
Avanti Gold Corp. Appoints Former President of Anglogold Ashanti, Sir Samuel Jonah, as Director and Chairman of the Board

Avanti Gold Corp. Appoints Former President of Anglogold Ashanti, Sir Samuel Jonah, as Director and Chairman of the Board

Avanti Gold Corp. 任命Anglogold Ashanti前總裁塞繆爾·喬納爵士爲董事兼董事會主席
newsfile ·  05/03 19:00

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - May 3, 2024) - AVANTI GOLD CORP. (CSE: AGC) (FSE: X37) (the "Company") is pleased to announce it has appointed the esteemed Sir Samuel Jonah as a Director and Chairman of the Board of the Company. Sir Samuel Jonah, former president of AngloGold Ashanti and a distinguished leader renowned for his groundbreaking contributions to the mining sector in Africa, brings a wealth of experience that will help propel the growth of the Company.

不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華--(Newsfile Corp.-2024 年 5 月 3 日)- AVANTI GOLD CORP.(CSE:AGC)(FSE:X37) (那個”公司“)很高興地宣佈,它已任命尊敬的塞繆爾·喬納爵士爲公司董事兼董事會主席。AngloGold Ashanti前總裁、以對非洲採礦業的開創性貢獻而聞名的傑出領導人塞繆爾·喬納爵士擁有豐富的經驗,將有助於推動公司的發展。

"We are delighted to welcome Sir Samuel Jonah to Avanti Gold as the Chairman of the Board of Directors. Sir Samuel Jonah brings with him invaluable experience and knowledge of the African mining industry and will make a significant contribution to the company's trajectory," affirmed the members of the Board of Directors.

“我們很高興歡迎塞繆爾·喬納爵士加入Avanti Gold擔任董事會主席。Samuel Jonah爵士帶來了非洲採礦業的寶貴經驗和知識,並將爲公司的發展軌跡做出重大貢獻。” 董事會成員肯定道。

"I am honored to step into my new role as Chairman and look forward to leveraging my expertise in the mining industry, particularly in Africa, to unlock new opportunities and drive success for Avanti Gold," said Sir Samuel Jonah.

塞繆爾·喬納爵士說:“我很榮幸能夠擔任董事長的新職務,並期待利用我在採礦業,尤其是非洲採礦業的專業知識,爲Avanti Gold開啓新的機遇並推動其成功。”

Sir Samuel Jonah - A Titan in the Mining Industry


Sir Samuel Jonah, an expert in the global mining sector, particularly in Africa, has extensive listed company experience, having served on the Boards of various public and private companies, including Ashanti Goldfields, Anglo Ashanti, Moto Gold Mines, Vodafone Group plc, the Global Advisory Council of the Bank of America Corporation and Standard Bank Group, Roscan Gold and a Non-Executive Director of Grit Real Estate Income Group Limited. He is currently the Chairman of Helios Towers, a leading independent telecoms infrastructure company focused on Africa and the Middle East.

塞繆爾·喬納爵士是全球採礦業,特別是非洲礦業領域的專家,擁有豐富的上市公司經驗,曾在多家上市和私營公司的董事會任職,包括阿散蒂金礦、盎格魯阿散蒂、摩托金礦、沃達豐集團有限公司、美國銀行公司和標準銀行集團全球諮詢委員會、Roscan Gold和Grit Real Estate Income Group Limited的非執行董事。他目前是專注於非洲和中東的領先獨立電信基礎設施公司Helios Towers的董事長。

Sir Jonah joined Ashanti Goldfields Corporation in 1979 and became the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), supervising the transformation of Ashanti Goldfields into a mining multinational, increasing gold production from 240,000 ounces per annum to over 1.6 million ounces in over ten years and overseeing the company's listing as the first operating African company on the New York Stock Exchange. He became Executive President of Anglo Ashanti Ltd, the world's second-largest gold producer at the time, in 2004 when Ashanti merged with AngloGold Limited. Sir Jonah was instrumental in creating and building Uramin Inc., from a start-up AIM London-listed junior uranium mining company to the sale of the company in less than 24 months for $2.4 Billion. He also significantly transformed Equinox Minerals from a $60 Million market capitalization company to a $7.4 Billion company before selling to Barrick. In addition, he took Moto Gold from a $50 Million market capitalization company to a $546 Million company before selling it to Rangold. Moto Gold discovered the Kabali gold mine in DRC, which is now one of Barrick Gold's largest producing mines.

喬納爵士於1979年加入阿散蒂金礦公司,成爲首席執行官(CEO),負責監督阿散蒂金田向礦業跨國公司的轉型,在十多年內將黃金產量從每年24萬盎司提高到160萬盎司以上,並監督該公司作爲第一家在紐約證券交易所運營的非洲公司上市。2004年,當阿散蒂與盎格魯黃金有限公司合併時,他成爲當時全球第二大黃金生產商盎格魯阿散蒂有限公司的執行總裁。喬納爵士在創建和建立Uramin Inc. 方面發揮了重要作用,該公司從一家在倫敦AIM上市的初級鈾礦開採公司到在不到24個月的時間內以24億美元的價格出售了該公司。在出售給巴里克之前,他還將Equinox Minerals從一家市值6000萬美元的公司重大轉變爲一家74億美元的公司。此外,他將Moto Gold從一家市值5000萬美元的公司轉變爲一家5.46億美元的公司,然後將其出售給了蘭戈德。Moto Gold在剛果民主共和國發現了卡巴利金礦,該金礦現在是巴里克黃金最大的生產礦山之一。

Sir Jonah became the first Ghanaian to be knighted in the 21st century when he was presented with an honorary knighthood in recognition of his achievements as an African businessman, a leading business executive from the Commonwealth, and an international public figure. He was elected in 2018 as a foreign member of the United States National Academy of Engineering in recognition of his distinguished leadership and technical contributions to engineering and for advancing the mineral industry in Africa.


About Avanti Gold Corporation

Avanti Gold 公司簡介

Avanti Gold Corporation is a mineral exploration company working on a Tier-1 gold opportunity in the Democratic Republic of the Congo ("DRC"), located in the Fizi territory of South Kivu province, in the DRC. The Misisi Gold Project (or the "Project") has a contained Inferred Mineral Resource of 3 million ounces of gold as reported in the Company's National Instrument 43-101 technical report on the Misisi Gold Project (the "Technical Report").

Avanti Gold Corporation是一家礦產勘探公司,致力於在剛果民主共和國開發一級黃金機會(”剛果民主共和國“),位於剛果民主共和國南基伍省的菲齊縣。米西西黃金項目(或”項目“) 包含的推斷礦產資源爲300萬盎司的黃金,正如該公司關於米西西黃金項目的國家儀器43-101號技術報告所報告的那樣(技術報告“)。

The Project is located 250 kilometres south of Bukavu, the provincial capital of the South Kivu Province, in the DRC. The Project is comprised of three contiguous 30-year mining leases, valid until 2045, covering 133 square kilometres of prospective exploration ground along the 55-kilometre-long Kibara Gold Belt. The Kibara Belt is a well-known metallogenic province and hosts a number of other deposits including the Twangiza (5.1 Moz oz Au, source: S&P Global) and Namoya (1.9 Moz, source: S&P Global) gold mines. The Project is host to the Akyanga deposit, which is the subject to Inferred Resource of 40.8 million tonnes at an average grade of 2.37 grams per tonne gold containing 3.11 million ounces.


On behalf of the Board of Directors


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