DJ Beyond Meat Earnings Were Awesome. Here's Why Its Stock Is Plunging. --
By Al Root
Go figure. Beyond Meat shares thudded 22% this past Tuesday in the backwash of earnings that were actually decent -- the most recent swerve in a stock that for much of the summer was one of the year's spectacular successes.
The plant-based-meat company reported earning six cents a share on $92 million in sales, marking its first profitable quarter as a public company. Sales were $10 million better than Wall Street expected. Beyond hiked its full-year sales guidance twice, first to $240 million in July, then to $270 million. Product demand remains high.
Beyond Meat came public at $25 a share in May and closed the first day at $66; the stock hit $234 in July, then traded below $100 ahead of Monday's release. By Friday, the stock was at $82, after a rally to $89 on Wednesday. Barron's suggested selling the stock on May 31 at $102. On Friday, Oct. 25, shares opened at $102.
What went wrong? In a word: volatility. Growth was high, products are new, and strong management execution has battled a steep starting valuation. Competition is rising. Then, last week, millions of Beyond Meat shares came off IPO lockup -- the 180-day period when insiders are mostly barred from selling. That created selling pressure in one of the market's most heavily shorted stocks.
Of course, all this make it impossible to predict where the shares will go next. In the meantime, investors might be better served to ponder whether they believe plant-based meat will become a multibillion global market. Wall Street isn't terribly helpful: Its estimates range from $15 billion to $40 billion by the end of the next decade.
--Al Root
Last Week
Riding an Earnings Wave
The S&P 500 rose 0.6% on Monday for a new high, with the Nasdaq close behind. Driving stocks: Upbeat chatter about China trade talks, expectations of a Federal Reserve rate cut, and decent corporate earnings. The Fed came through, the economy added 128,000 jobs in October, but trade talk was all over the map. Still, the week ended on more highs, with the Dow industrials up 1.4%, to 27,347.36, the S&P 500 rising 1.5%, to 3066.91, and the Nasdaq Composite climbing 1.7%, to 8386.40.
Impeachment, Phase 2
The House of Representatives passed impeachment procedures on mostly party lines as the inquiry moves on to public hearings. White House officials trooped in to testify, including Army Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, an Iraq war veteran and top Ukraine expert on the National Security Council, who said he told superiors twice that inappropriate pressure was being applied to Ukraine. More positively for Trump: A U.S. Delta Force raid resulted in the death of Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Bhagdadi.
Fed Cuts and Pauses
The Federal Open Market Committee reduced federal-fund rates by a quarter point. In comments after the meeting, Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell said any move to increase borrowing costs would come only after evidence of an uptick in inflation, now around 2%, and described the current policy stance as "appropriate."
Brexit: Three Times a Charm
United Kingdom Prime Minister Boris Johnson failed twice to get a two-thirds vote needed to call a new election, then won on the third try, after gaining Labour Party support. Johnson appears to have given up trying to pass a Brexit plan through Parliament, which he had declared "dead," making the bet that he could get a new one after the Dec. 12 elections. His Conservative Party leads in the polls, but lacks a majority.
The California Inferno
Wildfires spread throughout the state, as Santa Ana winds whipped down the canyons at hurricane-like speeds. Southern California, including the Getty Museum and Reagan Library, was threatened, while the Kincade Fire raced through Sonoma. To avoid accidental ignitions, Pacific Gas & Electric shut off power to millions. Early in the week, bankrupt PG&E reported problems with power lines near the start of the Kincade Fire.
Annals of Deal Making
French luxury conglomerate LVMH Moët Hennessy Louis Vuitton made a $120 a share bid for Tiffany....Fiat Chrysler Automobiles, after failing to do a deal with Renault, agreed to merge with Peugeot maker Groupe PSA in a more than $50 billion deal... AT&T came to an agreement with Elliott Management to forgo acquisitions, buy back shares, and cut costs...Altria Group wrote down its stake in Juul Labs by $4.5 billion...Alphabet to buy Fitbit for $2.1 billion.
Write to Al Root at
(END) Dow Jones Newswires
November 01, 2019 20:53 ET (00:53 GMT)
Copyright (c) 2019 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.
DJ Beyond肉類收入棒極了。以下是其股票暴跌的原因。
Al Root
去想想吧。Beyond Meat的股價在上週二暴漲了22%,收益實際上還算不錯--這是該公司股票最近的一次大跌,在今年夏天的大部分時間裏,這隻股票都是今年的壯觀成功之一。
Beyond Meat在5月份以每股25美元的價格上市,首日收盤價為66美元;該股在7月觸及234美元,然後在週一發佈之前交易低於100美元。上週五,該股在週三反彈至89美元后,報82美元。Barron‘s建議在5月31日以102美元的價格出售該股票。10月25日(星期五),該股開盤報102美元。
哪裏出了問題?一言以蔽之:波動性。增長很快,產品是新的,強大的管理層執行一直在與陡峭的初始估值作鬥爭。競爭正在加劇。然後,上週,數百萬Beyond Meat股票從IPO禁售期--180天內大部分內部人士被禁止出售--解禁。這造成了市場上賣空最嚴重的股票之一的拋售壓力。
--Al Root
標準普爾500指數週一上漲0.6%,創下新高,納斯達克指數緊隨其後。推動股市:有關中國貿易談判的樂觀言論,美聯儲(Federal Reserve)降息的預期,以及體面的企業盈利。美聯儲通過了,10月份經濟增加了12.8萬個工作崗位,但貿易討論到處都是。儘管如此,本週收盤時仍有更多高點,道瓊斯工業平均指數上漲1.4%,至27,347.36點,標準普爾500指數上漲1.5%,至3066.91點,納斯達克綜合指數上漲1.7%,至8386.40點。
隨着調查進入公開聽證會,眾議院通過了彈劾程序,彈劾程序主要基於黨派立場。白宮官員蜂擁而至作證,其中包括陸軍中校亞歷山大·文德曼(Alexander Vindman)。文德曼是伊拉克戰爭老兵,也是國家安全委員會(National Security Council)的烏克蘭高級專家,他説他兩次告訴上級,烏克蘭正在受到不適當的壓力。對特朗普更積極的是:美國三角洲部隊的一次突襲導致伊斯蘭國領導人阿布巴克爾·巴格達迪(Abu Bakr al-Bhagdadi)死亡。
聯邦公開市場委員會(Federal Open Market Committee)將聯邦基金利率下調了25個基點。美聯儲(Fed)主席傑羅姆·鮑威爾(Jerome Powell)在會後發表評論時表示,只有在有證據表明通脹上升(目前約為2%)後,才會採取任何提高借貸成本的舉措,並將目前的政策立場描述為“適當的”。
英國首相鮑里斯·約翰遜(Boris Johnson)兩次未能獲得舉行新選舉所需的三分之二選票,然後在獲得工黨支持後第三次嘗試獲勝。約翰遜似乎已經放棄了通過議會通過英國退歐計劃的努力,他曾宣佈議會“死亡”,押注他可以在12月12日的選舉後獲得一個新的脱歐計劃。他的保守黨在民意調查中領先,但缺少多數。
法國奢侈品集團LVMH酩悦軒尼詩路易威登(LVMH Moët Hennessy Louis Vuitton)對蒂芙尼(Tiffany)提出每股120美元的報價.菲亞特克萊斯勒汽車公司(Fiat Chrysler Automobiles)在未能與雷諾達成交易後,同意與標緻(Peugeot)製造商PSA合併,交易金額超過500億美元.AT&T與Elliott Management達成協議,放棄收購,回購股票,削減成本……Altria Group減記了其在Juul Labs的股份45億美元……Alphabet以21億美元收購了Fitbit。
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