

The emerging porphyry target at Sobek 46 South, and potentially at Rosita, is associated with a very strong aerial MT sourced magnetic response where recent prospecting campaigns have reported copper mineralization in rockchips directly above the subsurface magnetic anomaly. Recent, and currently ongoing systematic soil sampling has also started to define what appears to be a strong and coherent copper/moly/gold soil anomaly coincident with the rockchip geochemistry overlying the MT Magnetic response. The completion of the entire soil grid has been impeded by the recent snowstorms in the entire Vicuña District. There is a large NNW-SSE trending mineralized structural corridor developing which is over 3 kilometers long with the actual width yet to be determined by further mapping and prospecting between now and the end of 2024.

Sobek 46 South新興的斑岩靶點,以及可能在Rosita中出現的斑岩靶點,與極強的航空磁性響應相關,最近的探礦活動報告直接與亞表面磁性異常上的銅礦化有關。最近進行的系統性土壤採樣也開始定義出與覆蓋在Mt磁響應上的岩屑地球化學相一致的強有力且一致的銅/鉬/金土壤異常。整個土壤網格的完成受到了Vicuña地區最近的暴風雪的阻礙。正在出現一條長度超過3公里的大連控制走廊,其實際寬度由現在到2024年底的更多地圖繪製和勘探來確定。

Figure 2: Sobek Central (VN-Zone), Rosita Geology/Geochemistry with Sobek 46 South (large aerial MT sourced magnetic anomaly with coincident geochemical copper-results)

圖2:Sobek Central(VN-Zone),Rosita地質/地球化學和Sobek 46 South(大型航空磁性響應的磁性異常與重合地球化學銅結果)

The VN- Zone prospect, located in along the southern border of Sobek Central, is a 1.3 by 1 kilometer zone, where several areas display different types of quartz veinlets hosted in dacitic outcropping host rock. These areas have been mapped as hypabyssal intrusive bodies with strong brecciation developed along the margins and geological contacts. The dacites are hosted in Paleocene aged conglomerates, sandstones, and dacite tuffs.

VN-Zone靶點位於Sobek中心的南部邊界,其爲1.3 x 1公里區域,其中幾個區域展示了不同類型的扁安山岩裂脈狀岩脈放置在岳陽巖露頭的岩石中。這些區域已被映射爲具有沿邊緣和地質接觸發生的強烈斷裂的次深成侵入體。岳陽巖位於古新世的礫岩、砂岩和岳陽巖凝灰岩中。

There are higher density veinlet zones situated within the VN-Zone, covering an area of approximately 150 meters by 100 meters, located in a NNW-SSE structural corridor enclosing most of these veinlet zone. Directly associated with the mineralized quartz veinlet zone is strong quartz-sericite-pyrite (phyllic) alteration, typically showing medium-grained white mica flakes affecting the dacitic rocks and associated with silic. Samples analyzed by ASD show a high crystallinity of the white micas, consistent with these field observations.

VN-Zone內有更高密度的縫脈區,佔地面積約爲150米x 100米,位於包含大部分縫脈區的NNW-SSE結構走廊中。與礦化石英縫脈區直接相關的是強烈的石英-白雲母- 黃鐵礦(風化相)蝕變,通常顯示出影響岳陽巖的中晶粒白色雲母片,並與硅石相伴。ASD分析的樣品顯示出高結晶度的白雲母,與這些現場觀察一致。

The reported veinlet compositions and textures (Figure 3) are interpreted to be peripheral zones to a copper-gold porphyry system. The Maricunga type banded quartz-magnetite and the quartz "D" veinlets are typically located peripheral to the core of these Maricunga-style porphyry systems and are considered to be derived from hot magmatic fluids, as seen by the association with quartz-sericite-pyrite alteration and the presence of magnetite and tourmaline. Results from the MT sections (Figure 4 - line 1700) show a deep aerial sourced MT conductive anomaly with a cylindrical shape typical of these Maricunga type Copper- Gold porphyry bodies.

報告的縫脈成分和結構(圖3)被解釋爲銅金斑岩體的周邊區域。Maricunga banded quartz-magnetite和quartz "D" 縫脈通常位於這些Maricunga樣式斑岩型礦牀的核心中心,被認爲來自熱的岩漿流體,如與石英-白雲母-黃鐵礦蝕變、磁鐵礦和電氣石相聯繫一樣。Mt部分的結果(圖4-第1700行)顯示出一個深空氣源Mt導電異常,其圓柱形狀典型地呈現出這些Maricunga龐偉類型銅-金斑岩體的特徵。

Figure 3: Typical Sheeted Quartz-Pyrite and Quartz Magnetite Veinlets Exposed along VN-Zone Road Cut


Figure 4: Aerial MT Conductivity Anomaly - Line 1810 Cross Section (cylindrical shaped anomaly at depth underneath the VN-Zone)


Two IP-PDP lines were completed over the VN-Zone revealing a less resistive surface response which may represent a 100-meter-thick leached cap zone (Figure 5). At further depth (350 meters), these resistivity values are extremely high reaching up to 30,000 ohm-m, potentially representing a silicified breccia body, although notably much larger than those mapped in outcrop at surface. The strong resistive anomaly is clearly structurally controlled. The underlying IP-chargeability values further at depth (300-500m) form a strong coherent anomaly up to 7 mV/V and are coincident with the MT defined conductive body (Figure 4). This IP-chargeability anomaly remains open at depth and could represent the upper most zones of a pyrite+/-chalcopyrite halo.

兩條IP-PDP線在VN-Zone上完成,揭示了一個較少的電阻表面響應,這可能代表一個100米厚的淋洗蓋區(圖5)。在更深深度(350米)處,這些電阻值非常高,高達30,000歐姆-米,可能代表硅化的角礫岩體,雖然其體積顯著大於表面存在的映射岩屑。強大的電阻異常明顯受到結構控制。在深度進一步(300-500m)的底下,IP-充電值形成了一個強大的一致異常達到7 mV / V,並與Mt定義的導電體重合(圖4)。這個IP-充電異常在深度方面仍然開放,可能代表了土壤+/-黃銅礦光暈的最上部區域。

Figure 5: IP-PDP Survey Sections over VN-Zone (showing the structurally controlled IP-resistivity anomaly and the underlying coherent IP-Chargeability anomaly)


El Potro Prospect
At the El Potro prospect, located at the southeastern corner of the Sobek North block, a strong aerial MT resistivity target (+30k Ohm) was previously reported with elevated values from rockchips collected from quartz veinlets within the older permo-triassic basement with results as high as 4.9% copper, 4.6 g/t gold and 163 g/t silver. Recently, a new and highly attractive magnetic high target (Potro SE) was identified from the original Airborne-Mag survey. There is also a notable IP-Chargeability anomaly emerging just to the north of the Potro SE magnetic anomaly which was identified while conducting an IP survey over the original El Potro airborne MT resistivity target.

El Potro Prospect
在Sobek North板塊的東南角El Potro prospect,之前曾報道稱在舊的三疊紀地基中的石英脈中收集的岩石樣品中存在高達4.9%的銅,4.6克/噸的黃金和163克/噸的白銀,其中包括一個強大的空中Mt電阻率目標(+3K Ohm)。最近,在原先的空中磁測量調查中確定了一個新的並非常具有吸引力的高磁場靶(Potro SE)。而在Potro SE磁性異常的北側正好出現了一條顯著的IP-Chargeability異常,是在對El Potro空中Mt電阻率目標進行IP調查時發現的。

The Potro SE IP-Chargeability anomaly appears to be directly associated with the strong cylindrical shaped Airborne Magnetic anomaly at 300 meters below the surface. The associated IP response may represent the sulfide halo peripheral to an intrusive (porphyry) center. Additional IP lines are planned to cross directly over the Airborne-Mag and geochemical anomalies to more precisely map out the chargeable zone. These lines have not been advanced due to recent heavy snowfall in the area, but Mirasol is confident that these lines can be completed before the end of May to have this target ready as a priority for drilling at the start of the spring drill campaign.

看來Potro SE的IP-Chargeability異常與地表下300米處的強圓柱狀空中磁異常直接相關。相關的IP響應可以代表與侵入中心周邊的硫化物光暈。計劃經過地面定位的IP線將直接穿過空中磁測反演和地球化學異常,以更精確地繪製可充電區域。這些測試由於最近該地區的大雪尚未進行,但Mirasol有信心能夠在5月底之前完成這些測試線路,以便在春季鑽探之初將該靶標設爲首要目標。

Figure 6: Potro SE, RTP Airborne Magnetic Anomaly Cross Section (cylindrical shaped magnetic feature with 3D mag-susceptibility depth slices and the emergence of a chargeability halo)

圖6: Potro SE,RTP空中磁異常剖面圖(圓柱形磁性特徵與3D磁化深度切片以及可充電光暈的出現)

The recently advanced Potro SE target is located to the SE of the original El Potro target. Follow-up exploration has returned results as high as 1.8% copper and 87ppm moly from prospecting level rockchip sampling directly overlying this magnetic anomaly. These results are considered to represent a more typical porphyry style of veinlets and mineralization. A systematic soil grid across the new Potro SE target has also returned a coincident and coherent copper soil anomaly. The Potro SE target is hosted in younger cretaceous aged sandstones, conglomerates, and andesites with moderate to strong propylitic alteration, with zones showing intense epidote, in association with calcite, chlorite, magnetite, and quartz veinlets with chalcopyrite, crystalline jarosite, and copper oxides. This alteration is interpreted to represent deep propylitic alteration associated with a concealed porphyry intrusion. The alteration outcrops over a 600 x 600m area on the far southeast side of Mirasol's claims. This geological setting is similar to that recently reported by NGEx at their Lunahuasi project located just 3 kilometers to the east in Argentina.

最近取得的Potro SE靶向位於原始的El Potro靶向的東南方。跟進的勘探結果顯示,在覆蓋這個磁性異常的地方進行岩石樣品採樣,得到高達1.8%的銅和87 ppm的鉬含量。這些結果被認爲是更典型的脈狀岩石和礦化,對應深藏的侵入岩體。新的Potro SE靶向上的系統土壤網格圖還顯示出了一致的銅土壤異常。Potro SE靶向是在年輕的白堊紀砂岩、凝灰岩和安山岩中託管,存在適度到強烈的普羅匹利蒂克改造區,以及顯示出石英脈中的滑石、葉腐泥石礦、磁鐵礦和銅黃鐵礦等等。這種改造指示了與侵入的遮蓋巖相關的深部普羅匹利蒂克改造。這種改造經過Mirasol聲稱,可以在其聲稱地塊的遠東南側的600 x 60000萬的範圍內露出。這種地質環境與NGEx近期在阿根廷東部、距此3公里處的Lunahuasi項目報告的情況類似。

Figure 7: Potro SE, Copper Soil and Rockchip Sample Anomalies Overlaying a Structurally Controlled 700m Wide Circular Magnetic Response

圖7: Potro SE銅土壤和岩石樣品異常疊加在一個地質構造控制下的70,000萬寬的圓形磁性響應上.

Both the new Potro-SE Mag/IP anomaly and the original previously reported El Potro MT-Resistivity anomaly represent compelling drill targets at the El Potro prospect. The new Potro SE target resides at a much shallower depth and has all the makings of a quality target including both rockchip and soil copper anomalies, a strong Air-mag cylindrical shaped anomaly, and a chargeable IP response halo which has yet to be fully defined. All of these coincident attributes clearly show why Potro SE is being considered the priority drill target at the El Potro prospect. Two or three additional geophysical lines of IP PDP are planned over the target, to map out the chargeability halo more precisely. Mirasol is confident that they can get these lines completed before the end of the season which generally extend through until late May or early June.

新的Potro SE Mag / IP異常和最初報告的El Potro Mt-Resistivity異常都代表El Potro勘探的令人信服的探針目標。新的Potro SE目標位於更淺的深度,並具有優質目標的所有因素,包括岩石樣品和土壤銅異常、強烈的空中磁圓柱形異常、尚未完全定義的可充電IP響應光暈等。所有這些一致的因素都清楚地顯示爲什麼Potro SE正在被考慮爲El Potro勘探的優先鑽探目標。計劃在該目標上進行2-3條附加的地球物理IP PDP測試線路,以更精確地繪製出可充電光暈。Mirasol有信心可以在截至5月底或6月初的季節結束之前完成這些線路的建設。

The El Potro target ́s are located on the west side of the Ventana Fault Zone within the hanging wall of this reverse fault. Filo Mining has reported a series of porphyries, with the Ventana Porphyry residing in the hanging wall and located at the intersection of the NNE trending Ventana Fault and intersecting NW-trending faults. The El Potro targets reside in a similar structural configuration although it is interpreted that the El Potro targets are hosted in more deeply eroded upthrown structural block, exposing deep propylitic alteration potentially associated with a porphyry at depth.

El Potro靶向是位於Ventana斷層帶西側,在這個正斷層的頂板上,Filo Mining報道了一系列斑岩,Ventana斑岩位於頂板上,位於NNE趨勢的Ventana Fault與相交的NW趨勢斷層的交匯處。El Potro靶向位於類似的構造配置中,儘管據解釋認爲El Potro靶向託管於更深入侵塊中,暴露了深部普羅匹利蒂克改造帶,可能與深層侵入岩體有關。

About Mirasol Resources Ltd


Mirasol is a well-funded exploration company with 20 years of operating, permitting and community relations experience in the mineral rich regions of Chile and Argentina. Mirasol is currently self-funding exploration at two flagship projects, Sobek and Inca Gold, both located in Chile and controls 100% of the high-grade Virginia Silver Deposit in Argentina. Mirasol also continues to advance a strong pipeline of highly prospective early and mid-stage projects.

Mirasol是一家資金充足的勘探公司,擁有在智利和阿根廷豐富礦區的20年運營,許可和社區關係經驗。Mirasol目前正在自主地爲兩個旗艦項目Sobek和Inca Gold進行勘探,這兩個項目都位於智利,並控制着阿根廷高品位的Virginia Silver Deposit 100%的股份。Mirasol還不斷推進高度有前途的早期和中期項目。

For further information, contact:


Tim Heenan, President & CEO
Troy Shultz, Vice President Investor Relations

總裁兼首席執行官Tim Heenan
投資者關係副總裁Troy Shultz

Tel: +1 (604) 602-9989


Qualified Person Statement: Mirasol's disclosure of technical and scientific information in this press release has been reviewed and approved by Tim Heenan (MAIG), the President for the Company, who serves as a Qualified Person under the definition of National Instrument 43-101.

有關技術和科學信息的披露已經由該公司的總裁Tim Heenan (MAIG)(是加拿大國家第43-101號規定下的合格人士)進行審核和批准。

Forward Looking Statements: The information in this news release contains forward looking statements that are subject to a number of known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause actual results to differ materially from those anticipated in our forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause such differences include: changes in world commodity markets, equity markets, costs and supply of materials relevant to the mining industry, change in government and changes to regulations affecting the mining industry and to policies linked to pandemics, social and environmental related matters. Forward-looking statements in this release include statements regarding future exploration programs, operation plans, geological interpretations, mineral tenure issues and mineral recovery processes. Although we believe the expectations reflected in our forward-looking statements are reasonable, results may vary, and we cannot guarantee future results, levels of activity, performance or achievements. Mirasol disclaims any obligations to update or revise any forward-looking statements whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as may be required by applicable law.


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