
港股异动 | TCL电子(01070)午后涨超9% 4月初至今累涨1.2倍 产品结构改善拉动盈利能力持续恢复

Changes in Hong Kong stocks | TCL Electronics (01070) rose more than 9% in the afternoon and has been rising 1.2 times since the beginning of April, product structure improvements have led to continued recovery in profitability

Zhitong Finance ·  May 13 13:47

The Zhitong Finance App learned that TCL Electronics (01070) rose more than 9% in the afternoon and has risen 1.2 times since the beginning of April. As of press release, it rose 8.39% to HK$6.2, with a turnover of HK$62.537,900.

According to the news, TCL Electronics previously announced global color TV shipment data for the first quarter: global shipments of 1Q24 TCL TVs were 5.84 million units, +5.3% year-on-year; among them, 65-inch TV shipments and above were +23.1% YoY, and Mini LED TV shipments were +82.3% YoY.

CICC pointed out that TCL's color TV shipments are steadily in the top 3 in the world, yet the current profit of this business is still clearly low, and there is room for further improvement. 1Q24's share of the global color TV market has increased, the product structure has improved markedly, and the share of large size, middle and high-end has increased, which is expected to drive continued recovery in profitability.

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