
LIFT Defines 13 Km by 6 Km Spodumene-in-till Anomaly at the Pontax Lithium Project, Quebec, and Updates on Other Quebec Exploration Activities

LIFT Defines 13 Km by 6 Km Spodumene-in-till Anomaly at the Pontax Lithium Project, Quebec, and Updates on Other Quebec Exploration Activities

LIFT 定義了魁北克 Pontax Lithium 項目的 13 Km x 6 Km Till In-Till 異常,以及魁北克其他勘探活動的最新情況
GlobeNewswire ·  05/02 15:05

VANCOUVER, British Columbia, May 02, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Li-FT Power Ltd. ("LIFT" or the "Company") (TSXV: LIFT) (OTCQX: LIFFF) (Frankfurt: WS0) is pleased to report results from its summer 2023 exploration program at the Pontax Project and the Rupert Project, both in the James Bay region of Quebec. Pontax is comprised of 100%-owned ground and ground under option agreement with Harfang Exploration Inc. ("Harfang").

不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華,2024年5月2日(環球新聞專線)——Li-FT Power Ltd.(“LIFT” 或 “公司”)(TSXV:LIFT)(OTCQX:LIFF)(法蘭克福:WS0)很高興地報告其2023年夏季在魁北克詹姆斯灣地區的龐塔克斯項目和魯珀特項目勘探項目的結果。Pontax由100%擁有的土地和與哈方勘探公司(“Harfang”)簽訂的期權協議下的土地組成。

The summer 2023 surface exploration program was comprised of geologic mapping, prospecting, and glacial-sediment (till) sampling. Till samples were processed to look for spodumene grains within the till. The results at Pontax revealed a 13 km by 6 km anomaly that has spodumene grain counts similar to till down-ice of the Whabouchi lithium deposit, located approximately 2 km northeast of LIFT's sampling. Additional spodumene anomalies were defined on the Rupert property where, importantly, background values have been well-defined (Figure 2).

2023年夏季的地表勘探計劃包括地質測繪、勘探和冰川沉積物(直到)採樣。直到樣品經過處理以在收銀臺中尋找鋰輝石顆粒。Pontax的結果顯示了一個13千米乘6千米的異常,其鋰輝石顆粒數量與位於LIFT採樣東北約2公里處的Whabouchi鋰礦牀的下冰層相似。在 Rupert 屬性上定義了其他鋰輝石異常,重要的是,背景值已得到明確定義(圖 2)。

Francis MacDonald, CEO of LIFT comments, "The size and strength of the Pontax spodumene anomaly is very impressive. We understand the expression of a large spodumene resource in till from our sampling results down-ice of the Whabouchi lithium deposit. The anomaly that we have defined at Pontax has similar amounts of spodumene grains in till, but we are seeing this anomalism over a 13 km by 6 km area in comparison to a 4 km by 1 km area down-ice of Whabouchi. The implication of this is that we believe there is potential for a large spodumene pegmatite dyke swarm buried beneath extensive glacial sediments in the Pontax area. The next exploration program will be tailored to narrowing this large area down to drill targets".


Figure 1 – Spodumene grains from glacial till sampling in the Pontax area.

圖 1 — 從冰川到龐塔克斯地區採樣的鋰輝石顆粒。

Figure 2 - Pontax spodumene anomaly vs. the Whabouchi Li Deposit (Arcadium Lithium & Investissement Quebec). The spodumene anomaly down-ice of Whabouchi is similar to many areas within the Pontax project. The strength of the anomalies in the Pontax areas may indicate a spodumene pegmatite dyke swarm is present nearby, beneath glacial sediments.

圖 2-Pontax 鋰輝石異常與 Whabouchi Li 礦牀(Arcadium Lithium & Investissement Quebec)礦牀對比。Whabouchi冰下的鋰輝石異常與Pontax項目中的許多區域相似。龐塔克斯地區的異常強度可能表明附近的冰川沉積物下方存在鋰輝石偉晶岩岩脈群。

Figure 3 - Location of the Pontax, Rupert, and Moyenne projects, James Bay region, Quebec.

圖 3-魁北克詹姆斯灣地區龐塔克斯、魯珀特和莫耶納項目的位置。

Discussion of till sampling program


Till sampling for geochemistry or indicator minerals has been used extensively in Canada and other regions previously covered by glaciers (see Figure 4) to make a number of discoveries beneath the transported sediment cover (e.g. Rainy River (Gold), Ekati (Diamonds), East Kemptville (Tin), Regnault (Gold), Casa Berardi (Gold), Blackwater (Gold)). In addition to new discoveries, many orientation surveys have been completed over previously discovered deposits that suggest a till sampling program would have been a successful methodology if employed during early exploration phases (e.g. Meliadine (Gold), Madrid (Gold), Strange Lake (REE-Be), Lac des Isles (PGE)).

直到加拿大和以前被冰川覆蓋的其他地區(見圖4)廣泛使用了地球化學或指示性礦物採樣,在運送的沉積物覆蓋層(例如雨河(金)、埃卡蒂(鑽石)、東肯普特維爾(錫)、雷格諾(金)、卡薩貝拉迪(金)、黑水(金))下方發現了許多東西。除了新發現外,還完成了對先前發現的礦牀的許多定向調查,這表明如果在早期勘探階段(例如Meliadine(黃金)、馬德里(金)、奇異湖(Ree-BE)、Lac des Isles(PGE))採用採樣計劃本來是一種成功的方法。

The Pontax Project is located within an area that was inundated by the Tyrell Sea at the end of the last glaciation period. The surficial sediment cover in the project area consists of till overlain locally by Tyrrell Sea mud and reworked locally by littoral processes during subsequent regression of the sea (Hardy, 1976; Lamarche et al., 2018). Thick post-glacial organic wetland deposits cap the succession locally. The till has a silty sand matrix, contains abundant locally sourced igneous and metamorphic clasts, and is ornamented by various types of streamlined landforms that trend southwest-northeast, including drumlins, crag-and-tails, and tongue-shaped landforms. Till samples were collected from topographic highs where till outcrops can be found penetrating through the blanket of glaciomarine mud found in the lowlands.


The Rupert-Pontax spodumene grain count sampling program was designed to test areas with anomalous till geochemistry for lithium (see press release dated November 9, 2022). Samples were spaced at roughly 800 meters by 200 meters on the Rupert sampling grid, and at Pontax sample spacing along the line was 200 meters with sampling being taken where possible on topographic highs due to glaciomarine clay filling topographic lows. 10 kilograms of till was collected from each sampling site and sent to Overburden Drilling Management for processing and spodumene grain counts.


Figure 4 - Schematic of glacial dispersal of spodumene grains from bedrock into glacial sediments at surface. A buried spodumene pegmatite has been eroded by southwesterly flowing ice during the last glaciation event which has mechanically transported boulders of spodumene pegmatite, as well as spodumene grains, from the bedrock source into the overlying glacial sediments (modified from McClenaghan 2017).

圖 4-鋰輝石顆粒從基岩向地表冰川沉積物擴散示意圖。在上一次冰川活動中,埋藏的鋰輝石偉晶岩被西南流動的冰層侵蝕,該事件機械地將鋰輝石偉晶岩以及鋰輝石顆粒從基岩源頭輸送到上覆的冰川沉積物(改自 McClenaghan 2017)。

Additional surface work completed in 2023

其他地面工作於 2023 年完成

In addition to spodumene grain counts, LIFT collected 1,654 rock samples which returned lithium values of up to 0.56% Li2O (located within the Pontax Project). These values are not economic but are highly anomalous and indicate that a spodumene pegmatite system could be near by. Anomalous values of tantalum, cesium, beryllium, and tins are associated with increased lithium values, especially in the Pontax area. One spodumene-bearing boulder was found within the spodumene grain anomaly down-ice of Whabouchi that returned 1.77% Li2O. This boulder is assumed to be transported from the Whabouchi deposit onto LIFT's claim package and suggests that spodumene grains have also been transported from Whabouchi.

除了鋰輝石顆粒數量外,LIFT還收集了1,654個岩石樣本,返回的鋰值高達0.56%的鋰2O(位於 Pontax 項目內)。這些值不經濟,但非常反常,表明鋰輝石偉晶岩系統可能就在附近。鉭、、鈹和錫的異常值與鋰值的增加有關,尤其是在龐塔克斯地區。在Whabouchi的鋰輝石顆粒異常下冰中發現了一塊含有鋰輝石的巨石,該巨石的回收率爲1.77%2O. 假設這塊巨石是從Whabouchi礦牀運到LIFT的索賠包中的,這表明鋰輝石顆粒也已從Whabouchi運出。

5,700 C-horizon matrix till geochemistry samples were collected on newly acquired claims and areas not sampled in 2022. Till geochemistry was used to vector into areas for additional sampling testing for the presence of spodumene grains within till.


A VTEM-Magnetics survey was completed to the northeast of Power Nickel's Lion Zone target. Power Nickel intersected 7.75 meters at 20.76 g/t Pt, 5.71 g/t Pd, 1.47% Cu, 13.1 g/t Ag, 0.28 g/t Au hosted within an ultramafic intrusive rock approximately 600 meters from LIFT's claim boundary (see Power Nickel press release dated May 10, 2023). The same ultramafic intrusive lithologies are present on LIFT's claims. Processing of the VTEM-magnetics survey has defined conductive-magnetic bodies at depth which could be massive sulphides sulphide target similar to Power Nickel's Wildcat discovery. LIFT is evaluating options to advance the target.

VTEM-Magnetics在Power Nickel的Lion Zone目標東北部完成了一項調查。Power Nickel 在 20.76 g/t Pd、5.71 g/t Pd、1.47% Cu、13.1 g/t Ag、0.28 g/t Au的位置相交7.75米,位於距離 LIFT 索賠邊界約 600 米的超鎂鐵侵入性岩石中(參見 Power Nickel 於 2023 年 5 月 10 日發佈的新聞稿)。LIFT的索賠中也存在相同的超鎂鐵侵入岩性。VTEM-Magnetics調查的處理已經定義了深處的導電磁體,這些物體可能是巨大的硫化物硫化物目標,類似於Power Nickel的Wildcat發現。LIFT正在評估推進目標的備選方案。

Update on drilling completed in 2023

2023 年完成鑽探的最新情況

During the summer of 2023, LIFT completed 12 diamond drill holes (4,069 meters) to test lithium (+/- Ta-Sn-Nb) anomalies in till geochemistry to the north of the Whabouchi lithium deposit (Anomalies A and B; see press release dated March 29, 2023). All drill holes encountered granitic rocks with lithium values between 100-300 ppm, pegmatites with negligible lithium values, and mafic dykes that have are slightly enriched in lithium (300-700 ppm). No significant spodumene pegmatites were intersected and no additional drilling is warranted in that particular area.

2023年夏季,LIFT完成了12個鑽石鑽孔(4,069米),以測試瓦布奇鋰礦牀以北的土壤地球化學中的鋰(+/-Ta-Sn-Nb)異常(異常A和B;見2023年3月29日的新聞稿)。所有鑽孔都遇到了鋰值在100-300 ppm之間的花崗岩、鋰值可以忽略不計的偉晶岩以及略微富含鋰(300-700 ppm)的鎂鐵質岩脈。沒有明顯的鋰輝石偉晶岩相交,也沒有必要在該特定區域進行額外的鑽探。

About the Pontax Option

關於 Pontax 期權

Under the terms of the option agreement with Harfang, LIFT can acquire up to a 70% interest in the project by completing remaining scheduled cash payments totaling $100,000 and remaining exploration expenditures totaling approximately $4,500,000 by July 2028. Harfang will then have the option of converting its remaining participating interest of 30% into a 2.5% net smelter returns royalty or to form a joint venture to further explore the property.


QA/QC & Sampling Protocols


10 kg till samples: Till samples were shipped to Overburden Drilling Management (ODM) in Ottawa, Ontario for processing by panning and a shaking table to produce heavy mineral concentrates, ODM further refined the concentrates using heavy liquid separation to produce mid-density concentrates which they then picked for indicator minerals. Representative spodumene and other minerals are checked using a scanning electron microscope to confirm identification. ODM removes a 300 gram archival split for each sample.

10千克樣品:在樣品運往安大略省渥太華的覆層鑽探管理公司(ODM)進行平移和搖牀加工以生產重質礦物濃縮物之前,ODM通過重液分離進一步提煉精礦,生產中密度濃縮物,然後挑選這些精礦作爲指示礦物。使用掃描電子顯微鏡檢查代表性的鋰輝石和其他礦物以確認識別。ODM 移除每個樣本的 300 克檔案拆分。

Rock Samples and Drill Core: Sample preparation and analytical work for this drill program were carried out by Bureau Veritas in Vancouver, Canada. Samples were prepared for analysis according to BV method PRP70-250: individual samples were crushed to 70% passing through 2 mm (10 mesh) screen; a 250-gram sub-sample was riffle split and then pulverized such that 85% passed through 75-micron (200 mesh) screen. A 0.25-gram sub-sample of the pulverized material was then dissolved in a 4-acid solution and analysed for 59 elements according to BV method MA250. Any samples that returned over-limit values for lithium (i.e. greater than 2000 ppm) were analysed with BV method PF370 where a 2-gram subsample is digested with sodium peroxide fusion and analysed with a ICP-ES finish. All results passed the QA/QC screening at the lab, all inserted standards and blanks returned results that were within acceptable limits.

岩石樣本和鑽芯:該鑽探計劃的樣品製備和分析工作由必維國際檢驗集團在加拿大溫哥華進行。根據 BV 方法 PRP70-250 製備了樣品進行分析:將單個樣品通過 2 mm(10 個網格)的篩網壓碎至 70%;一個 250 克的子樣品經過縱向分割,然後進行粉碎,使得 85% 的樣品通過 75 微米(200 目)的篩網。然後,將粉碎材料的 0.25 克子樣品溶解在 4 酸溶液中,並根據 BV 方法 MA250 分析 59 種元素。任何返回鋰超限值(即大於 2000 ppm)的樣品均採用 BV 方法 PF370 進行分析,其中 2 克的子樣本通過過氧化鈉融合消化,並以 ICP-ES 完成分析。所有結果均通過了實驗室的質量保證/質量控制篩選,所有插入的標準和空白返回的結果均在可接受的範圍內。

Till geochemistry samples: Till geochemistry samples were collected from between 20 - 80 centimeters below surface, from the C-horizon of the till. Approximately one kilogram of material was collected from each sample site and shipped to Bureau Veritas ("BV") in Timmins, Ontario for preparation. Samples were prepared for analysis according to BV method SS230 whereby individual samples were sieved to isolate the -230 mesh (-63 microns) fraction. Samples were analysed at BV in Vancouver, British Columbia with BV methods MA250 (4-acid digestion with ICP-MS finish) for multi-element data (0.25-gram split is heated in HNO3, HClO4 and HF to fuming and taken to dryness). A 30-gram split was analyzed with BV method AQ130 (aqua regia with ICP-MS finish) for gold analysis.

直到地球化學樣本:直到地球化學樣本是從地表以下 20 到 80 厘米處,從收銀臺的 C 地平線上採集的。從每個樣本地點收集了大約一千克的材料,並運往位於安大略省蒂明斯的必維國際檢驗集團(“BV”)進行準備。根據 BV 方法 SS230 製備樣品進行分析,對單個樣品進行篩分以分離 -230 網格(-63 微米)分數。在不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華的 BV 使用 BV 方法(4 酸消解,ICP-MS 完成)對樣品進行了分析,以獲得多元素數據(在 HNO 中加熱 0.25 克的分裂物)MA2503,HCLO4 和 HF 發煙後變幹)。使用 BV 方法 AQ130(表面處理 ICP-MS 處理的王水)對 30 克的分裂物進行了分析,以進行黃金分析。

Qualified Person


Don Cummings, P.Geo (OGQ # 2183), independent consultant to Li-FT Power Ltd., Qualified Person under NI 43-101 on standards of disclosure for mineral projects, has reviewed and approved the technical content of this release.

唐·卡明斯,P.Geo(OGQ #2183),Li-FT Power Ltd.的獨立顧問,NI 43-101規定的礦業項目披露標準合格人士,已經審查並批准了本新聞稿的技術內容。

About LIFT


LIFT is a mineral exploration company engaged in the acquisition, exploration, and development of lithium pegmatite projects located in Canada. The Company's flagship project is the Yellowknife Lithium Project located in Northwest Territories, Canada. LIFT also holds three early-stage exploration properties in Quebec, Canada with excellent potential for the discovery of buried lithium pegmatites, as well as the Cali Project in Northwest Territories within the Little Nahanni Pegmatite Group.

LIFT 是一家礦產勘探公司,從事收購、勘探和開發位於加拿大的鋰偉晶岩項目。該公司的旗艦項目是位於加拿大西北地區的耶洛奈夫鋰項目。LIFT 還在加拿大魁北克擁有三處早期勘探地產,具有發現埋藏鋰偉晶岩的巨大潛力,以及位於西北地區的小納漢尼偉晶岩群內的卡利項目。

For further information, please contact:


Francis MacDonald
Chief Executive Officer
Tel: + 1.604.609.6185
Daniel Gordon
Investor Relations
Tel: +1.604.609.6185
電話:+ 1.604.609.6185

Cautionary Statement Regarding Forward-Looking Information


Certain statements included in this press release constitute forward-looking information or statements (collectively, "forward-looking statements"), including those identified by the expressions "anticipate", "believe", "plan", "estimate", "expect", "intend", "may", "should" and similar expressions to the extent they relate to the Company or its management. The forward-looking statements are not historical facts but reflect current expectations regarding future results or events. This press release contains forward looking statements. These forward-looking statements and information reflect management's current beliefs and are based on assumptions made by and information currently available to the company with respect to the matter described in this new release.

本新聞稿中包含的某些陳述構成前瞻性信息或陳述(統稱爲 “前瞻性陳述”),包括以 “預期”、“相信”、“計劃”、“估計”、“預期”、“打算”、“可能”、“應該” 以及與公司或其管理層相關的類似表述來識別的前瞻性信息或陳述。前瞻性陳述不是歷史事實,而是反映了當前對未來業績或事件的預期。本新聞稿包含前瞻性聲明。這些前瞻性陳述 這些信息反映了管理層當前的信念,並基於公司就本新版本中描述的事項做出的假設和目前獲得的信息。

Forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties, which are based on current expectations as of the date of this release and subject to known and unknown risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such statements. Additional information about these assumptions and risks and uncertainties is contained under "Risk Factors" in the Company's latest annual information form filed on March 27, 2024, which is available under the Company's SEDAR+ profile at , and in other filings that the Company has made and may make with applicable securities authorities in the future. Forward-looking statements contained herein are made only as to the date of this press release and we undertake no obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by law. We caution investors not to place considerable reliance on the forward-looking statements contained in this press release.

前瞻性陳述涉及風險和不確定性,這些風險和不確定性基於截至本新聞稿發佈之日的當前預期,並存在已知和未知的風險和不確定性,這些風險和不確定性可能導致實際結果與此類陳述所表達或暗示的結果存在重大差異。有關這些假設以及風險和不確定性的其他信息包含在公司於2024年3月27日提交的最新年度信息表中的 “風險因素” 下,該表可在公司的SEDAR+簡介下查閱,網址爲 ,以及公司已經和將來可能向相關證券機構提交的其他文件。此處包含的前瞻性陳述僅在本新聞稿發佈之日作出,除非法律要求,否則我們沒有義務更新或修改任何前瞻性陳述,無論是由於新信息、未來事件還是其他原因。我們提醒投資者不要過分依賴本新聞稿中包含的前瞻性陳述。

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this news release.


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