
Alpha Exploration Announces Final Assay Results Including 5m @ 11.03 G/t Gold at Aburna

Alpha Exploration Announces Final Assay Results Including 5m @ 11.03 G/t Gold at Aburna

Alpha Exploration 公佈最終化驗結果,包括 Aburna 的 5m @ 11.03 g/t 黃金
newsfile ·  04/26 17:52

Calgary, Alberta--(Newsfile Corp. - April 26, 2024) - Alpha Exploration Ltd. (TSXV: ALEX) ("Alpha" or the "Company") announces final results from the first phase of its 2024 drilling program on its Aburna Gold Prospect ("Aburna") on the Company's 100% owned, 771 km2 Kerkasha Project located in Eritrea. Drilling consists of both reverse-circulation ("RC") drilling and diamond core ("DC") drilling.

艾伯塔省卡爾加里--(Newsfile Corp.-2024 年 4 月 26 日)- 阿爾法探索有限公司 (TSXV: ALEX) (”阿爾法“或者”公司“) 宣佈其 Aburna Gold Prospection 2024 年鑽探計劃第一階段的最終結果 (”Aburna“)關於該公司位於厄立特里亞的771平方公里100%所有權的Kerkasha項目。鑽探包括反循環(“RC”)鑽探和金剛石岩心(“DC”)鑽探。

Final assays have now been received for the remaining 16 drillholes drilled at Aburna in Q1 2024 and including 5 holes from Hill 52, 5 drillholes from Central Area with a further 6 drillholes at Northeast Area. All drillholes except for DD holes ABD014, ABD015 and ABD016 were drilled as diamond tail extensions to existing RC drillholes completed earlier in March this year, and were designed to test mineralization down plunge of the current mineralized lenses at all three prospects. Additional drilling results reported in this first phase program area available here: , and .

現已收到對2024年第一季度在阿布爾納鑽探的其餘16個鑽孔的最終化驗結果,其中包括來自52號山的5個鑽孔,來自中央地區的5個鑽孔以及東北地區的另外6個鑽孔。除 DD 孔 ABD014、ABD015 和 ABD016 之外的所有鑽孔都是作爲今年3月初完成的現有反滲透鏡鑽孔的鑽尾延伸部分進行的,旨在測試所有三個勘探區當前礦化透鏡向下墜落的礦化作用。第一階段項目區域報告的其他鑽探結果可在此處獲得:、和。



  • Drillhole ABRD113: 5m @ 11.03 g/t Au (Northeast Area)
  • Drillhole ABRD118: 4m @ 5.94 g/t Au (Central Area)
  • Drillhole ABRD105: 22m @ 1.71 g/t Au (Central Area)
  • Drillhole ABRD104: 18m @ 1.17 g/t Au (Central Area)
  • First phase 6,247m drilling program now complete
  • 鑽孔 ABRD113:5m @ 11.03 g/t Au(東北區域)
  • 鑽孔 ABRD118:4m @ 5.94 g/t Au(中心區域)
  • 鑽孔 ABRD105:22m @ 1.71 g/t Au(中心區域)
  • 鑽孔 ABRD104:18m @ 1.17 g/t Au(中心區域)
  • 第一階段 6,247 米的鑽探計劃現已完成

Alpha has now completed the first phase of a planned 20,000m, 2024 drilling program at Aburna. Drillhole ABRD113 was designed to test the main Northeast Area mineralized shoot at depth and successfully intercepted the high-grade lens including 5m @ 11.03 g/t Au. The width and grade of the intercept are consistent with the rest of the Northeast Area footwall shoot that includes prior drillholes ABR037 16m @ 14.07 g/t Au and ABR078 (9m @ 5.99 g/t Au). Drillhole ABRD118 was designed to test down dip potential at Central Area and successfully intercepted 4m @ 5.96 g/t Au, extending known mineralization down dip.

Alpha現已完成計劃於2024年在阿布爾納舉行的2萬米鑽探計劃的第一階段。ABRD113 鑽孔旨在測試東北地區主要的礦化岩層深度,併成功截獲了包括 5m @ 11.03 g/t Au 在內的高級透鏡。截距的寬度和等級與東北地區其他足跡一致,其中包括之前的鑽孔 ABR037 16m @ 14.07 g/t Au 和 ABR078(9m @ 5.99 g/t Au)。ABRD118 鑽孔旨在測試中部區域的向下傾潛力,成功截獲了 4m @ 5.96 g/t Au,將已知的礦化向下延伸。

Aburna is a major, district scale orogenic gold prospect covering an area of at least 7km long and 2km wide and is one of the three significant discoveries made by Alpha on the Kerkasha licence in the last three years. Exploration to date by Alpha on the project has defined six primary areas of interest at Aburna, and has established significant high-grade gold mineralized systems at Central Area, Hill 52 and Northeast Area (see Figure 1, below).


Michael Hopley, Alpha President & CEO said, "We are pleased to report further positive results from the first phase of our 2024 drilling program at Aburna. In particular, drillhole ABD113 in Northeast Area has further confirmed the plunging high grade mineralized orientation at Aburna, extending the principal shoot down plunge.

Alpha 總裁兼首席執行官邁克爾·霍普利表示, “我們很高興地報告,我們在Aburna的2024年鑽探計劃第一階段取得了進一步的積極成果。特別是,東北地區的 ABD113 鑽孔進一步證實了阿布爾納的高品位礦化方向,從而延長了主要的向下衝擊。

Following receipt and interpretation of all assays now from this first phase program, and the successful conclusion of C$7m financing, where Alpha in aggregate raised C$6.85m (), the Company is now well funded to accelerate exploration on the Aburna Gold Prospect as well at the other principal projects on our licence. We look forward to updating shareholders on our next work programs on Aburna in due course."


Completion of First Phase 2024 Drill Program

2024 年第一階段鑽探計劃的完成

The Company commenced the first phase drill program in December 2023. To date, 33 drillholes for 6,247 metres have been drilled at Central Area (13 drillholes), Hill 52 (11 drillholes) and Northeast Area (9 drillholes). Further assay results have been received from 16 of these 33 drillholes. A full table of significant intercepts from assay results received to date is available in Table 1, below.

該公司於 2023 年 12 月啓動了第一階段的鑽探計劃。迄今爲止,已經在中心區(13個鑽孔)、52號山(11個鑽孔)和東北地區(9個鑽孔)鑽了33個鑽孔,長度爲6,247米。在這33個鑽孔中,有16個已經收到了進一步的化驗結果。下表1列出了迄今爲止收到的化驗結果中的重要截獲物的完整表。

Table 1: Significant drilling intercepts from assays received

表 1:從收到的化驗中截獲的大量鑽探

Hole ID Sub Prospect Intersection Depth Interval
from (m) to (m)
ABD014 Hill 52 49 52 3m @ 4.33 g/t Au
ABD015 Hill 52 83 89 6m @ 0.37 g/t Au
and 118 125 7m @ 0.62 g/t Au
and 137 141 4m @ 2.31 g/t Au
including 140 141 1m @ 7.99 g/t Au
and 167 171 4m @ 0.79 g/t Au
ABD016 Hill 52 89 92 3m @ 0.38 g/t Au
and 145 146 1m @1.05 g/t Au
and 149 152 3m @ 1.09 g/t Au
and 196 199 3m @ 0.48 g/t Au
and 235 236 1m @ 2.6 g/t Au
ABRD104 Central 133 136 3m @ 1.14 g/t Au
and 139 143 4m @ 0.58 g/t Au
and 146 164 18m @ 1.17 g/t Au
ABRD105 Central 139 161 22m @ 1.71 g/t Au
ABRD107 Central 175 176 1m @ 1.59 g/t Au
ABRD110 Northeast 166 167 1m @ 1.96 g/t Au
and 176 183 7m @ 2.06 g/t Au
ABRD111 Northeast 151 156 5m @ 0.57 g/t Au
and 159 162 3m @ 0.67 g/t Au
and 182 185 3m @ 0.91 g/t Au
and 189 190 1m @ 1.31 g/t Au
and 239 241 2m @ 2.69 g/t Au
and 258 262 4m @ 0.54 g/t Au
ABRD112 Northeast 156 157 1m @ 1.36 g/t Au
and 169 170 1m @ 1.19 g/t Au
and 231 236 5m @ 1.34 g/t Au
and 243 244 1m @ 1.78 g/t Au
ABRD113 Northeast 150 151 1m @ 1.05 g/t Au
and 157 158 !m @ 2.57 g/t Au
and 174 179 5m @11.03 g/t Au
ABRD116 Northeast 138 151 13m @ 0.67 g/t Au
including 138 139 1m @ 4.55 g/t Au
and 180 181 1m @ 1.19 g/t Au
and 253 259 6m @ 0.46 g/t Au
and 264 268 4m @ 0.97 g/t Au
ABRD118 Northeast 157 161 4m @ 5.94 g/t Au
including 159 160 1m @ 22.6 g/t Au
and 166 167 1m @ 1.10 g/t Au
ABRD120 Central No significant return
ABRD121 Central No significant return
ABRD122 Hill 52 174 190 16m @ 0.70 g/t Au
including 174 177 3m @ 2.69 g/t Au
and 231 237 6m @ 0.27 g/t Au
and 245 246 1m @ 1.2 g/t Au
ABRD123 Hill 52 175 176 1m @ 5.99 g/t Au
and 217 219 2m @ 6.65 g/t Au
and 224 225 1m @ 1.53 g/t Au
洞 ID 子潛在客戶 交叉口深度 間隔
從 (m) 到 (m)
ABD014 希爾 52 49 52 3m @ 4.33 g/t Au
ABD015 希爾 52 83 89 6m @ 0.37 g/t Au
118 125 7m @ 0.62 g/t Au
137 141 4m @ 2.31 g/t Au
包括 140 141 1m @ 7.99 g/t Au
167 171 4m @ 0.79 g/t Au
ABD016 希爾 52 89 92 3m @ 0.38 g/t Au
145 146 1m @1 .05 g/t Au
149 152 3m @ 1.09 g/t Au
196 199 3m @ 0.48 g/t Au
235 236 1m @ 2.6 g/t Au
ABRD104 中央 133 136 3m @ 1.14 g/t Au
139 143 4m @ 0.58 g/t Au
146 164 18m @ 1.17 g/t Au
ABRD105 中央 139 161 22m @ 1.71 g/t Au
ABRD107 中央 175 176 1m @ 1.59 g/t Au
ABRD110 東北 166 167 1m @ 1.96 g/t Au
176 183 7m @ 2.06 g/t Au
ABRD111 東北 151 156 5m @ 0.57 g/t Au
159 162 3m @ 0.67 g/t Au
182 185 3m @ 0.91 g/t Au
189 190 1m @ 1.31 g/t Au
239 241 2m @ 2.69 g/t Au
258 262 4m @ 0.54 g/t Au
ABRD112 東北 156 157 1m @ 1.36 g/t Au
169 170 1m @ 1.19 g/t Au
231 236 5m @ 1.34 g/t Au
243 244 1m @ 1.78 g/t Au
ABRD113 東北 150 151 1m @ 1.05 g/t Au
157 158 !m @ 2.57 g/t Au
174 179 5m @11 .03 g/t Au
ABRD116 東北 138 151 13m @ 0.67 g/t Au
包括 138 139 1m @ 4.55 g/t Au
180 181 1m @ 1.19 g/t Au
253 259 6m @ 0.46 g/t Au
264 268 4m @ 0.97 g/t Au
ABRD118 東北 157 161 4m @ 5.94 g/t Au
包括 159 160 1m @ 22.6 g/t Au
166 167 1m @ 1.10 g/t Au
ABRD120 中央 沒有可觀的回報
ABRD121 中央 沒有可觀的回報
ABRD122 希爾 52 174 190 16m @ 0.70 g/t Au
包括 174 177 3m @ 2.69 g/t Au
231 237 6m @ 0.27 g/t Au
245 246 1m @ 1.2 g/t Au
ABRD123 希爾 52 175 176 1m @ 5.99 g/t Au
217 219 2m @ 6.65 g/t Au
224 225 1m @ 1.53 g/t Au

A significant interval is defined by consecutive one-meter intervals starting and ending at 0.20 g/t Au or better. A significant interval must be at least 3m long. Internal dilution is limited to 2 consecutive intervals of <0.20 g/t Au. Multiple internal dilutions are allowed. Single one-meter intervals of 1.00 g/t Au or greater are also considered significant. At this early stage of exploration, the true widths of intersections is not known but is estimated to be at least 80% of the reported intervals.

有效間隔由從 0.20 g/t Au 或更高開始和結束的連續一米間隔來定義。有效間隔長度必須至少爲 3 米。內部稀釋僅限於

Sampling, Sub-sampling and Analysis


Alpha engaged an independent Consultancy, RSC Mining & Mineral Exploration (RSC) to develop a Standard Operating Procedure ("SOP") for both RC and DD drill samples in June 2021 and all samples in this release use this RSC SOP. The RSC SOP utilizes blank standards and industry standards that are inserted at the beginning and end of every batch (and every 20 samples within the batch) for all batches submitted to ALS Geochemistry, Loughrea, Ireland, ("ALS"), for assay. Additionally, field replicates are taken at a frequency of about 1 in 5 (20%) through mineralized areas.

2021年6月,Alpha聘請了一家獨立諮詢公司RSC礦業與礦產勘探(RSC)爲RC和DD鑽探樣本制定了標準操作程序(“SOP”),本版本中的所有樣本均使用該RSC標準操作程序。RSC 標準操作程序使用空白標準和行業標準,這些標準和行業標準出現在提交給愛爾蘭洛夫雷的ALS地球化學(“ALS”)進行化驗的所有批次的開頭和結尾(以及批次中的每20個樣品)。此外,通過礦化區域進行田間複製的頻率約爲五分之一(20%)。

One-meter samples from both RC and DD drilling were crushed (to >90% passing 2.0 mm) and pulverised (to >85% passing 75 μm). Two scoop samples were taken from the pulveriser bowl: approximately 130g for laboratory analysis and approximately 150g for portable X-ray fluorescence (pXRF) analysis. The coarse and pulp rejects were stored at Alpha's warehouse in Asmara. The Company inserted certified reference material from OREAS () into the sample stream, while NABRO Laboratories Limited in Asmara inserted barren granodiorite material into the sample stream as a blank. Samples were shipped to ALS for analysis. ALS analysed all drill samples for gold by method Au-AA26 (50 g charge fire assay, AAS finish). ALS is independent of the Company and its quality management systems framework is accredited to ISO/IEC 17025:2005 or certified to ISO 9001:2015 standards.

從 RC 和 DD 鑽探中獲得的 1 米樣品被壓碎(通過 2.0 mm 的樣品達到 > 90%)並粉碎(通過 75 μm 的樣品達到 > 85%)。從粉碎機碗中採集了兩勺樣品:大約 130 克用於實驗室分析,大約 150 克用於便攜式 X 射線熒光 (pXRF) 分析。粗糙和紙漿廢品存放在阿斯馬拉的Alpha倉庫中。該公司將來自OREAS () 的認證參考材料插入樣品流,而位於阿斯馬拉的NABRO實驗室有限公司則將貧乏的花崗閃長巖材料作爲空白插入樣品流。樣本已運往ALS進行分析。ALS通過Au-AA26方法(50克電荷試驗,AAS表面處理)分析了所有鑽探樣品中的黃金。ALS獨立於本公司,其質量管理體系框架已通過ISO/IEC 17025:2005 認證或通過ISO 9001:2015 標準認證。

About Alpha

關於 Alpha

Alpha (TSXV: ALEX) is an exploration company that is rapidly advancing a number of important gold and base metal discoveries across its 100% owned, large (771 km2) Kerkasha Project in Eritrea.


The Aburna Gold Prospect is an exciting new gold discovery where recent drilling has established a high-grade discovery with grades including 18m @ 15.33 g/t Au, 16 m @ 14.07 g/t Au, 9 m @ 10 g/t Au and 23 m @ 6.74 g/t Au. The Anagulu Gold-Copper Prospect includes recent drilling intersections of 108 m @ 1.24 g/t Au and 0.60% Cu and 49 m @ 2.42 g/t Au and 1.10% Cu within a porphyry unit mapped over at a >2 km strike length. The Company is also advancing exploration of the Tolegimja volcanogenic massive sulphide copper-zinc-gold prospect and over 17 other gold and base metal prospects since listing in 2021.

Aburna Gold Prospect是一項令人興奮的新金礦發現,最近的鑽探發現了一個高品位的發現,其品位包括18m @ 15.33 g/t Au、16 m @ 14.07 g/t Au、9 m @ 10 g/t Au和23 m @ 6.74 g/t Au。Anagulu金銅礦勘探區包括最近在探測長度>2 km的斑岩單元中鑽探的108 m @ 1.24 g/t Au和0.60%的銅和49m @ 2.42 g/t Au和1.10%銅的鑽探交叉點。自2021年上市以來,該公司還在推進對Tolegimja火山成因塊狀硫化物銅鋅金前景以及超過17個其他黃金和賤金屬前景的勘探。

The Company is managed by a group of highly experienced and successful professionals with long track records of establishing, building and successfully exiting a number of world class gold and base metals discoveries in Eritrea and across the wider Arabian Nubian Shield.


For further information go to the Alpha webpage at or contact:

欲了解更多信息,請訪問 Alpha 網頁或聯繫:

Michael Hopley
President and Chief Executive Officer
Alpha Exploration Ltd.
Tel: +44 207129 1148

電話:+44 207129 1148

Qualified Person


All scientific and technical information in this press release, including the results of the Aburna drill program and how these results relate to the ongoing exploration at the Kerkasha Project has been reviewed, verified, and approved by Michael Hopley, President, Chief Executive Officer of Alpha and a "qualified person" for the purposes of National Instrument 43-101 - Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects.

本新聞稿中的所有科學和技術信息,包括Aburna鑽探計劃的結果以及這些結果與Kerkasha項目正在進行的勘探有何關係,均已由Alpha總裁兼首席執行官兼首席執行官邁克爾·霍普利審查、驗證和批准,他是《國家儀器43-101——礦業項目披露標準》的 “合格人士”。

Cautionary Notes


This press release is intended for distribution in Canada only and is not intended for distribution to United States newswire services or dissemination in the United States.


Forward Looking Statements


Certain statements and information herein, including all statements that are not historical facts, contain forward-looking statements and forward-looking information within the meaning of applicable securities laws. Such forward-looking statements or information include but are not limited to statements or information with respect to future dataset interpretations, sampling, plans for its projects (including the Anagulu prospect), surveys related to Alpha's assets, and the Company's drilling program. Often, but not always, forward-looking statements or information can be identified by the use of words such as "estimate", "project", "belief", "anticipate", "intend", "expect", "plan", "predict", "may" or "should" and the negative of these words or such variations thereon or comparable terminology are intended to identify forward-looking statements and information. With respect to forward-looking statements and information contained herein, Alpha has made numerous assumptions including among other things, assumptions about general business and economic conditions and the price of gold and other minerals. The foregoing list of assumptions is not exhaustive.

此處的某些陳述和信息,包括所有非歷史事實的陳述,包含適用證券法所指的前瞻性陳述和前瞻性信息。此類前瞻性陳述或信息包括但不限於與未來數據集解釋、抽樣、項目計劃(包括Anagulu前景)、與Alpha資產相關的調查以及公司的鑽探計劃有關的陳述或信息。通常,但並非總是如此,前瞻性陳述或信息可以通過使用 “估計”、“項目”、“信念”、“預期”、“期望”、“計劃”、“預測”、“可能” 或 “應該” 等詞語來識別,而這些詞語的否定詞語或其變體或類似術語旨在識別前瞻性陳述和信息。關於此處包含的前瞻性陳述和信息,Alpha做出了許多假設,包括對總體業務和經濟狀況以及黃金和其他礦產價格的假設。上述假設清單並不詳盡。

Although management of Alpha believes that the assumptions made and the expectations represented by such statements or information are reasonable, there can be no assurance that forward-looking statements or information herein will prove to be accurate. Forward-looking statements and information by their nature are based on assumptions and involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause actual results, performance or achievements, or industry results, to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements or information. These factors include, but are not limited to: risks relating to Alpha's financing efforts; risks associated with the business of Alpha given its limited operating history; business and economic conditions in the mining industry generally; the supply and demand for labour and other project inputs; changes in commodity prices; changes in interest and currency exchange rates; risks relating to inaccurate geological and engineering assumptions (including with respect to the tonnage, grade and recoverability of reserves and resources); risks relating to unanticipated operational difficulties (including failure of equipment or processes to operate in accordance with specifications or expectations, cost escalation, unavailability of materials and equipment, government action or delays in the receipt of government approvals, industrial disturbances or other job action, and unanticipated events related to health, safety and environmental matters); risks relating to adverse weather conditions; political risk and social unrest; changes in general economic conditions or conditions in the financial markets; changes in laws (including regulations respecting mining concessions); risks related to the direct and indirect impact of COVID-19 including, but not limited to, its impact on general economic conditions, the ability to obtain financing as required, and causing potential delays to exploration activities; those factors discussed under the heading "Risk Factors" in the Final Prospectus; and other risk factors as detailed from time to time. Alpha does not undertake to update any forward-looking information, except in accordance with applicable securities laws.

儘管Alpha管理層認爲此類陳述或信息所代表的假設和預期是合理的,但無法保證此處的前瞻性陳述或信息會被證明是準確的。就其性質而言,前瞻性陳述和信息基於假設,涉及已知和未知的風險、不確定性和其他因素,這些因素可能導致實際業績、業績或成就或行業業績與此類前瞻性陳述或信息所表達或暗示的任何未來業績、業績或成就存在重大差異。這些因素包括但不限於:與阿爾法融資活動相關的風險;與阿爾法業務相關的風險,因爲其運營歷史有限;採礦業的總體業務和經濟狀況;勞動力和其他項目投入的供需;大宗商品價格的變化;利息和匯率的變化;與地質和工程假設不準確相關的風險(包括與儲量和資源的噸位、等級和可回收性有關的風險);相關的風險出乎意料操作困難(包括設備或流程未能按照規格或預期運行、成本上漲、材料和設備不可用、政府行動或延遲獲得政府批准、工業騷亂或其他工作行動,以及與健康、安全和環境事項相關的意外事件);與惡劣天氣條件有關的風險;政治風險和社會動盪;總體經濟狀況或金融市場條件的變化;法律的變化(包括有關採礦特許權的法規);與 COVID-19 的直接和間接影響相關的風險,包括但不限於其對總體經濟狀況的影響、按要求獲得融資的能力以及可能導致勘探活動延誤的影響;最終招股說明書中 “風險因素” 標題下討論的因素;以及不時詳述的其他風險因素。除非符合適用的證券法,否則Alpha不承諾更新任何前瞻性信息。

