
Yowie Group and NBA Join Forces to Slam Dunk the Confectionery World at Sweets and Snacks Expo

Yowie Group and NBA Join Forces to Slam Dunk the Confectionery World at Sweets and Snacks Expo

Yowie Group 和 NBA 聯手在糖果和零食博覽會上對糖果界大加讚賞
PR Newswire ·  05/08 20:37

CHICAGO, May 8, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Get ready to bounce into excitement because Yowie is teaming up with the National Basketball Association (NBA) to bring a new level of fun to the confectionery scene! The court is set, and from May 14-16, 2024 at the Sweets and Snacks Expo in Indianapolis, we're unveiling our epic partnership that's guaranteed to be a slam dunk!

芝加哥,2024 年 5 月 8 日 /PRNewswire/ — 準備好激動人心因爲 Yowie 正在與美國國家籃球協會 (NBA) 合作 爲糖果界帶來全新的樂趣!法庭已經準備就緒,從 2024 年 5 月 14 日至 16 日在印第安納波利斯舉行的糖果和零食博覽會上,我們將揭開我們史詩般的合作伙伴關係,這肯定是一場灌籃高手!

Yowie and NBA team up.
Yowie 和 NBA 聯手了。

Picture this: delicious Yowie treats meet the electrifying world of basketball, all wrapped up in one thrilling package. Cynthia Thayer, our MVP and Yowie Global Chief Marketing Officer, couldn't be more hyped: "We're hitting the court with the NBA, a league that's got the whole world cheering. It's like the ultimate alley-oop of candy excitement!"


Wait courtside during the 2024-25 NBA season for the jaw-dropping debut of our NBA-licensed goodies, set to dazzle fans across the USA, Australia, and New Zealand. From coast to coast, hoopsters of all ages will be chanting for Yowie treats sporting their favorite NBA team logos!

在場邊等待 在 2024-25 NBA 賽季中 爲了這部令人歎爲觀止的處女作 我們獲得 NBA 許可的好東西,將讓美國、澳大利亞和新西蘭的粉絲眼花繚亂。 從一個海岸到另一個海岸,所有年齡段的籃球愛好者都會高呼 Yowie 會用他們最喜歡的 NBA 球隊徽來款待!

But wait, there's more!


Booth #10502, is the place to be, where the magic of Yowie meets the thrill of the NBA. Shoot some hoops, show off your virtual basketball skills with NBA Jam, and score big with our raffle for a chance to win tons of official NBA merch! It's all part of our game plan to bring joy and excitement to fans of all ages.

展位 #10502,是必去的地方,Yowie 的魔力與 NBA 的快感交匯的地方。 射一些籃球,用以下方式炫耀你的虛擬籃球技巧 NBA Jam,然後通過我們的抽獎活動獲得大額分數就有機會獲得 贏取大量 NBA 官方商品!這都是我們遊戲計劃的一部分,旨在爲所有年齡段的粉絲帶來歡樂和刺激。

Yowie's overall game plan? We're not just about tasty treats – we're all about inspiring adventure and getting kids moving! That's why we're on a mission to spark curiosity and outdoor exploration with every bite.

Yowie 的整體遊戲計劃?我們不只是提供美味的零食,我們都是爲了激發冒險靈感,讓孩子們動起來!這就是爲什麼我們的使命是每吃一口都激發好奇心和戶外探索。

So, mark your calendars, lace up your sneakers, and get ready to Unwrap The Adventure at Booth #10502. Together with the NBA, we're here to make every moment a slam dunk!

所以,記下你的日曆,繫好運動鞋,準備好在 #10502 號展位開啓冒險之旅。 我們與 NBA 一起,讓每時每刻都成爲扣籃!

For more info, check out or swing by our booth for a taste of the action!


About Yowie

關於 Yowie

Did you know that yowie is the Australian word for "bigfoot"?! Their purpose is to protect animals from harm! When danger is present, bigfoot use a unique call of "YOWIE" to warn the animals and bring them to safety. With so many modern dangers, they need your help. They are adventuring all over the globe to help animals in distress and want you to join them outdoors on their mystery-cloaked quest. Are you up for the challenge? Will you search high and low for the bigfoot to help them rescue wildlife in danger?? Hurry! The bigfoot are calling!

你知道嗎 yowie 在澳大利亞語中意爲 “大腳怪”?!他們的目的是保護動物免受傷害!當存在危險時,大腳怪會使用獨特的呼叫”YOWIE“警告動物並將它們帶到安全的地方。面對如此多的現代危險,他們需要你的幫助。他們正在全球各地冒險,以幫助處於困境的動物,並希望你和他們一起在戶外進行神祕的探索。你準備好迎接挑戰了嗎?你會四處搜尋大腳怪來幫助他們拯救處於危險中的野生動物嗎?快點!大腳怪在打電話!

Yowie Group Ltd. makes the Yowie surprise-inside chocolate. Each Yowie chocolate is molded in the shape of the bigfoot characters and contains limited-edition collectible animal toys and a full color leaflet featuring the real-life animal, its profile and level of endangerment. It's a treat and outdoor learning adventure in one! Our social channels & website are brimming with even more fascinating facts on endangered wildlife, further encouraging children to get active and outside to discover all the mystery and wonder of our natural world.

Yowie Group Ltd. 製作 Yowie 內含驚喜的巧克力。每個 Yowie 巧克力都以大腳怪角色的形狀模製而成,包含限量版的可收藏動物玩具和一份全綵的傳單,上面描述了現實生活中的動物、其輪廓和瀕危程度。 這是一次愉悅和戶外學習冒險合二爲一! 我們的社交渠道和網站充斥着更多有關瀕危野生動物的有趣事實,進一步鼓勵孩子們在戶外活動起來,探索自然世界的所有神祕和奇蹟。

The combo of tasty, clean-label treats, fun animal toys and a digital platform invites kids to UNWRAP THE ADVENTURE to find the bigfoot and help endangered wildlife. Yowie surprise inside chocolates are available in more than 30,000 retail outlets across the U.S. For more information visit .

美味、乾淨標籤的零食、有趣的動物玩具和數字平台的組合邀請孩子們開啓冒險之旅,尋找大腳怪並幫助瀕臨滅絕的野生動物。Yowie surprise inside chocolates 在美國 30,000 多家零售店有售。欲了解更多信息,請訪問 。

Contact: Devin Mainville
[email protected], (779) 221-3764

[電子郵件保護],(779) 221-3764

SOURCE Yowie Group

來源 Yowie Group

