
NCS Multistage Holdings' (NASDAQ:NCSM) Solid Earnings May Rest On Weak Foundations

NCS Multistage Holdings' (NASDAQ:NCSM) Solid Earnings May Rest On Weak Foundations

NCS Multistage Holdings(納斯達克股票代碼:NCSM)的穩健收益可能建立在薄弱的基礎上
Simply Wall St ·  05/08 19:14

The market for NCS Multistage Holdings, Inc.'s (NASDAQ:NCSM) stock was strong after it released a healthy earnings report last week. However, we think that shareholders should be cautious as we found some worrying factors underlying the profit.

NCS Multistage Holdings, Inc. 的市場。”s(納斯達克股票代碼:NCSM)在上週發佈了健康的收益報告後,股價表現強勁。但是,我們認爲股東應謹慎行事,因爲我們發現了利潤背後的一些令人擔憂的因素。

NasdaqCM:NCSM Earnings and Revenue History May 8th 2024
納斯達克股票代碼:NCSM 收益和收入歷史記錄 2024 年 5 月 8 日

The Impact Of Unusual Items On Profit


Importantly, our data indicates that NCS Multistage Holdings' profit received a boost of US$14m in unusual items, over the last year. While it's always nice to have higher profit, a large contribution from unusual items sometimes dampens our enthusiasm. When we analysed the vast majority of listed companies worldwide, we found that significant unusual items are often not repeated. And, after all, that's exactly what the accounting terminology implies. NCS Multistage Holdings had a rather significant contribution from unusual items relative to its profit to March 2024. As a result, we can surmise that the unusual items are making its statutory profit significantly stronger than it would otherwise be.

重要的是,我們的數據表明,與去年相比,NCS Multistage Holdings的不尋常項目利潤增加了1400萬美元。雖然獲得更高的利潤總是件好事,但來自不尋常物品的巨額捐款有時會抑制我們的熱情。當我們分析全球絕大多數上市公司時,我們發現重大不尋常的事項往往不會重演。而且,畢竟,這正是會計術語的含義。截至2024年3月,NCS Multistage Holdings從不尋常的項目中獲得了相當大的利潤。因此,我們可以推測,這些不尋常的物品使其法定利潤明顯高於原來的水平。

That might leave you wondering what analysts are forecasting in terms of future profitability. Luckily, you can click here to see an interactive graph depicting future profitability, based on their estimates.


Our Take On NCS Multistage Holdings' Profit Performance

我們對NCS Multistage Holdings盈利表現的看法

As we discussed above, we think the significant positive unusual item makes NCS Multistage Holdings' earnings a poor guide to its underlying profitability. For this reason, we think that NCS Multistage Holdings' statutory profits may be a bad guide to its underlying earnings power, and might give investors an overly positive impression of the company. On the bright side, the company showed enough improvement to book a profit this year, after losing money last year. Of course, we've only just scratched the surface when it comes to analysing its earnings; one could also consider margins, forecast growth, and return on investment, among other factors. If you'd like to know more about NCS Multistage Holdings as a business, it's important to be aware of any risks it's facing. Be aware that NCS Multistage Holdings is showing 3 warning signs in our investment analysis and 1 of those is a bit concerning...

正如我們上面討論的那樣,我們認爲這一重大利好不尋常的項目使NCS Multistage Holdings的收益無法衡量其潛在盈利能力。出於這個原因,我們認爲NCS Multistage Holdings的法定利潤可能不利於其潛在盈利能力,並可能給投資者留下過於積極的公司印象。好的一面是,該公司在去年虧損之後,表現出了足夠的改善,今年實現了盈利。當然,我們只是在分析其收益時才浮出水面;人們還可以考慮利潤率、預測增長和投資回報率等因素。如果您想進一步了解NCS Multistage Holdings作爲一家企業,請務必了解其面臨的任何風險。請注意,NCS Multistage Holdings在我們的投資分析中顯示出3個警告信號,其中一個有點令人擔憂...

This note has only looked at a single factor that sheds light on the nature of NCS Multistage Holdings' profit. But there is always more to discover if you are capable of focussing your mind on minutiae. For example, many people consider a high return on equity as an indication of favorable business economics, while others like to 'follow the money' and search out stocks that insiders are buying. So you may wish to see this free collection of companies boasting high return on equity, or this list of stocks that insiders are buying.

本報告僅研究了揭示NCS Multistage Holdings利潤性質的單一因素。但是,如果你能夠將注意力集中在細節上,總會有更多的事情需要發現。例如,許多人認爲高股本回報率是有利的商業經濟的標誌,而另一些人則喜歡 “關注資金”,尋找內部人士正在買入的股票。因此,你可能希望看到這份免費收藏的擁有高股本回報率的公司,或者這份內部人士正在購買的股票清單。

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