
Grid Metals Announces Indicated Open-Pit Mineral Resource of 46.2 Million Tonnes at MM Copper/Nickel Project in Southeastern Manitoba

Grid Metals Announces Indicated Open-Pit Mineral Resource of 46.2 Million Tonnes at MM Copper/Nickel Project in Southeastern Manitoba

Grid Metals宣佈曼尼托巴省東南部MM銅鎳項目的露天礦產資源量爲4,620萬噸
Accesswire ·  05/06 19:15

TORONTO, ON / ACCESSWIRE / May 6, 2024 / Grid Metals Corp. (TSXV:GRDM)(OTCQB:MSMGF) ("Grid" or the "Company") is pleased to announce an updated Mineral Resource Estimate ("MRE") for its copper/nickel MM (previously "Makwa Mayville") Project in southeastern Manitoba, prepared in accordance with CIM (2019) Best Practice Guidelines. The resource estimate contains two separate deposits located 35 km apart and approximately 145 kilometres from Winnipeg the capital of Manitoba. Grid has consolidated the majority of the prospective copper-nickel mineral tenure of the highly prospective Bird River Greenstone Belt including several other deposits near the Makwa and Mayville resources. Concurrently with the new resource estimate the Company has completed a Project wide geophysical review which has identified a number of new high potential targets for drilling. An initial drill program is in planning and expected to commence later in 2024. The Company is seeking financing and/or strategic partnerships to actively develop the Project.

安大略省多倫多/ACCESSWIRE/2024年5月6日/Grid Metals Corp.(TSXV: GRDM)(OTCQB: MSMGF)(“電網” 或 “公司”)欣然宣佈其位於曼尼托巴省東南部的銅/鎳MM(前身爲 “MKWA Mayville”)項目的最新礦產資源估算(“MRE”),該估算是根據CIM(2019)最佳實踐指南編制的。資源估算包含兩個獨立的礦牀,它們相隔35公里,距離曼尼托巴省首府溫尼伯約145公里。電網已經整合了極具前景的伯德河格林斯通帶的大部分潛在銅鎳礦產使用權,包括馬誇和梅維爾資源附近的其他幾個礦牀。在進行新的資源估算的同時,該公司完成了整個項目的地球物理審查,該審查確定了許多新的高潛力鑽探目標。初步的鑽探計劃正在規劃中,預計將於2024年晚些時候開始。該公司正在尋求融資和/或戰略合作伙伴關係,以積極開發該項目。

Mineral Resource and Project Highlights:


The Indicated mineral resource amenable to open pit mining and constrained within pit-shells is tabulated below:


*See details of the Mineral Resource Estimate including calculation methods used to determine the copper equivalent (CuEq) and nickel equivalent (NiEq) grades presented in Tables 1A and 1B.


  • Contained metal content in the indicated open pit category includes 317 million pounds of copper, 263 million pounds of nickel and 452,000 ounces of combined palladium, platinum and gold.
  • Both deposits remain partly open along strike and at depth, and the Company holds the mineral rights to three other near-surface mineral deposits in the belt that could augment the mineral resource inventory in the future.
  • Both deposits have had extensive metallurgical test work completed over multiple campaigns with results indicating that saleable sulfide concentrates can be produced (nickel at Makwa; separate copper and nickel concentrates at Mayville).
  • The main factors contributing to the increased resources from previous estimates are improvements in modelled metallurgical recoveries, changes in metal prices and forex used in the resource calculation and additional drilling.
  • The Mayville Deposit has no royalty; the Makwa Deposit has a 1% NSR royalty of which one half of a percent can be re-purchased for CAD$500,000.
  • There are no offtake obligations on either of the deposits. The Company is currently seeking expressions of interest to fund resource expansion and project development through marketing of nickel and copper offtake rights for the project.
  • The target/model for the project is +80 million tonnes of open pit resources augmented by the delineation of high-grade massive sulfide deposits throughout the belt.
  • The Company has the mineral rights to the majority of the prospective Bird River Greenstone belt which has a geologic analogue to the McFaulds Lake Greenstone Belt which hosts the Ring of Fire deposits (see reference 2 at end of the press release)
  • Among the economic parameters used in the mineral resource estimate, metal prices for the key metals are US$3.75 lb for copper and $9 lb for nickel.
  • Strip ratios for the resource shells were 3.2 for Mayville and 4.7 for Makwa and are provided in the resource Tables 1A and 1B.
  • Company plans to commence an initial phase of exploration drilling later in 2024 to test high priority nearby targets including possible massive sulphide targets identified from the recent geophysical review.
  • 所述露天礦類別中所含的金屬含量包括3.17億磅銅、2.63億磅鎳和45.2萬盎司的合金、鉑金和金。
  • 這兩個礦牀在走向和深度均處於部分開放狀態,該公司持有該地帶其他三個近地表礦牀的礦產權,這可能會增加未來的礦產資源庫存。
  • 這兩個礦牀已經通過多次活動完成了大量的冶金測試工作,結果表明可以生產出可銷售的硫化物精礦(在Makwa生產鎳;在梅維爾分開銅和鎳精礦)。
  • 與先前的估計相比,導致資源增加的主要因素是模擬冶金回收率的改善、資源計算中使用的金屬價格和外匯的變化以及額外的鑽探。
  • 梅維爾存款沒有特許權使用費;Makwa存款有1%的NSR特許權使用費,其中一半的百分比可以花50萬加元回購。
  • 這兩筆存款都沒有承購義務。該公司目前正在尋求意向書,通過營銷該項目的鎳和銅承購權來爲資源擴張和項目開發提供資金。
  • 該項目的目標/模型是8000萬噸露天資源,再加上整個地帶上高品位塊狀硫化物礦牀的劃定。
  • 該公司擁有大部分潛在的伯德河格林斯通帶的礦產權,該帶的地質類似於存放火環礦牀的麥克福茲湖綠石帶(參見新聞稿末尾的參考文獻 2)
  • 在礦產資源估算中使用的經濟參數中,主要金屬的金屬價格爲銅3.75美元和鎳的9磅價格。
  • 資源殼的剝離比率爲梅維爾的3.2,Makwa的資源殼帶寬率爲4.7,見資源表1A和1B。
  • 該公司計劃在2024年晚些時候開始勘探鑽探的初始階段,以測試附近的高優先目標,包括最近的地球物理審查中確定的可能的大規模硫化物目標。

Robin Dunbar, CEO of Grid Metals, commented, "The resource estimate announced today provides impetus for further exploration and continued expansion of the MM copper/nickel Project. The MM Project resource is a conventional and near surface copper-nickel sulfide resource with readily apparent upside. The Project is ideally located to service critical metals demand in North America. The Mayville deposit is located directly adjacent to the Company's advanced exploration stage Donner Lithium Project which is currently progressing through the mine permitting process. We see tremendous synergies between our copper/nickel and lithium project development plans as we continue to build the mineral resources necessary to develop an important critical metals production and processing hub in a Tier 1 mining jurisdiction."

Grid Metals首席執行官羅賓·鄧巴評論說:“今天公佈的資源估算爲進一步勘探和持續擴張MM銅/鎳項目提供了動力。MM Project資源是一種傳統的近地表銅鎳硫化物資源,具有明顯的上升空間。該項目地理位置優越,可滿足北美的關鍵金屬需求。梅維爾礦牀直接位於該公司高級勘探階段的唐納鋰項目附近,該項目目前正在進行礦山許可程序。隨着我們繼續建設在一級採礦管轄區開發重要的關鍵金屬生產和加工中心所需的礦產資源,我們看到銅/鎳和鋰項目開發計劃之間存在巨大的協同效應。”

Project Overview


The MM Project includes a copper-rich (Mayville) and a nickel-rich (Makwa) disseminated magmatic sulfide deposit along with three additional near-surface deposits (Page, Ore Fault, and New Manitoba) which were acquired by Grid in April 2023. The Mayville and Makwa deposits are located in the northern and southern parts of the Bird River Greenstone Belt, respectively, in southeastern Manitoba (see Figure 1). The Bird River Greenstone Belt and its mineral occurrences have been the subject of multiple research projects including research work completed under the Targeted Geoscience Initiative by the Canadian Geological Survey. The Project area has been identified as being a direct analogue to the Ring of Fire belt in northwestern Ontario (Houlé et al., 2020) which hosts several significant mineral deposits.

MM項目包括一個富銅(梅維爾)和一個富含鎳(Makwa)的浸染岩漿硫化物礦牀,以及另外三個近地表礦牀(佩奇、礦石斷層和新曼尼託巴),這些礦牀於2023年4月被電網收購。梅維爾和馬克瓦礦牀分別位於曼尼托巴省東南部伯德河綠巖帶的北部和南部(見圖1)。伯德河綠巖帶及其礦物礦牀一直是多個研究項目的主題,其中包括加拿大地質調查局在 “有針對性的地球科學計劃” 下完成的研究工作。該項目區域已被確定爲與安大略省西北部的環火帶(Houleé等人,2020年)的直接類似區域,該地帶擁有多個重要的礦牀。

The Project consists of a mining lease and mineral claims held by the Company and its subsidiaries. It is readily accessible year-round, by provincial highways from the capital city of Winnipeg located ~145 km to the southwest. The Mayville deposit is situated two km north of the Company's Donner Lithium Project where the Company has published a NI 43-101 Resource Estimate Technical Report. Both the Donner and MM Projects will benefit from efficiencies in exploration, government and First Nations relations, permitting and infrastructure.

該項目包括公司及其子公司持有的採礦租約和礦產索賠。從位於西南約145公里的首都溫尼伯出發,可通過省級公路全年輕鬆抵達。梅維爾礦牀位於該公司唐納鋰項目以北兩公里處,該公司已在該項目發佈了NI 43-101資源估算技術報告。Donner和MM項目都將受益於勘探、政府與原住民關係、許可和基礎設施方面的效率。

In total, 99 mineral claims and one mineral lease (Makwa) are held for base metal exploration by the Company and its subsidiaries. A further 51 mining claims are under option from Gossan Resources with a $300,000 option payment remaining under the option and due in April 2025. The Makwa Deposit is held under a Mineral Lease granted by the Province of Manitoba that expires in 2040 and is subject to annual payments of approximately $10,000 per year. Under the mineral tenure system in Manitoba, assessment credits are "banked" to enable the claims to be held without annual payments provided sufficient exploration credits are expended on the Property. Currently, the Company has sufficient exploration credits to keep the Project in good standing for over 10 years.

該公司及其子公司共持有99份礦產索賠和一份礦產租約(Makwa),用於基本金屬勘探。Gossan Resources還有51份採礦索賠可供選擇,期權下還有30萬美元的期權付款,將於2025年4月到期。Makwa存款是根據曼尼托巴省批准的礦產租約持有的,該租約將於2040年到期,每年約需支付1萬美元。根據馬尼托巴省的礦產保有制度,評估信貸被 “存入”,以便在不支付年度付款的情況下保留索賠,前提是將足夠的勘探信貸用於財產。目前,該公司擁有足夠的勘探信用,可以使該項目在10年內保持良好的信譽。

Figure 1: Location of the MM Copper/Nickel Project and the Donner Lithium Project in southeastern Manitoba

圖 1: MM Copper/Nickel 項目和 Donner 鋰項目位於曼尼托巴省東南部

Exploration Potential


The Company views the updated MM resource estimate as an important base upon which it can expand. The Company notes that by far the majority of the exploration completed to date has focused on near surface disseminated mineralization. The higher-grade cores of the deposits and higher-grade values associated with massive sulfides in multiple drill holes give clear indication that the potential for higher-grade massive sulfide is evident throughout the belt as well as proximal to the known deposits.


The Project has several walk-up targets that could provide immediate upside to the current mineral resource. These include the newly acquired New Manitoba Cu-Ni historical occurrence and the untested EM conductors between New Manitoba and the Mayville Cu-Ni Deposit approximately 10 km to the west. As well, the newly acquired Page and Ore Fault deposits and their potential extensions are also priority targets. The Company plans to complete an initial drill program to test these priority targets later this year and will provide further details on the targets and timing as soon as possible.

該項目有幾個逐步實現的目標,可以立即爲當前的礦產資源提供上行空間。其中包括新收購的新馬尼托巴省銅鎳歷史遺蹟,以及新曼尼托巴省與向西約10公里處的梅維爾銅鎳礦牀之間未經測試的電磁導體。同樣,新收購的Page和Ore Fault礦牀及其潛在延期也是優先目標。該公司計劃在今年晚些時候完成初步的鑽探計劃,以測試這些優先目標,並將儘快提供有關目標和時間的更多詳細信息。

The other deposits and mineral occurrence in the MM Project area are:


  • The New Manitoba deposit, which has a historical mineral resource estimate of 1.8Mt at 0.75% Cu and 0.33% Ni (Manitoba Mineral Inventory Card #217) (Note: The Company has not been able to verify the historical estimate as relevant and the historical estimate should not be relied on);
  • The Ore Fault deposit, containing a previously NI 43-101 reported indicated resource of 0.9Mt at 0.32% Ni and 0.24% Cu and an inferred resource of 2.5Mt 0.35% Ni and 0.19% (Ewert et al., 2009; see reference 1, below); and,
  • The Page deposit, containing a previously NI 43-101 reported indicated resource of 1.5Mt at 0.32% Ni and 0.13% Cu (Ewert et al., 2009).
  • 新曼尼托巴省礦牀的歷史礦產資源估計爲180萬噸,銅含量爲0.75%,鎳含量爲0.33%(曼尼托巴省礦產庫存卡 #217)(注意:公司無法驗證歷史估計值是否相關,因此不應依賴歷史估計);
  • 礦石斷層礦牀包含先前報告的NI 43-101的指示資源爲90萬噸,鎳含量爲0.32%,銅含量爲0.24%,推斷資源爲250萬噸,鎳含量爲0.35%,鎳含量爲0.19%(Ewert等人,2009年;見下文參考文獻1);以及,
  • 佩奇礦牀包含先前報告的NI 43-101礦牀,其中顯示的資源量爲150萬噸,鎳含量爲0.32%,銅含量爲0.13%(Ewert等人,2009年)。

(Note that all previous mineral resource estimates mentioned above need to be updated following the CIM 2019 Best Practice Guidelines to make them current)

(請注意,上面提到的所有先前礦產資源估算值都需要按照CIM 2019最佳實踐指南進行更新,以使其成爲最新版本)

The Ore Fault and Page deposit MREs were prepared in accordance with National Instrument 43-101. The Company considers these estimates to be reasonable but has not independently verified them and will be required to take additional steps including drilling to complete the verification process.

礦石斷層和佩奇礦牀 MRE 是根據國家儀器 43-101 編制的。該公司認爲這些估計是合理的,但尚未對其進行獨立驗證,因此需要採取包括鑽探在內的其他措施來完成驗證過程。

Mineral Resource Estimate


The updated mineral resource estimate for the MM Project is provided in Tables 1 and 2, below. The new estimate was prepared by Micon International Ltd. ('Micon') following the CIM 2019 Best Practice Guidelines and is reported in accordance with National Instrument 43-101 ("NI 43-101") - Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects and its Companion Policy 43-101CP. The current mineral resource was estimated by Micon using an updated drill hole database and new mineralization wireframes that capture all verified historical drill hole data sets. Block grade interpolation was performed using the Kriging technique). The resource modeling was completed by Micon in accordance with both CIM Guidelines and the relevant parts of the JORC 2012 Code, and in keeping with regulatory requirements for the filing of technical reports for mineral resource estimates at both the TSX Venture Exchange and the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX).

下文表1和表2提供了MM項目的最新礦產資源估算。新的估算由美康國際有限公司(“美康”)根據CIM 2019年最佳實踐指南編制,並根據國家儀器43-101(“NI 43-101”)——礦業項目披露標準及其配套政策43-101CP進行報告。Micon 使用更新的鑽孔數據庫和新的礦化線框估算了當前的礦產資源,這些線框捕獲了所有經過驗證的歷史鑽孔數據集。方塊等級插值是使用 Kriging 技術進行的)。資源建模由美康根據CIM指南和JORC 2012守則的相關部分完成,符合在多倫多證券交易所風險交易所和澳大利亞證券交易所(ASX)提交礦產資源估算技術報告的監管要求。

The Technical Report incorporating the new resource estimate will be accessible on SEDAR () within 45 days of this news release.

包含新資源估算值的技術報告將在本新聞發佈後的45天內在SEDAR () 上發佈。

Notes to Accompany the Makwa and Mayville Resource Estimate:

Makwa 和 Mayville 資源估算附註:

  1. The effective date of this Mineral Resource Estimate is December 31, 2023.
  2. The MRE presented above uses economic assumptions for both surface mining and underground mining.
  3. The MRE has been classified in the Indicated and Inferred categories following spatial grade continuity analysis and geological confidence.
  4. The calculated cut-off grades to report the MRE are dynamic in nature following metallurgical recovery curves, the average COG for Makwa is 0.30 % Ni in surface mining and 0.84 % Ni in underground mining; for Mayville is 0.30 % Cu in surface mining and 1.37 % Cu in underground mining.
  5. The economic parameters used metal prices of US$9.0/lb Ni, US$3.75/lb Cu, US$23.0/lb Co, US$900/oz Pt, US$1,400/oz Pd and US$1,750/Au with specific metallurgical recovery curves summarized as follow: copper recoveries of 87% to high grade copper concentrate of 28%; and nickel recoveries in the range from 50% to 68% to 10% nickel concentrate at Mayville and 50-68% nickel recovery to 10% nickel concentrate based on average grades and over 70% recovery for highest grade (+1% Ni) blocks at Makwa); a mining cost of US$3.5/t in surface and US$80.0/t in underground; Processing cost of US$15/t and a General & Administration cost of US$3.2/t.
  6. For surface mining the open pits at Makwa and Mayville use a slope angle of 53°.
  7. The block models for Makwa and Mayville are rotated and use a block size of 10 m x 5 m x 5 m with the narrow sides across strike (North-South) and vertically (z direction).
  8. The open pit optimization uses a re-blocked size of 10 m x 10 m x 10 m and for the underground the optimization uses stopes 20 m long by 20 m high and a minimum mining width of 3 m.
  9. Messrs. Alan J. San Martin, MAusIMM(CP) and Charley Murahwi, P.Geo., FAusIMM, from Micon International Limited are the Qualified Persons (QPs) for this Mineral Resource Estimate (MRE).
  10. Mineral resources unlike mineral reserves do not have demonstrated economic viability. The estimate of mineral resources may be materially affected by environmental, permitting, legal, title, taxation, socio-political, marketing, or other relevant issues.
  11. The mineral resources have been estimated in accordance with the CIM Best Practice Guidelines (2019) and the CIM Definition Standards (2014).
  12. Totals may not add correctly due to rounding.
  13. Equivalent (Eq) Grade Calculations: (a) Makwa NiEq = Ni% + ((Cu% x CuR x CuP) + (Co% x CoR x CoP) + (Pt g/t x PtR x PtP) + (Pd g/t x PdR x PdP))/(NiR x NiP); (b) Mayville CuEq* = Cu% + ((Ni% x NiR x NiP) + (Co% x CoR x CoP) + (Pt g/t x PtR x PtP) + (Pd g/t x PdR x PdP) + (Au g/t x AuR x AuP))/(CuR x CuP). NiEQ = nickel equivalent grade. R = metal recovery. P = metal price.
  14. The Mayville CuEq calculation assumes the production of separate Cu and Ni concentrates.
  15. Metallurgical recovery ranges using input grades at the cutoff grade (low end) and 2 times the average open pit resource grade (high end) are as follow: Makwa: Ni: 36 to 86%; Cu: 85.6% (invariant); Co: fixed to nickel recoveries; Pd: 59 to 90% (capped); Pt: 39 to 90% (capped); Mayville: For the copper concentrate model :Cu: 86.5 to 86.9%; Ni: 5% (fixed); Co: (5% - fixed to nickel recovery); Pd: 42% (fixed); Pt: 35% (fixed); Co: 30% (fixed); For the nickel concentrate model: Cu: 5% (fixed); Ni: 42 to 69%;Co: matches nickel recoveries; Pd: 33%; Pt: 21%; Au: 10%.
  1. 本礦產資源估算的生效日期爲2023年12月31日。
  2. 上面介紹的 MRE 使用了露天採礦和地下采礦的經濟假設。
  3. 根據空間等級連續性分析和地質信度,MRE已被歸類爲指示和推斷類別。
  4. 根據冶金回收曲線,計算出的報告礦物回收率的截止品位本質上是動態的,Makwa露天採礦的平均COG爲0.30%的鎳,地下采礦的平均COG爲0.84%;梅維爾的露天採礦爲0.30%的銅,地下采礦的平均COG爲1.37%的銅。
  5. 經濟參數使用了9.0美元/磅鎳、3.75美元/磅銅、23.0美元/磅、每盎司鉑900美元、每盎司鈀和1,750美元/澳元的金屬價格,具體的冶金回收率曲線彙總如下:銅回收率爲87%,高品位銅精礦爲28%;梅維爾的鎳回收率在50%至68%至10%之間,鎳回收率爲50-68%至10% 按平均品位計算,鎳精礦爲 10%,最高品位(鎳 +1%)區塊的回收率超過 70%);地表開採成本爲3.5美元/噸,地下開採成本爲80.0美元/噸;加工成本爲15美元/噸,一般和管理成本爲3.2美元/噸。
  6. 對於露天採礦,馬誇和梅維爾的露天礦坑使用 53° 的斜角。
  7. Makwa 和 Mayville 的方塊模型是旋轉的,使用大小爲 10 m x 5 m x 5 m 的方塊,窄邊橫跨走向(南北)和垂直(z 方向)。
  8. 露天礦優化使用了 10 m x 10 m x 10 m 的重新封鎖尺寸,而對於地下礦井,優化使用長 20 米、高 20 m 的採礦站,最小採礦寬度爲 3 m。
  9. 美康國際有限公司的艾倫·桑·馬丁先生(MauSimm)(CP)和來自美康國際有限公司的P.Geo. Charley Murahwi先生(P.Geo.,Fausimm)是本次礦產資源估算(MRE)的合格人士(QP)。
  10. 與礦產儲量不同,礦產資源沒有顯示出經濟可行性。礦產資源的估算可能會受到環境、許可、法律、所有權、稅收、社會政治、營銷或其他相關問題的重大影響。
  11. 礦產資源是根據CIM最佳實踐指南(2019年)和CIM定義標準(2014年)估算的。
  12. 由於四捨五入,總數相加可能不正確。
  13. 等效(Eq)等級計算:(a) Makwa NieQ = Ni% + ((Cu% x cUR x CuP) + (Co% x CoR x CoP) + (Pt g/t x pTr x pTR x pTP) + (Pd g/t x pdR x pDP) + (Pd g/t x pdR x pdP)/(niR x NiP);(b) Mayville CuEq* = 銅% + ((Ni% x NiR x NiP) + (Co% x CoR x CoP) + (Pt g/t x pTr x PtR x PtP) + (Pd g/t x pdR x pdR x pdP) + (Au g/t x AuR x AuP)/(cUR x cUP)/(cUR x cUP)。NieQ = 鎳當量等級。R = 金屬回收率。P = 金屬價格。
  14. 梅維爾CueQ的計算假設分別生產銅和鎳精礦。
  15. 使用截止品位(低端)的輸入品位和露天資源平均品位(高端)的2倍的冶金回收率範圍如下:Makwa:Ni:36 至 86%;Cu:85.6%(不變);Co:固定爲鎳回收率;Pd:59 至 90%(上限);Mayville:銅精礦型號:CU:8 6.5 至 86.9%;鎳:5%(固定);鈷:(5%-固定回收率);鈀:42%(固定);鉑:35%(固定);鈷:30%(固定);對於鎳精礦模型:銅:5%(固定);鎳:42 至 69%;鈷:與鎳回收率相匹配;鈀:21%;金:10%。

In summary, the updated open-pit resource estimate for the Mayville deposit includes 32.0 million tonnes in the indicated category with 0.40% Cu and 0.16% Ni and byproduct concentrations of cobalt, palladium, platinum and gold (0.61% copper equivalent grade). The open pit resources at Makwa include 14.2 million tonnes in the indicated category with 0.48% Ni, 0.11% Cu, 0.02% Co, 0.37 g/t Pd and 0.10 g/t Pt (0.75% nickel equivalent grade). The Makwa deposit is subdivided into a central, higher-grade zone ('HG1') and a flanking (both hanging-wall and footwall) lower-grade ('LG1') zone. The new resource estimate includes 4.8 million tonnes of the HG1 zone grading 0.89% Ni (1.26% nickel equivalent grade).

總而言之,梅維爾礦牀的最新露天資源估計包括指定類別的3,200萬噸,銅含量爲0.40%,鎳含量爲0.16%,以及鈷、鈀、鉑和金的副產品濃度(銅當量品位0.61%)。Makwa的露天礦資源包括指定類別的1,420萬噸,其中 0.48% 的鎳、0.11% 的銅、0.02% 的鈷、0.37 g/t Pd 和 0.10 g/t Pt(0.75% 的鎳當量品位)。Makwa礦牀被細分爲中央高等級區域(“HG1”)和側翼(包括懸掛牆和腳牆)低等級(“LG1”)區域。新的資源估算包括480萬噸的HG1區域,鎳品位爲0.89%(鎳當量品位爲1.26%)。

The previous resource estimate for the MM Project was published by RPA Inc. (2014) and supported a Preliminary Economic Assessment based on two open pit mines feeding a central concentrator to be located at the Mayville property. Low base metal prices during the period of 2014 to 2020 precluded any significant new development activity and drilling at the Project. However, with an improved outlook for copper prices and the increasing strategic importance of nickel as a critical metal, the Project ranks favourably for future exploration and development.

MM項目先前的資源估算由RPA Inc.(2014年)發佈,支持了一項初步經濟評估,該評估基於位於梅維爾地產的兩座露天礦山爲中央選礦廠供水。在2014年至2020年期間,基本金屬價格低迷,使該項目無法進行任何重大的新開發活動和鑽探。但是,隨着銅價前景的改善以及鎳作爲關鍵金屬的戰略重要性日益增強,該項目在未來的勘探和開發中名列前茅。

Compared to the previous published resource estimate for the MM project (RPA Inc., 2014), the combined open pit resources (indicated category) increased by 12.4 million tonnes or 36.8%. This increase is largely attributable to the inclusion of recent infill drilling (Makwa - 2022), improved metallurgical recoveries from testwork completed after the previous resource estimate was published, and a more favourable US dollar to Canadian dollar exchange rate.

與先前公佈的MM項目資源估算(RPA Inc.,2014年)相比,合併露天礦資源(指定類別)增加了1,240萬噸,增長了36.8%。這一增長主要歸因於包括最近的填充鑽探(Makwa-2022年)、在上次資源估算公佈後完成的測試工作中提高了冶金回收率,以及美元兌加元的匯率更加有利。

Mayville Deposit


The Mayville magmatic sulfide deposit is a copper-rich disseminated sulfide deposit hosted by the western part of the ~17 km long late Archean Mayville mafic-ultramafic complex. The Mayville deposit is approximately 1.5 km long, up to 200 metres wide, and has been delineated to maximum depth of ~500 metres. It dips steeply to the south. The deposit includes the Main Zone (Figure 2, below) and two satellite zones (not shown here) located at the eastern end of the deposit. The two satellite zones have not been included in the current resource estimate.

梅維爾岩漿硫化物礦牀是一個富含銅的浸染硫化物礦牀,位於長約17千米的晚阿奇安·梅維爾鎂鐵質-超鎂鐵質複合體的西部。梅維爾礦牀長約1.5公里,寬度可達200米,最大深度已劃定爲約500米。它急劇向南傾斜。該礦牀包括主區域(見下圖 2)和位於礦牀東端的兩個衛星區域(此處未顯示)。這兩個衛星區未包括在目前的資源估計中。

The mineralization in the Mayville deposit occurs principally as disseminations of chalcopyrite and pyrrhotite with lesser pentlandite and pyrite hosted in what has been described as an intrusive breccia unit emplaced near the base of the Mayville Complex.


Figure 2. Mayville Long Section (looking north) showing drill hole traces and mineralization block model

圖 2。梅維爾長段(向北看)顯示鑽孔痕跡和礦化區塊模型

A sectional view of the mineralization block model is shown in Figure 3 below.

礦化區塊模型的剖面圖如下圖 3 所示。

Figure 3: Representative cross section for the Mayville deposit, looking west, and showing the current Micon block model coded to copper grade and selected length-weighted average drill hole intersections for drill holes captured on this section.

圖 3: Mayville礦牀的代表性橫截面,向西看,顯示了當前按銅等級編碼的Micon區塊模型,以及該部分捕獲的鑽孔的選定長度加權平均鑽孔交叉點。

Makwa Deposit

Makwa 存款

The Makwa deposit is a conventional, basal-contact related, Ni- and Pd-rich disseminated magmatic sulfide deposit. The steep south-dipping and west-plunging Makwa deposit has a minimum strike length of 1.1 km, an average vertical depth of ~350 metres and an average width of 30-50 metres. The Makwa deposit remains open along strike to the east and partially down-dip below its currently defined vertical extent. The deposit was briefly mined from a shallow open pit by a subsidiary of Falconbridge Ltd. in 1974. It was the subject of a standalone Prefeasibility Study completed in 2008 (Micon International) for the mining and production of nickel concentrate for sale to a smelter.


The Micon resource estimate discussed here subdivides the deposit into a central higher-grade zone (HG1) and a flanking lower-grade zone (LG1). The metal tenor in both zones is very similar, such that the Ni (and Pd) grades are strongly correlative with the total amount of sulfide present. Localized high-grade nickel mineralization is present in associated with narrow lenses of net-textured and semi-massive sulphides. A longitudinal section of the deposited is shown in Figure 4 and a sectional view of the mineralization block model is shown in Figure 3 below.

此處討論的美康資源估算將礦牀細分爲中央高品位區域(HG1)和兩側低品位區域(LG1)。這兩個區域的金屬含量非常相似,因此鎳(和鈀)等級與存在的硫化物總量密切相關。局部的高品位鎳礦化與網狀和半塊狀硫化物的窄透鏡有關。沉積物的縱向截面如圖 4 所示,礦化區塊模型的剖面圖如下圖 3 所示。

Figure 4. Makwa Long Section (looking north) showing drill hole traces and mineralization block model

圖 4.Makwa 長截面(向北看)顯示鑽孔痕跡和礦化區塊模型

Figure 5: Representative cross section, looking west, showing the current Micon block model coded to nickel grade, the HG1 and LG1 zone boundaries, and selected length-weighted interval assays for drill holes captured on this section.

圖 5: 代表性橫截面,向西看,顯示了當前按鎳等級編碼的 Micon 區塊模型、HG1 和 LG1 區域邊界,以及對該部分採集的鑽孔的選定長度加權間隔分析。

Resource Modeling Methods


The mineral resource estimation (MRE) strategy adopted for the Makwa and Mayville deposits comprises the following sequence:


  • Exploratory data analysis/review
  • Modelling
  • Compositing/Grade Capping/Statistics
  • Geostatistics/Variography/Spatial Analysis
  • Definition of Block Model and Search Parameters
  • Grade Interpolation and Validation
  • Determination of Tonnage
  • Establishment of Parameters/Prospects for Economic Recovery
  • Mineral Resource Definition: parameters; classification
  • 探索性數據分析/審查
  • 建模
  • 作文/成績上限/統計
  • 地統計學/變異學/空間分析
  • 區塊模型和搜索參數的定義
  • 成績插值和驗證
  • 噸位的測定
  • 確定經濟復甦的參數/前景
  • 礦產資源定義:參數;分類

While both the Makwa and Mayville deposits belong to the same deposit class, the former is nickel dominant while the later is copper dominant. Accordingly, the two deposits have been estimated separately.


The bulk of the new resources estimated are constrained by optimized pit shells. In addition, a small underground resource was also estimated by Micon for both Makwa and Mayville.


Qualified Persons Statements


The Grid Metals' MM Project 2024 Mineral Resource Estimate with an effective date of December 31, 2023 was prepared by Messrs. Alan J. San Martin, MAusIMM (CP) and Charley Murahwi, P.Geo., FAusIMM, from Micon International Limited, both of whom are Independent Qualified Persons in accordance with the guidelines of the Canadian Securities Administrators' National Instrument 43-101 - Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects ("NI 43-101").

根據加拿大證券管理局國家儀器43-101——礦產項目披露標準(“NI 43-101”)的指導方針,Grid Metals的2024年MM項目礦產資源估算由Mausimm(CP)的艾倫·桑·馬丁先生和P.Geo. FausimM的查理·穆拉維先生編寫,他們都是獨立合格人士,他們都是加拿大證券管理局國家儀器43-101——礦業項目披露標準(“NI 43-101”)的指導方針)。

Dr. Dave Peck, P.Geo., is the Qualified Person for purposes of National Instrument 43-101 and has reviewed and approved the technical content of this release.

P.Geo. Dave Peck博士是National Instrument 43-101的合格人士,他已經審查並批准了本版本的技術內容。



  1. Ewert, D., Yassa, A., Armstrong, T., Brown, F., and Puritch, E. 2009. Technical Report and Resource Estimate on the Ore Fault, Galaxy and Page Zones of the Marathon PGM/Gossan Resources JV Bird River Property, Southeast Manitoba. 103 p.
  2. Houlé, M.G., Lesher, C.M., Sappi, A., Bédard, M., Goutier, J. and Yang, E., 2020. Overview of Ni-Cu-(PGE), Cr-(PGE), and Fe-Ti-V magmatic mineralization in the Superior Province: Insights on metallotects and metal endowment. In: Targeted Geoscience Initiative 5: Advances in the understanding of Canadian Ni-Cu-PGE and Cr ore systems - Examples from the Midcontinent Rift, the Circum-Superior Belt, the Archean Superior Province, and Cordilleran Alaskan-type intrusions. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 8722, p. 117-139.
  1. D. Ewert、A. Yassa、T. Armstrong、F. Brown 和 Puritch,E. 2009 年。馬尼托巴省東南部馬拉松PGM/Gossan Resources合資公司Bird River地產礦石斷層、星系和佩奇區的技術報告和資源估計。103 頁
  2. Houleé,M.G.,Lesher,C.M.,Sappi,A.,Be'dard,M.,Goutier,J. 和 Yang,E.,2020 年。蘇必利爾省鎳銅(PGE)、鉻(PGE)和鐵鈦釩岩漿礦化概述:對金屬礦物和金屬天賦的見解。載於:有針對性的地球科學倡議 5:對加拿大鎳銅聚乙烯和鉻礦石系統的理解進展——來自中部大陸裂谷、環狀地帶、太古神星省和阿拉斯加山脈式入侵的例子。加拿大地質調查局,打開文件8722,第117-139頁。

About Grid Metals Corp.

關於 Grid Metals 公司

Grid Metals is focused on both lithium and copper/nickel projects in the Bird River area, approximately 150 km northeast of Winnipeg Manitoba. The Donner Lake lithium project is a 75% owned property subject to a joint venture agreement. Grid has a lease agreement on the True North mill where it plans to process feed from Donner Lake. Grid also has an MOU with Tantalum Mining Corporation of Canada Limited who operates the nearby producing Tanco Mine. The MM copper/nickel project is a resource-stage project that is undergoing exploration and development work as reported in this Press Release.

Grid Metals專注於位於曼尼托巴省溫尼伯東北約150公里處的伯德河地區的鋰和銅/鎳項目。唐納湖鋰項目是持有75%的財產,受合資協議約束。Grid與True North工廠簽訂了租賃協議,計劃在該工廠加工來自唐納湖的飼料。電網還與加拿大鉭礦業有限公司簽訂了諒解備忘錄,後者經營附近生產的坦科礦。正如本新聞稿所述,MM銅/鎳項目是一個資源階段的項目,正在進行勘探和開發工作。

All of the Company's southeastern Manitoba projects are located on the Traditional Lands of the Sagkeeng First Nation with whom the Company maintains an Exploration Agreement.


On Behalf of the Board of Grid Metals Corp.

代表 Grid Metals Corp. 董事會

For more information about the Company, please see the Company website at or contact:
Robin Dunbar - President, CEO & Director Telephone: 416-955-4773 Email:
Brandon Smith - Chief Development Officer -
David Black - Investor Relations Email:

羅賓·鄧巴——總裁、首席執行官兼董事電話:416-955-4773 郵箱

We seek safe harbour. This news release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and forward-looking information within the meaning of the Securities Act (Ontario) (together, "forward-looking statements"). Such forward-looking statements include the Company's closing of the proposed financial transactions, sale of royalty and property interests. the overall economic potential of its properties, the availability of adequate financing and involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward- looking statements to be materially different. Such factors include, among others, risks and uncertainties relating to potential political risk, uncertainty of production and capital costs estimates and the potential for unexpected costs and expenses, physical risks inherent in mining operations, metallurgical risk, currency fluctuations, fluctuations in the price of nickel, cobalt, copper and other metals, completion of economic evaluations, changes in project parameters as plans continue to be refined, the inability or failure to obtain adequate financing on a timely basis, and other risks and uncertainties, including those described in the Company's Management Discussion and Analysis for the most recent financial period and Material Change Reports filed with the Canadian Securities Administrators and available at .

我們尋求安全的避風港。本新聞稿包含1995年《美國私人證券訴訟改革法》所指的前瞻性陳述以及《證券法》(安大略省)所指的前瞻性信息(統稱爲 “前瞻性陳述”)。此類前瞻性陳述包括公司完成擬議金融交易、出售特許權使用費和財產權益。其財產的整體經濟潛力、充足融資的可得性,並涉及已知和未知的風險、不確定性和其他因素,這些因素可能導致此類前瞻性陳述所表達或暗示的實際業績、業績或成就發生重大差異。除其他外,這些因素包括與潛在政治風險相關的風險和不確定性、生產和資本成本估算的不確定性以及意想不到的成本和開支的可能性、採礦業務固有的物理風險、冶金風險、貨幣波動、鎳、鈷、銅和其他金屬價格的波動、經濟評估的完成、計劃不斷完善後項目參數的變化、無法或未能及時獲得充足的資金以及其他風險和不確定性,包括公司最近財政期間的管理層討論和分析中描述的內容,以及向加拿大證券管理人提交的重大變更報告,可在以下網址查閱

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulations Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this press release.


SOURCE: Grid Metals Corp.


