
IPG Photonics Launches Cobot Laser Welding and Cleaning System

IPG Photonics Launches Cobot Laser Welding and Cleaning System

IPG Photonics 推出協作式激光焊接和清潔系統
GlobeNewswire ·  05/08 21:00

Automating Repetitive Steps Helping Companies


Improve Productivity and Reduce Operating Costs


MARLBOROUGH, Mass., May 08, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- IPG Photonics Corporation (NASDAQ: IPGP), the world leader in fiber laser solutions, today announced the launch of an automated cobot laser welding and cleaning system for fabrication and manufacturing industries.

馬薩諸塞州馬爾伯勒,2024年5月8日(GLOBE NEWSWIRE)——光纖激光器解決方案領域的全球領導者IPG光電公司(納斯達克股票代碼:IPGP)今天宣佈推出用於製造和製造行業的自動化協作機器人激光焊接和清潔系統。

Turnkey Laser Automation Made Easy
The new cobot is a fully automated, laser welding and cleaning system which can be configured with any existing and future LightWELD welding laser source. It expands IPG Photonics' industry leading LightWELD family of portable laser welders. Cobots, also called collaborative robots, are industrial robots which work with humans often for tasks that require precision, repeatable results or to streamline repetitive tasks. IPG Photonics' cobot laser production system makes automating welding jobs easy for fabricators regardless of experience with cobots or laser processing. Designed and delivered as a turnkey laser system, welders and shop owners benefit from simple installation and setup, to enable production in as little as just one day.

新的協作機器人是一種全自動激光焊接和清潔系統,可以配置任何現有和未來的 LightWeld 焊接激光源。它擴展了IPG Photonics行業領先的LightWeld便攜式激光焊機系列。協作機器人,也稱爲協作機器人,是與人類合作的工業機器人,通常用於需要精確、可重複結果的任務或簡化重複性任務。無論使用協作機器人或激光加工的經驗如何,IPG Photonics 的協作機器人激光生產系統都可讓製造商輕鬆自動化焊接工作。作爲一站式激光系統設計和交付,焊工和車間所有者受益於簡單的安裝和設置,可以在短短一天內完成生產。

All-in-One Cobot Laser Welding & Cleaning System
The LightWELD Cobot System is comprised of an industrial base with the LightWELD laser source, system controls, a 1 x 1.5 m work surface, drag-and-drop operator user interface, and long-reaching cobot arm which holds the LightWELD gun. As with standalone LightWELD products, the system is also capable of switching between laser welding and laser cleaning in just seconds by simply changing the nozzle with no tools required. The system is also fully compatible with the LightWELD wire feeder, which further expands the system capability.

LightWeld 協作機器人系統由一個工業基地組成,該工業基地配備 LightWeld 激光源、系統控件、1 x 1.5 米的工作臺面、拖放式操作員用戶界面以及可容納 LightWeld 槍的長距離協作機器人手臂。與獨立的 LightWeld 產品一樣,該系統還能夠在短短几秒鐘內在激光焊接和激光清洗之間切換,只需更換噴嘴,無需工具。該系統還與 LightWeld 送絲機完全兼容,這進一步擴展了系統功能。

Effortless Part Programming
Regardless of prior cobot experience, welders are able to teach the cobot with manual guidance in just minutes and control all system functionality from a single graphical user interface which requires no coding knowledge. Cobot motion and LightWELD parameters are easily accessed, as are the built-in editable presets for optimized welding and cleaning. The welder can test and simulate the programmed processing ahead of beginning a job, which ensures results are as expected. This significantly reduces scrap and the need for rework due to the precision and consistency of the cobot motion system and reliability of the LightWELD laser source.

無論以前的協作機器人經驗如何,焊工都能夠在短短几分鐘內通過手動指導教導協作機器人,並通過無需編碼知識的單一圖形用戶界面控制所有系統功能。協作機器人運動和 LightWeld 參數易於訪問,內置的可編輯預設可優化焊接和清潔也是如此。焊工可以在開始工作之前測試和模擬編程處理,從而確保結果符合預期。由於協作機器人運動系統的精度和一致性以及 LightWeld 激光源的可靠性,這顯著減少了廢品和返工需求。

Safety Configurations to Match Any Environment
IPG Photonics puts safety first in every product they produce and is committed to educating the industry on how laser safety standards for welding differ only slightly from the required protection and procedures in traditional welding, which makes adoption of laser-based solutions simpler and faster. The LightWELD Cobot System is available in three configurations: the base system that is integrated into a dedicated and enclosed shop space; an integrated system with a removable safety enclosure with dual-channel interlocking doors and laser-safe window; and in a LightWELD Studio comprised of modular laser-safe panels with sliding door, laser-safe window and safety signage.

IPG Photonics 將安全放在第一位,並致力於教育業界了解激光焊接安全標準與傳統焊接所需的保護和程序有何細微差別,這使得基於激光的解決方案的採用變得更簡單、更快捷。LightWeld 協作機器人系統有三種配置可供選擇:集成到專用的封閉式商店空間中的基本系統;帶有可拆卸安全外殼、雙通道聯鎖門和激光安全窗的集成系統;以及由帶滑動門的模塊化激光安全面板、激光安全窗和安全標牌組成的 LightWeld Studio。

Empowering Skilled Welders and Enabling New Capabilities
By automating repetitive laser welds for the LightWELD Cobot System, skilled welders can focus on more demanding tasks and pursue new skills enabling themselves and shop owners to increase productivity and expand capabilities. These benefits, plus lessening the need to grind and rework parts that typically result from hand welding inconsistencies, reduce overall operating expenses and accelerate return on investment.

通過自動對 LightWeld 協作機器人系統進行重複激光焊接,熟練的焊工可以專注於更苛刻的任務並追求新技能,從而使自己和車間所有者能夠提高生產率和擴展能力。這些好處,加上減少了通常由手工焊接不一致導致的研磨和返工零件的需求,降低了總體運營開支並加快了投資回報率。

"This turnkey automated laser welding and cleaning system provides the shortest path for fabricators to install and easy to use system and produce consistent results efficiently and safely," said Daniel Earley, LightWELD Product Manager. "My firsthand experience using the system validates that anyone with or without prior welding or cobot skills can quickly learn to program and control the entire system in a matter of minutes. We are excited to bring this system to market as it will enable the fabrication industry to increase productivity with automated processing, address the shortage of qualified welders, and facilitate new shop capabilities."

LightWeld 產品經理 Daniel Earley 表示:“這種一站式自動化激光焊接和清潔系統爲製造商提供了最短的安裝路徑和易於使用的系統,可高效、安全地產生一致的結果。”“我使用該系統的親身經歷證明,任何具有或不具備焊接或協作機器人技能的人都可以在短短几分鐘內快速學會對整個系統進行編程和控制。我們很高興將該系統推向市場,因爲它將使製造行業能夠通過自動化處理提高生產率,解決合格焊工的短缺問題,並促進新的車間能力。”

The LightWELD Cobot System offers the flexibility and range of motion to tackle multiple project setups with mixes of parts, joint configurations and material combinations, both on the system work surface and on adjacent work surfaces. The small footprint of the system and integrated leveling caster wheels enable easy system repositioning into other areas of the shop floor.

LightWeld 協作機器人系統具有靈活性和運動範圍,可以在系統工作臺和相鄰的工作表面上混合零件、接頭配置和材料組合來處理多個項目設置。該系統佔地面積小,集成調平腳輪可輕鬆將系統重新定位到車間的其他區域。

The combination of welders and cobots lower the cost-per-part by reducing downtime, rework and scrap, while increasing production capacity, processing consistency and overall quality for fabrication shops of all sizes.


About IPG Photonics

關於 IPG Photonics

IPG Photonics Corporation is the leader in high-power fiber lasers and amplifiers used primarily in materials processing and other diverse applications. The company's mission is to make its fiber laser technology the tool of choice in mass production. IPG accomplishes this mission by delivering superior performance, reliability and usability at a lower total cost of ownership compared with other types of lasers and non-laser tools, allowing end users to increase productivity and decrease costs. IPG is headquartered in Marlborough, Massachusetts and has more than 30 facilities worldwide.

IPG Photonics Corporation是大功率光纖激光器和放大器的領導者,主要用於材料加工和其他各種應用。該公司的使命是使其光纖激光器技術成爲批量生產的首選工具。與其他類型的激光器和非激光工具相比,IPG 通過以更低的總擁有成本提供卓越的性能、可靠性和可用性來實現這一使命,從而使最終用戶能夠提高生產率並降低成本。IPG 總部位於馬薩諸塞州的馬爾伯勒,在全球擁有 30 多個工廠。

For more information, visit


CONTACT: Investor Contact Eugene Fedotoff Senior Director, Investor Relations IPG Photonics Corporation 508-597-4713
聯繫人:投資者聯繫人 Eugene Fedotoff 投資者關係高級董事 IPG Photonics Corporation 508-597-4713

