
Sonoma Clean Power Celebrates 10 Years of Providing Clean Energy to Sonoma and Mendocino Counties

Sonoma Clean Power Celebrates 10 Years of Providing Clean Energy to Sonoma and Mendocino Counties

PR Newswire ·  05/08 23:03

A decade of electric results, with more to come


SANTA ROSA, Calif., May 8, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Sonoma Clean Power (SCP) marks a significant milestone as it celebrates a decade of leadership in delivering clean, affordable, and locally sourced energy to its communities. Founded in response to the desire for a choice in a customer-owned public utility, SCP emerged as California's second Community Choice Aggregator (CCA) in 2014, and today generates the power for 87 percent of all homes and businesses in Sonoma and Mendocino counties. Without relying on taxes, it has since constructed 195 megawatts (MW) of new renewable power and passed more than $100 million in direct savings to its more than 500,000 customers. SCP pioneers dozens of innovative programs and gives back to the community along the way.

加利福尼亞州聖羅莎,2024 年 5 月 8 日 /PRNewswire/-- 索諾瑪清潔能源 (SCP) 標誌着它在向社區提供清潔、負擔得起的本地能源方面處於領先地位的十年之際,這是一個重要的里程碑。SCP成立的初衷是爲了滿足客戶對選擇公用事業的渴望,於2014年成爲加利福尼亞州的第二家社區選擇聚合器(CCA),如今爲索諾瑪縣和門多西諾縣87%的家庭和企業提供電力。在不依賴稅收的情況下,它已經建造了195兆瓦(MW)的新可再生能源,並向超過50萬名客戶直接節省了超過1億美元的資金。SCP開創了數十個創新項目,並在此過程中回饋社區。

"After 10 years, we're proud that we can definitively say this idea for a customer-owned utility providing cleaner energy at competitive rates has worked," said CEO Geof Syphers. "Through natural disasters and other challenges, we've consistently delivered cleaner, cost-effective power, proving our resilience. Moving forward, there is much work to do, and our incredible team and board members remain committed to combating the climate crisis head-on, helping customers cut their energy costs, and serving our communities."


"Over the past decade, Sonoma Clean Power has been fighting for the climate AND saving customers money," added Lynda Hopkins, County of Sonoma fifth district Supervisor and SCP board chair. "The agency has successfully gained the support and resources we need to improve power reliability. SCP is dedicated to energy equity and providing the tools and solutions for every single customer to benefit from the cleanest energy available."


Prior to SCP's inception, California's energy crisis prompted legislative action in 2002, empowering local governments to take over procuring electricity for residents and businesses. By 2014, SCP was operational in Sonoma County and service was expanded to Mendocino County in 2017. With SCP paving the way as an early example, there are now 25 CCAs in California serving more than 14 million customers and building more than 14,000 MW of new renewable power.


"Congratulations to Sonoma Clean Power on 10 years of serving its community and bringing clean energy and electrification mainstream," said David Hochschild, chair of the California Energy Commission.


10 Years of Progress

10 年的進步

Over the past decade, SCP has initiated many innovative programs, setting a standard for sustainable power throughout the state. In 2014, SCP debuted EverGreen, becoming California's sole – and still only – utility offering 100 percent locally generated energy 24 hours per day, seven days per week. Today, nine of SCP's member cities and counties have switched all, or some, of their facilities to EverGreen, along with more than 4,000 business and residential customers. EverGreen is now a model for California's future as the first electric service that complies with the state's climate goals for the year 2045.

在過去的十年中,SCP啓動了許多創新計劃,爲全州的可持續電力設定了標準。2014 年,SCP 首次亮相 常青,成爲加州唯一——也是唯一一家每週七天、每天24小時提供 100% 本地發電能源的公用事業。如今,SCP的九個成員城市和縣已將其全部或部分設施轉移到EverGreen,還有4,000多名商業和住宅客戶。作爲第一家符合該州2045年氣候目標的電力服務,EverGreen現在是加利福尼亞未來的典範。

Working to help make electrification more accessible, Drive EV assisted more than 1,250 customers make the switch to electric vehicles (EV) over its three year duration. Partnerships with CALeVIP and the Bike Electric program have promoted clean transportation solutions and supported California's goal of installing 250,000 public EV charging stations by 2025, as well as facilitated electric bike purchases for 423 low income customers. SCP's Advanced Energy Center, which opened in 2021 in downtown Santa Rosa, offers resources and support for customers transitioning to electric appliances and technologies, boasting more than 10,000 visitors and providing millions of dollars in rebates and incentives since opening. In 2022, SCP unveiled its all-electric headquarters, the world's first "GridOptimal" building, a milestone in energy consumption optimization and decarbonization of the state's electric grid.

努力幫助人們更容易獲得電氣化, 駕駛電動汽車 在三年的期限內,協助超過1,250名客戶轉向電動汽車(EV)。與... 的夥伴關係 CaleVIP電動自行車 該計劃促進了清潔交通解決方案,支持了加州到2025年安裝25萬個公共電動汽車充電站的目標,並促進了423名低收入客戶購買電動自行車。SCP 先進能源中心於2021年在聖羅莎市中心開業,爲向電器和技術過渡的客戶提供資源和支持,自開業以來擁有超過10,000名訪客,並提供了數百萬美元的折扣和激勵措施。2022年,SCP推出了其 全電動總部,世界上第一座 “GridOptimal” 建築,是該州電網能耗優化和脫碳的里程碑。

The Advanced Energy Rebuild Program supported the construction of 344 new homes and provided over $1.8 million in total incentives to homeowners affected by the area's devastating 2017 wildfires. Since 2018, the Nonprofit EV Incentive Program has facilitated the purchase of 20 EVs for local nonprofits, reducing emissions and supporting their essential work.

這個 高級能源重建計劃 支持了344套新房的建造,並向受該地區2017年毀滅性野火影響的房主提供了超過180萬美元的總激勵措施。自 2018 年以來, 非營利性電動汽車激勵計劃 爲當地非營利組織購買了20輛電動汽車提供了便利,減少了排放並支持了他們的基本工作。

In addition to directly serving its customers, SCP advocates on behalf of all citizens of Sonoma and Mendocino counties in the California state legislature, as well as at various regulatory agencies. This work includes developing and pursuing policies that support the agency's mission to combat the climate crisis, benefiting customers in its service area and across the state. These successes have reduced customers' bills by tens of millions of dollars. In 2020, SCP and a coalition of CCAs found multiple accounting and math errors in a PG&E proposal. A judge subsequently ordered PG&E to correct its math, reducing charges to customers in Sonoma and Mendocino counties by $34 million dollars in 2021 alone.


Community partnerships and investment have always been a cornerstone of SCP's values. Over the past 10 years, SCP has provided more than $5 million in donations and sponsorships to nonprofit organizations and groups, with a particular focus on addressing the fundamental needs of its community members.


A Look to the Future


At the forefront of SCP's mission is to end all reliance on fossil fuels. To this end, SCP has initiated the Geothermal Opportunity Zone (GeoZone) to accelerate the development of local geothermal resources needed to meet the state's clean energy goals. The ultimate aim of the GeoZone is to build 600 MW of new, renewable baseload power to support the existing solar power throughout Sonoma and Mendocino counties while showcasing the potential of new geothermal technologies that can be used worldwide.

SCP的首要使命是結束對化石燃料的所有依賴。爲此,SCP啓動了 地熱機會區 (GeoZone)將加快開發實現該州清潔能源目標所需的當地地熱資源。GeoZone的最終目標是建造600兆瓦的新可再生基本負荷電力,以支持索諾瑪縣和門多西諾縣的現有太陽能,同時展示可在全球範圍內使用的新地熱技術的潛力。

Grid reliability continues to pose a major threat to the clean energy transition, and SCP is building on its award-winning demand response program launched in 2018 with GridSavvy Rewards. The program offers cash rewards to customers who conserve energy when SCP sends an alert. In 2023, over 7,600 households participated and cut three MW on impacted summer days.

電網可靠性繼續對清潔能源轉型構成重大威脅,SCP正在其於2018年啓動的屢獲殊榮的需求響應計劃的基礎上再接再厲 GridSavvy 獎勵。該計劃向在SCP發送警報時節約能源的客戶提供現金獎勵。2023年,超過7,600戶家庭參與,在受影響的夏季削減了三兆瓦的電量。

With energy bills reaching higher prices than ever, SCP remains focused on affordability and meeting its customers' basic needs. Its Advanced Energy Center will now be known as the Sonoma Clean Power Customer Center. The reimagined Customer Center will educate visitors on clean energy technologies and provide a place where customers can speak to a knowledgeable staff member regarding understanding their bills, strategies to lower costs, and programs and incentives.


"As we head into our next decade, our focus remains clear: to make the transition to cleaner energy not just a concept, but an affordable reality," continued Syphers. "We stand as your ally, dedicated to making the energy transition easier."


About Sonoma Clean Power
Sonoma Clean Power is the public power provider for Sonoma and Mendocino counties, serving about half a million people. In downtown Santa Rosa, SCP operates its Customer Center, dedicated to helping customers cut their energy costs and renovate their homes. To learn more, visit or call 1 (855) 202-2139.

關於 Sonoma Clean Power
索諾瑪清潔能源是索諾瑪縣和門多西諾縣的公共電力供應商,爲大約50萬人提供服務。在聖羅莎市中心,SCP設有客戶中心,致力於幫助客戶削減能源成本和翻新房屋。要了解更多信息,請訪問 或致電 1 (855) 202-2139。

Kate Kelly, Director of Public Relations, Sonoma Clean Power
[email protected] | 707.486.2952

[電子郵件保護] | 707.486.2952

Laura Lance / Reilly Payne, Studio PR
[email protected] / [email protected] | 707.477.6606 / 415.686.2338

勞拉·蘭斯/Reilly Payne,工作室公關
[電子郵件保護] / [電子郵件保護] | 707.477.6606/415.686.2338

SOURCE Sonoma Clean Power

來源 Sonoma Clean Power

