
港股异动 | 日赢控股(01741)暴跌60% 私募瑞达丰跑路事件发酵 上海办公楼已被警方要求暂时关闭

Changes in Hong Kong stocks | Riying Holdings (01741) plummeted 60%. Private equity Ruidafeng's runaway incident unraveled, and the Shanghai office building has been temporarily closed by the police

Zhitong Finance ·  May 13 09:51

The Zhitong Finance App learned that Riying Holdings (01741) plummeted 60%. As of press release, it fell 59.6% to HK$0.101, with a turnover of HK$2,321,800.

According to the news, recently, news of private equity Ruidafeng's “run away” went viral in the market. According to reports, at present, the private equity product is no longer redeemable, the company's actual controller is out of touch, and some investors have reported the crime. On May 10, the office on the 3rd floor of Yard 10 of Ruifengda's office was closed by the Pudong New Area Economic Investigation Detachment. In addition, access to Ruifengda's largest affiliate, Riying Holdings (Riying Investment Holding Group Co., Ltd.), located in Building 8 of Huifengda Mansion, has also been restricted.

According to media reports, the product contract provided by an investor was stamped and signed by Shanghai Zhengran Investment Management Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Chengran Investment”) and Sun Wei, respectively. Zhengran Investment is 100% owned by Riying Investment Holding Group Co., Ltd., and Riying Investment's office is next to Ruifengda.

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