
NV Gold Corporation Reports Strong Surface Samples, 5440 G/t Ag and 1.26% Cu, and 14.4 G/t Au at Root Spring Project in Nevada

NV Gold Corporation Reports Strong Surface Samples, 5440 G/t Ag and 1.26% Cu, and 14.4 G/t Au at Root Spring Project in Nevada

NV Gold Corporation報告了內華達州根泉項目的強表面樣品,5440 g/t Ag 和 1.26% Cu,14.4 g/t Au
Accesswire ·  04/25 20:30

VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / April 25, 2024 / NV Gold Corporation (TSXV:NVX)(OTCQB:NVGLF)(FSE:8NV) ("NV Gold" or the "Company") is pleased to report promising gold, silver, and copper values from rock chip sampling at its 100%-owned Root Spring Gold Project in Pershing County, Nevada. Two new samples with up to 14.4 g/t gold (0.463 ounces per ton (opt)) accompanied by high silver values reaching 5440 g/t (175 opt) and 1.26% copper These samples eclipse the historical high-grade samples and the Company plans to reevaluate the Property for a potentially larger and higher-grade target.

不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華/ACCESSWIRE/2024年4月25日/內華達黃金公司(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:NVX)(OTCQB: NVGLF)(FSE: 8NV)(“NV Gold” 或 “公司”)欣然報告稱,其位於內華達州潘興縣的100%持股的Root Spring金礦項目從岩屑採樣中獲得的金、銀和銅的價值令人鼓舞。兩個新樣品,含金量高達14.4 g/t(每噸 0.463 盎司(可選)),以及高達 5440 g/t(175 opt)的白銀值和 1.26% 的銅。這些樣本超過了歷史上的高品位樣本,該公司計劃重新評估該物業,以確定一個可能更大、更高等級的目標。

John Watson, Interim CEO commented, "These recent encouraging samples were collected in one of the limited bedrock exposures on the property. They clearly support the strength of a strong precious metals system and encourage additional exploration of the property. The Company is evaluating the possibility of a genetic link to our nearby Triple T project."

臨時首席執行官約翰·沃森評論說:“最近這些令人鼓舞的樣本是在該物業的有限基岩暴露中收集的。它們顯然支持強大的貴金屬體系的力量,並鼓勵對該物業進行更多勘探。該公司正在評估與我們附近的Triple T項目存在遺傳聯繫的可能性。”

About the Root Spring Gold Property

關於 Root Spring Gold 房產

The project is situated 28 kilometers east of the Rochester silver-gold operation and 21 kilometers east of NV Gold's Triple T gold project (see Figure 1, 2 & 3).

該項目位於羅切斯特銀金礦項目以東 28 公里處,內華達黃金公司 Triple T 金礦項目以東 21 公里處(見圖 1、2 和 3)。

The Property consists of 26 mining lode claims (520 acres). The property was acquired from Redstar Gold in 2016 as part of a larger transaction.

該物業包括26個採礦地塊(520英畝)。作爲更大規模交易的一部分,該物業於2016年從Redstar Gold手中收購。

The project contains an epithermal/mesothermal silver-gold quartz vein system exposed at the edge of a large alluvial-covered valley. Mineralization is hosted in the Triassic Koipato volcanics. The Koipato hosts the Rochester Ag-Au deposit as well as the Spring Valley gold deposit 27 km west of Root Spring.


The quartz vein system is exposed for at least 1.2 km along a northwest strike, with individual veins to 5m thick. Extensions of the veins along strike as well as surrounding country rock are concealed by alluvial cover within a northwest-trending alluvial-filled valley corridor along a range front. Like the Rochester deposit to the west, the Root Spring Au-Ag system is adjacent to a Triassic granitic pluton.

石英脈系統沿西北方向暴露至少1.2千米,單個礦脈的厚度爲5米。沿着山脈前線的一條充滿沖積層的山谷走廊向西北方向延伸的沖積層掩護以及周圍的鄉村岩石。就像西邊的羅切斯特礦牀一樣,Root Spring Au-Ag系統毗鄰三疊紀花崗岩巖體。

Historical surface rock-chip gold values in veins reached 9.36 g/t gold (0.273 opt) accompanied by high silver reaching 1500 g/t (44 opt). The veins are surrounded by widespread, locally mineralized quartz-sericite-pyrite alteration of the host felsic volcanic sequence recognized from earlier shallow drilling.


The project exploration approach is in keeping with the Company's vision of discovery potential beneath Great Basin gravel cover.


A limited first-phase drilling program in 2012, consisting of eighteen core holes totaling 1,232.31 m, intersected Au-Ag mineralization down-dip of exposed veins, however, drilling was very shallow (68 m average length

2012 年的第一階段有限鑽探計劃由 18 個岩心孔組成,總長 1,232.31 米,與裸露礦脈向下傾斜的金銀礦化區相交,但是,鑽探非常淺(平均長度爲 68 米)

Results included 11.9 m grading 13.8 g/t Ag and 0.17 g/t Au, 10.7 m grading 17.23 g/t Ag and 0.14 g/t Au and 9.3 m grading 16.47 g/t Ag and 0.53 g/t Au (see Figure 2).

結果包括 11.9 m,品位爲 13.8 g/t Ag 和 0.17 g/t Au,10.7 m 品位爲 17.23 g/t Ag 和 0.14 g/t Au,以及 9.3 m,品位爲 16.47 g/t Ag 和 0.53 g/t Au(見圖 2)。

Thomas Klein, VP Exploration stated, "I am excited about recent gold, silver, and copper results from our Root Spring project. It is encouraging to have verified historical high-grade values on the Property, which is an indication of a potentially strong and large mineralizing system below the thin alluvial cover. NV Gold is planning to further evaluate the Property and surrounding area to test and identify a possible genetic link with other gold-silver occurrences within the region, including Triple T and Rochester. Ongoing work programs will include re-mapping and more detailed rock chip sampling of the Property."

勘探副總裁托馬斯·克萊因表示:“我對我們的Root Spring項目最近的金、銀和銅業績感到興奮。令人鼓舞的是,該地產的歷史高品位價值已得到證實,這表明在薄薄的沖積層下方可能存在強大的大型礦化系統。NV Gold計劃進一步評估該物業及周邊地區,以測試和確定與該地區其他金銀礦產地可能存在的遺傳聯繫,包括Triple T和Rochester。正在進行的工作計劃將包括重新繪製地圖,並對該物業進行更詳細的岩屑採樣。”

About NV Gold Corporation

關於 NV 黃金公司

NV Gold owns 100% interest in 21 mineral exploration projects in Nevada, USA, comprising 639 mining claims totaling 53.4 square kilometers (20.6 square miles). The Company is based in Vancouver, British Columbia, and is focused on delivering value through mineral discoveries in Nevada. Leveraging its expansive property portfolio, its highly experienced in-house technical team, its extensive geological data library, and the recent increase in the price of gold, 2024 is expected to be highly productive for NV Gold.

NV Gold擁有美國內華達州21個礦產勘探項目的100%權益,其中包括總面積爲53.4平方千米(20.6平方英里)的639份採礦權益。該公司總部位於不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華,專注於通過在內華達州發現礦產來創造價值。憑藉其龐大的房地產投資組合、經驗豐富的內部技術團隊、龐大的地質數據庫以及近期金價的上漲,預計2024年NV Gold將實現高產量。

On behalf of the Board of Directors,


John Watson, President, Chairman, CEO and Director


For further information, visit the Company's website at or contact:


Freeform Communications at 604.245.0054

Freeform Communications 致電 604.245.

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this news release.


Figure 1. Location of the Root Spring project with respect to other gold and silver deposits of the region.

圖 1。Root Spring項目相對於該地區其他金銀礦牀的位置。

Figure 2. Historical sampling and drilling at Root Spring and location of recent high-grade samples (left side is gold in g/t,and right side is silver in g/t).

圖 2。Root Spring的歷史採樣和鑽探以及最近高品位樣品的位置(左側是以g/t表示的金,右側是以g/t表示的銀)。

Figure 3. Outline of potential target areas for covered silver-gold mineralization along the Rochester-Triple T-Root Spring corridor.

圖 3.羅切斯特-三重T形根泉走廊沿線的潛在銀金礦化目標區域概述。

SOURCE: NV Gold Corporation


