
Growing Body of Clinical Evidence Points to the Potential of Profound Medical's TULSA Procedure Becoming a Mainstream Treatment Modality Across the Entire Prostate Disease Spectrum

Growing Body of Clinical Evidence Points to the Potential of Profound Medical's TULSA Procedure Becoming a Mainstream Treatment Modality Across the Entire Prostate Disease Spectrum

越來越多的臨床證據表明,Indeforend Medical的塔爾薩手術有可能成爲整個前列腺疾病領域的主流治療方式
GlobeNewswire ·  05/07 04:15

—  So far this year alone, 25 TULSA-related scientific research presentations have been delivered at major medical meetings around the world —

— 僅今年到目前爲止,在世界各地的主要醫學會議上就發表了25場與塔爾薩相關的科學研究演講 —

— Of those, eight (8) presentations were from leading urologists at AUA 2024 —

— 其中,八(8)場演講來自領先的泌尿科醫生在AUA 2024 —

—  Clinical evidence continues to highlight TULSA's ability to treat an unrivalled variety of patients with localized prostate cancer and/or BPH —

— 臨床證據繼續凸顯塔爾薩治療無與倫比的局部前列腺癌和/或良性前列腺增生患者的能力 —

TORONTO, May  06, 2024  (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Profound Medical Corp. (NASDAQ:PROF; TSX:PRN) ("Profound" or the "Company"), a commercial-stage medical device company that develops and markets customizable, incision-free therapies for the ablation of diseased tissue, is pleased to announce that a total of 25 paper, poster and podium presentations highlighting the Transurethral Ultrasound Ablation ("TULSA") procedure's ability to effectively, safely and efficiently treat an unrivaled variety of prostate cancer and/or benign prostatic hyperplasia ("BPH") patients have been made at major medical meetings already in 2024.

多倫多,2024年5月6日(GLOBE NEWSWIRE)——開發和銷售可定製、無切口的病變組織消融療法的商業階段醫療器械公司——Profound Medical Corp.(納斯達克股票代碼:PROF;多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:PRN)(“Profound” 或 “公司”)欣然宣佈,共有25場論文、海報和講臺演講,重點介紹經尿道超聲消融術(“塔爾薩”)”) 手術有效、安全和高效地治療無與倫比的前列腺癌和/或良性前列腺增生(“BPH”)患者的能力已經在2024年的重大醫學會議上發表了。

"The TACT 5-year clinical trial data, along with multiple real-world reports on the safety, efficacy and durability of TULSA from U.S. commercial centers, such as Mayo Clinic in Florida, Busch Center in Georgia, and UT Southwestern Medical Center in Texas, as well as international user sites, like Sapporo Hokuyu Hospital in Japan, ALTA Klinik in Germany, and Turku University Hospital in Finland, add to the growing body of evidence supporting the potential of TULSA as a mainstream treatment for prostate disease," said Arun Menawat, Profound's CEO and Chairman.

“TACT 5年臨床試驗數據,以及來自佛羅里達州梅奧診所、佐治亞州布希中心和德克薩斯州德克薩斯大學西南醫學中心等美國商業中心以及日本札幌北友醫院、德國ALTA Klinik和芬蘭圖爾庫大學醫院等國際用戶網站的多份關於塔爾薩安全性、有效性和耐久性的真實報告,爲支持塔爾庫潛力的越來越多的證據增加了越來越多的證據 SA是前列腺疾病的主流治療方法。” Profound首席執行官兼董事長阿倫·梅納瓦特說。

Of the 25 TULSA presentations delivered year-to-date, five were given at the European Congress of Radiology (ECR) (February 29-March 3; Vienna, Austria), one at the Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Section of the American Urological Association ("AUA") (March 20-23; Austin, TX), three at the Society of Interventional Radiology (SIR) Annual Scientific Meeting (March 23-28; Salt Lake City, UT), five at the Annual European Association of Urology (EAU) Congress (April 5-8; Paris, France), one at the Society of Abdominal Radiology (SAR) Annual Meeting (April 14-19; Hollywood, FL), one at the Japanese Urological Association (JUA) Annual Meeting (April 25-27; Kobe, Japan), one at the American Roentgen Ray Society (ARRS) Annual Meeting (May 5-9; Boston, MA), and eight at the AUA's Annual Meeting in San Antonio, TX, which just concluded today.


"The various presentations made at AUA and other major medical conferences have highlighted TULSA's clinical use across the entire prostate disease spectrum; ranging from low-, intermediate-, or high-risk prostate cancer; to hybrid patients suffering from both prostate cancer and BPH; to men with BPH only; and also, to patients requiring salvage therapy for radio-recurrent localized prostate cancer," added Dr. Menawat. "Importantly, real-world data from top institutions is also consistently demonstrating similar outcomes to the TACT FDA regulatory study. We would like to take this opportunity to thank the many esteemed researchers and clinicians who have contributed to the growing awareness of TULSA among urologists, both at home and abroad, and look forward to continuing to build on that positive momentum as the year progresses."

梅納瓦特博士補充說:“在AUA和其他主要醫學會議上發表的各種演講突顯了塔爾薩在整個前列腺疾病領域的臨床用途;從低、中或高風險的前列腺癌;到同時患有前列腺癌和良性前列腺增生的混合患者;到僅患有良性前列腺增生的男性;以及需要接受放射覆發局部前列腺癌救助治療的患者。”“重要的是,來自頂級機構的真實數據也一直顯示出與TACT FDA監管研究相似的結果。我們要藉此機會感謝衆多受尊敬的研究人員和臨床醫生,他們爲提高國內外泌尿科醫生對TULSA的認識做出了貢獻,並期待隨着時間的推移繼續保持這種積極勢頭。”



The TULSA procedure, performed using Profound's TULSA-PRO system, employs real-time MR guidance for precision to preserve prostate disease patients' urinary continence and sexual function while killing the targeted prostate tissue via a precise sound absorption technology that gently heats it to kill temperature (55°C). TULSA is an incision- and radiation-free "one-and-done" procedure performed in a single session that takes a few hours. No hospital stay is required, and most TULSA patients report quick recovery to their normal routine.

TULSA手術使用Profound的TULSA-PRO系統進行,採用實時磁共振引導,精確地保護前列腺疾病患者的尿失禁和性功能,同時通過精確的吸音技術將其溫和加熱至殺死溫度(55°C),殺死靶向前列腺組織。TULSA 是一種無切口且無輻射的 “一次完成” 手術,只需幾個小時即可在單次療程中完成。無需住院,大多數塔爾薩患者報告說,他們的正常生活恢復得很快。

