
Rutgers Dual Degree Program Enabled Graduate Student to Pursue Interest in Healthcare While She Earned an MBA

Rutgers Dual Degree Program Enabled Graduate Student to Pursue Interest in Healthcare While She Earned an MBA

PR Newswire ·  04/25 21:15

The option of pursuing a Master's in Public Health and a Rutgers MBA was the "perfect fit."

選擇攻讀公共衛生碩士學位和羅格斯大學工商管理碩士學位是 “完美的選擇”。

NEWARK, N.J., April 25, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- After graduating from Cornell University, Daphni Sawyer worked in healthcare for more than two years before she decided to pursue an advanced degree. In May, she will graduate with two master's degrees from Rutgers.

新澤西州紐瓦克,2024年4月25日 /PRNewswire/ — 達芙妮·索耶從康奈爾大學畢業後,在醫療保健領域工作了兩年多,然後才決定攻讀高級學位。5月,她將從羅格斯大學畢業,獲得兩個碩士學位。

Daphni Sawyer chose to do Rutgers Business School's Dual Degree Program, which allowed her to complete an MBA at the same time she completed a Master of Public Health.

"I had two-and-a-half years of experience working in the healthcare industry and I wanted to pivot to healthcare administration," Sawyer said. "I felt that having a Master of Public Health and a Master of Business Administration were critical to my career path. An MPH opens you up to a multitude of positions in healthcare while an MBA is important for leadership roles."


Sawyer described Rutgers Business School's dual degree program option as "the perfect fit" because it allowed her to do the Full-Time MBA Program and earn a Master's Degree in Public Health at the same time.

索耶將羅格斯商學院的雙學位課程描述爲 “非常合適”,因爲這使她能夠同時攻讀全日制工商管理碩士課程並獲得公共衛生碩士學位。

As a New Jersey native, Sawyer knew about the strong reputation Rutgers had in the state and noticed Rutgers Business School's ranking by Fortune as No. 1 Public Full-Time MBA in the Northeast. She was also attracted to Rutgers Business School's sharp focus on pharma, biotech and healthcare.

作爲新澤西本地人,索耶了解羅格斯大學在該州的良好聲譽,並注意到羅格斯商學院的排名爲 財富 是東北地區排名第一的公共全日制工商管理碩士。她還被羅格斯商學院對製藥、生物技術和醫療保健的高度關注所吸引。

Want to learn more about what the Rutgers Full Time MBA Program offers? Attend an online info session at noon on Thursday, May 9.


In high school, Sawyer was interested in social justice, and she recalled that during her high school's career day, one speaker, a political figure, told students the best way to encourage change is to involve yourself in policymaking. She earned a bachelor's degree in policy analysis and management at Cornell and gravitated to healthcare policy courses. In college, Sawyer also founded The Blue Room, a club to help students struggling to find mental health resources, which sparked her interest in healthcare.

在高中時,索耶對社會正義很感興趣,她回憶說,在她高中的職業生涯中,一位演講者,一位政治人物,告訴學生鼓勵變革的最佳方法是讓自己參與決策。她在康奈爾大學獲得了政策分析和管理學士學位,並被醫療保健政策課程所吸引。在大學期間,索耶還創立了The Blue Room,這是一個幫助努力尋找心理健康資源的學生的俱樂部,這激發了她對醫療保健的興趣。

After graduating, Sawyer worked in care management at the University of Pennsylvania and Thomas Jefferson University hospital systems, helping patients access community resources that could improve their health outcomes.


Entering the MBA program without a business background, Sawyer quickly discovered the foundational courses in accounting, finance and economics got her up to speed. More importantly, the courses incorporated experiential learning. "I felt like the classes exposed us to real-world experiences. It wasn't just theory," said Sawyer, 28, who also served as president of the Black and Hispanic MBA Association.

索耶在沒有商業背景的情況下進入工商管理碩士課程,她很快發現會計、金融和經濟學的基礎課程讓她快速上手。更重要的是,這些課程納入了體驗式學習。“我覺得這些課程讓我們接觸了現實世界的經歷。這不只是理論。” 28歲的索耶說,他還曾擔任黑人和西班牙裔工商管理碩士協會主席。

In a consulting course, Sawyer relished working with other students to provide input to developers working to bring streaming-platform companies to New Jersey. "It was great exposure to an industry I did not have experience in," she said. "Having the opportunity to thoroughly research this industry and to network and build connections with the developers was a wonderful opportunity."


Farrokh Langdana, the dean's Professor of Business who teaches MBA students, described Sawyer as one of the all-stars in his macroeconomics class. "She is the quintessential example of someone who combines inherent intelligence with hard work and sheer dedication," said Langdana, who is also director of Rutgers Executive MBA Program. "From her questions in class, it was clear that she had delved into the subject matter, that she had really examined all aspects, all sides of the issue."


Rutgers helped Sawyer land a full-time job. Companies are invited to campus to speak to students, and Sawyer was most excited to meet with large pharma companies such as Pfizer and Merck. The program led to Sawyer being selected as an MBA Finance Summer Intern in summer 2023 at Merck, working with the company's vaccines group to help standardize processes for vaccine forecasts.


The internship led to Sawyer securing a full-time job in Merck's MBA Finance Rotational Program, which she will start in July. The two-year program gives participants the chance to spend time in different areas within the pharma giant.


Sawyer credited her professors and Rutgers Business School staff, for providing mentoring and networking opportunities, and always being willing to answer questions. "They're all invested in your growth so they're always willing to help and lend a hand," she said.


Sawyer's long-term goals also involve Merck. "In five years, I would like to be working for a cross-functional team on a high-impact project at Merck in a leadership role to help the company reach goals that positively impact their bottom line," she said. "This would be the perfect opportunity to challenge myself and increase my skill set."


SOURCE Rutgers Business School-Newark and New Brunswick


