
Awakn Life Sciences Discusses Filing of Financial Statements

Awakn Life Sciences Discusses Filing of Financial Statements

Awakn Life Sciences 討論財務報表的歸檔
newsfile ·  05/03 06:00

Toronto, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - May 2, 2024) - Awakn Life Sciences Corp. (CSE: AWKN) (OTCQB: AWKNF) (FSE: 954) ("Awakn" or the "Company"), a clinical-stage biotechnology company developing medication-assisted treatments for addiction with a near-term focus on Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD), announces that, it intends to file its audited annual financial statements and MD&A for the financial year ended January 31, 2024 (the "Financial Statements") by May 30, 2024, in line with the standard timeline applicable to venture issuers.

安大略省多倫多--(Newsfile Corp.,2024年5月2日)——Awakn Life Sciences Corp.(CSE:AWKN)(場外交易代碼:AWKNF)(FSE:954)(“Awakn” 或 “公司”)是一家處於臨床階段的生物技術公司,近期專注於酒精使用障礙(澳元),該公司宣佈,它打算提交經審計的年度財務報表和MDP。根據適用的標準時間表,截至2024年5月30日止2024年1月31日的財政年度(“財務報表”)的問答 風險發行人

As previously disclosed in its press release dated February 12, 2024, on such date the Company delisted its common shares from Cboe Canada ("Cboe") and listed them on the Canadian Securities Exchange ("CSE"). The change of stock exchange resulted in the Company continuing as a venture issuer under applicable Canadian securities law, and the Company prepared its audit for the financial year ended January 31, 2024 based on the filing deadline applicable to venture issuers, being 120 days from the financial year end. However, the Company has been alerted that, since the listing on the CSE occurred twelve days following the end of the financial year, that technically the Financial Statements remain subject to the filing deadline for non-venture issuers, being 90 days from the financial year end. As a result of this condensed timeline, the Company has been notified by the Ontario Securities Commission that it is late filing the Financial Statements and that it intends to commence the process of issuing a cease-trade order against the Company if the Financial Statements are not filed by 3:00p.m. (EST) on May 7, 2024.

正如先前在2024年2月12日的新聞稿中披露的那樣,該公司於當天將其普通股從加拿大芝加哥期權交易所(“Cboe”)退市,並在加拿大證券交易所(“CSE”)上市。證券交易所的變更導致公司繼續成爲 風險發行人 根據適用的加拿大證券法,公司根據適用的申報截止日期準備了截至2024年1月31日的財政年度的審計 風險發行人,距離財政年度結束還有120天。但是,該公司已被提醒,由於在CSE上市是在財政年度結束十二天後進行的,因此從技術上講,財務報表仍受非風險發行人的申報截止日期的約束,即自財政年度結束後的90天。由於時間表如此簡短,安大略省證券委員會已通知該公司,該公司延遲提交財務報表,如果未在下午3點之前提交財務報表,則打算開始對公司發佈停火令的程序。(美國東部標準時間)2024年5月7日。

The audit is being carried out by the Company's auditor MNP LLP, and the Company expects that the audit will be completed and the Financial Statements filed by May 30, 2024. If a cease trade order is issued against the Company, it will be revoked when the Financial Statements are filed.

審計由公司的核數師MNP LLP進行,公司預計審計將在2024年5月30日之前完成並提交財務報表。如果對公司發佈了停止交易令,則該命令將在提交財務報表時被撤銷。

Considering the foregoing factors, the Company has made an application with th applicable securities regulators under National Policy 12-203 - Cease Trade Orders for Continuous Disclosure Defaults ("NP 12-203") requesting that a management cease trade order be imposed in respect of the anticipated late filing rather than an issuer cease trade order. The issuance of a management cease trade order does not affect the ability of persons who have not been directors, officers, or insiders of the Company to trade in their securities. In the event that the MCTO application is rejected by the Ontario Securities Commission, the Company expects that a full cease trade order will be issued by the Ontario Securities Commission sometime shortly after May 7, 2024.

考慮到上述因素,公司已根據第12-203號國家政策——持續披露違約的停止交易令(”)向適用的證券監管機構提出了申請NP 12-203“)要求對預計延遲提交的文件下達管理層停止交易令,而不是發行人的停止交易令。管理層停止交易令的發佈不影響非公司董事、高級管理人員或內部人士交易其證券的能力。如果安大略省證券委員會拒絕MCTO申請,該公司預計安大略省證券委員會將在2024年5月7日之後不久發佈全面停止交易令。

The Company confirms that it will satisfy the provisions of the alternative information guidelines under NP 12-2023 by issuing by-weekly default status reports in the form of news releases for so long as it remains in default of the filing requirements to file the Financial Statements and MD&A within the prescribed period of time. The Company confirms that there is no other material information relating to its affairs that has not been generally disclosed.


About Awakn Life Sciences Corp.

關於 Awakn 生命科學公司

Awakn Life Sciences Corp. is a clinical-stage biotechnology company developing therapeutics targeting addiction. Awakn has a near-term focus on Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD), a condition affecting 40 million people in the US and key international markets and 285m people globally for which the current standard of care is inadequate. Our goal is to provide breakthrough therapeutics to addiction sufferers in desperate need and our strategy is focused on commercializing our R&D pipeline across multiple channels.

Awakn Life Sciences Corp. 是一家處於臨床階段的生物技術公司,開發針對成癮的療法。Awakn的近期重點是酒精使用障礙(AUD),這種疾病影響着美國和主要國際市場的4000萬人以及全球2.85億人,目前的護理標準不足以應對。我們的目標是爲急需的成癮患者提供突破性療法,我們的戰略側重於通過多個渠道將我們的研發渠道商業化。

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Notice Regarding Forward-Looking Information


This news release contains certain forward-looking information and forward-looking statements, as defined in applicable securities laws (collectively referred to herein as "forward-looking statements"). Forward-looking statements reflect current expectations or beliefs regarding future events or the Company's future performance. All statements other than statements of historical fact are forward-looking statements. Often, but not always, forward-looking statements can be identified by the use of words such as "plans", "expects", "is expected", "budget", "scheduled", "estimates", "continues", "forecasts", "projects", "predicts", "intends", "anticipates", "targets" or "believes", or variations of, or the negatives of, such words and phrases or state that certain actions, events or results "may", "could", "would", "should", "might" or "will" be taken, occur or be achieved, including statements relating the business of the Company. All forward-looking statements, including those herein are qualified by this cautionary statement.

本新聞稿包含某些前瞻性信息和前瞻性陳述,定義見適用的證券法(此處統稱爲 “前瞻性陳述”)。前瞻性陳述反映了當前對未來事件或公司未來業績的預期或信念。除歷史事實陳述外,所有陳述均爲前瞻性陳述。通常,但並非總是如此,前瞻性陳述可以通過使用 “計劃”、“期望”、“預期”、“預算”、“預算”、“預算”、“繼續”、“預測”、“項目”、“預測”、“打算”、“預期”、“目標” 或 “相信” 等詞語和短語的變體或負面詞語來識別行動、事件或結果 “可能”、“可以”、“將”、“應該”、“可能” 或 “將” 採取、發生或實現,包括與公司業務有關的陳述。所有前瞻性陳述,包括本文中的陳述,均受本警示聲明的限制。

Although the Company believes that the expectations expressed in such statements are based on reasonable assumptions, such statements are not guarantees of future performance and actual results or developments may differ materially from those in the statements. There are certain factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in the forward-looking information. These include, but are not limited to: fluctuations in general macroeconomic conditions; the business plans and strategies of the Company; the ability of the Company to comply with all applicable governmental regulations in a highly regulated business; the inherent risks in investing in target companies or projects which have limited or no operating history and are engaged in activities currently considered illegal in some jurisdictions; changes in laws; limited operating history; reliance on management; requirements for additional financing; competition; fluctuations in securities markets; inconsistent public opinion and perception regarding the medical-use of psychedelic drugs; expectations regarding the size of the addiction market; and regulatory or political change. Readers are cautioned that the foregoing list of factors is not exhaustive of the factors that may affect forward-looking statements. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements. The forward-looking statements in this news release speak only as of the date of this news release or as of the date or dates specified in such statements.


Investors are cautioned that any such statements are not guarantees of future performance and actual results or developments may differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking information. For more information on the Company, investors are encouraged to review the Company's public filings on SEDAR+ at . The Company disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward- looking information, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, other than as required by law.


Investor Enquiries:
Anthony Tennyson, CEO, Awakn Life Sciences

安東尼·坦尼森,Awakn 生命科學首席執行官

