
Dr. Quinton Hennigh Appointed as Director of Condor Resources

Dr. Quinton Hennigh Appointed as Director of Condor Resources

Accesswire ·  05/08 19:00

VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / May 8, 2024 / Condor Resources Inc. - ("Condor" or the "Company") (TSXV:CN) is pleased to announce that it has appointed Dr. Quinton Hennigh to Condor's board of directors. Dr. Hennigh previously served as a Director of the Company from June 2020 to August 2021 and has been a supportive advisor and shareholder of the Company since 2020.

不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華/ACCESSWIRE/2024 年 5 月 8 日/Condor Resources Inc.-(“Condor” 或 “公司”)(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:CN)欣然宣佈,它已任命昆頓·亨尼博士爲康多董事會成員。Hennigh 博士曾於 2020 年 6 月至 2021 年 8 月擔任公司董事,自 2020 年起一直擔任公司的支持顧問和股東。

Dr. Hennigh is a globally renowned exploration geologist with 30+ years of precious metals mining experience. Dr. Hennigh began his career in gold exploration after obtaining his PhD in Geology/Geochemistry from the Colorado School of Mines. Early in his career he worked for major gold mining companies including Homestake Mining (now Barrick Gold Corp.), Newcrest Mining, and Newmont Corp. Later, Dr. Hennigh founded Novo Resources Corp, acting as its CEO and currently serving as co-Chairman. He has played a key role in major global discoveries such as First Mining Gold's Springpole gold deposit in Ontario, Kirkland Lake Gold's Fosterville gold mine in Australia, the Rattlesnake Hills gold deposit in Wyoming, and Lion One's Tuvatu gold project in Fiji, among many others. Dr. Hennigh is CEO of private silver miner, San Cristobal Mining.

Hennigh 博士是全球知名的勘探地質學家,擁有 30 多年的貴金屬開採經驗。Hennigh 博士在科羅拉多礦業學院獲得地質學/地球化學博士學位後,開始了他的黃金勘探職業生涯。在職業生涯的早期,他曾在包括Homestake Mining(現爲巴里克黃金公司)、紐克雷斯特礦業和紐蒙特公司在內的大型金礦公司工作。後來,亨尼博士創立了諾沃資源公司,擔任其首席執行官,目前擔任聯席董事長。他在全球重大發現中發揮了關鍵作用,例如安大略省First Mining Gold的Springpole金礦牀、澳大利亞柯克蘭湖黃金的福斯特維爾金礦、懷俄明州的響尾蛇山金礦以及斐濟的Lion One的圖瓦圖金礦項目等。亨尼博士是私人白銀礦業公司聖克里斯托瓦爾礦業的首席執行官。

"I am delighted to rejoin Condor as director," commented Dr. Hennigh. "I have continually followed the Company's progress at Pucamayo, and am excited to see what the future holds for the Company. I have a great respect for Ever Marquez, Condor's Vice President of Exploration, whom I have worked with on two occasions, at Newcrest Mining during the 1990's and at Newmont Mining during the 2000's, and find him to be an exceptional explorer credited with discovering the Breapampa high sulfidation gold deposit in southern Peru and the Rio Blanco copper porphyry deposit in northern Peru. Mr. Marquez is particularly knowledgeable about high sulfidation gold systems."

Hennigh博士評論說:“我很高興重新加入Condor擔任董事。”“我一直在關注公司在Pucamayo的進展,很高興看到公司的未來會怎樣。我非常尊重神鷹勘探副總裁埃弗·馬克斯,我曾兩次與他合作過,一次是20世紀90年代在紐克雷斯特礦業公司,在2000年代在紐蒙特礦業公司,我發現他是一位傑出的探險家,他因發現秘魯南部的Breapampa高硫化金礦牀和秘魯北部的里奧布蘭科銅斑岩礦牀而受到讚譽。Marquez 先生對高硫化金系統特別了解。”

He continued, "When Ever and I visited Pucamayo, I instantly recognized that he has discovered what is arguably one of the best early exploration-stage high sulfidation systems left in Peru. High level, vapour-phase alteration underlies an area of at least six square kilometers indicating presence of a very large hydrothermal system. Within a small erosional window through this high-level alteration, Ever and his team discovered outcropping vuggy silica and silica breccias carrying appreciable gold and silver. The results of the recent drill program seem to confirm the thesis of a hydro-magmatic center with gold and silver mineralization within an epithermal-type mineralization of high to intermediate sulfidation with continued indications of an underlying porphyry. The expansion of the DIA to the south east should open up continued opportunity to make a significant new discovery in Peru on part of the large strongly altered footprint that remains untested."


"I am delighted to welcome back Dr. Hennigh to the board of directors" said Chris Buncic, Condor's President and CEO. "Quinton's knowledge, experience and support will be of great benefit to the Company and its shareholders as we advance our plans at our priority projects and beyond".


About Condor Resources Inc.

關於 Condor Resources Inc.

Condor Resources is a precious and base metals exploration company focused on its portfolio of projects in Peru. The company's flagship project, Pucamayo, is an 85 km2 property containing a high sulphidation epithermal system with disseminated precious metals mineralization with a large lithocap alteration visible at surface. The company has optioned several large projects to partners who continue to advance these projects, and has a number of priority and prospective projects warranting further exploration by Condor. The Company's team in Peru has a long history of success in discovering and advancing high quality exploration projects and managing the social aspects of exploration in Peru.

Condor Resources是一家貴金屬和基本金屬勘探公司,專注於其在秘魯的項目組合。該公司的旗艦項目 Pucamayo 長達 85 公里2 該特性包含高硫化超熱液系統,具有浸染的貴金屬礦化作用,表面可見較大的巖殼蝕變。該公司已向繼續推進這些項目的合作伙伴選擇了幾個大型項目,並且有許多優先項目和潛在項目值得Condor進一步勘探。該公司在秘魯的團隊在發現和推進高質量勘探項目以及管理秘魯勘探的社會方面有着悠久的成功經驗。



Chris Buncic,
President & Chief Executive Officer


For further information please contact the Company at 1-866-642-5707, or by email at

欲了解更多信息,請致電 1-866-642-5707 或發送電子郵件至 與公司聯繫

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SOURCE: Condor Resources Inc.

來源:Condor Resources Inc.

