
GT Resources Update - Kostonjarvi ("KS") Copper-Nickel-PGE Project, Finland

GT Resources Update - Kostonjarvi ("KS") Copper-Nickel-PGE Project, Finland

GT 資源更新-芬蘭 Kostonjarvi (“KS”) 銅鎳-PGE 項目
newsfile ·  04/30 18:30

Toronto, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - April 30, 2024) - GT Resources Inc. (TSXV: GT) (OTCQB: NKORF) (FSE: 7N1) (the "Company" or "GT") is pleased to provide an update with regard to recent work associated with the Kostonjarvi ("KS") Copper-Nickel-PGE project, located in northcentral Finland.

安大略省多倫多--(Newsfile Corp.-2024 年 4 月 30 日)- GT 資源公司TSXV: GT) (OTCQB: NKORF) (FSE: 7N1)) (那個”公司“或”GT“)很高興提供與位於芬蘭中北部的Kostonjarvi(“KS”)銅鎳PGE項目相關的最新工作的最新情況。



  • The Geological Survey of Finland ("GTK") has highlighted the KS Project's potential to host significant Copper-Nickel-Platinum Group Element ("Cu-Ni-PGE") mineralization.
  • The KS project is located in an interpreted, regional scale, Chonolith ("Feeder Dyke") that is believed to be the Feeder Dyke of the Koillismaa Complex, which hosts the Company's advanced Läntinen Koillismaa ("LK") Cu-Ni-PGE Project (Figure 1).
  • In 2020, GTK initiated the Koillismaa Deep Hole Project ("Project") which represented one drill hole and various geophysical studies targetting the Feeder Dyke. Project results have now been published, see:
  • Results from the Project have significantly de-risked exploration at the KS project as a result of:
    1. Ultramafic rocks were intersected at approximately 1,400 meter depth in a diamond drill hole collared approximately five kilometers east of the KS project.
    2. Several Magnetotelluric ("MT") conductors have been modelled proximal to the Feeder Dyke, which may represent Cu-Ni-PGE sulphide mineralization (Figure 3).
    3. The Feeder Dyke's geophysical anomaly has been greatly refined via new Electromagnetic ("EM"), MT and Seismic surveys.
    4. Geochemical, and petrographic, geochronological studies have increased knowledge of the geology at depth within the KS project area.
  • A second initiative was conducted in 2023, the SEEMS DEEP Project ("Seismic and Electromagnetic Methods for Deep mineral exploration") was conducted by a European academic consortium which included GTK.
    • The SEEMS DEEP Project included additional geophysical surveys which overlapped the eastern boundary of the KS project.
    • Results from this Euro 2.2 million investment are pending.
  • 芬蘭地質調查局(“GTK”)強調了KS項目擁有大量銅鎳鉑族元素(“Cu-Ni-PGE”)礦化的潛力。
  • KS項目位於可解釋的區域規模的Chonolith(“Feeder Dyke”)中,據信該建築群是Koillismaa綜合體的支線堤壩,該建築群是該公司先進的Läntinen Koillismaa(“LK”)Cu-ni-PGE項目(圖1)的所在地。
  • 2020年,GTK啓動了Koillismaa深孔項目(“項目”),該項目代表一個鑽孔和針對饋線堤的各種地球物理研究。項目結果現已公佈,請參閱:
  • 該項目的結果顯著降低了KS項目的勘探風險,其原因是:
    1. 在位於KS項目以東約五公里處的金剛石鑽孔中,超鎂鐵質岩石在大約 1,400 米深處相交。
    2. 已經在饋電堤附近模擬了幾種大地磁(“MT”)導體,這些導體可能代表銅鎳鉑族硫化物礦化(圖 3)。
    3. 通過新的電磁(“EM”)、MT和地震勘測,極大地改善了饋線堤的地球物理異常。
    4. 地球化學和岩石學的年代學研究增加了對KS項目區域內深部地質學的了解。
  • 第二項舉措是在2023年實施的,即SEEMS DEEP項目(“深層礦物勘探的地震和電磁方法”)由包括GTK在內的歐洲學術聯盟開展。
    • SEEMS DEEP項目包括額外的地球物理調查,這些調查與KS項目的東部邊界重疊。
    • 這筆220萬歐元的投資尚待結果。

"KS is a massive sulphide Cu-Ni-PGE targeted project in a geological structure different to that of our adjoining LK project. The LK Cu-Ni-PGE Project is hosted by disseminated sulphide at the base a large sill like intrusion, with extremely high metal tenor (aka content). It is believed the Feeder Dyke that hosts KS emplaced the intrusion which hosts LK, thus the same metal content in sulphides could exist in both projects. As a result, the exploration objective at KS is to discover massive sulphides at the base of the Feeder Dyke in a trap or embayment, with the same or similar tenor to that of LK. Such a discovery could represent a significant economic boost to a long-life mining scenario.

“KS是一個大型硫化物Cu-Ni-PGE靶向項目,其地質結構與我們毗鄰的LK項目不同。LK Cu-Ni-PGE項目由浸染硫化物託管,底部是一個像巖臺一樣的大型侵入體,具有極高的金屬含量(又名含量)。據信,承載KS的饋電堤埋入了宿主LK的入侵物,因此兩個項目中硫化物中可能存在相同的金屬含量。因此,KS的勘探目標是在Feeder Dyke底部的陷阱或海灣中發現塊狀硫化物,其基調與LK相同或相似。這樣的發現可能爲長壽命的採礦場景帶來巨大的經濟提振。

"Furthermore, with only 5 kilometers of a 38-kilometer mineralized trend having had sufficient drilling to establish a mineral resource, it is believed that the LK Cu-Ni-PGE could grow its mineral endowment significantly beyond the 90 million tonne existing NI43-101 Resource Estimate (see June 8, 2022 news release).

“此外,由於38千米的礦化趨勢中只有5千米的鑽探足以建立礦產資源,因此據信,LK Cu-Ni-PGE的礦產資源儲量可能會顯著超過現有的9000萬噸的 NI43-101 資源估計(見2022年6月8日新聞稿)。

"The work conducted by the Finnish government represents a significant investment and highlights the significant mineral potential of our KS project to host critical battery minerals necessary for the green transition in Europe," stated Neil Pettigrew, Vice President Exploration.


Koillismaa Deep Hole Project

Koillismaa 深洞項目

Between 2020 and 2022 GTK carried out the Project on the southeastern border of the Company's KS Project (Figure 1-3), with results only recently being published. The primary objective of the Project was to identify the source of geophysical anomalies occurring between the Koillismaa and Näränkävaara intrusions which is interpreted to represent a buried ultramafic chonolith (Feeder Dyke). The Project originally included a 3km deep diamond drill hole ("Deep Hole") to test the base of the geophysical anomaly, where the best potential for massive Ni-Cu-PGE-rich sulphide occurs, however the hole was stopped at a depth of 1,724m. Fortunately the hole did intersect ultramafic cumulate rocks starting at depth of 1,410 meters, but it did not go deep enough to test the base of the anomaly where the best potential for massive Ni-Cu-PGE-rich sulphide occurs.

2020年至2022年間,GTK在公司KS項目的東南邊境開展了該項目(圖1-3),結果直到最近才公佈。該項目的主要目標是確定在Koillismaa和Naränkaèvaara入侵之間發生的地球物理異常的來源,據解釋,該入侵體代表埋藏的超鎂鐵芯石(Feeder Dyke)。該項目最初包括一個深度爲3千米的金剛石鑽孔(“深孔”),用於測試地球物理異常的底部,那裏最有可能產生富含鎳銅鉑金的硫化物,但該鑽孔的深度爲1,724米。幸運的是,該洞確實與起始深度爲1,410米的超鎂鐵質堆積岩石相交,但其深度不足以測試最有可能產生大量富含鎳銅鉑族硫化物的異常底部。

Importantly, the drill hole did confirm that the gravity, magnetic and seismic anomalies were the result of a significant accumulation of ultramafic rocks. Additional geochemical studies and lead-uranium age dating linked these ultramafic cumulate rocks to those of the Koillismaa Complex which hosts the LK Project.


Several geophysical studies, including seismic and audiomagnetotellurics ("AMT"), were also performed. This work enabled more refined modelling of the Feeder Dyke, and produced several AMT conductors that could represent Cu-Ni-PGE mineralization that were not tested by the Deep Hole.

還進行了幾項地球物理研究,包括地震和音磁大地測量(“AMT”)。這項工作使得 Feeder Dyke 的建模更加精確,併產生了幾個 AMT 導體,這些導體可以代表未經深孔測試的 Cu-Ni-PGE 礦化。

SEEMS DEEP project


The Koillismaa Deep Hole project also laid the foundation for the SEEMS DEEP project (Figure 4), which overlaps the eastern boundary of KS. This new project is addressing the challenge of high costs of mineral exploration as well as poor success rates in discovering new deep-seated ore deposits through development of a novel workflow integrating seismic and various electromagnetic (EM) methods. The test area of SEEMS DEEP is the Koillismaa - Näränkävaara Igneous Complex in Finland that has potential to host several minerals included in the EU critical raw material list, especially battery related materials. The total budget of the Project was approximately Euro 2.2 million and it is an internationally funded project by the European Union.

Koillismaa Deep Hole項目還爲SEEMS DEEP項目(圖4)奠定了基礎,該項目與堪薩斯州的東部邊界重疊。這個新項目正在通過開發一種整合地震和各種電磁(EM)方法的新工作流程,來應對礦產勘探成本高以及在發現新的深層礦牀方面成功率低的挑戰。SEEMS DEEP的測試區域是芬蘭的Koillismaa-Naènkaevaara火成岩複合體,該複合體有可能儲存歐盟關鍵原材料清單中列出的幾種礦物,尤其是電池相關材料。該項目的總預算約爲220萬歐元,是一個由歐盟提供國際資助的項目。

KS Project Future Plans

KS 項目未來計劃

Previous work by GTK shows the Feeder Dyke shallowing from east to west on the KS project. Plans are underway to conduct an additional MT survey, to be guided by the result so the SEEMS DEEP project followed by diamond drilling on shallower portions of the Feeder Dyke than those targeted by the Koillismaa Deep Hole project. The presence of AMT conductors proximal to the Feeder Dyke outlined along the eastern boundary of the KS project is highly encouraging and extending these conductors further west to shallower depths will be the first phase of the KS exploration program.

GTK先前的作品顯示,在KS項目中,Feeder Dyke從東向西傾斜。正在計劃再進行一次MT調查,以結果爲指導,因此SEEMS DEEP項目隨後在饋線堤的較淺部分進行鑽石鑽探,而不是Koillismaa Deep Hole項目的目標部分。位於KS項目東部邊界沿線的支線堤壩附近存在AMT導體,這非常令人鼓舞,將這些導體向西延伸到更淺的深度將是KS勘探計劃的第一階段。

Figure 1. Location Map of the LK and KS projects and the location of the Koillismaa Deep Hole Project, and trace of the Feeder Dyke.

圖 1。 LK 和 KS 項目的位置圖、Koillismaa Deep Hole Project 的位置,以及 Feeder Dyke 的蹤跡。

Figure 2. Koillismaa Deep Hole Project Audiomagnetotelluric (AMT) survey. KS project outline shown in red.

圖 2。 Koillismaa Deep Hole Project Audiomagnetotelluric (AMT) 調查。KS 項目大綱以紅色顯示。

Figure 3. Horizontal (A) and vertical (B) slices through a 3D AMT inversion model from the Koillismaa Deep Hole Project. Depth slice of (B) is at 3 km. The red rectangle in (A) shows the location and orientation of the main anomaly correlating with the location and orientation of the gravity anomaly.

圖 3。 水平(A)和垂直(B)切片穿過 Koillismaa Deep Hole Project 的 3D AMT 反演模型。(B) 的深度切片爲 3 千米。(A) 中的紅色矩形顯示了與重力異常的位置和方向相關的主異常的位置和方向。

(in Finnish)


Qualified Person
The technical information in this release has been reviewed and verified by Neil Pettigrew, M.Sc., P. Geo., Vice President of Exploration and a director of the Company and the Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101.

本新聞稿中的技術信息已由理學碩士、P. Geo.、勘探副總裁、公司董事兼National Instrument 43-101定義的合格人員Neil Pettigrew進行了審查和驗證。

About GT Resources
GT Resources Inc. (TSXV: GT) is focused on discovering environmentally and socially conscious Critical Green Transportation Metals. A Canadian mineral exploration and development company, GT is targeting district scale, nickel - copper sulphide and platinum-group-element (PGE) deposits in Canada and Finland. The Läntinen Koillismaa (LK) Project in north-central Finland, is a PGE-copper-nickel project that has existing NI43-101 Mineral Resources, while both the Tyko and Canalask high-grade nickel-copper projects are located in Ontario and the Yukon, Canada, respectively. Follow GT Resources on LinkedIn, Twitter, and at .

關於 GT 資源
GT Resources Inc.(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:GT)專注於發現環境和社會意識 關鍵的綠色運輸金屬。作爲一家加拿大礦產勘探和開發公司,GT的目標是加拿大和芬蘭的區域規模、硫化鎳銅和鉑族元素(PGE)礦牀。位於芬蘭中北部的Läntinen Koillismaa(LK)項目是一個PGE-銅鎳項目,現有的 NI43-101 礦產資源,而Tyko和Canalask的高品位鎳銅項目分別位於加拿大安大略省和育空地區。在 LinkedIn、Twitter 上關注 GT 資源

"Derrick Weyrauch"
President & CEO, Director

“Derrick Weyrauch”

For further information contact:
Derrick Weyrauch, President & CEO


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